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The Radical Left’s War on Fatherhood

When societal shifts happen, they go from the stages of , “Oh, it’s just a coincidence” to “Is this a thing?” to “We’ve got a problem”. There are additional lesser stages, such as where The Radical Left gives us the “All we want is…” lie to the gaslighting stages, but you get the idea. For once I’ll jump straight to my point: The Radical Left is waging a war on fatherhood. I submit to you these examples:

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If I were to redesign, I’d be fine with the physical elements of the gaming – this shirt is targeting aging dads who’ve lived this gaming experience. But Snoopy would not be alone. Snoopy would be laughing or shouting or otherwise animated. Woodstock and some friends would also be laughing and fluttering around, if not going as Player2, P3 and P4. Or maybe it’s just a cool drawing of Snoopy chilling over some gaming after a day of some hard work. And maybe I’m overreading.

I could easily find enough examples to make this a 2000 word essay, but by now you get the idea. A while back, somebody whose name I don’t remember (sorry for lack of attribution) made a great statement about the month of June. If memory serves, it went along the lines of:

The month of June used to be about positive things – weddings, graduations, and Fathers’ Day. Now it’s about Juneteenth and Gay Pride.

Damn. That remark floored me. How did The Radical Left manage to take an entire month dedicated to family, childhood accomplishments, and men in general, and become a Month of Marxist degeneracy? We all know the answer.

But thankfully the tide is turning. PRIDE MONTH is getting a well deserved backlash. No, I’m not a *hater* as the Radical Left would label me. I just have a problem with the lying hypocrites who made the quantum leap from “All we want is to get married and what we do in the privacy of our bedroom ” to “What we do in the privacy of our bedroom will be re-enacted in front of your children at our parade and you WILL worship us for it!”

Friendly advice to The Radical Left: For all that you like to misuse the phrase “Being on the right side of history”, now is your opportunity.

And while I use the end of my posts for some good natured, mocking snark at The Radical Left,  this time we give some simple love and respect to fathers everywhere:

Header image was generated using the IMG2GO AI generator

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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