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Hunter Biden’s very bad day



Over the last couple of days democrats have whining non-stop about Hunter Biden being willing to testify in open House hearings. Then in what was an obvious and stupid publicity stunt (part of the coming documentary on poor Hunter Biden) Biden and his attorneys crashed his Contempt of Congress hearing claiming he was willing to testify but of course, that was one more Biden lie (Biden lie is an oxymoron).

First, a look back. ALL witnesses for the Jan 6 committee were deposed behind closed doors prior to their appearances to Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. More of that here and here. The Trump kids were deposed behind closed doors.

But Bidens have their own sets of rules. After conferring with his father 10% Joe, Hunter blew off his subpoena. Now he wants to set his own conditions for testimony. What happened yesterday became a total clown show with it backfiring on younger Biden.

Hunter, flanked by his lawyer Abby Lowell and his sugar daddy Kevin Morris sat there mugging for the cameras for a while until James Comer brought the heat. Marjorie Taylor Greene was recognized to address Hunter by Comer and Biden immediately fled the room like a scalded dog. As he was fleeing, Biden was ridiculed by GOP Rep. Nancy Mace.

‘Who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today?’ asked Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C. ‘You are the epitome of white privilege coming into the Oversight Committee spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed.’

‘You have no b***s to come up here,’ she spewed. ‘I think Hunter Biden should be arrested right here and right now,’ Mace continued. ‘I’m looking at you!’

‘I believe that Hunter Biden should be held completely in contempt. I believe he should be hauled off to jail right now!’ the fired up Republican congresswoman remarked.

MTG lambasted Biden:

Hilarious. Compliant?

As he ran away Biden would take more insults.

‘What kind of crack do you normally smoke Mr. Biden?’ screamed one reporter – which he ignored – as his attorney Abbe Lowell delivered a short statement slamming Republicans and maintaining that Hunter is willing to testify publicly.

‘What’s your favorite kind of crack?’ another reporter questioned.

Reporter to Hunter Biden: “What kind of crack do you normally smoke Mr. Biden?”

Hillary Vaughn was able to get a pithy question in

“Why did you put your dad on speakerphone with your business partners if he had no involvement in your business?” Vaughn asked Hunter.

“Do you have a dad?” said Hunter.

“Does he call you. Do you answer the phone?”

“Yes,” replied Vaughn, but: “Why did you have to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business?”

And why on speakerphone?

At that moment another reporter in the media scrum nearly fell flat on her face in front of Hunter so he turned to her and called her “very dangerous,” neatly dodging any follow-ups from Vaughn.

Note how he did not answer the question but did manage to confirm that he did indeed have his father on the call.

Hunter Biden obviously never had any intention of testifying. This was a circus organized by Lowell and Morris, who is reported to be in the process of making a documentary about Hunter, depicting Biden as the wrongly accused victim. You can safely expect a highly edited piece of gobbledy gook to be the finished product.

From media reports you’d be tempted to think that Hunter Biden came out on top but this is going to blow up in his face yugely. Think you’ve seen democrats whine? Just you wait.

Hunter Biden just had one of the many very bad days coming to him.


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