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A fascist in democracy’s clothing


Whenever a democrat talks about saving the democracy, what he or she means is to destroy it. Leading the charge to wreck the United States forever is Adam Schiff. You might remember that Schiff is notorious for his mendacity.

Because if there’s one thing that comes through in the report from Obama-appointed Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, and from his testimony on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, it is this:

Schiff is a dissembler, a prevaricator, a distortionist, a spreader of falsehoods. In Chicago we use the short word: liar.

It was Schiff who insisted all along that FBI and Department of Justice officials did not abuse the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) courts or hide information from judges.

But according to Horowitz, that’s what the FBI did.

We now know from the Horowitz report that the dossier played a “central and essential role” in obtaining warrants to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.

We also know that Schiff lied to the public about what had happened, as his media handmaidens protected him and trashed his fellow House Intelligence Committee member, U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes, a California Republican, who tried to warn the country of the FISA abuse.

He read a false conversation into the official records.

Schiff is a thoroughly dishonest pile of trash. Now he has a plan for America. He calls it his “Defending Democracy Agenda.”

The centerpiece of Schiff’s agenda is his “Protecting Our Democracy Act,” legislation that he first introduced in 2020 to bolster Congress’ ability to enforce subpoenas, limit presidential pardon power and strengthen whistleblower protections. The bill passed the House in 2021, but stalled in the Senate, although some provisions increasing Congress’ oversight of the executive branch made it into law. Schiff reintroduced the legislation last year, but it has yet to get a hearing in the GOP-led House.

Schiff said he has since concluded that legislative reforms would not go far enough and that major structural reforms were necessary. Some of his proposals, such as abolishing the Electoral College or overturning the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision on campaign finance, would require constitutional amendments. He also backs changing the Senate’s rules to abolish the filibuster, which he says is necessary to enshrine voting rights, abortion protections and gun safety measures into law.

Schiff seems confused. We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic but Schiff would love to see a pure democracy. But as James Madison pointed out, true democracies always fail.

One of Madison’s observations was that all true democracies fail. He pointed out a fundamental dilemma-people acquiring liberty-creates factions-factions destroy liberty. Vladimir Putin understands this “weakness” well.

Madison defines faction as: “A number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.”

Factions ina democracies generally lead to the tyranny of the majority

Factions and the tyranny of the majority remain threats wherever democracy is unconstrained. Witness the sad fates of Germany under Adolph Hitler, Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe, the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos, Venezuela under Hugo Chávez, Bolivia under Evo Morales, and Russia under Vladimir Putin, all democratically elected leaders. The lesson, in the oft-quoted words of Winston Churchill, is that “democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” As the foregoing examples underscore, democracy can fail with horrific consequences.

To that pantheon we can add Schiff and Biden. Hamilton described them well

Eliminating the filibuster would obliterate the difference between the House and the Senate, but Schiff isn’t done yet:

— Making voting easier by designating Election Day a federal holiday, expanding automatic voter registration through government agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles and universal vote-by-mail access

Motor Voter would make illegal aliens voters in states which allow illegals to gain a driver’s license. Universal vote by mail is another nightmare scenario that would open to flood gates to voter fraud.

Schiff would tear up the Constitution in a heartbeat.

Adam Schiff is a dishonest and dangerous man who longs for a Communist type one-party fascist state to rule America- his party.

All in the name of democracy.

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