I give him two years

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Joe Biden is in decline. Despite left-wing protestations to the contrary, of that there is no question or doubt. The only question is how long can he hang on? The Wall Street Journal issued a damning report:

US President Joe Biden, 81, shows signs of cognitive decline in closed-door meetings, reports the Wall Street Journal, basing its months-long investigation on interviews with more than 45 people.

The White House and other Democrats pushed back forcefully on the report.

The majority of those who expressed concern were Republicans, said the WSJ, but some Democrats also revealed that Biden had shown signs of decline.

The article says the accounts describe “an unevenness” in meetings, though “not the caricature of an addled leader that some of his political opponents draw.”

In a key January meeting on Ukraine military aid, according to the WSJ, “the president moved so slowly around the Cabinet Room to greet the nearly two dozen congressional leaders that it took about 10 minutes for the meeting to begin, some people who attended recalled.”

Attendees also had trouble hearing Biden, as he read general points that had already been agreed upon from notes and repeatedly deferred to others.

“You couldn’t be there and not feel uncomfortable,” an attendee says. “I’ll just say that.”

Democrats in attendance disagreed with that characterization. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries says Biden was “incredibly strong, forceful and decisive.”

In other key meetings, including during May 2023 negotiations on raising the debt ceiling, Republicans said at times the president was sharp and spontaneous, while on other days he would repeat stories and bring up issues that were already solved.


Others in attendance recalled that it took Biden about 10 minutes from when he entered the room to get the meeting started, and when he did, he used note cards to make obvious points that everyone was already in agreement with and participants could barely hear him.

“Much of the conversation didn’t include him,” the report states, noting that the president asked his staffers to answer some questions posed directly to him.

In a February follow-up with House Speaker Mike Johnson, the Louisiana Republican expressed his concern to the president over the administration’s liquid natural gas export policy — fearing it was benefiting Russia.

Biden didn’t seem to know the policy was actually in effect and falsely claimed it was “only a study,” according to the report.

The exchange “dismayed” Johnson, according to individuals who witnessed it.

Biden would “ramble” and mumble, and his ability to command the room varied from day to day during tense negotiations over raising the debt ceiling last May, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) recalled.

“He always had cards,” McCarthy said, referring to Biden’s dependence on notes. “He couldn’t negotiate another way.

“I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house. He’s not the same person,” he added.

In follow-up calls with Biden, lawmakers tasked by McCarthy to hammer out the details of the debt ceiling plan struggled to get the president to make the final call on key points.

Their conversations with the president were frustratingly “general,” and Biden would only express “optimism about working things out.”

“He was going back to all the old stuff that had been done for a long time,” McCarthy told the Wall Street Journal about the excruciating final stages of the negotiations, suggesting that Biden seemed to have forgotten how far along the White House and Congress were on getting a deal done.

“And he was shocked when I’d say: ‘No, Mr. President. We talked about that meetings ago. We are done with that,’” he recalled.

democrats didn’t take it well

 President Biden’s aides tried to blame “MAGA Republicans” Wednesday for a stunning report that described the 81-year-old as disengaged and confused in meetings — despite similar conduct being noted privately by White House staff and exhibited publicly by the commander in chief.

The Wall Street Journal led its blistering report about the oldest-ever US president’s mental fitness with accounts of three recent engagements with members of Congress in which Biden mumbled inaudibly, misstated administration policy or closed his eyes for long intervals.

“I’ll just say that it says a lot that the only people willing to make these false claims are Trump’s MAGA Republicans in Congress,” Biden re-election campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez told a CNN reporter on a press call Wednesday.

White House communications director Ben LaBolt feverishly tweeted and retweeted criticism of the story.

“What a surprise — Republicans employing their election year messaging strategy that contradicts their own prior words about [Biden],” tweeted LaBolt in one post, referring to former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) once describing Biden as a sharp negotiator.

The Journal reported that Democratic members of Congress contacted for the story were instructed by the White House to call the paper back with additional talking points attesting to Biden’s strength, with Rep. Gregory Meeks, the chairman of the Queens Democratic Party, saying on the record: “They just, you know, said that I should give you a call back.”

This is a classic example of the emperor wearing no clothes. Everyone can see it, including on an international level:

Biden escaped accountability for mishandling classified documents because he was found to be too mentally compromised for prosecution.  Yet somehow, he is fit for the Presidency?

Biden, historically known for being a plagiarizer, plagiarized Ronald Reagan at Normandy last week.

Here is a historic compilation of what’s wrong with Biden

Biden froze at a Juneteenth celebration held early possibly for concern that he won’t make the real one.

President Joe Biden sparked concerns Monday night when he appeared to freeze for the better part of a minute before his speech became slurred past the point of comprehension during a lively Juneteenth celebration at the White House.

During the event ahead of the national holiday next week, the Commander-in-Chief seemed to short-circuit as the rest of the crowd, including Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, grooved along to the lively band.

Philonise Floyd, brother of the late George Floyd, flanked Biden on his left and eventually noticed the concerning pause he was taking and wrapped his arm around him in an apparent effort to help.


Biden cannot function without notecards. He cannot survive a live press conference. He can no longer get around without Jill guiding him.

Watch Biden as he lies four years ago about the laptop. He knew it was a lie. The FBI knew it was a lie. But compare the man then to the man now.

So at the end of the day, the laptop is real. It’s not Russian disinformation as Joe Biden and his 51 cohort told the American public pic.twitter.com/QQtWgpPeKo


He cannot speak any longer without slurring his words.

Biden’s decline jeopardizes national security.

A mentally compromised leader will struggle to make sound decisions, respond effectively to crises, or navigate complex international negotiations. Further, and more dangerously, international opponents will perceive the president’s weakness as an opportunity to strike.

All of this is danger to the country presuming Joe Biden is real President rather than simply a de facto place sitter.  Either way, time is running out for Joe Biden. His decline is accelerating. The eyes are squinty, the mouth is almost always downturned into a scowl. He’s frequently disoriented. He shouts.

Shame on Jill Biden for allowing this to continue. Shame on Jill Biden for coveting the FLOTUS perch above her concern for her husband. This has become elder abuse. I give Biden two years before he no longer can even come close to carrying out his duties as President. I give it two years before Biden is carted around. I give him two years before he will be looking at assisted learning. He will not last another four years. Otherwise, we’re looking at long lasting Weekend at Bernie’s presidency.



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biden has been a walking cadaver for most of the last 2 years. His mental acuity is decliat an accelerated rate. He simply cannot function as he is required to fulfill his duties and responsibilities.
We essentially have another Woodrow Wilson.

Why do we not get a daily schedule for biden? He has reached the point of incapacitation.

In all of my years at this site, first as a reader, then commenter, later guest blogger, and finally contributor, I can say without reservation, that is the greatest Featured Image I have witnessed at Flopping Aces.
Well done sir; well done.

What is in the reflection in Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s glasses? I can’t zoom in to tell if it is something significant or not.

Lest we forget who normalized mocking handicapped people…

Like George VI, Joe Biden had to overcome a crippling speech impediment.

Compare and contrast.

Trump mocking a disability has long been debunked. He has used that imitation often with not association to anyone disable. Just another failed grasped at straw. Meanwhile, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden gropes and sexually abuses children, which is a documented fact.

BULLSHIT. It’s exactly what it appears to be. It was NEVER “debunked.”

Trump later claimed he didn’t even know the disabled reporter, when in fact he had known who he was for years.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Your the Moron who watches all that Fake News and believes it all

Like George VI, Joe Biden had to overcome a crippling speech impediment.
Really and his uncle was eaten by cannibals, no one can believe any of Joeys tales the stutter thing just another tale. As he grew up a poor Peurto Rican in a black church swimming pool, when he wasnt behind bars for being on the wrong porch with Nelson Mandela, No Joke.

Eff FJB, how long can our Republic hang on?!

This is, in a nutshell, how much Democrats care about this country. To them, nothing matters but their grasp on power and ability to get huge amounts of money in flow from which they and their supporters can steal. Inevitably, we face a security crisis as aggressors take advantage of the US weakness at the top.

And to that, you can add corruption.

I wonder how Joe the Schmo rook the Conviction of his Little Brat Son it don’t look well for Biden or the Liberal Democrats

He’s already setting the foundation to commute whatever sentence is handed down. So, they can impose a harsh sentence that they can all claim is “justice served” and then Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden can just commute it as time served.

Thank you very much DOMINION!&?%#$@!?!* NOT!

Then Speaker McCarthy told about joe taking him on a tour of the White House.
joe took him outside toward the WH pool.
Showed him the pool then led him to a changing room by the pool where joe’s wrinkled shirt was hanging up.
McCarthy refused to go in with joe.
So, then, joe took him to his “office, by the pool.
It was a little office, by itself, with a small desk only 10 feet from the actual Oval Office!
joe couldn’t explain why he had it, only said he loved being in it.

Sounds like joe’s been gone for quite a while.

I guess Jill lets joe in the real Oval Office only when she has to.