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Biden warned us that he wanted “An unrelenting stream of immigration”



You can’t say he didn’t warn us. He telegraphed his desires way back in 1996

You will note that even back then, that damned weasel Alejandro Mayorkas is seated immediately (and appropriately) to his left.  He wanted an unrelenting stream of immigration and clearly states that diminishing and marginalizing the white population will somehow make the country stronger.

Biden took action the day he was inaugurated to further that goal and put his invasion pedal to the metal since then. Now as an election becomes visible on the horizon he makes meaningless gestures about his concern for the border and national security.

Today as he boarded the chopper for another day off he was asked about border security.

“I’ve done all that I can dohe said.

Suddenly the who says “I understand power” has lost his. Border security has become his kryptonite. He’s become impotent and powerless. Maybe it’s his age or dementia but three years ago he had the power to reverse every action Donald Trump had taken for border security.

Then he invited illegal immigration and threw the doors open. When Texas finally took action to shut down its border Biden threatened them.

“GIVE ME THE POWER” he screamed today as though all his power was gone. Somehow, he had the power to f**k the country up but does not have the power to reverse it. Of course, that’s all Biden Bullsh*t, just as is his promise to shut the border down once given that missing power. That’s more than a little amusing, given that the White House doesn’t really know what shutting down the border means.

NOTE: last year the House passed HR 2, a real border security bill.

It’s necessary to keep in mind that Joe Biden is a pathological liar. His version of border security is not reducing the flow of illegal aliens. His version is to add lawyers for illegals and more judges to rubber stamp green cards and keep the flood coming. It’s all about processing them, not stopping them.

Cities are suffering under the cost of illegal immigration but it’s going to take a terrorist attack on the country and sadly, many deaths at the hands of the evil Biden has allowed entry before people wake up.

But now it all makes sense. For whatever strange reason Biden wants to decimate the white population of this country. Hence the push to have all American children aborted or sterilized in gender transition and children taken from their parents if the parents resist.

Not for nothing, but where is there a non-white country stronger than the US? Where is one to which you would relocate?

2024 is the single most important election in the history of the country.

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