The Week in Radical Leftism, 01/12/2024

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Happy New Year, and welcome to day 1088 of the Biden* Occupation! We’re going to start off a little bit differently with two admin notes. First off, in last week’s TWIRL I made a “sorry not sorry” comment over Swatting Leftists that a buddy called me out on. He pointed out that my words could be misinterpreted as advocating Swatting. While that was absolutely not my intention, I realize that my wording could have been better to avoid ambiguity. Thankfully nobody else raised this point in the comments, but point taken and endorsement denied.

Next up, despite promises over the last few weeks, this week’s TWIRL remains sparse. This will continue until further notice, as I’m refocusing my blogging efforts. I’m putting less energy into these weekly posts and more into producing 1 or 2 regular articles, like I did this week. More explanation behind this refocus will follow on a post in the not too distant future.

1/3 – A Year In The Life Of Aella Reveals Future The Left Wants For Women


1/6 – USA Today Wants Arnold Schwarzenegger To Run For President, And Says It’s Allowable

1/7 – WATCH: Police Bring Coffee to Anti-Israel Protesters ‘Blockading’ Toronto Jewish Suburb

1/8 – Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

Read this. Unfortunately, you won’t be happy when you finish. But hopefully it will leave you with the same resolve it left me with.

1/9 – Biden Regulator Puts Rumble In Its Sights

1/10 – Dark Money in the 2024 Election

1/11 – Yeah, No – We’re Not Ready to Forgive Bud Light

I try to not link two posts from the same author (Schlichter again), but this post on the importance of the culture war reads like I could have written it myself.

1/12 – Victory: South Florida Muslim Federation Conference Shut Down

ICYMI – I dropped two posts this week, first pointing out that Nikki Haley is a Completely Unserious Presidential Candidate. In the second I asked the question, Is Harvard The Battle of Midway in Restoring Education?

And thanks to The Potomac Tea Party for cross posting my Then The Radical Left Came for Norman Rockwell entry!

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Next up, despite promises over the last few weeks, this week’s TWIRL remains sparse.

Well, why wouldn’t it? I mean, after all, Democrat policies have put the nation and world in such splendid shape, what could anyone possibly find to complain about?

1/3 – A Year In The Life Of Aella Reveals Future The Left Wants For Women

If she only took a dump 197 all year, perhaps she needs to cut back on the anal sex. Or maybe more. I’m not sure how it works. Only 37 showers? Phew… apparently, she had sex twice and didn’t even shower afterwards. Yep, that’s your typical, productive leftist.


No doubt many of the terrorist cells make it up over our border where they’ll be transported to their targets by the federal government, given a phone and money to aid in their mission.

1/6 – USA Today Wants Arnold Schwarzenegger To Run For President, And Says It’s Allowable

Yeah, the devotion to the Constitution of many former Americans has really waned… but the Constitution is, so far, still in full effect. The only part Trump has played is that his devotion to the Constitution, the public and success at leadership has left the left with little to compete with besides temper tantrums and false accusations, so why not run Conan for President? The left may need a Kindergarten Cop, but Trump is not ineligible until he is ineligible.

1/7 – WATCH: Police Bring Coffee to Anti-Israel Protesters ‘Blockading’ Toronto Jewish Suburb

I wonder if that’s their hostage negotiation strategy as well: supply the hostage takers so they are more comfortable. I’ve never understood anti-Semitism, but it sure seems to be the most pervasive form of racism in the world. I guess it’s just envy.

1/8 – Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack

I’ve never understood the “moral-breaking attack” concept. I never seems to work. The World War II bombing campaign to break the German and Japanese civilian resolve to continue the war didn’t work, 9/11 didn’t work, October 7th didn’t work; it almost always has the opposite effect. I also wonder if Iran (who is behind it all) would put terrorism ahead of all other considerations because a terrorist attack would most definitely put Trump or any other non-open border Democrat in the White House.

There’s not doubt Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has made a terrorist attack easier and far more inevitable, but I doubt it would result in the outcome the terrorists desire.

There is no doubt the mentality of Israelis is stronger than that of ANY nation. They have, literally, been there and done that. The threat to their existence faces them every day. But another terrorist attack here in the US would solidify resolve against terrorism and the coddling of terrorist elements we all know is undercutting our safety. The left should be solidifying their resolve to stop a terrorist attack (instead of using the imaginary “white supremacist” threat to attack political enemies) because if they allow a terrorist attack, after all the accommodations they have made for the terrorists to do their work, they will finally face that existential threat they’ve whined about.

1/9 – Biden Regulator Puts Rumble In Its Sights

If the stock price crashes, let’s watch and see how much Pelosi buys while it’s low. By the way, totalitarians fear free speech. Just sayin’…

1/10 – Dark Money in the 2024 Election

Democrats don’t use their money for effective ads and promotions, they use it to hire operatives to haul illegal ballots and control the counting process.

1/11 – Yeah, No – We’re Not Ready to Forgive Bud Light

Once you choose a side, you lose the other side. Now, if Budweiser wants to admit their stupidity and error, THEN they alienate the OTHER side, and that OTHER side might bomb your brewery. I don’t know how you come back from that, so the best overall business policy is to just remain neutral.

1/12 – Victory: South Florida Muslim Federation Conference Shut Down

No argument from me. Isn’t the possibility that some speaker (usually conservative) might provoke some irrational and violent response (ALWAYS leftist) why free speech is usually denied? I guess we have a goose/gander situation here.

I like to stay calm and reasonable, with a few subtle insults. That REALLY pisses them off.

This weeks song goes out to whats his name Fannis dude.

Police Bring Coffee to Anti-Israel Protesters ‘Blockading’ Toronto Jewish Suburb

A week (Nov 2023, 14-21) had been dubbed the Jews for a Ceasefire Week of Action by groups including IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace. In Chicago, hundreds of Jews blocked the entrance to the Israeli Consulate.

We used to call this form of insanity, “cognitive dissonance.”
But progressives try to turn all craziness into positive things so they dub it, “intersectionality.”
It means Jews, who would be targets for death from Muslims, call for Israel to be defenseless against Islamic attacks.

But just Jews in Israel?
Imam Alhajie Jallow said in Madison, Wisconsin, that the Muslim ‘brothers’ in Gaza are heroes. He said that only Jihad could bring glory and victory to the Muslims, not contracts or agreements, and that every Muslim should be a soldier today.
He continued to say that all the Jews will be killed, executed by the Muslims and that this is a divine promise.