One of the ways that The Radical Left is attempting to destroy The Electoral College is via the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. What is the NPVIC, you may ask? To give a brief explanation from their web page:
The National Popular Vote law will take effect when enacted by states with a majority of the electoral votes (270 of 538). Then, the presidential candidate receiving the most popular votes in all 50 states and DC will get all the electoral votes from all of the enacting states. That is, the candidate receiving the most popular votes nationwide will be guaranteed enough electoral votes to become President.
There is quite a bit more detail, but you get the idea of what their motivation is – you can read the whole thing. So which states are participating in this compact to send their electoral votes to the popular vote winner?
The National Popular Vote Compact has been enacted into law by 17 states and the District of Columbia, including 5 small states (DE, HI, ME, RI, VT), 9 medium-sized states (CO, CT, MD, MA, MN, NJ, NM, OR, WA), and 3 big states (CA, IL, NY). These jurisdictions have 209 of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate the law.
Here’s what the results look like today:
Since CheetoHitlerFascist is going to win the popular vote, here is Democrats’ new and improved version!
I’ve got to say, this is a big improvement! Personally, I was perfectly happy with the old rules, but if these are the new rules of The Radical Left, who are we to say no? I might even learn to love these new rules!
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
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Is there any fine print in that proposal that if a Republican wins the popular vote, the election is null and void? Or were Democrats once again too stupid and short sighted to envision their own rules being used against them?
At any rate, Trump won what the Democrats like to refer to as “a mandate” and they better think twice about trying to derail his lawful election in the House.
I’m not so sure they were ready for this kind of decisive victory. Maybe they’ll finally kill Biden* so Harris could be sworn in and follow up with some black swan event that calls for continuity in office. Nothing is too crazy these dyas
What, he’s STILL ALIVE?
I theory. We’ve been the “Weekend at Bernie’s Presidency” stage for a few years now
Liberals and Democrats are In Mourning pulling their hair and beating the nutshell heads against the wall and The Demo-Rats are going nuts. Americans ignored the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and voted for Trump
And watching the MSM’s heads exploding in disbelief is a thing of beauty
It must look like that scene near the end of The Kingsmen.
Or the conclusion of the pie eating contest in Stand By Me
That’s now, on The View, with their “comfort eating”.
Look at all the totalitarian rulers who “win” by a popular vote when they hold “elections.”
Turkey’s Erdogan will serve as long as he lives.
Putin in Russia keeps on winning.
Abbas in Gaza/West Bank has “won” overwhelmingly whenever they run an election.
“Pure democracy,” is pure totalitarianism.
The tyranny of the majority usually results in terrible conditions for the minorities.
To Leftists that’s not a bug; it’s a feature.