Last week, the phrase “Democrats panic” surged into corporate media headlines, despite the polling showing Harris up a couple points at that time. But yesterday, Democrat panic reached even higher levels of awkwardness when the New York Times published liberal stalwart Ezra Klein’s latest op-ed with this astonishing title:

Ignore the polls? One detects a marked lack of confidence on the Democrat side. But why? What’s really going on? The answer might be found in less partisan foreign headlines, like yesterday’s from Al Jazeera:

If the polls show your candidate losing, then the polls don’t mean anything. Democrats’ current problem seems to be a Harris slide.
Last week, the polls —whatever they’re worth— showed Harris up by several points. But those small leads have flatlined and are now non-detectable. The problem is the trend. It keeps going the wrong way. That’s why previously poll-happy pundits like Klein are getting ahead of Harris’s inglorious slipping, and are warning Democrat readers to ignore the polls.
But of course, ignoring is not a strategy.
Just this morning, USA Today ran a related story headlined, “Donald Trump takes betting lead over Kamala Harris for first time since debate.” I’ve reported before on Trump’s lead on the betting site Polymarket, but USA Today aggregates several such sites, and finds Trump now ahead everywhere.

The implied odds reflected in that Bet 365 chart above favor Trump (58%) by ten points over Kamala (47.6%). Note those are odds of winning, not the proportion of voters. It’s easy to get confused. The betting sites work differently than polls.
That said, I prefer the clarity and cleanness of the betting sites over the murky black box of the polls. Betting sites don’t make statistical “adjustments,” and everyone’s incentives are fully disclosed. This week will answer the biggest question, the question that is on everyone’s mind, the question that is panicking Democrats like Ezra Klein: is the Kamala slide a continuing trend, or a reversible blip?
My bet is on the trend. We’re halfway through the month; they badly need another October surprise.
Whats new she cant hold WH staff why should campaign staff be any different?
Democrats aren’t pretending. Numbers DON’T count when the DNC can freely (and pretty openly) steal the election.
Oh PLEASE that has never happened in modern times, well except for 2020 but that was the exception not the rule…RIGHT?
What are you complaining about? The MAGA-Industrial Complex (including commenters at this very site) have frequently and vociferously argued that polls need to be ignored when they showed that MAGA candidates were not doing well.
Who is complaining? Let your girl out unscripted and unedited, let her explain technical things like cloud storage, pandering to washed up shock jock audience and eating doritos.
We’re about to see what that looks like.
I wonder what the polls would look like if Kamala Hamas wasn’t getting near 100% positive (and false) support from the Ministry of Propaganda and Trump wasn’t getting near 100% negative (and false) reporting? Aside from this undeclared campaign contribution, Kamala has NOTHING going for her. She just keeps throwing more and more pandering out to stop the loss of support.