Welcome back to Day 1369 of America held hostage by the Biden*/Harris regime! How about one last look at the bizarre notions that come out of a magazine called “The Economist” that somehow manages to be economically illiterate. Let’s jump straight in to the receipts:
America’s economy is bigger and better than ever
Yep, The Economist is right alongside the American press trying to cheerlead how awesome our economy is and you knuckle draggers are too stupid to appreciate it. I’ll let their own words show this amazing pirouette from how awesome our economy is to how Trump and Musk are problematic:
Few sights have better captured America’s world-beating ingenuity. On October 13th a giant booster rocket built by SpaceX hurtled to the edge of the atmosphere before plunging back to Earth and being neatly caught by the gantry tower from which, only minutes earlier, it had taken off. Thanks to this marvel of engineering, big rockets could become reusable and space exploration cheaper and bolder. Yet, just as the launch was a testimony to American enterprise, so Elon Musk, SpaceX’s founder, captures all that is going wrong with its politics. In his support for Donald Trump, Mr Musk has spread misinformation about voter fraud and hurricane relief and derided his opponents as ill-intentioned idiots.
Donald Trump has finally got it right about the January 6th insurrectionists
You misspelled “January 6th Reichstag Fire Victims”, you dipsticks.
Why Beethoven’s ninth appeals to democrats and despots alike
“Democrats AND Despots”? I’m reminded of the old Diceman joke who’s punchline went, “That’s what I say, Teach. What’s the (COPULATING) difference?!?”
Why did the Secret Service fail to protect Trump from being shot?
Shouldn’t the question be “Why did the Secret Service fail to assist in getting President Trump murdered?” Fixed it for ya!
How to tax billionaires—and how not to
Giving credit where it’s due, they actually get this one right! Yes, simplifying our tax code is more effective than Coupmala & AWalz’s insane ideas for taxing unrealized capital gains.
Baby-boomers are loaded. Why are they so stingy?
Maybe because a lot of that wealth is tied up in their homes, artificially inflated by our overheated housing market? Maybe they see inflation eating away their lives’ savings? This shouldn’t be a difficult question to answer.
I never thought I’d say this, but a dictator would almost be preferable to the Idiocracy we have running America. And it’s a lot easier to get rid of a dictator than a massive corrupt bureaucracy. And yes, I threw up in my mouth a little bit as I wrote that.
Generation Z is unprecedentedly rich
And ridiculous inflation is making them unprecedently poor.
Did an Israeli hospital raid breach the laws of war?
I saved the dumbest for last. Yes, they seriously suggested that infiltrating a military base that insanely violates international is the actual; violation. The stupid, it burns…
Excess government spending is driving America to bankruptcy! https://t.co/hgQvvKbgX8
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 17, 2024
This is great pic.twitter.com/fsxNsCOMci
— One Bad Dude (@OneBadDude_) October 16, 2024
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2024
— Deplorable Rochelle (@SecretAZ12) October 17, 2024
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Hmmm…. the guy with the greatest scientific accomplishment in history (thus far) doesn’t know what he is talking about? Tell us more, someone that thinks telling people what they see and feel negatively affecting their lives isn’t really there. You know, I have to say I have never seen the level of bold-face, easily refuted, infantile lies from a political party like I’ve seen vomit forth from the Democrats this election. It’s a sign of utter, total, complete panicked desperation.
I wonder if the author of that first paragraph felt a funny tingle go up his/her neck as the wrote a description of what, indeed, actually happened on January 6th? Did they think to themselves, “So THIS is what the truth feels like.”?
Well, it’s a great piece of music. But I guess the repeated leftist trope of “Oh, he like Ode to Joy… just like Hitler” doesn’t apply for this one piece?
At least they can admit he was actually shot.
Taxing unrealized capital gains is just a desperate attempt to keep from cutting massive and wasteful spending.
One thing baby-boomers know is self-reliance. We also see the dangers of the far left gaining control of the nation and destroying the economy. One never knows what they will need to survive the Mad Max future the left envisions, so it’s best to hold onto what one can.
Well, maybe a good dictator, not a drooling idiot like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden (who is actually only serving a dictator, Obama, who serves Soros). The only people losing confidence in our Constitutional government are those that want the very things the Constitution guards against. While I have no confidence that a far left government will keep their hands off my rights, I am astounded at how resilient and robust the Constitution is, when it is properly invoked. But, I see it being eroded away. When you have people who prefer a dictatorship over someone that they are told will be a dictator, we have serious problems.
And unprecedentedly dumb. Or, rather, ignorant.
I’m sorry… is Hamas a nation? Have they officially declared war? Do they follow the Geneva Conventions? No, they are terrorists… criminals. Kill the enemy. Kill the terrorists.