The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/21/2024

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Welcome back to Day 1250 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! We had a mini vacation this week, so another light post:

6/14 – Pentagon Announces Plan to Make Soldiers Guinea Pigs for Lab-Grown Meat Pushers like Bill Gates

6/15 – Leftist thugs plan to ‘shut down DC’ when Netanyahu addresses Congress

6/16 – The Marxists Have…

6/17 – Joe Biden Reminds Us to Buy Guns and Ammunition

6/18 – California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over.

6/19 – How to properly celebrate Juneteenth

6/20 – Financing a More Woke Military

6/21 – Law schools suddenly respect the Constitution!0

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Taylor Swifts Private Jet vandalized by the Climate Cult

6/14 – Pentagon Announces Plan to Make Soldiers Guinea Pigs for Lab-Grown Meat Pushers like Bill Gates

It’s OK. They have a vaccine that will take care of it.

6/15 – Leftist thugs plan to ‘shut down DC’ when Netanyahu addresses Congress

What? Leftists causing problems, violence and being anti-Semitic? Nah… that must be a misprint.

6/16 – The Marxists Have…

And they exploit it all, too.

6/17 – Joe Biden Reminds Us to Buy Guns and Ammunition

Way ahead of you. Thanks to the left, one has gotten used to being prepared at all times.

6/18 – California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over.

Wait… what? I thought legalizing the drugs was going to keep the criminal element (aside from the government) out of the drug business? What happened?

6/19 – How to properly celebrate Juneteenth

I just finished The Implosion Conspiracy a while back. What was really significant was, since that farce of a trial of Trump was going on at the time, was the intricate detail of the trial and all the care the judge took to make sure what ever the verdict was, it would be accurate and stand up against appeal. What a contrast to the Merchan “trial” where the one and only interest was a guilty verdict.

6/20 – Financing a More Woke Military

I suppose the irony is lost on many of their supporters that without capitalism, they would never have the funds to work to destroy capitalism.

6/21 – Law schools suddenly respect the Constitution!0

Democrats are not worried about making anything appear “Constitutional”. They have the media to tell us no matter what they do IS Constitutional, just as they tell us, “What, are you CRAZY? 30% inflation is GREAT and 12,000,000 new illegal immigrants will benefit us all!!” Many will believe it.

No, the criminals are going to give up and go get a job.

6/14 – Pentagon Announces Plan to Make Soldiers Guinea Pigs for Lab-Grown Meat Pushers like Bill Gates

Lab grown protein, or, worse, insect-based “meat,” are both unhealthy for people, but for different reasons.
The lab stuff is full of salts, chemicals and soy root. All bad for health.
The insect-based “food” has chitin in it and that produces allergic reactions in many people.

6/18 – California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over.

Tax revenues for CA way down.
Deaths from cartel battles way up.