Radical Tim Walz: Make America Burn Again

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Kamala Harris (We have to stay woke) has chosen MN Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. He is one interesting choice. Together they easily comprise the most far left ticket to which this country has even been witness. It’s no stretch to suggest this is the advent of Communism in the US.  They lead the party that encourages the burning of cities and bailing out the arsonists.

Walz portrays himself as sort of a jolly older man who views socialism as “neighborlyness” but his record reveals him to be at least as far left as is Harris. Let’s dive in.

Harris chose to avoid the Jewish Josh Shapiro so as not to risk losing the coveted pro-Hama vote.

Harris’ choice of Walz completes the “progressive” (i.e. Communist) takeover of the democrat party.

He and Harris embraced open borders and blowout spending on green fantasies that raised gas ­prices and sparked inflation. They also force fed the nation a diet of radical cultural leaps.  It turns out that putting boys in girls bathrooms isn’t popular.

Who knew?

Their zealotry earned the duo a withering thumbs down from voters long before Biden’s ouster. His 36% approval rating reflected ­unhappiness with the administration’s policies more than anything else. So now Dems are offering a double dose of the same agenda already rejected by the vast ­majority of Americans.

Brilliant, just brilliant!

Here he is with his BFF’s

Speaking of weird

During the 2020 George Floyd riots in Minnesota Walz gave rioters extra time to burn the city down and his daughter was relaying the location of police to the rioters with the information daddy shared with her:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ newly minted running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, “failed to act” during May 2020 riots in Minneapolis that burned over 1,000 businesses and a police station to the ground, a scathing state Senate report showed.

The 60-year-old Democratic governor was accused by the Republican-controlled Minnesota Senate’s Joint Transportation and Judiciary and Public Safety Committee of delaying the deployment of the National Guard, failing to coordinate with local police, downplaying the possibility of riots and allowing his adult daughter to access confidential information about law enforcement movements that put first responders at risk during the the four days of rioting that swept through the Twin Cities in the wake of George Floyd’s May 25, 2020, death in police custody.

When he did respond it was inadequate

“The request was sent for at least 600 guardsmen at 9:11 p.m. Wednesday, May 27,” the Senate report states. “Governor Walz eventually produced 100 guardsmen for the City of Minneapolis late in the evening on Thursday, May 28.”

His daughter came to the aid of the rioters

Amid the riots, the governor’s daughter, Hope, appears to have tried to tip off the arsonists and looters that the National Guard was going to be slow to respond.

“Could someone who actually has followers rely [sic] to the masses that have gotten ‘national guard’ trending that the guard WILL NOT be present tonight??” Hope, who was born in 2001, tweeted on May 28, 2020.

“The guard can not be sent in within minutes,” she wrote in a subsequent tweet, noting that “it takes time for them to deploy because they come from all over the state.”

“To be clear, the national guard will not be present tonight,” she added.

“Just because someone asked for something doesn’t mean it’s happening right away or even happening at all,” another May 28, 2020, tweet from Hope read, an apparent reference to local officials’ request for the National Guard.

“I don’t know about swat but what I do know is the guard will not be present arresting people tonight,” she continued.

A taste of his legacy:

No, this is not a video from a war-torn country in the Middle East.

In the wake of those riots Kamala Harris pushed a fund meant to raise bail for the rioters and looters. It also helped free murderers and rapists.

Then he suggested riots could be the means of extorting the government

Tim Walz has nothing but contempt for rural America

Tim Walz thinks rural America is “mostly rocks and cows.”

When JD Vance was asked to go to Iraq, he went. When Tim Walz was asked to go to Iraq, he quit.

Veterans have accused Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz of “embellishing” his military career and abandoning his National Guard battalion, highlighting that the now-vice presidential pick for the Democrats never served in combat and retired from service ahead of his unit’s 2005 deployment to Iraq.

In a letter posted to Facebook in 2018 as he first ran for governor, retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr said Walz retired from his 24-year tenure in the National Guard after learning that his battalion would be deployed to Iraq, despite allegedly assuring his fellow troops he would join them.

Walz moved to normalize pedophilia.

He wants your child to be trans

Walz signed a law making Minnesota a “trans refuge.” This means that if a mother takes her child to Minnesota, against the father’s wishes or a court order, to medically transition the child, that father has no rights to have the child returned to him. This also mirrors California’s law that says if a child runs away to a “trans refuge” state seeking medical sex changes, the state will not return the missing child to their family but will aid them in getting a sex change. This effectively allows Minnesota to give a minor a sex change against parental wishes. “Trans refuge” status allows states to take charge of a child and direct their medical care regardless of what the child’s parents say.

Lots of people have said that the law does not actually do what it says it does, that it does not allow Minnesota to trans kids without parental consent, but it does. It says so: “A law of another state that authorizes a state agency to remove a child from the child’s parent or guardian because the parent or guardian allowed the child to receive gender-affirming health care, as defined in section 543.23, paragraph (b), is against the public policy of this state and must not be enforced or applied in a case pending in a court in this state. A court order for the removal of a child issued in another state solely because the child’s parent or guardian assisted the child in receiving gender-affirming care in this state must not be enforced in this state.” In short, if you object to transing your kid, but your spouse does not and takes them to Minnesota, you lose—and so does your kid.

If you disagree, mind your own damn business

“Mind your own damn business!”

But here is the best of all of the articles on Walz:

What America needs to know about Tim Walz of Minnesota

The 2020 riots

During his first term as governor, Walz faced two major challenges: The riots following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and COVID-19. He fumbled both.

As the Twin Cities burned for three days in May 2020, Walz froze, terrified of upsetting his party’s activist base which sympathized with the rioters, for whom Kamala Harris raised money. Walz hesitated to commit the National Guard – whom he dismissed as “19-year-old cooks” – but when they finally were deployed, the violence ceased immediately.

This concern for criminals over law abiding citizens has contributed to Minnesota becoming a high-crime state for the first time in recent history, with part one crimes, such as murder, aggravated assault, and rape, now above the national average. Indeed, Minnesota’s crime rates began climbing in 2018, when Walz took office and two years before George Floyd’s death. In 2024, violent crime in Minneapolis remains 29% above 2019.


In response to the second challenge, COVID-19, in defiance of the science, Walz shut down schools, churches and businesses and instituted draconian mask mandates and shelter in place orders. This was driven by a computer model cooked up by a couple of graduate students over a weekend and which was such a failure it was quietly abandoned. Walz spent $7 million on a morgue to hold all the forecast bodies. This, too, was quietly sold without ever housing a single body. Walz’s failed nursing home policies resulted in over 5,000 deaths from COVID, one of the highest percentages in the country. And the man who likes to talk tough on cable news, telling Republicans to “mind your own damn business,” created a phone line for people to snitch on their neighbors who violated COVID regulations.

For all this government activity in response to COVID-19, Walz still managed to oversee the largest COVID fraud scheme in the country, with $250 million stolen. Millions more have been wasted in other fraud schemes throughout his time in office, but no one has been fired or held accountable.


Walz frequently touts his experience as an educator, but Minnesotans have seen no benefit from this, with the quality of Minnesota’s K-12 schools falling steadily during his time in office. Minnesota 4th grade reading and 8th grade math scores on national tests are the lowest in 30 years. On the education component of CNBC’s much-heralded — including by Walz — “best States for Business” rankings, Minnesota has dropped from 5th in 2018 to 17th. Walz will tell national audiences he “fully funded” K-12 education, but more money does not translate to stronger achievement.

Instead of achievement, Walz focused on instituting radical social studies standards and ethnic studies requirements that infuse critical social justice ideology into K-12 education. He used a bait and switch to sell ethnic studies as “learning about other cultures,” while hiding the real purpose: to reshape our children’s identity around skin color and convince them that America is a “racialized hierarchy” defined by oppression and injustice. Walz also allowed protesters to tear down a statue of Christopher Columbus and changed Minnesota’s state flag because he wrongly believed it was racist.

There’s more at the link.

Walz made schools place tampons in boys’ school rest rooms, earning him the name “Tampon Tim”

JD Vance had a great take on the Harris/Walz ticket:

Vance comments on Walz pick, says he and Harris make an “interesting tag team”, because “Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis”, and the few that got caught, “she helped bail them out.”

Tim Walz

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Time to have the UN Evicted and turn the whole UN Facility into a Homeless shelter and made them Pay their Rent is Past Due