Train Wreck

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After weeks of dodging real interviews and refusing a debate on Fox News, Kamala Harris sat for an interview with Bret Baier. Her handlers saw that she was sinking in the polls with her basement dwelling strategy, and she is now in a mad scramble for interviews anywhere. It didn’t go well.

It started with her arriving 15 minutes late for an agreed upon 30-minute interview beginning at 5 pm. Her handlers then insisted on truncating the interview time to 20 minutes, almost certainly because of their fear of a train wreck.

Which happened anyway.

Harris was combative – the dog whistle word of the day was “testy.”

Yes, she was testy. She was testy because that darned Bret Baier wanted her to actually answer the questions he asked.

Baier tried asking about her policy reversals

Baier: “In 2019, you supported allowing illegals to apply for drivers’ licenses, qualify for free tuition at universities, and get free healthcare. Do you still support those things?”

KAMALA: “That was five years ago”

It wasn’t going to get any better. Virtually every question was met with the same deflecting rejoinder- “Donald Trump….”

Baier asked about the number of illegals Biden/Harris has invited in:

The 26-minute interview with the Democratic nominee kicked off with a tense grilling by Baier on immigration policy — with Harris repeatedly refusing to say that terminating former President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy was a mistake.

Baier’s first question schooled Harris about the effects of the current administration’s more permissive policies, which allow many illegal border-crossers to await asylum rulings inside the US, before asking how many migrants had been allowed into the US after crossing illegally.

When Harris declined to offer a figure, Baier said that “it’s a rough estimate of 6 million people released into the country” before pressing her: “Looking back, do you regret the decision to terminate ‘Remain in Mexico’ at the beginning of your administration?”

Harris began to deploy standard campaign-trail talking points, insisting that the administration’s “first bill, practically within hours of taking the oath, was a bill to fix our immigration system.”

Baier didn’t bite

Baier interjected that “it was essentially a pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants already in the country.

Harris told Baier to stop interrupting her while she was not answering his questions.

“May I finish responding, please? But you have to let me finish, please,” the veep said sternly.

“You had the White House and the House and the Senate and they didn’t bring up that bill,” Baier said.

“I’m in the middle to responding to the point that you’re raising and I’d like to finish,” she reprimanded. “We recognized from day one … it is a priority for us as a nation … and our focus has been on fixing a problem.”

Oddly, she said that Joe Biden was just fine

“You told many interviewers that Joe Biden was on his game [and] ran around circles on his staff. When did you first notice that President Biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished?” Baier asked her. Harris, for her part, deflected the premise of the question and insisted that “Joe Biden is not on the ballot.” She notably, however, took great care to assert that the president is competent to remain in office.

“Joe Biden, I have watched in – from the Oval Office to the situation room, and he has the judgment and experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions on behalf of the American people,” she insisted.

Baier persisted

Baier pushed back, asking “I understand you met with him at least once a week for three and a half years. You didn’t have any concerns?”

Then she went to her canned answer

“I think the American people have a concern about Donald Trump,”

Baier never got to ask why Biden would step down if he was really just fine. This really calls either her judgment or her honesty into question.

This was the worst of it IMO

Dumb answer. Absolutely dumb.

Toward the end, things were going so badly her handlers were gesturing wildly to Baier to end the interview.

The thing to always remember is that Harris said not once, but twice -she wouldn’t change a thing. Not the murders of young women, not the financial impact on cities, not the lost children, not the inflation, not the huge increase in the cost of living – nothing. She accepted no responsibility for anything and blames Trump for everything. Despite that, she had this audacity to say this:

“Well, you know, you gotta take responsibility for what happened in your administration”

Only if you’re Trump, I guess. She also seems unaware that Trump has not been in office for nearly four years.

It was like she fell out of coconut tree.

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Harris is behind in the Polls that’s why Biden and the Demo-Rats are Importing the Voters from South of the Border and housing them in Hotels

Somebody told dumb kamala that a VP should never question their boss’es (the president)
mental agility.
So, kamala is unaware of how the 25th Amendment works and is under the control of joe’s puppet master anyway.

At Ethel Kennedy’s funeral lipreaders had no problem reading what obama and joe said to one another.
So, now, kamala is “acting all strong,” like when she told a group in her last “rally” that their shout of, “Jesus is Lord,” meant they were “at the wrong rally.”
Her 2,500 person astroturfed “rally,” was all about dead babies.
She insisted they should have gone to the “small rally,” down the street.
She meant the 7,000 plus rally Trump held a few days earleir.
The one with the huge overflow crowds watching from outside on big screen TVs.

But, oooooo, she’s acting so “strong.”

This should be the most slammed dunk of all slam dunks. Only the left’s Ministry of Propaganda and election fraud can make it even a contest.