She had one job

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Following Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race, Kamala Harris has become the presumptive democrat nominee for President. It’s been reported that she has magically raised $81 million since the Biden announcement.

Let’s see how that happened

Behind the scenes, there is great doubt about her. More obvious publicly is her lack of accomplishment. She was given one job- border czar.

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration faces growing political pressure to address a surge in undocumented migrant children unaccompanied by parents.

In early June 2021 she did go to Guatemala to deliver a stern message:

“As one of our priorities, we will discourage illegal migration. And I believe if you come to our border you will be turned back.”

After which she finally made her first trip to the border. She visited El Paso, at the time well away from the throngs of illegals pouring over the border in an effort to beat the visit by Donald Trump.

Harris drew fire from leaders of the Border Patrol’s labor union for choosing to visit one of the least-chaotic stretches of the border — and was greeted in Texas by pro-Trump protesters.

“You don’t go to El Paso to see what is actually going on at the border,” said Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, in a Fox News interview.

Judd said that the El Paso sector is relatively well-secured and that Harris should have visited McAllen, Texas, to see where the most migrant apprehensions are happening or Tucson, Ariz., to see where the most migrants are successfully evading authorities.

Apparently, her final report said to open the borders even wider because 8 million illegals minimum have flooded into the country under Biden/Harris. That was her only trip to the border.

NPR is doing its best to cover for her failure as “border czar”

In reality, that was not Harris’ job.

She was tasked by Biden in 2021 to examine the root causes of migration from Central America, including poverty, violence, and corruption. At that time, unauthorized migration came primarily from Mexico and Central America.

She has been a failure, despite the multi-year assurances from Mayorkas that the borders were secure the entire time. But failure has been a close companion to Harris for a long time:

Before she was Joe Biden’s understudy the last four years, Kamala Harris ran offices as a California prosecutor and senator. Often, scandal and failings followed in her wake.

As California Attorney General, Harris was widely criticized for failing to take on prosecutorial misconduct. In fact her office was “called out” by judges for “defending convictions obtained by local prosecutors” who had inserted false confessions, lied under oath, and withheld evidence. A federal appeals judge even admonished officials in 2015 to talk to Harris “and make sure she understands the gravity of the situation” involving prosecutorial misconduct.

Likewise, Harris’ top deputy was accused of sexually harassing a staffer while working for Harris at the California Department of Justice, costing the state $400,000 to settle the case.

That’s before the border

Harris came under fire after she failed to visit the border for months after she was given the assignment. By the time she finally showed up in El Paso, untold tens of thousands had illegally crossed into the United States, many of them violent criminals and gang members.

“Serving as our nation’s Border Czar, VP Harris has overseen the worst, unmitigated border security crisis in our lifetime. The data is irrefutable,” Mark Morgan, former Commissioner of Customs Border Protection under Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, told Just the News.

“She fully supported the dismantling of the network of tools, authorities, and polices we had in place under the Trump Administration that had led to the most secure border in our lifetime and has repeatedly lied to the American people regarding the government’s loss of operational control of our own borders,” Morgan continued.

Her failure has been costly:

“Under her reign, more Americans have died from fentanyl pouring across the border; more potential national security threats and criminals have attempted to exploit our open order policies; and more illegal aliens have been encountered during her tenure, than any other time in our nation’s history.  Her performance has negatively impacted every aspect of our country’s safety and national security and can only be described as – complete failure,” he added.

Read the whole sad story.

Here’s my favorite take on Harris

She had one job. One. She crashed and burned.

Now she says she wants to compare her record to Donald Trump’s record.

I can’t wait.

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Soros screw a card and it was the Joker

So, Kamala is on TV live right now.
But don’t bother if you listened to her speech yesterday with campaign staffers.
It is the EXACT same speech!

DJT would be wise to sit back calmly and let the dingbat be the dingbat.

Harris is roughly fifteen times more intelligent than Trump.

That belief would explain why the Party of Undergrad Fantasies can pretend she is better than the proverbial ashtray on a motorcycle.

Have you ever listened to Trump speak?


Last edited 6 months ago by TrumpWon

So Chris is your sockpuppet?

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You aren’t doing so well here with the ability to nut-hug with Greg.

Black Lives Matter Turns on Democratic Party After Kamala Harris Is Installed as Nominee

Oh, well.

Yes I have. Did you happen to listen to his inaugural address or the speech he made in Poland? Trump is a great orator.

Oh she is a genius listen to her speak to astronauts, adult men.

Oh… you mean because she gave that intelligent, detail description of Russia and Ukraine? She’s as stupid as she is slutty.

Based on what? She’d be a trainwreck. Nothing in her pats indicates any different and her ideas for the future are worse.

So, her campaign is to keep the disastrous agenda of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s regime and heap on even more far leftist radical disasters. What could be more appealing to struggling Americans?

She was never going to succeed at controlling the border. It might have been an early indication the biden regime wanted to set her up to fail. The biden regime was never going to continue the successful border police’s of Trump. So, what better way to give her a failing grade by giving her a task that has no solution. Interestingly, she never embraced the assigned role because she knew it was a no win. But now in a potential matchup with DJT, whose primary campaign issues is immigration, she cannot possibly present herself as be a champion for border control. There is that and then there are reams of evidence to show she is actually a militant in her illegal immigration policies.

Camela is a cackling California communist

She says she can’t wait to compare her record to Trump’s. WHAT record? She’s done NOTHING.

Going on Offense: GOP Congressman Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris

Going on Offense: GOP Congressman Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris

All he needs to do is remind everyone that she’s ineligible with two foreign born parents.

Kamala is about to be burdened by what has been.
Her treatment of black drug users when she was Atty Gen in CA.
Her use of the created narrative by Jussie Smollett to get her “anti-lynching” act passed.
Her nervous fear of meeting people.
Her past word salads, soon to be joined by her new word salads.
Her bad treatment of staff.

Isnt in the 90 percentile that quit cause she is such a C?

Don’t forget she was more than enthusiastic about trying to lynch Kavanaugh.

This reminds me of a story a guy I worked with told me about a guy that dropped some acid and recorded his statements while high. When he woke up in the morning, he couldn’t remember anything, but he felt he had conceived a thought that was astounding and brilliant. When he played back the recording, all he kept saying was, “The essence of vinegar permeates the room.”

I think Kamala had this same experience when she came up with this passage. She might seem smarter if she dropped some acid.

The bit ch was just a DEI PICK AND THAT WAS IT.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s statement was pretty clear: to stem the flow of illegal immigration. HER interpretation was to find “root causes” which anyone with a functioning brain (obviously not her) is already fully aware of: the border is wide open and we are offering incentives to get them to violate our immigration laws. In other words, she wanted to nibble around the edges of the problem with no definition of what success would be.

When she went to El Paso, she didn’t even go to the border; she stayed at the airport. Same with Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, who only visited after the town had been sanitized. They don’t want to admit they’ve actually seen the disaster they’ve brought about.

Kamala wants the border open for the same reasons Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and the rest of the Democrat party wants it open: these illegal immigrants are going to be sent ballots which will be turned into votes for Democrats.

Keep in mind she wants to abolish ICE and was one of the idiot racists that accused the mounted Border Patrol of “whipping” the Haitian illegal immigrants.

Why don’t you go peddle your trolling shit somewhere else?

That’s one of the crazies I have to regularly block. Slipped through

The top marginal tax rate was up there (and even higher) in the post-World War II years, and that is generally seen as an era of productivity and economic growth.

Correlation does not equal cause.

And who actually paid that rate? No one. There have always been deductions and exemptions that provided relief.

There were so many loopholes then no one paid that rate. It case you didn’t notice the world has changed since then, Europe and Japan were digging out from WWII. China and Mexico were 3rd world backwaters. Virtually no world competition existed then. The US was ready for growth after the wars restrictions ended. It seems your historical education is lacking.

Demographics a baby boom was the cause of the growth.

Reliable sources say that Kamala will select Shapiro from PA as her running mate.
Not only has she vowed to end fracking in his state, he’s also Jewish.
That’s hilarious considering that just today she declined to meet with Netanyahu and didn’t attend his speech. Not to mention the swarm of anti Israel protestors who took over the Capitol yesterday.
This is interesting considering the enormous anti Israel population in MI, which indicates that Democrats aren’t concerned about them not voting because they know they’ve got MI stolen.
Shapiro was considered a rising star in the party and has presidential aspirations. The only way he’d hitch his wagon to Kamala is if he was guaranteed that Democrats will steal the election.

Harris was never named “border czar” by Biden. That’s a Republican lie.

Go back to living in denial. No sane person would be defending a complete idiot like Harris.

Announcing Ms Harris’s appointment as his immigration czar, Mr Biden told reporters and officials at the White House: “She’s the most qualified person to do it, to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle [Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador], and the countries that are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks – stemming the migration to our southern border“.

Biden tasks Harris with tackling migrant influx on US-Mexico border (

Now go ahead as you usually do and make some stupid point and try to engage in some circular pointless discussion about an immigration czar not being the same thing as a border czar. Forget the semantics, you cannot refute that biden put her in charge of controlling the southern border. And, by any metric available, she failed miserably.

Like Greg, Michael doesn’t answer questions. Their pre-processed talking points do no provide answers to anything other than why the left is such a failure.

Total obfuscation. Michael thinks he is credible when his best is to talk in circles never making a cogent point. As useless as tits on a boar.

In fact, Harris was never put in charge of the border or immigration policy. Nor was she involved in overseeing law-enforcement efforts or guiding the federal response to the crisis. Her mandate was much narrower: to focus on examining and improving the underlying conditions in the Northern Triangle of Central America—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—which has been racked by decades of poverty, war, chronic violence, and political instability. 


So you are pointing out something else she failed at.

Your source says that Harris wasn’t the border czar.


Lefty “news” outlets need George Orwell’s “speakwrite” machine (from 1984) that types as you dictate into it and, at the same time, destroys all obsolete documents.
You missed the point.
This is an excellent example of the left trying to rewrite history.

Is there something wrong with your vision? The post above shows Axios calling her the “border czar” and then, currently, disputing that she was the border czar. Is the concept of trying to erase history too complicated for you?

Everyone knows she was appointed border tzar idiot.

Wow. That’s like… OFFICIAL. Too bad Sandy Berger is dead… would this fit in a sock?

Announcing Ms Harris’s appointment as his immigration czar, Mr Biden told reporters and officials at the White House: “She’s the most qualified person to do it, to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle [Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador], and the countries that are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks – stemming the migration to our southern border“.

Did she succeed at that? Did she “stem” the number of illegal immigrants? This is what she was charged to do… DID SHE? Think you might be able to answer the question? I know Greggie ain’t around to help defend you, but would it be possible to answer this question?

Whatever you want to call it, she was charged “stemming the migration to our southern border”. Was she successful?

Well, in June 2021 alone, when Kamala was coming to El Paso, border agents stopped 21,500 people who crossed the border illegally in the El Paso sector.
They swept illegals off the streets and into pricey hotels.
They cleaned up the Border Protection Central Processing Center in El Paso.
They even braided the hair of the few illegals they had around for show.
Kamala saw a Potemkin City.

And she didn’t go to the border. Neither she nor Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden will go anywhere near it. One of the most important assets of a leftist is “plausible deniability”.

Neither of them could go to the border. Doing so as you correctly stat, would then give biden/harris ownership in the chaos that was intentionally wrought upon America.
Illegal immigration is far and away the number one issue for this election. Both Biden and harris are on the wrong side.

What are you people under the impression that Biden’s standing at the border would have done? It would have been entirely ornamental, like, say, a boat parade.

Not an answer.

You thought you would get an answer, really. You are a moron.

Oh, look… Michael thinks that questions are intended to be answered. I wasn’t aware he understood the concept.

Michael deserves no respect here. All he wants to do is get into a sophomoric circular pointless discussion.

Just begging for sppon feeding cause he has no internet research skills, just a news feed.

It would have made it much, much more difficult for him to say the border is secure. I doubt it would have made him man up and face down AOC and the open border leftists, but he would not be able to honestly (not usually an impediment for lying Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden).

Ideally, it would have caused him to realize the massive damage he is doing to the nation with 6 million new illegal immigrants, which includes thieves, drunks, drug dealers, rapists, human traffickers, murderers and terrorists as well as landscapers and lettuce pickers.

Apparently, you happily accept the fact that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Kamala are simply totally worthless.

Joe Biden is responsible for not enforcing U.S. immigration laws and then, when border states are suffering due to his failures, he refuses to even come see what a disaster he has created. What do you think he should have done? Support the Border Patrol and see just what a mess the border is or have the Border Patrol just phone it in?
You seem to like having the Democrats shove it in your rear end. Biden was inept in January 2021 and has done nothing but gotten worse. And if you voted for Biden in the California primary, too fucking bad. The DNC will tell you who to vote for. Wake up, you have no choice. So just drop your drawers and get ready for the next DNC screwing you know is coming

News organizations called the ACA “Obamacare.” That doesn’t mean it was the program’s name.

INGRASSIA: Don’t Buy The Kamala Psy-Op

The most qualified person to lead the effort to stem migration fail miserably to the tune of more that 10 million.

Aside from many of her other countless flaws, this one is hung around her neck. No amount of revisionist history of the past 3 years can remove the facts.

And now she snubs our most important ally in the ME. Sorry, not sorry. This slut is not ready for prime time.

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address the United States Congress on Wednesday at the invitation of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Vice President Kamala Harris, a supporter of the Hamas-friendly “Squad”, declined to preside over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress as Vice President, traveling instead to a sorority event in Wisconsin.”

That’s the Democrat party. They don’t want to anger their constituency that believes the lies Hamas, the murderer of babies, rapers of young girls and beheaders of the elderly, spread and potentially lose their votes.

Check this out;

Vulnerable House Dem Runs from Questions About Kamala’s Disasterous Record as Border Czar: “I Don’t Know Who Kamala Harris Is”

She actually said she did not know who camela harris is.

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You’re a died-in-the-wool misogynist.

Oh my, such a tough boy.

Wow. Already? A factual criticism of her stupidity in priorities and it’s “misogynist”? What’s the matter, doesn’t your “r” key work, preventing you from accusing racism?

How weak and gutless.

Michael, since you’re such a fan of Kamela Harris, why don’t you tell us what great things she has done as VP?

If you are buying the cover being given to Kamela by a left wing press that has lied to you are Joe Biden’s mental acuity for the last five years, you are a died-in-the-wool useful idiot

Only women are attacked by you people for having sex lives. Men—even those who have had their sexual assault adjudicated in a court of law—are A-okay in your eyes.

“by you people’


Always trying to play the victim card—how typical of you people!

Go fuck yourself bigot.

Only Democrats would yap incessantly about “democracy” and then disenfranchise 14,000,000 voters.
How does it feel to know you have been had by the media and the DNC, groomer?

The real question
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It feels like your candidate is really, really old.

What was it you were feeling?

Aw, what do the voters know? They only voted for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden because there was no one else on the ballot. The DNC can’t trust the selection of their preferred puppet to “the people”.

No, only women who owe their career to having sex are attacked by us. Are you referring to Trump. who was found “guilty” without any witnesses or evidence and an insane “victim” that doesn’t even know when it happened? THAT “adjudication”?

By the way, THIS woman would not go to Netanyahu’s speech because she didn’t want to offend people who burn the US flag.

Go back to your cave with the Boogieman

Mike you must really learn how to search on the internet so you dont just parrot your phones news feed.

Six House Democrats Join Republicans in Condemning ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris’s Illegal Invasion