The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/14/2024
Welcome back to Day 1243 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! Busy week, light post:
6/6 – DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Exposed the Barbarism of “Gender-Affirming Care”
We have really reached the point in society where our “elites” praise the barbarians who mutilate children while persecuting those who would expose them.
6/7 – Apparently, The People Of St. George Are Guilty Of “White Fortressing”
6/8 – Big Government’s War on Backyard Farms & Personal Sovereignty
6/9 – Pride doesn’t come cheap — the hidden financial cost of being LGBTQ+
6/10 – The Left Knows Leftism Doesn’t Work
6/11 – The Unvarnished Truth About That ‘Blockbuster’ Jobs Report
6/12 – Is Fitness Fascist?
This one is a really fun read, and the end wraps it up beautifully:
The truth about the left’s panic over an army of muscle-bound, right-wing warriors like the Spartan studs of the movie 300 is this: first, the left hates masculine men who bond over masculine pursuits; and second, the state-worshippers of the left are fearful of a populace that is strong, healthy, disciplined, self-reliant, clear-thinking, and politically dissident. Totalitarians require a society of weak, flaccid, dependent, cowed dullards, like the subservient race of Eloi in H.G. Wells’ Time Machine or the euphorically drugged and indoctrinated populace of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
Pumping iron isn’t fascist, but it will help you resist fascism.
6/13 – The Only Crimes Are Political Now
6/14 – The Feds Are Itching to J6 Us Again
Frankly, given what a successful psyop the first re-enactment of The Reichstag Fire was back on January 6th, I’m surprised that the feds haven’t already re-run that play from their book
ICYMI – I took a dive into
The Radical Left’s War on Fatherhood
Have a great weekend!
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Mornin’ lil Bro

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My late parents were both Married in Flag Day 1946 my mom was a June Bride
So now, exposing leftists breaking the law is against the law.
“We may have turned this place into a shithole, but we don’t appreciate you leaving us in it.” Democrats don’t care about education, they want indoctrination and they don’t like it when some students get away from the brainwashing.
No doubt this is the failure government trying to pick SOMETHING and try to fix it, no matter how insignificant, because MAYBE they’ll succeed. But, alas, they can’t even make this better.
Well, thanks a lot, BroBob. Now I’m all sad and shit.
That’s why it always requires FORCE to implement. It only benefits a limited few and the vast majority prefers their freedoms.
The unvarnished truth is always different from the shit-stained lies this regime vomits upon the citizens. Democrats cannot grow an economy and they cannot create good jobs because they hate capitalism and everything that provides good jobs.
No, it can’t be satire or written tongue-in-cheek. That would require a sense of humor, something leftists are devoid of.
The reason we keep seeing these violent protests by Hamas supporters for very little return and they keep getting more and more violent is that there is no punishment. The same goes for BLM and ANTIFA. But you react to a Capital policeman throwing a grenade into a peaceful protest, and you going to JAIL, BITCH!! I wish someone could tell me “no one is above the law” right now. That would be so comforting.
Those who promote the “insurrection” lie do so because they desperately want to believe it. If it was true, that means the election WASN’T fraudulent (or, at least, wasn’t successfully exposed) and there is actually a reason to oppose Trump. If they are insurrectionists, then it is imperative to reelect Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden regardless of all the failures and disasters he has brought. Their beliefs are based 100% on lies.