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“They love him in spite of himself” is symptomatic of a pathological disconnect from reality, like Stockholm syndrome, or an abused wife who defends her abuser when the police come for him.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

The video is pure psychological manipulation. It’s the distilled essence of Trump’s populace con pitch.

It’s the system set up by greedy multi-millionaires and billionaires that is sucking America dry. What they hope to eliminate are all redistributive mechanisms that disrupt the upward concentration of wealth and power.

I can remember Obama telling us he was going to lower ocean levels and we can keep our doctors and insurance. I remember teachers forcing children to chant the farce of the greatness of Obama. Why don’t you shove it up your leftist, hypocritical ass?

You can tell the Obamaistas when they tell you how much they hate Trump while defending the race pimps, and Hamas beheading babies.

And mindless little Pea-Brains like you who sit glued to the TV watching the usual daily fake news programs from the Tree Major Network and CNN until your Brain turns to the consistency of melted Custard

They love what he opposes. They love what he accomplished. It’s not his rhetoric, catch phrases or charisma the love, they love his proven leadership. Being someone that always worships empty suits that never accomplished anything but failure, misery and disaster, you have no chance of understanding this.

Why? Is it a crime to know that your preferred candidate is not perfect – but is still better than the rest? We Trump supporters facepalm when he says something silly, but understand that he likes to speak off the cuff, and his use of fragmented sentences invites mistakes. But he is the lone outsider – the one guy we can send to the White House who owes nothing to the political establishment and the lobbyists and activists who control it. That’s why the establishment (including the GOP) hate him – because he might actually act in the country’s best interest, and not theirs. People complain that he says mean things, well, I don’t want a nice guy in the Oval Office. That’s the world’s single toughest job. I want a son-of-a-bitch who loves his country, understands delegation and how to seek out talent, and is not afraid to piss people off when needed.

Last edited 11 months ago by Dready1906

Your preferred candidate is a lying con man who publicly stated all rules, all laws, even the articles of the Constitution should be cast aside to give him the election outcome he wants. “Not perfect” doesn’t begin to cover it.

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

There was no “massive fraud”—just his massive lie, which resulted in a violent siege of the Capitol THAT GOT PEOPLE KILLED.

Nearly three years, and he hasn’t produced one single solitary item of credible evidence—because there is none. IT NEVER HAPPENED.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

And yours is????? Everything you said and that goes for OBOZO and the drooling lying thief currently staining the Oval Office, IF they let him in there. And yes to any rational human with a functional brain know and can see that the last election was fraudulent. So Greggie, keep on licking your crotch and spouting your nonsense and we’ll keep making fun of you as you get paid for your stupidity that you still have yet to master.

As the man wrote … Liberalism is a Mental Disorder. All Trump does is point it out.

We see that multiple times a day with Greggie. Sadly this is his, it’s, they, them’s only source of income is posting the nonsense he does. I’m truly sad that this site doesn’t have a block, Greggie would starve to death and we’ve all be better off for it.

Wonder why biden has no ads, not one.

Because telling people high inflation, high gas prices, open borders, high crime, terrible jobs, war spreading all over the world, fascism and oppression are such great things and we like it has been so successful.

Trump uses this song to highlight idiocy of Democrat’s Open Border Policy:

Trump has poisoned America’s soul.

And Obama has saved us?

Democrats have no soul and seek to utterly destroy America’s soul. What do you know about the national soul? NOTHING.

Other than Hannitys voice its a nice commercial.

Who is the narrator?
Ooops nevermind.

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

How about a never-fox narrator?

Striking fear in the hearts of our adversaries.

Only if he doesnt get re-elected. Who would support them?

Tucker Carlson Explains Why MAGA Will Never Relent – Not Now, Not Tomorrow, Not Ever

Last edited 11 months ago by TrumpWon

MAGA won’t relent so long as Tucker Carlson and other media manipulators are personally raking in millions by exploiting it

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg