Wait till you get a gander at the NYT’s latest groundbreaking, earth-shattering, absolutely-not-years-late revelation about Hunter Biden!.
Suddenly the New York Times has just had an epiphany. Hunter Biden, son of the President, might have been doing some not-so-kosher stuff with foreign countries! Gasp! Shock! Awe! Who could have possibly seen this coming? Oh, right. Everyone who’s been paying attention for the last four years.
With this month’s revelations that Hunter Biden directly contacted American officials for the benefit of foreign clients in Ukraine and allegedly Romania, and with Mr. Biden facing a new trial next month stemming from charges of tax evasion for the millions he received from foreign sources, the time has come to finally charge him as an unregistered foreign agent.
The timing is a bit coincidental don’t ya think? His father is thrown from the Presidency in an obvious coup and a new puppet is installed as the defacto candidate. Now that he and his family no longer are important to the Deep State it’s time to bring out the guillotine.
Even worse is the fact that the DOJ stated they knew all along Hunter was acting as a Foreign Agent, that they’ll prove it in court while at the same time saying they won’t charge Hunter for it:
The introduction of that evidence, however, does not mean that the government will also reference allegations that the defendant violated FARA and that contacts with government officials were improper; such allegations are not relevant to the charges in this tax case
You can’t help but wonder that what the Deep State is saying in all this is that they want Bumblin’ Joe to understand how badly they will screw up his, and his families life if he doesn’t toe the line and do what they need him to do.
In the end, this just proves how much the DOJ is the Secret Police arm of the Democrat Party, the MSM their lackeys.

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This is what it looks like when the deep state is through with someone. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has proven what a weak pussy he is and no longer has influence. Of course, he still has pardons in his back pocket, if they don’t have shit smeared all over them.