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“These globalists want to squander all of America’s strength, blood, and treasure, chasing monsters and phantoms overseas, while keeping us distracted from the havoc they’re creating right here at home.” ― Donald Trump


Like it was with Kyle Rittenhouse found Not Guilty by the Jury and the typical reaction from the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders was just typical of them who oppose Armed Self Defense while supporting convicted killers on Death Row who are about to be Exicuted for their Crimes while their Victims get Ignored

Satan’s Pope

Between 2000 and 2024 the American way of life suffered a substantial negative (IMHO) change. J6 Committee is prima facia of negative change.

I hope it will be reversed with Don.

But – Bush Republicans still have power as the political assassination of Gaetz clearly shows!

Bush Republicans blocked Ronny from getting most of his goals ( for those < 70 here are just 2 of over 15! Defund UN; tear down Ed. Dept. zidid not votefor the leader of the blocake in 1996; have been conservative >75 years.

Bus folk have shown with Gaetz they can do to Don what they did to Ronny!
God saved America twice thisyear; may he conltinue to protect us!

Hawk Newsome should be held totally and Financially Liable for anything that results from his Threats and Sue His Pants Off