At first, I was hesitant to bring this up, but a recent post on X made me realize that it is true. Kamala Harris has a drinking problem. Let’s have a look at the video evidence:
This is NOT funny! Kamala is drunk in official capacity as Vice President of The United States! This is no joking matter. She’s dangerous!
— Gypsy1776 (@oneilkagypsy) August 18, 2024
BREAKING: Multiple police officers have come forward stating that Kamala is 100% intoxicated in this clip and she would’ve been charged with a DUI if she was behind the wheel of a car.— aka (@akafacehots) August 18, 2024
That alcohol has already pickled Kamala’s little pea brain. I’m surprised her handlers even let her get in front of a camera this inebriated.
I guess they just don’t care. ♀️♀️— Catherine (@cat_barnes30) September 25, 2024
Kamala looks
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) October 15, 2024
KAMALA: “It’s packed with some stuff! HA HA HA HA HA!”
It appears that Kamala is drinking on the job yet again…
— Proud Elephant (@ProudElephantUS) October 11, 2024
NEW: Kamala Harris cracks open a beer on “The Late Show” with host Stephen Colbert which is set to air later this evening.
The incident comes as some on the right have accused Harris of being an alcoholic.
Harris reportedly joked about being drunk during the appearance,…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 9, 2024
“Let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired…”
Kamala is literally the blackout drunk that doesn’t think anyone else knows she’s drunk.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) September 27, 2024
How drunk was Kamala Harris when she was speaking at this town hall to Filipino youth?
— Owen Gregorian (@OwenGregorian) July 24, 2024
Kamala to a kid on facetime: “are you at a bar?”
Does she look drunk here or is it just me?
With the recent reports of Kamala being a heavy drinker, a lot of these clips are starting to make more sense…
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 26, 2024
How often is Kamala Harris drunk or high?
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) October 14, 2024
Even SNL noticed
OMG SNL couldn’t resists making Kamala a drunk and her husband a psychopath than Tim Walz say he’s friends with school shooters
— MAGA Elvis (@BenStanton77) October 7, 2024
Like I said, I was reluctant to wade into this until I saw this post on X.
MSNBC says Trump is drunk on the campaign trail!
— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) October 16, 2024
When you already know that the Harris/Walz campaign (as was the Biden/Harris campaign) is based on projection, this becomes the clincher. It is a means to distract from the truth via false accusations and it comes right out of the Book of Hillary (3:14):
Thou Shalt Accuse Others of Thine Own Crimes.
And Trump doesn’t drink.
For months Harris was cloistered away from the press so the public at large would not be exposed to her being an airhead. Then as the campaign realized she was sinking because of the basement strategy, Harris made a mad scramble to find nearly every interview venue she could find – including with the dreaded Fox News and even Joe Rogan.
Once she accepted some interviews her campaign and her minions in the left-wing media began alleging that Trump was in hiding and was afraid of doing interviews, despite Trump entering as many lion’s dens as he could. The same true of the medical records thing. Some imbecile adviser told her “hey, get a physical exam, release it and we’ll pound on Trump for not doing the same.” Of course, the lemmings in the media swallowed it whole with their 51, er, 230 “medical professionals” saying Trump should do the same.
It’s very sophomoric. it’s very Harrisonian.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
That last part is what burns me. Whenever The Radical Left brings up Trump’s health, the only response should be, “Did you not notice the dementia patient in the White House who has the nuclear codes?”
I find most people are just drive-by interested in most of this. Perhaps the assumption is that people are going to be aware of some of this Democrat failure and disaster and if they just keep repeating that it’s TRUMP, these drive-by observers will accept it as fact. I DO know that there are a LOT of people fully ignorant of any of the facts that will have a gigantic impact on their lives (which may be how later, Democrats get away with blaming the effects on Republicans).
Is her entire strategy based on political Harrisment? I find it difficult to understand why, when she AGREED to the Baier interview, she didn’t bother to prepare for the questions she (should have) wanted to answer in order to try and restore her image as a valid Presidential candidate. Instead, she apparently assumed she could roll out any one of her campaign talking points and Baier would just surrender and move on to the next question. She even tried to use “You and I both know what I’m talking about” to which Baier replied, “No, I actually don’t”. It was a golden moment. Kamala was stunned it didn’t work and could only muster a “Well… Trump…”
At one point she snapped and went off on a demented diatribe about Trump using the government and military to attack citizens. It would be convenient to write that all off to drunkenness, because it certainly looks like it, but we can’t rule out simple stupidity.
Note: I have no idea why my meme showed up so enormous.
Alcohol and low intelligence are not a good combination.
Maybe she drinks/does drugs.
But she is also very shy, terminally stupid, and running for president.
Last night she admitted that she saw joe biden every week for meetings for 3 & 1/2 years and never noticed he was losing his cognitive ability.
Only a really dumb and oblivious person could have missed it.
(Or she simply lied.)
Without a teleprompter she’s toast, but even with one she’s bad because she loses her place and messes up. 32….32….32.
Whatever she’s taking seems to have got her past the fear of other people looking at her, tho.
Dr.John, you’re a doctor.
If you look at the videos and say: she has been drinking, I’ll take your word for it.
She’s a Communist, she’s a drunk, she’s stupid, and her running mate is all of that plus he is a pedophile. They are the face of the democrap party and represent everything it stands for.
The democrats are not in this one to win even by cheating. If they chested harris in like biden no one would believe the cheat and they know it. They are putting their sites on 2028. In the meantime, they will go scorched earth in the time they have remaining until January 2025.
I would not put it past them to force Joe out either by resignation or Arkancide. Then camela witless be installed.
I thought you might be dead.
I don’t think so. I think they desperately want to win because of all the corrupt activity they’ve been involved in to try and crush Trump and prevent him from running. The Democrat party has a grassroots system the operates autonomously without specific orders to prevent the paper trail. They may not be able to stop the automatic fraud Democrats have become addicted to.
Kamala claims that she prosecuted the Guadalajara cartel
But she became a deputy prosecutor in 1990…which is AFTER the cartel fell apart
Drunk Drivers killed more innocents then the Vietnam War
People wielding guns kill as many innocents every 18 months as the number of Americans killed during the Vietnam War.
Maybe if Democrats would put them in jail instead of releasing them back into the public, we’d have less violence. Also, bringing in and releasing 13,099 illegal immigrants already convicted of murder probably doesn’t help reduce violence, does it?
They cam revolve them back to the streets if they just drop the gun charges on felons.