Several days ago, Laura Ingraham had a segment called Kama Chameleon. That was prophetic.
Along with several other outlets, Politico pounced and seized on something Donald Trump said during an interview at the National Association of Black Journalists meeting.
When asked about Republicans who say Harris, the first woman of Black and Asian ancestry to serve as vice president, was chosen for the role in a nod to diversity, Trump instead suggested Harris only recently “became” Black.
“She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage,” Trump said, prompting audible gasps and murmurs, according to reporters in the room. “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago until she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black.”
Trump continued to make the same point about Harris’ ancestry even as one of the moderators, ABC News’ Rachel Scott, interjected that Harris attended an historically Black college and has always identified as Black.
Except that Rachel Scott is wrong. Way wrong. Harris herself issued a non-denial statement
‘This afternoon Donald Trump spoke at the annual meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists’, Harris said during her speech.
‘And it was the same old show: the divisiveness and the disrespect.
Kamala Harris is a chameleon who adopts whichever race best suits her at the moment. Let’s review:
NABJ “journalist”: Kamala has ALWAYS identified as black
Kamala with Mindy KaLing: I’m Indian.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 31, 2024
So when Kamala hits Indian TV, she’s Indian.
When she rolls up in Atlanta, she’s Black.
They call this code-switching & it’s damn offensive!
— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) July 31, 2024
Kamala Harris brags about becoming the ‘First Indian Senator in American History’
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2024
is Kamala Harris Black or India ?
— Trump Family *PARODY* (@Mai_ASUR) July 31, 2024
Here she channels Hillary Clinton
Here is Kamala Harris, who was born in California to Jamaican and Indian college professors, talking to drag queens in Los Angeles a week ago vs. black people in Atlanta tonight.
Fakest human being that has ever lived.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 31, 2024
Unbelievable: Kamala Harris changes her race during different election cycles.
2003-2016 – Asian-Pacific
2016-2019 – Indian
2020 – She miraculously changed her race to Black
— Paul Hookem (@PaulHook_em) August 1, 2024
The AP
But four years later…
AP again:
The Associated Press Back in 2017:
“Indian-American Members of Congress Sworn In” (Joe Biden swears in Kamala Harris)
Bookmark this before they try to delete it.
— Gain of Fauci (@DschlopesIsBack) August 1, 2024
The AP once again
Vivek Ramaswamy takes issue with this
“Many Indian-Americans in the US are indeed somewhat offended by the way Kamala has suddenly cast aside the Indian-American side of her identity,” Ramaswamy said in an interview with Fox News.
Vivek Ramaswamy, in an interview with Fox News, said, “My parents were immigrants to this country, legal immigrants from southern India, the very same part of India that her mother also immigrated from.”
It could not be more obvious or clearer- Harris has used her race as a tool to accommodate her goals. And the demented left-wing media may refuse to accept that truth, but that’s on them and not on Trump. Harris is a racial chameleon.
The title of the Politico article was “Trump’s first try at pivoting to Harris blows up in his face.”
But it’s blown up in their faces instead. All this has done is prove that Politico is a collection of biased political hackneyed nitwits with zero long term memory and disregard for the truth.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
So this is what the meltdown looks like when MAGAs learn that biracial people exist.
What’s the “dang” part?
Drag Queen Story Hour at the Grade Schools Dunderhead
You brought that up out of nowhere.
Its the truth you wont ever see or read in the M.S. Media. Pinhead
Thanks for expressing to us that your a total fool
Total non sequitur
When you find yourself this desperate to try to turn a failure into a win, you should probably just give it up. The ONLY people making anything and everything about race are the leftists.
You mean like this family?
Right. Normal folks are going to understand that their kids are biracial; MAGAs, if the response to Harris is indicative of anything, are going to demand that they choose to see themselves as either white or South Asian, and never the twain shall meet. At what age do you people expect them to make their final decision on that matter?
Has there ever been a candidate for any office that ran on “I’m white and I will cater and pander to white people and their needs. I don’t really have anything else to offer the voter and my record of service is abysmal, but I am running on my whiteness and dedication to white people.” ? I wonder how that would be received.
I mean, of course, aside from a Democrat.
The only time she bragged about her Jamaican-Irish roots it horrified her father.
Sad she doesnt really celebrate Jamaica
Key up Bob Marley
In about 95 days, we will find out how many people are willing to put an utter incompetent in charge of the entire nation and much of the world for the sake of a phony “1st”.
Black Americans should be insulted she has appropriated their race
Less Than Two Weeks as the VP Nominee and JD Vance Has Already Visited the Border-“Has Your Border Czar Done Anything You’ve Asked Her to Do?”
Again, what does physically standing at the border do to solve the problem? Did he arrest any illegal immigrants? Did he personally interdict any drug shipments?
They see the problem, the talk with the people dealing with the problem. On the other hand, for Democrats, if they never go and experience the problem they can deny it exists, which is what the Democrats have been doing.
Is Michael just Greggie using another name? His lack of intelligence is similar to greggie. Fais to understand the issue discussed in the thread!
How stupid to you have to be to think this actually makes a real point?
How stupid do you have to be not to see the point?
MAGAs are swept up by performative politics. Boat parades mean a lot to you. A pol standing at the border is the same, in your mind, as actually doing something about a problem. When Trump hugs a flag, you see it as proof positive that he loves America. When he holds up a Bible in the middle of a demonstration, you take it as evidence of his deep Christian faith.
The president or the vice president going to stand at the border or putting up a sign that says “Mission Accomplished” is thoughtful governance, as far as you’re concerned.
You’re as easily pleased as little children.
That’s the most blatant, vapid, idiotic example of projection I’ve seen.
All day.
Really? The movement that pushes back on all the “identities” is wrapped up in performance? The people who pointed out that the photograph of the Clintons on the beach (or Slick Willie at the Brown memorial) or the entire career of His Royal Blackness or the ridiculous bint under current consideration were nothing more than performative bullshit for the Low Information Voter who — despite being screwed by their party at least three cycles in a row — will line up to push the ‘D’ button for their food pellets.
Meanwhile, you’re going to try to claim that the “border czar” who presided over the admittance of 20 million illegal aliens not only wasn’t the border czar but did a fantastic job despite not being the border czar and the fact that she never saw the situation with her own eyes doesn’t matter.
My God, your dishonesty is as flimsy and stupid as it is blatant. What a total disgrace.
Well, just stand by. With absolutely no choice but to redefine failure as success and lies as truth, Michael will continue to exceed your expectations in vapid and idiotic responses. You shove his lies and stupidity in his face enough and he’ll just stop responding.
How about interpreting performative politics as how they’ve performed their jobs? That’s how I rate them and Trump passes with flying colors while Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden/Harris have a long and undeniable record of abject failure.
“Performative politics?”
How about Kamala blaming Trump (president way back over 3 and a half years ago) for today’s bad employment numbers and economic outlook numbers as well as stock market tank?
Her “spokesperson” James Singer parroted the 2025 Agenda lies and blamed Trump for today‘s low jobs number and slowed economy.
But it’s been the biden admin’s acts that have brought us here, reversing everything it could from Trump’s time in office.
Ultimately, it always comes down to the economy and Kamala just gave a sure-fire reason why you should not vote for her, when she refuses to take responsibility for the administration’s own actions.
Now, if Kamala could just twerk out this message it would be obscene performative art……oh, wait, she’s already done that.
She really wishes she had six arms like Durga so she could grab more taxpayer money and throw it at wealthy donors faster.
The sauce doesn’t get any weaker than that.
In the 1980s, she attended Howard University and was a member of a black sorority. That’s three decades before Biden selected her as his running mate.
Your attempt to gatekeep this issue is mind-boggling.
So if a Cherokee woman attended UCLA in the ’80’s and joined a basically white sorority, does that make that Cherokee woman a white woman?
You have replaced Comrade Greggie as the village idiot.
What, in your eyes, makes her not black?
Sorry groomer, but you don’t get to choose your race when you are 50 years old. And again, you, of little intellect, tries to answer a question with a question. And THAT is what makes you a) an uninformed leftist and b) the village idiot.
If a biracial black and South Asian person does anything at all, he or she is still a biracial black and South Asian person.
Harris’s mom was South Asian, and her dad was black.
So if a Cherokee woman attended UCLA in the ’80’s and joined a basically white sorority, does that make that Cherokee woman a white woman?
Why does he put himself as Jamaican on the birth certificate? The indigineous peoples of that island came from South America not Africa. There may be some African Slave but maybe only as much as Irish slave Owner. I know the democrat in you says 1 drop of Black makes her a black, dude shake the KKK out f your soul.
Poor Michael… trying desperately to find something about Kamala that is worthy of defending. So far, all he can muster is defending her phony identity politics.
He needs to just shut up and vote the way he is told, dont bother to examine her record of abject failure, or she has the IQ of a spatula. Trolling the left about the least important feature and seeing them melt is just weird.
He has to keep posting his weak bullshit in order to convince himself he is right.
Interesting about that “one drop of black,” is that Indian Dinesh Desusa researched the Nazis coming to power and said they rejected the “one drop” rule for Jews as being too far.
One had to be 25% Jewish to be at risk from the Nazis.
But democrats stick with the one drop rule here.
Dems, more racist than Nazis!
So, Kamala is “black.”
And, back when it started being beneficial to claim being black to get into college, loads of white students tried it, too.
But why quibble about what’s really in one’s blood?
Just “identify” as XXX and, poof, you are XXX.
Liz Warren did that with great success.
Elizabeth Warren pretending to be Native American to get jobs intended for minorities. See a pattern? Oh, that’s right… you’re a leftist. Never mind.
Some Kamala supporter got all incensed by the Trump ad showing the two AP headlines of Kamala as an Indian then, later, as a black.
So, they went to Snopes.
Snopes said the Trump ad was ACCURATE.
But she keeps doing this same thing!
In September 2019, Kamala told reporters that she supported the confiscation of commonly owned firearms, calling it “a great idea.”
In October 2023, Kamala praised Australia’s 1996 semi-automatic gun ban and strict firearm confiscation policy, alluding that if she were to take office, similar policies would be enforced in the U.S.
Earlier this week, her campaign retracted her statement, saying that Kamala “no longer wants to force millions of Americans to sell their AR-15s and similar firearms to the government.”
When is she lying, now or before?
I’m going with now.
How about… always?
It’s funny and ironic that black progressives will hold people accountable for “appropriating” blackness if you wear corn rows or a batik dress or buy “kwansa colored candles.”
But IF they think there’s a PAYDAY for themselves in your pretend blackness they aid and abet you.
Kamala is just such a POC.
She’s not “African,” but she pretends at kwansa.
When she affects black English there’s no push back.
Her promise is, Vote me in and I’ll suck the taxpayers dry and give some of the crumbs to you.
And that’s enough for them.