As a Biden inspired migrant crime wave sweeps through America, a mob of illegal aliens (aka “migrants”) attacked the police in New York City near Times Square a few days ago.
Several were arrested but soon after were released without bail.
Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (aka Fat Alvin) was asked why the perps were released without bail despite even the Governor of New York’s displeasure, he at first had nothing to say. It has been suggested that Bragg was too busy throwing the book and those purchasing false vaccination cards to be concerned with physical attacks on police.
A judge blasted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for trying to throw the book at two New Yorkers who bought fake COVID-19 vaccine cards — despite routinely going easy on others charged with far more serious crimes.
In a ruling issued this week, state Supreme Court Justice Brendan T. Lantry dismissed felony charges against the pair, who were not publicly identified, calling the case overkill.
J.O., a nursing student, and R.V., an employee with the city Department of Environmental Protection, were among hundreds accused of buying fake vaccination cards from a New Jersey stripper, Jasmine Clifford.
Later, Bragg would claim that despite the videos, that there wasn’t enough evidence to hold them.
“In a court of law,” Bragg said, “our profound obligation is to make sure we have right people charged with the right crimes. I don’t think New Yorkers want to charge the wrong person.”
“There is a presumption of pre-trial non-incarceration for every case except those with charges of homicide or the death of a victim,” he added.
Upon his release the cultural enricher sent America a message
photo courtesy of Fox News.
Then this dirtbag had the audacity to mouth off to patrol officers while sharing his earlier attack on the cops and got himself apprehended again.
NEW: Remarkable footage catches migrant showing off video of him beating NYPD officers before getting arrested again.
Let’s do everyone a favor & deport him
The footage appears to show one of the migrants involved in the beating getting arrested again.
According to the…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 2, 2024
These cultural enrichers appear to be part of a shoplifting gang terrorizing the city:
The migrants who jumped two of the city’s Finest last weekend in Times Square were part of a wolfpack of violent shoplifters who just moments before had snatched handbags in a nearby store and attacked an employee who tried to stop them, the manager told The Post.
“They always come in and take the handbags then they run,” the manager, who asked for anonymity, said of the migrants who hang out in front of the Candler Building shelter on West 42nd Street near Seventh Avenue.
“They do it all the time. It’s just ridiculous.”
While Alvin Bragg was trying to find evidence in between bowls of macaroni and cheese four of the perps fled the city. They reportedly gave false names to one of the many church-affiliated NGO’s that help these dirtbags and obtained bus tickets to California.
Four of the migrants cut loose without bail after allegedly ganging up on two NYPD cops near Times Square may be on the run, The Post has learned.
Cops believe the group could have hopped on a bus bound for California on Wednesday after giving phony names to a church-affiliated nonprofit group that helps migrants get rides out of the city, according to law enforcement sources.
The four accused cop-attackers believed to have skipped town were charged with assault on a police officer and obstruction immediately after the shocking, caught-on-video attack Saturday in Midtown.
Darwin Andres Gomez, 19, Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19, Wilson Juarez, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24, were released without monetary bail by a Manhattan judge.
Once in the fairy tale land of Gavin Newsom the four scofflaws will likely find themselves entitled to a host of free benefits.
- free health care
- free gender transition surgery and hormone therapy
- in-state tuition and financial aid for these scholars
- federally funded food assistance program
They will also probably find themselves eligible to vote first in the state and then once having purchased a fake social security number voting in Federal elections.
Elon Musk summarized the Biden immigration system this way:
This explains why there are so few deportations, as every deportation is a lost vote.
As happened this week, you can literally assault police officers in broad daylight in New York, be released with no bail, give everyone the finger and *still* not be deported!!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 3, 2024
That is exactly the plan and you’re seeing it unfold before your eyes.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
They have to be the leading Presidential candidate from the opposite party. Otherwise, how they are treated is based on Bragg’s personal peeves. Assaulting cops is nothing to keep someone in jail for but not wanting a vaccine you don’t need and might be dangerous for you is a federal crime.
I wonder if Gavin will thank Bragg and Soros when these punks go on to bigger and better things in the target rich environment of sunny California? There they have the ability to slip right back over the border after any crimes.
What made Trump such a great President wasn’t that he innovated new and revolutionary policies but that he just used common sense. All that LOOKS ingenious compared to the incompetence and utter stupidity the left exhibits day in, day out.
Bragg is a walnut brain little twat Nuisance Newsom has the Brain Power of a Rock Soros and his Open Society the UN,CFR,DNC and Traitor Republicans for Open Borders this Biden Scum ball needs a kicked to the Moon
I propose a federal law that will make being in the country illegally an aggravating factor in any crime making the offender eligible for the death penalty.
In other words, if you are in the country illegally and you commit a crime — any crime at all, that includes everything from murder to assault to purse snatching, anything at all — against an American citizen, we will hang your ass and then use the rope to throw it back over the border where it belonged.
That’s what a government that saw value in citizenship would do. Any less means the end of citizenship.
That’s what a government that cared about its citizens would do.
That leftists rag Time has come out in favor of Illegal Immagration not surprised since this very same leftists rag pushes Gun Control Climate Change and Evolution
Immigration is the number one issue for 2024. And, it is not going away. Genocide joey will have his clock cleaned.
NBC News Poll: Trust to do a Better job…
Border Security
Trump 57% (+35)
Biden 22%
The Economy
Trump 55% (+22)
Biden 33%
Dealing with crime and violence
Trump 50% (+21)
Biden 29%
Being competent and effective
Trump 48% (+16)
Biden 32%
Improving America’s standing in… Show more
(R) Trump: 47% (+5)
(D) Biden: 42%
Generic Ballot
Republicans 49% (+4)
Democrats 45%
• @POStrategies (R) | Hart Research (D)
• January 26-30 | 1,000 RV | ±3.1%
02/04/24 – Senate releases long-awaited border legislation, major asylum changes – The text of the much-anticipated border bill cracks down on parole and asylum –
The full text of the legislation is included with the article.
Trump’s tools will do everything in their power to kill this legislation.
If Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden says it’s “tough”, then it isn’t. No new legislation is needed to re-secure the border. Abbott proved that. All we need is someone and some party in charge that is not doing everything they can to destroy this country. We don’t need new laws to get the people in charge to obey and enforce laws already in place.
No, it probably sucks and should be rejected. Anything this f**king liar supports is terrible for the country. It is that way 100% of the time.
Your still a total moron on everything
Nobody gives a damn what that senile, crooked old prick says — or “says,” more correctly put. He and his administration are the single biggest human and child sex traffickers in all of recorded history with daylight second. The malice and destruction are willful and deliberate and we have to put up with imbeciles like you taking this idiotic “legislation” and bullsht political theater seriously.
If the number of illegal border crossings reaches above 5,000 daily for a five-day average, an expulsion authority would automatically kick in so that migrants are sent back to Mexico without an opportunity to make an asylum claim. If the number reaches 4,000, presidential administrations would have the option of using the expulsion authority.
DOA in the House. It allows 5k per day, the bill sucks.
Grant Stenchfield is a lying Newsmax Trump tool. He instantly killed the feed of a guest Iraq War veteran who dared to criticize Donnie. Stenchfield went ballistic, screaming “Cut him off!”
Its dead no more money to Ukraine.
It’s the typical Democrat failure; screw the border up, let in 20,000 a day, say they’ll cut that in half and celebrate a great “victory”. If it weren’t for the far left that controls everything in the Democrat party, the goal would be to put it back to how Trump had it and work from there to finish totally securing the border.
Instead, the Democrats just want to lie and treat the American people like they are totally stupid. Well… as you demonstrate, some certainly are; at least terminally naive.
The bill makes illegal immigration legal WTH more money for Ukraine than the border, more money for ukraine than is allotted for our USMC.
Greg proves their stupidity with every post they make
How does the bill “make illegal immigration legal”?
During an emergency closure, Border Patrol would still need to process a minimum of 1,400 migrants who try to enter the U.S. legally through ports of entry.
This is not a border bill to reduce illegal alien invaders. It codifies daily levels of illegal immigration in perpetuity.
Bill needs 60 votes to clear Senate Filibuster.Any Republican voting to move this bill out of the Senate should be primaried and turfed out in their next election.
Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., tweeted Sunday night: “If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival.”
The House should not even bring it to the floor. It should be killed in committee.
5000 get a free pass into the country a day, does that really need explaination?
Does the new codification require any of this?
Discrediting a messenger does not address the content of the disastrous bill. The bill says nothing about detention and deportation. Your rhetoric is disingenuous.
You sure want them 5,000 a day, don’t cha? But, whatever the contents of the bill, there’s still the problem of the Democrats respecting and enforcing it. Note that this is all because they are not enforcing current law.
DAMN, we need Trump back. STAT!
You mean like this?
Highlights of this crap sandwich.
There is no substitute for SECURING the border. How the illegal immigrants are processed is secondary.
Gee, who saw this coming?
More Money for Ukraine than the border, Why isnt the Bill called the Zelensy slush fund bill?
3/4 is for foreign wars, what about Maui, and East Palestine, homeless vets, soon Southern California?
Reelect Trump have this criminal and his gang arrested have their tried by Non Hispanic Jury give them all Life without Parole No Plea Bragins and no early release no Pardons, Clemency and no book or movie deals keep them there until the day they die then send their bodies back Cremated scatter their aches over their Capital Cities
Im all for returning them, chuck them out of a plane over their capitol, have some DEI person packing the parachutes.
Parachute out with lead boots and over the Amazon River and get what happened to the Thugies and Mola Ram from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Crocidile chow
House members have weighed in:
I’ve seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, “the border never closes.”
— Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) February 5, 2024
Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House.
Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration.
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) February 5, 2024
I’ll say it again: Any deal from the Senate that explicitly allows for even ONE illegal crossing will be dead on arrival in the House.
What we’ve seen is an insult to the American people who’ve been forced to bear the consequences of Democrats’ open-border policies.
— Tom Emmer (@GOPMajorityWhip) February 5, 2024
This Joe Biden/Chuck Schumer Open Border Bill is an absolute non-starter and will further incentivize thousands of illegals to pour in across our borders daily.
House Republicans have already passed HR2 – the Secure Our Border Act, which would actually secure the border and…
— Elise Stefanik (@EliseStefanik) February 5, 2024
This bill is the worst screwing in the Senate since that Dem staffer filmed his porno on Klobuchar’s desk.
— Rep. Mike Collins (@RepMikeCollins) February 5, 2024
I think I recently saw a video of Democrat staffers working on this border bill in a Senate hearing room. Had to be.
— Michael R. Caputo (@MichaelRCaputo) February 5, 2024
The Senate Amnesty Bill literally would force President Trump to let in illegals well into his term.
Any Republican who votes for this is no better than a Democrat!
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) February 5, 2024
Any Republican who votes for this will betray the American people.
— Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (@RepLuna) February 5, 2024
Any Republican voting for this Senate America last open border amnesty bill must be paid off by foreign interests and is acting as a foreign agent.
What an embarrassment!
Shame on them!!
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) February 5, 2024
Since when does the majority leader of the senate have the authority to sends troops into harms way?
What Schumer actually said, since the lying f*cks at Gateway Pundit didn’t link the video they lied about:
Note the moron who posted the video to YouTube tried to pitch the same line of bullshit with the video title.
Greg it is at the end of the Article you didnt read, but without evidence accused of lying and not showing the vid, fool.

Biden can secure the border anytime he wants no new laws are needed.
Dont want Trump elected, well make damn sure the election is secure!
Not as blatant as you saying Trump has said to ignore the Constitution, but he’s saying we’ll be sending troops unless he gets $100 billion MORE. More, more, more… always more, yet Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden wouldn’t provide the weapons necessary to give the Ukrainians a chance to win.
Since he and every other Democrat determined to trample the Constitution and turn the US into a totalitarian police state.
Senator Wicker of Mississippi; the border bill in the Senate is dead.
Not as dead as the GOP will be when Trump drags it down with him.
Not many in favor of taking out loans for other countries wars. Allowing 5 to 8.5 K people in a day and funding it all.
Psst the GOP is already dead there are only Trump Republicans.
The phrase “Trump republican” makes as little sense to me as “Trump conservative” or “Trump Christian”. The only thing Trump is about is Trump.
Do they have their get out of jail free and go to California card yet?
Trump protected America. Trump wants the border secured. Democrats and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden want to sacrifice America and make the border MORE vulnerable.
And illegal immigration is a top election priority.
02/05/24 – Senate Republicans threaten to block border security bill they negotiated – The striking turn of events comes as Donald Trump tells the GOP to sink the bill, arguing that it could take the political heat off Democrats ahead of an expected rematch with Joe Biden.
The pathetic truth is that they don’t want to help Trump, know they shouldn’t help Trump, and know he’ll be uncontrollable if he returns to the White House, but they’re so damn spineless they do it anyway.
(Good photo. Smug old toad and terrified elderly turtle. I don’t even have to tell you which is which.)
What “border security” bill? Where is it? Certainly not this ridiculous piece of shit.
Now why would the Chinese allow a Tic Tok video instructing Chinese how to infiltrate the US? How are the Chinese allowing these Chinese to LEAVE China? No doubt these questions never occur to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.
02/05/24 – As conservatives balk, U.S. Border Patrol union endorses Senate immigration deal – The National Border Patrol Council, which endorsed Donald Trump for president in 2020, said the new bipartisan bill “will drop illegal border crossings nationwide.”
“Far better” is the last thing Trump’s tools want before the election.
Trump killed the bipartisan border compromise because he needs the issue. The worse it gets, the more he benefits. Are you really too stupid to figure this out?
Trump doesnt need this issue, Biden’s handlers are complete F-Ups. Over 150 terrorists have been arrested so far, that they will admit, I wonder how many are got aways.
People are maxed out on credit cards using their home equity to get by. Nothing is built back better not 1 damn thing.
Car companies are dumping electric car production, wind farms are not happening.
Migrants are nothing but trouble and causing higher crime.
Exactly, President Trump does not need the immigration issue in light of the fact that currently biden is in a severe state of mental decline. He is unable to execute the duties of his office. This is a serious national security as well as a constitutional crisis.
Where’s all that infrastructure going on?
Here is the good news. The second vote on the impeachment of mayorkas is scheduled for next Tuesday. Majority leader Scalise will return from cancer treatment, a yes vote and mike gallager, an original no may flip to yes sources say after taking a pummeling from constituents following his initial no vote.
Buck will most like stay a no, not up for reelection, McClintock from CA unknown at this time. Blake Moore from Utah confirmed as a yes. Even with two detractors, mayorkas impeachment will be affirmed. Then off to the Senate.
You are the stupid one, Comrade Greggie. Biden told us what he was going to do about the border, and illegal immigration, while standing on the stage on September 13, 2019. If you had one cell of honestly floating around in your body, you would admit that the 10 million illegals that Biden has encouraged to enter our nation is a f*cking disaster.
Got the quotes? I’ve noticed that Trump makes things up. So do his supporters. When challenged to cite examples, they respond with silence or insults.
I gave you the date so Google it, you lazy, stupid bastard.
Looking in the mirror again, I see.
Yep. Another lie. Just like Trump’s stolen election bullshit. And the predictable insult when you’re asked to back it up, of course.
Wow, just wow, you cant even do an internet search. Just like Joey cant seem to tell the truth, the debate we didnt separate families we didnt cage kids, even Politico tagged him on those.
Let’s look at your failure to back claims up, shall we?
Comrade Greggie:
“Everyone has a right to face their accuser in a courtroom. The incidence of death threats from Trump supporters is well documented.”
Reply to Greg
10 hours ago
By who?
Of course, I’m still waiting on Comrade Greggie ignoring being asked to back up his claim.
He’s just a f*cking Democrat cult hack.
You don’t know them? YOU voted for the piece of shit.
He said he would deport NO ONE, would stop building the wall, offered free health care and fast citizenship his entire campaign. He raised his hand on the debate stage when the entire field was asked if they supported an open border. The welcome mat was laid down.
The American People killed the border bill. When details were leaked, Americans began letting their Representatives and Senators know their opposition. When the details finally came out, the bill was worse than initially leaked. The credit for killing the bill goes to the American People, a group you seem to be absent from.
“When the details were leaked?” That’s a laugh. Trump and his tools were shitting on it weeks before the first detail was known.
MAGA republican Troy Nehls, Texas, January 3, 2024:
Trump wants his effin’ campaign issue—not a bipartisan compromise that the conservative Border Patrol union supported because they acknowledged it is “far better than the current situation.”
‘When details were leaked, Americans began letting their Representatives and Senators know their opposition.”
That abysmal steaming piece of legislation had only one purpose: to promote the false impression that Democrats were going to do something to reverse the damage they have done on the border. So, why WOULD anyone support something that actually damages border security solely to ameliorate the cratering favorability of the worst President* in history?
The details were known at least two weeks before the text was released last Sunday. That is fact. Shove it up your ass idiot.
Most in Congress merely had the same opinion of the Open The Border Wide Open Forever and Provide More Money to Steal Act as Trump rightly did: it did NOTHING for border security and codified a perpetually open border, in addition to making it impossible to challenge the law anywhere but in a far leftist court.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden could put back in place all of Trump’s measures and secure the border. He just won’t. That shady bit of legislation proves they don’t want to secure the border and will NEVER secure it.
Those who vote against this are voting FOR incompetence, lies, corruption, terrorism, and national security threats.
Republican Tells the Truth: 02/23/24 – Nikki Haley Tells Trump to Back Off in Border Talks –
Every citizen has a right (and duty) to let Congress know their feelings. The bill the Democrats were pushing was nothing but more money being wasted. There was NO border security items in the bill, only the means to process more illegal immigrants faster. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t need any new legislation to undo the purposeful and intentional damage he did to the superb border security Trump established.
The U.S. Border Patrol union endorsed the bill:
Trump’s puppets killed the bill because he needs border chaos as a campaign issue.
They’re also blocking aid aid to Ukraine at Trump’s behest so Biden can’t be credited with a dictator’s defeat.
Consider how Trump turned Afghanistan over to the Taliban just to create a disaster to pin on his successor.
The bill did nothing for border security, just provided more agents to process more illegals faster. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t need another law to secure the border (as Abbott amply proved), he just needs to reverse all the damage he did to Trump’s secured border and continue with the wall. The left simply WANTS the border wide f**king open with as many illegal immigrants as can possibly flow in coming across. That is treason and a national security debacle.
Putin is not going to be defeated. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden made sure of that by refusing air cover and tanks to Ukraine. By they way, I thought you said Putin was dying? He didn’t look very dead at Carlson’s interview, did he?
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden screwed the pooch in Afghanistan… no one else. Just that moron.
The Satanist Democrats are laughing at and loving the destruction of America. You and I cannot understand why they would destroy a beautiful country like ours because we are not controlled by Satan. They are.
The obama/biden government hates Americans and America. Run him through a wood chipper then send him back where he came from.
Trump is right they are sending us their worst.
Either these people never brief this total idiot on anything or he can’t remember a brief from 5 minutes before. Either way, this is the worst of situations for our country.
We are taking the lowest trash, unvetted, from countries that will not allow repatriation. Is there anyone that thinks THAT is smart? Just elitist Democrats that live in gated communities with armed security.
If obama wanted to destroy America, this is how he would do it.
Did Governor Abbott give Jose Antonio Ibarra free transportation at taxpayer expense? He claims he’s transported over 12,500 illegal aliens just to Washington DC alone. The total he has bused without screening or records is over 105,000.
That wouldn’t be happening under the border compromise process. Processing would involve initial screening, establishing identity and status, subsequent tracking, and promptly deporting those with criminal records.
Fake poll. bidens approval has a 2 handle on it. Admittedly there are millions of stupid people in America who actually voted for biden, probably somewhere in the 34-35 million legal vote range in 2020.
Ut oh the News is gunna hafta shut up about how much fun the migrant gangs are having in NY stabbing and stomping people, organized shoplifting, and murdering hookers.
Keep to the theme diversity is our strength, they are just here to do the jobs our criminals wont.
105K out of 8 to 10 million the illegals are dumped on Abbot after processing, then sent away. BP are so overwhelmed they dont bother processing they just ship them out via NGOs paid with our tax dollars..
Yeah, and dumbasses like greg/mikey would blame Abbot before they would ever blame cornpop…
Dave Bondy on X: “According to News Nation, Jose Antonio Ibarra has been arrested in the random murder of University of Georgia student Laken Riley. Police say the suspect is not a U.S. citizen.” / X (
Introduce him to old sparky, his is not a citizen, not entitled to Constitutional due process. Do not waste anymore of taxpayers money to keep this dirtbag alive…
The consequences, the all hell breaking loose part, is not a matter of if, but when. We are in the slow, consistent beginning phase right now, but it will escalate quickly. Slowly at first, then all at once.
That’s the design of extremism when seeded as a change mechanism. This is also why there is so much leftist agitation and emphasis on keeping the DOJ, FBI and all other federal law enforcement agencies focused on the wrong threat. This is the cultural aspect, the politically correct aspect, and it is part of the design.
It can not be overstated, “trust your instincts”? History has shown us that political correctness manifest, a man-made purposeful manipulation intended to override natural instinct, drove masses of mutually aligned people to get into cattle cars. The outcome was horrific, and we stand in hindsight saying, why did they comply?
Trump plans to militarize the mass deportation of millions of aliens who are “poisoning the blood of our country.”
I know my history, and DO trust my instincts.
Are you so stupid, so abysmally ignorant and dishonest that you don’t know the difference between an “alien” and illegal immigrants? You better use those votes in 2024 because you might not get a second chance.
They will be sent home not to a Socialist camp.
That must be why it made perfect sense for the GOP’s proposed budget to defund 2,000 Border Patrol officers.
Oh look. greg is here. Hey greg, still backing nimrata nikki to defeat biden head to head? You said Trump would lose to cornpop biden. How many democrats will nimrata Nikki need to defeat biden. She got nearly 60% of the democrat votes in SC. The race was called 2 minutes after the polls closed for Trump.
Two-thirds of republican voters won’t be enough to win the election in November. By the time Haley’s message finally sinks in, Trump will have bled the RNC dry to pay his legal fees.
81 million votes my ass.
He’s dilapidated, possibly drunk. Mixing booze and his drugs. Maybe Hunter juiced him up.¤tTweetUser=ClayTravis
Different people running the RNC, more money for MAGA candidates less on Ronas failures.
No, we’ll need them all to defeat all the copy machines the Democrats will use again.
The only way to close the polls that quickly is if the tabulators were on an internet connection, thats illegal. It must be corrected prior to November.
Homeland security has the money to fund NGOs to haul illegals into the country, but chooses not to hire? Pulls them off patrol to process more into the interior.
You parrot ignorant CIA talking points.
At the same time, Department of Homeland Security figures show the border force’s overall budget has steadily risen since 2021 from just under $13 billion to nearly $14.5 billion in 2023.
If they kept them out we could easily go back to 2021 funding levels.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden only wants more money to get the illegals in the country and taught how to vote faster.
The border doesn’t need a larger welcoming committee, it needs more wall and concertina wire. We don’t need the means to process and release illegal immigrants faster, we need to prevent them from entering. Don’t think for a second that anyone that can actually tie their own shoes knows we don’t need some new law to that just lets more illegal immigrants in to secure the border.
concertina wire, no its big owie slinky

Ibarra had been cleared and released by CBP on orders from Mayorkas. So many illegal immigrants are flooding in, thanks to Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s open invitation to come one, come all, and the prohibition of turning anyone way or sending them back. IF Abbott shipped him out, he was already cleared by Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Mayorkas has all the blood on THEIR hands. They need no new law to control the border; THEY removed the control and opened it up. Trump had it secured and Abbott proved it can be done even now.
All Democrats have is excuses. They create disasters and only work to create the acceptable excuses to blame others for their failures. If Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden does anything to provide some security to the border now, it is merely campaign theater and will be reversed once he has again secured 4 more years to continue the destruction of America. Clearly, the only way make the border secure is to get rid of that soggy bag of shit and put Trump in charge again. Then, a LEADER will be in charge, no some fascist socialist puppet like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.
MORE illegal immigrants need to be shipped to more sanctuary cities. That has been extremely successful at making previously oblivious and ignorant leftists aware of the border crisis. MORE wetbacks north. MORE illegal immigrants to Chicago, NYC, Atlanta, Newark, Baltimore, Martha’s Vinyard, Boston, etc. Gitcha some, whiny crybaby leftists! Get a great, big dose of “sanctuary”.
It should be verboten to not send criminal illegal alien invaders to any non-sanctuary state or city. And the sates or city must be majority democrat, full stop. They wanted them, they can have them. And, no federal bailouts to help them house, feed, cloth and administer health needs.
I think you mean sanctuary cities, not “non-sanctuary cities”.
Assume crash position: One of the world’s biggest cities may be just months away from running out of water.
Guess which one.
Why? It’s that climate change issue that republicans say doesn’t exist.
Population exceeds resources maybe why a previous civilization collapsed.
Seems the fucked themselves.
Why does dry southern California try to build high speed rail instead of Desalination plants and reservoirs, water just flows into the ocean.
Any other stupid questions?
Go preach you religion to those that follow
“Climate change”. Good grief, is there NO straw you won’t grasp at?
Pass a new law to “secure” the border? There are laws against this shit; what good does it do when Democrats in charge?
Most immigration and nationality laws are codified in Title 8 of the United States Code . Lets begin there and enforce that.
It takes some scrolling but Im sure the admin can find laws that they could enforce and Brandon doesnt need a new one to legalize illegals.
The Ministry of Propaganda may be turning on Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. NYT has been running some bad stories and polls.