The short answer is no. However, it’s not quite that simple.
But before we continue, I owe some admin notes. Usually during the summer I take August off and offer up some non topical content, which obviously didn’t happen this year. While I didn’t make my usual disconnect this August, I had other things going on, both good and bad, that took up my headspace and kept me from producing content. Things have mostly shaken out, and instead of my Week in Radical Leftism roundup I found a very timely story to dial up, which brings us to today…
A few days ago some posters around Philly showed up appearing that the Eagles were endorsing Coup-mala Harris for President.
A photo of a billboard found in Philly of the #Eagles appearing to endorse Kamala Harris is making the rounds on social media.
The team has not made any sort of official announcement, and their Voting Resource website listed on it hasn’t been updated since the primary elections.
— Eagles Nation (@PHLEaglesNation) September 2, 2024
While the team denied any attachment to this prank, that wasn’t the end of it. Since I used to be a huge fan of the Eagles and the NFL in general, until I wasn’t, I was interested when The Quartering dropped an interesting video. Laura Loomer did some more digging into the Eagles’ web site. Yes, I know that Loomer can be a loose cannon and I didn’t like her nastiness toward the DeSantis campaign during the primary. But I did get to chat with her for a few minutes at CPAC a few years ago, and she seemed pretty cool. Yes, you can’t judge a person on a 5 minute conversation in passing but her book, Loomered, included some excellent research on the Las Vegas shooter and how badly the FBI has flubbed that investigation – I know… like you I am shocked! My point is that even if you can’t stand her, when Loomer is doing research she’s worth a listen. Jeremy’s video highlighted how she drilled behind the links on the Eagles’ web page on voting.
The video gets interesting around the 9:00 mark, where there is speculation that the Eagles were part of this stunt, although no evidence was conclusive. However, following some of the links takes us down an interesting road. First, the Privacy Policy link takes you to the Entertainment Industry Federation, whose board includes Hollywood radicles like Eva Longoria, Don Cheadle, and George Clooney.
Another text message take you to Vote411, which is brought to you by the Ford Foundation and Soros funded League of Women Voters. After that, doing my own research, I clicked a few of the links, such as the one for Voter ID Assistance, which leads to the Voteriders web site. The first place to look to learn about how a group swings is the “About Us” page, specifically their leadership. And it had all I needed to know when I saw one of their leaders is Never Trumper Rick Wilson, of what somebody at Ace of Spades dubbed, the infamous North American Man Boy Lincoln Association.
Back in the day I might have gone through the site and pulled up every corrupt root of this diseased bush, but I don’t have the time these days and the point has already been made. Did the Eagles back Coup-mala? Probably not, but possibly. When it comes to the DIE Movement, I’ve found that “Guilty until proven innocent” has been a good rule when it comes to organizations. The Eagles are just one woke branch of the woke NFL tree.
And while it won’t happen any time soon, if this incident wakes up more fans as to the league’s true colors, when the professional gambling bubble that all pro sports seem to have committed to pops, it will be that much worse for the organizations that turned their backs on their loyal fans. I know, in the larger scheme of things “Sportsball”, as non-sports fans like to call it, does not matter. But it does serve a purpose and is important for any society, and that’s an essay for another day.
For now, for me personally, it’s good to be back. I wish I could say the same of the NFL.
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Winston Tseng, the leftist, woke version of Sabo, appears to be the artist behind this poster.
This Kamala poster is typical of his style:
He also targets climate change, fast food and police.
In other words, an uncool version of Sabo
As if I needed another reason to hate the Eagles…
Meh. The leadership of the entire league has gone completely woke. That’s why I now only watch college ball
The person who knows is Jeff Lurie. He is a liberal and may have exploitable issues.
Yeah, I don’t get the NFL – a bunch of wealthy businessmen who support policies that would ruin any business