In real simple terms why I don’t believe a single word from this bullsh*t administration

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“The Aftermath of a Rocket Attack in Israel” by Israel Defense Forces is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Joe Biden and his staff of execrables are liars of epic proportion. That muppet Karine Jean-Pierre does nothing but spew lies. John Kirby (“I saw no chaos in the Afghanistan withdrawal”) is an absolute disgrace to the Navy. How that ahole got to be an Admiral makes me shudder. Mayorkas tells us that the border is secure.

Biden, even in his few lucid moments, does nothing but lie to America.

But here is a graphic reason of why I believe absolutely nothing any of these scumbags say.

Here’s that pasty white POS Jake Sullivan (who spread Russian collusion and Alfa Bank lies on late night television) pushed this horse crap line last week

Today Antony Blinken backed that up

Sure has been peaceful lately.

Now we’re supposed to believe that 1. The $ billion hasn’t been released or even 2. the money that has been released was used only for humanitarian purposes only?


Iran already said it will do as it wishes with the money. Biden already has eased sanctions on Iran and funded Iran with hundreds of millions of dollars.

Blinken pretty admitted the truth here


Biden picked all these people for their ability to lie repeatedly and without conscience and they accommodate Biden without question. Islamists crashed through the border with Israel and Biden is leaving wide open the southern border. Little effort is needed to invade the US. Feeling safe now?

And no, I don’t believe a damned word they say. Not one.

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All though we couldn’t wait to be Trump removed please go back to your dark tunnels and stay there for good we got nothing for you

“Let me say this as clearly as I can: this is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel to exploit these attacks to seek advantage. The world is watching.” joe biden after the IDF began retaliating for the surprise attacks by Imalsmists.

Look at the coded message.
joe is saying wait.
Attack later, when the world is NOT watching as closely anymore.

The world laughs at idiot Biden.

“joe is saying wait.
Attack later, when the world is NOT watching as closely anymore.”

No, he’s not.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael

“How that ahole got to be an Admiral makes me shudder. ”

Maybe like Admiral Science Project Gone Wrong.

“Iranians always use money for terrorism”

So, let’s give them access to $6 billion more. Just like if we tell them not to make a nuclear weapon. All Democrats care about is having someone to blame.

Iran hasn’t yet accessed a nickel of the $6 Billion. None has been disbursed. It remains under the control of Quatar’s central bank. We, on the other hand, got our hostages back.

“U” after “Q” is only a rule in English.
It’s Qater, pronounced GUTTER. (Some say, guitar.)
And that $6 billion frees up $6 other billion for use to wage war on the Big Satan (the USA) and the Little Satan, (Israel.)

But it’s there and that means they have $6 billion they can use for terrorism. Damn, do the simplest of concepts have to be explained to you?

They can’t use it unless the central bank of Qatar lets them. The central bank of Qatar hasn’t. What don’t you understand about that?

Stupid and ignorant doesn’t even begin to describe your reluctance to see the obvious facts.

FOX morons like Greg Gutfeld are pushing the meme that Biden gave Iran $6 B that was used to buy Hamas missiles. THIS IS A LIE. They’re pushing the meme that the President hasn’t responded to the Hamas attack. THIS IS A LIE.

It’s not a lie and it is explained thoroughly, just as we have done here. $6 billion here releases $6 billion elsewhere. It’s called being fungible. When you give a terrorist money, what does any intelligent person believe they will do with it?

Now, show us on the little doll where Gutfeld hurt you, honey.

It never was “our 6 billion.” The US never even had it. It was Iran’s money, frozen in the South Korean banking system.

By the way, Sheldon Kaufman is a fictional character from a 1991 Rocky & Bullwinkle movie.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

What the president of Iran believes he has a right to do is not the same as what he actually can do.

Why is it even necessary to point that out?

They did it, they sponsored this the Democrat’s pet terrorists.
You really are a serious cult member.
In your twisted world they could do no wrong.

greg is a hamas propagandist.

Hamas, Iran, and Putin are all on the same team, intent on destroying the central values of Western democracy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Nobody fears biden. He is a weak old man who is compromised by our enemies.

Biden Compares Losing His Son Beau to Israelis Whose Family Members Were Slaughtered by Hamas Terrorists (VIDEO)

What a fucking moron biden is.

Biden is Commander in Chief of the most powerful military force on the planet.

Idiot Biden is a corrupt, treasonous, pedophile piece of shit

They can’t use it unless the central bank of Qatar lets them. The central bank of Qatar hasn’t. 

Prove it.

Prove otherwise.

Hamas needs to be dealt with as ISIS and al Qaeda were dealt with. It’s not like there’s any other rational alternative. Obama’s successful targeting of the ISIS and al Qaeda leadership structure is the model to follow.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Prove otherwise.

What do I need to prove? Did I disagree with your statement? Nope. I just ask you to prove your claim. But then, I guess you are so f*cking stupid you don’t understand when you make a claim, the onus is on you to prove it.

Recall, Greg thought it was Kavanaugh’s duty to prove that Ford’s imaginary claims were not true rather than Ford make a viable case they were. He had no sense of truth or justice, just blindly following his ideology.

Its very simple all the money was put in a special drawer and has a stamp on it . Its not all mixed with those oil fund profits from loosened sanctions.

Mexican TV reports that dozens of U.S. AT4 weapons systems, which were originally shipped to Ukraine, have been purchased by Cartel Golfo in Mexico.
Where does a poor country like Palestine, that cant afford to build an electric plant, get money for all those rockets launched into Isreal?

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

Hamas needs to be dealt with as ISIS and al Qaeda were dealt with. 

That’s right, dealt with by a true and resolute leader… like Trump. Obama didn’t do a damned thing. Remember Benghazi? Democrats do nothing but encourage more terrorism and violence, just like by Hamas. Oh, and the billions of dollars of weapons Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile left behind in Afghanistan are showing up in Gaza and Israel now.

He armed them, called them freedom fighters, you retard!
A clip about the deepstate that runs this country.

greg cannot prove that any of the funds have not been accessed by iran. hamas and hezbollah are both proxy terrorist organizations under the umbrella of the muslim brotherhood and all are proxies of iran. iran is the #1 terrorist regime in the world and everyone knows that.

Remember, the muslim brotherhood had a friend in the obama regime.

How Obama Sided with the Muslim Brotherhood | National Review

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration | Investor’s …

Why did the Obama administration support Morsi’s Muslim …

greg is a running dog for the regime and anti-American globalists.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

After doing a lot of research over the last three years, I have come to the conclusion that the world is run at the top by a cabal of sick psychopaths. These people create scare events to manipulate and control humanity. I believe that the Hamas attack is an example of this. I believe that Hamas was allowed to attack and/or helped to attack by the Israeli government, which also seems to have been involved in 911. There are a lot of things about the attack which make no sense. Israel supposedly has the most secure border in the world, with the most technologically advanced warning systems available. Yet hundreds of terrorists just waltzed in to the country. And once the attack started, apparently no Soldiers or police or helicopter gunships showed up on the scene for six hours. Former military people in Israel are saying that there is something seriously amiss with the official narrative about this event.

People are waking up to the fact that the system we are living in is corrupt to its foundations. The COVID plandemic lockdown, treasury looting scam and mass poisoning shocked millions of people into this realization. Are the Powers That Be trying to start a major war or a world war in order distract people and escape facing justice for their many crimes against humanity? I think so.

Last edited 1 year ago by William

You’re as insane as Greg, seeking any answer but the most obvious.

I tend to agree with William, a culture that has lowered IQ from inbreeding is easily manipulated. Most defenses were moved to the north, perhaps really bad intel, not something Israel is known for, they rub our noses with obvious references, this is their 911 …an inside job? 911 got the patriot act what fresh hell could this bring for their citizens?

why I don’t believe a single word from this bullsh*t administration

Part #6,483:

Last week our “September jobs’ numbers,” were announced.
joe touted them even tho they showed some weakness.
But now, the ADJUSTED, corrected, numbers are out.
These numbers are a disaster!
LOSS of 400,000 non-government jobs!
joe wouldn’t be bragging if the real numbers had been released in the first place.

Hell, he’d still brag and call them great. Why not? No one in the Ministry of Propaganda will call them out.

Notice Something About This Israeli War and The Gaza Conflict?

The coverage of the attacks by Hamas against the Israeli people is extensive, but have you paused to notice a very peculiar dynamic?

As familiar to most news consumers, various media war correspondents are embedded throughout the Israel and Gaza region. Flak jackets and helmets are worn by CNN, BBC, Fox News and all the international agencies who are covering the Israeli War. All of that footage is common and familiar.comment image

Television streams are lit up with the continuing coverage and the audience is brought in live to the fight, despite the dangers and the military combat that is taking place throughout the area. Brave war correspondents are doing what they do, showing the public exactly what is happening on the ground as the fighting continues.

Yet, the extensive footage triggers a reminder of something….

The war in Ukraine has been raging for 20 months, and not once, not even one single time, did we see simultaneous international war correspondents delivering their reporting, showing action on the front lines, donning their protective gear and taking the audience toward the battles in a similar fashion.

The contrast between the War in Israel and the “War” in Ukraine could not be starker when viewed through the prism of what a real combat war looks like.

Why is that?

You know the answer to that question.

You might not want to absorb the truth behind this stark reality, but the war in Ukraine is an intelligence war, a creation of the U.S. State Department, CIA, and allied intelligence networks.

All of the information coming from the Ukraine War doesn’t come complete with accompanying war correspondents to give context to the statements made by the military officials on the ground in Ukraine, because there isn’t any way to connect to something that just doesn’t exist.

The “War” in Ukraine is World War Reddit. A war carried out and advanced by the intelligence system that created it. As the night life and dance festivals in Kiev continue, it would be challenging for the international war correspondents, the actual media, to deliver broadcast ground reports from Ukraine without using green screens and fabricated livestreams.

That’s why we have never seen them.

The Ukraine War is an intelligence operation, and with it comes the need for high control over the propaganda to support it. It would be troublesome for those carrying out the Ukraine operation if people were brought into the “fight” by media.  Worse still, it would be very challenging to retain support for an intelligence operation, if the American and global population realized it is propaganda.

We’ve seen more footage of the war inside Israel in 48 hours than we have seen inside Ukraine in two years.

Carry on…

comment image

I thought about this as soon as it kicked off in Israel. All we have ever gotten from the Ukraine is propaganda from both sides. I even saw some clips that looked like video game footage. I trust nothing that is said about the Ukraine. Ukraine is a black hole for American tax payer dollars. That much I know.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Fox had correspondents there. In fact, one, Benjamin Hall, was almost killed by the Russians. Melugin, who is covering the Hamas war, was also in Ukraine. The others never cover anything that might be bad optics for the regime.

biden himself might as well have para glided in with hamas to attack the innocents attending the festival

America does not have a CIC. Ask milk toast milley. He was highly critical of bidens Afghanistan debacle.

An effective CIC is a deterrent to those who would instigate war. None of this happened under President Trump and undoubtedly would not be happening now had not the democrats stole the 2020 election.

10/20/23 – US Navy destroyer in Red Sea shoots down cruise missiles potentially headed toward Israel: Pentagon – The missiles were fired by Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen, the DOD said.

The USS Carney, a U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer in the northern Red Sea, on Thursday shot down multiple missiles and drones launched by Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen that the Pentagon said were potentially headed toward targets in Israel.

It is the first time in recent memory that a U.S. Navy ship in the Middle East has engaged missiles and drones that were not directly aimed at the vessel.

It’s also the first U.S. military action taken to defend Israel in the current crisis and with the U.S. and other countries trying to contain the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the possibility that an Iranian-backed proxy group fired missiles and drones at Israel is sure to increase growing regional tensions…

I call bravo sierra.

Something Sketchy – Pentagon Claims U.S. Destroyer in Red Sea Intercepted and Shot Down 3 Missiles and 8 Drones Launched from Yemen to Target Israel

It is 1,300 straight line miles from Yemen to Israel; add in the Red Sea path claimed, and you add another approximately 200 miles. So, the claim is around 1,500 +/- miles.

The Raytheon built Tomahawk cruise missile, with GPS enabling, some of the most advanced cruise missile tech in the world, has a max targeting distance of 1,000 miles [LINK]. How the hell did Yemen get missiles and drones capable of flying 1,500 targeted miles?

Additionally, if Yemen had this level of missile technology available, the Houthi rebels would have flown them at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, over the past decade during their war.

On the afternoon before pudding brain gives his national address on the Israeli war, the Pentagon is reporting on a fleet of missiles and drones, eleven in total, flying from Yemen to Israel, thereby exceeding the capacity of U.S. Tomahawk cruise missile systems by 50%. You buying this?

…Oh, AND they collectively would have flown over Egypt to arrive in Israel if not intercepted.

Sorry, I don’t mean to sound like a conspiracy nut, but this just doesn’t add up. This sounds like the seeds of an expanded war narrative to me.

Pentagon knows the Houthis REALLY shot those armaments at the US ships …

… but doesn’t want to admit that publicly

… because, logically, that would require the US to move to a war-time footing against Yemen

… who is backed / supplied by Iran

… whom the Biden/Obama Admin are still committed to playing kissy-face with

… because they wanna


US ships would NOT shoot down missiles/drones that were not threatening the ships themselves. Makes no sense.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Look at the socialist imagery. That’s not even a small minority of Israelis; that’s just a pocket of leftists. Trump would have PREVENTED the attacks on Israel by NOT funding Iran with massive wealth. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Obama funded Iran on an ongoing basis, funding international terrorism.

Enjoy your stupid fantasies. No one else believes this shit.