Harris/Walz will target your First Amendment rights and then some

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democrats tend to seek to destroy things that they cannot rule over and are roadblocks to a forever one-party fascist state, like Donald Trump, the electoral college, the Supreme Court and more recently, Elon Musk. Now the left has put the Constitution in its sights.

A Berkeley (of course) law school Dean has decided it’s time for the Constitution to go:

Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the University of California at Berkeley’s law school, called for a new constitution Friday, claiming that failing to make changes would cause the U.S. to “drift toward authoritarianism.”

Chemerinsky appeared on “Morning Joe” to discuss “increasingly problematic” constitutional provisions that he believed were “undermining democracy.” Chemerinsky cited the equal representation of states in the U.S. Senate and lifetime tenure for Supreme Court justices as provisions that could bring about secession during the interview that promoted his new book, “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States.”

“Choices that were made in adapting the Constitution have come to haunt us,” Chemerinsky told “Morning Joe” co-host Willie Geist. “The Electoral College increasingly is choosing the president who lost the popular vote. Two senators per state is undermining democracy. In the last session of Congress, there were 50 Democratic senators and 50 Republican senators, but the 50 Democratic senators represented 42 million people.”

Displaying an astonishingly ignorance of history, Chemerinsky wants to see a pure democracy.

Reviewing Chemerinsky’s book was another Bolshevik

We are not, fortunately, a pure democracy. We are a Republic.

Their work, the founders believed, was also an experiment because, as everyone who had read their Aristotle and Cicero and studied ancient history knew, republics – in which political power rests with the people and their representatives – and democracies were historically rare and acutely susceptible to subversion. That subversion came both from within – from decadence, the sapping of public virtue and demagoguery – as well as from monarchies and other enemies abroad.

Democracies are inherently doomed

Over the brief life of the Articles of Confederation, under which state legislatures functioned with few constraints, the Framers learned firsthand about the hazard of factions, or what the founding generation often referred to as the “licentiousness of the masses.” As a result, they designed a government in which the people exercised no direct power and only representatives to the lower chamber of Congress were selected by popular vote. And although the Seventeenth Amendment provides for popular election of members of the Senate, individual Senators continue to represent vastly disproportionate numbers of voters.

Factions and the tyranny of the majority remain threats wherever democracy is unconstrained. Witness the sad fates of Germany under Adolph Hitler, Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe, the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos, Venezuela under Hugo Chávez, Bolivia under Evo Morales, and Russia under Vladimir Putin, all democratically elected leaders. The lesson, in the oft-quoted words of Winston Churchill, is that “democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” As the foregoing examples underscore, democracy can fail with horrific consequences.

But now the Republic and its Constitution are again under attack. They’re coming for Elon Musk. Then they’re coming for you and your First Amendment rights. It’s an international effort this time.

Kamala Harris has all but said that were she elected she would shut down X.

Jonathan Turley:

In the CNN interview, Harris displays many of the anti-free speech inclinations discussed earlier. She strongly suggests that X should be shut down if it does not yield to demands for speech regulation.

What is most chilling is how censorship and closure are Harris’s default positions when faced with unfettered speech. She declares to CNN that such unregulated free speech “has to stop” and that there is a danger to the country when people are allowed to “directly speak to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight and regulation.”

This is the point I have been making:

The “joy” being sold by Harris includes the promise of the removal of viewpoints that many on the left feel are intolerable or triggering on social media. Where Biden was viewed as an opportunist in embracing censorship, Harris is a true believer.  Like Walz, she has long espoused a shockingly narrow view of free speech that is reflective of the wider anti-free speech movement in higher education.

Harris often speaks of free speech as if it is a privilege bestowed by the government like a license and that you can be taken off the road if you are viewed as a reckless driver.

And let us not forget the immortal words of Maoist Tim Walz

 There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.

Bill Clinton’s garden gnome Robert Reich thinks free speech is threat and Elon Musk should be arrested for er, something because Musk won’t censor conservatives on X:

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who served during Bill Clinton’s presidency, wrote in a column published Friday that Elon Musk was “out of control,” and argued he needed to be reined in.

“He may be the richest man in the world. He may own one of the world’s most influential social media platforms. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to stop him,” Reich wrote, including a list of six things people could do to rein in Musk.

After Musk purchased Twitter in 2022, now known as X, Reich deemed the purchase “dangerous nonsense.” He argued Musk’s purchase was “just about power,” rather than free speech.

Reich called on people to boycott Tesla and X and added, “Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.”

Reich argued that global regulators might already be considering threatening Musk with an arrest, citing France’s arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

Again, a liberal seeks to destroy what he cannot control with an iron fist.

There is a growing worldwide movement to dampen free speech. Brazil’s socialist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has banned X from Brazil in an effort to throttle free speech there- which he refers to as lies and disinformation.

Tim Walz’s Attorney General Keith Ellison celebrated the action and Musk responded.

It’s really no exaggeration to say Elon Musk has saved free speech in the media, especially after Joe Biden had Facebook and Twitter targeting conservatives for censorship and had former intelligence officials lie about the Hunter laptop while Biden’s minions in the media fell into line with the scheme.

Harris and Walz are a real threat to free speech and to the Constitution. If elected, they will make every effort to shut down X and control all social media. They already have a history.

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Pure democracy?
As in “one man, one vote, one time?”
Pure democracy is tyranny of the mob.
We’ve got a REPUBLIC and that’s what the left hates about our Constitution.

Meanwhile the Demo-Rats and their Partners in crime the M.S. Media are misleading the American people into thinking their the Champions or the Poor and the Average Working Man and Woman when in fact their the real enemy

Pure Democracy like in two tigers voting whats for lunch with a lamb? No thanks.

Disarm the Criminals and Gangs nor law abiding Americans you Dumb Cluck