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The Bitterest Beeyotch


Liz Cheney is bitter. Terribly bitter.

She lost her seat in Congress, lost support of her party and now has lost her mind. What does someone like that do?

They write a book.

In her rounds on left wing networks, Cheney has jumped onto the “Trump is a threat to the democracy” bandwagon.

In this web exclusive, former Congresswoman Liz Cheney talks with CBS News’ @jdickerson about fellow Republicans who once objected to Donald Trump but who now “embrace him,” and says that is the path towards the destruction of democracy in the United States.

You can see it for yourself at the link if you wish.

But there’s more.

 One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States.

That’s become a mantra repeated far and wide on X (Twitter) by mindless liberals.

She promises her fullest efforts to make the country continue to fail under the current incompetent regime:

“I will never vote for Donald Trump and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that Donald Trump is defeated.”

Q: “Including a vote for Biden?”

Cheney: “I will do whatever it takes.”

She said so many stupid things it was hard to count

@SavannahGuthrie: Do you believe if Donald Trump were elected next year, that he would try to stay in office beyond a second term? That he would never leave office?
Liz Cheney: There’s no question.
Liz Cheney got elected to Congress not so much to serve Wyoming but to serve herself.

Cheney will not depart Congress empty-handed. During her six years in Congress, she has become very wealthy. Breitbart News reported in August that Cheney’s net worth ballooned from an estimated $7 million when she first took office in 2017 to possibly more than $44 million in 2020. Depending on the specifics of her latest financial disclosure form, Cheney’s net worth could have skyrocketed up to 600 percent in Congress.

According to her 2020 Personal Financial Disclosure form, Cheney declared a net worth between $10,422,023 and $44,140,000, stemming from assets valued between $10,432,024 and $44,155,000. She reported no earned income, gifts, or transactions. She did, however, declare she held three posts, including a trustee position at the University of Wyoming, membership of a holding company, and what appears to be a position in her family’s trust.

Cheney’s wealth and social status are enhanced by her husband, Philip Perry, who is a partner at Latham & Watkins law firm in Washington, DC, which has advised Chinese companies. Since 2017, the year Cheney joined Congress, Perry has maintained “equity ownership” in the firm worth between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000.

So you see why she’s in such a tizzy. Trump was tough on China and her husband is thick with China. It’s always the money. Back in 2021 she asserted that her re-election would be a referendum on the Republican party.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), the embattled former Republican conference chair, during an interview Wednesday with the Wall Street Journal’s “Women, Power and Equity” event, said she sees her “re-election bid as a referendum on the future of the Republican Party.”

The Wyoming Republican said voters are “potentially facing a choice between what she sees as traditional conservative values and loyalty to former President Donald Trump.” She said she already sees the upcoming 2022 midterm election as being a difficult one for her.

Her version of the Republican party was the old school party of Dick Cheney, John Boehner and John McCain. The party of yesteryear. Soft spoken. Genteel. Gentlemanly. The party that took loss well. John McCain lost to Barack Obama because he wouldn’t get down in the dirt as did Obama. Obama brought bare knuckle politics into the race for the Presidency, as he did in his races for Congress. Now if you don’t play the game, you’re going to lose, as did Cheney. Trump is that fighter- that street brawler. Even aside from the money, there is no room for Liz Cheney in today’s GOP. The rules were established by Obama and the playing field is forever different. Liz Cheney is out and that makes her bitter.

The bitterest beeyotch.


I watched her on CBS Sunday Morning, a show I have grown to despise. Jane Pauley has become a lazy old woman and John Dickerson is a single note turd.  CBS SM is a one-way street. It has become a cesspool of right-wing hatred. Another arm of the DNC. Oh, and dictatorship? There are Jan6 protesters rotting in a DC prison who have not come close to a trial. That, dear friends, is the sign of a dictatorship. And Cheney’s fingerprints are all over it.


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