The biggest political scandal in the history of the country

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The corruption of the DOJ borders on the incomprehensible. Biden has turned the DOJ into his personal defense law firm.

Merrick Garland is either a galactic liar or is an incompetent moron. He denied interfering with the Hunter/Joe Biden investigation but whistleblowers testify to the contrary. These aren’t weasels like Alexander Vindman and his bag boy. These are long term highly regarded agents of the IRS.

Shapley is a supervisory special agent with the IRS’s criminal investigations department, currently overseeing a team of 12 agents who specialize in international tax and financial crimes. Previously, he was an officer with the National Security Agency’s Office of the Inspector General.

Garland took to the podium to deny messing with things

“Some have chose to attack the integrity of the Justice Department by claiming that we do not treat cases alike. This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy… Nothing could be further from the truth.”

That is a lie. The DOJ has acted as the defense law firm for the Biden mafia. Hunter Biden personally took in $3 million beginning in 2014 and paid taxes on none of it. The investigation into Hunter Biden was slow walked until the worst of the felony tax evasion cases passed the statute of limitations.

Biden got less than a slap on the wrist. It was a wet kiss. He skated on felony tax evasion. No one even asks for what was Hunter Biden paid all this money?

Garland also said

“As I said at the outset, Mr. Weiss, who was appointed by President Trump as the U.S. attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration, would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to. Mr. Weiss has since sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee confirming that he had that authority,” Garland told reporters at a news conference.

“I don’t know how it would be possible for anybody to block him from bringing a prosecution, given that he has this authority,” Garland said.

That is also a lie

Yet in a letter to Congress, Weiss claimed to have the authority to bring charges. Margot Cleveland:

Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss told the House Judiciary Committee he had “been granted ultimate authority” over prosecutorial decisions related to the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden in a June 7, 2023, letter obtained by The Federalist. However, Weiss’s letter to Congress — and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s earlier testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee that Weiss had “full authority” to charge Hunter Biden — directly conflicts with statements Weiss made to senior members of the team investigating the Biden son.

So either Weiss lied to his top investigators, or Weiss and Garland deceived Congress. There’s no other way around it.

This is Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf.

She’s been very, very naughty and she is going to be the recipient of a lot of unwanted attention.

Both whistleblowers claim they were told to steer clear of the president’s grandkids — a “completely abnormal” request, given they were following up on payments Hunter made involving his children, including tuition to Colombia University.

“So I can say for the kids — there was Columbia school tuition, $30,000. That was deducted — I believe that was for [redacted] or [redacted]. There was prep, study prep, checks that were deducted for one of the kids or one of — and when I say the kids, one of Hunter’s kids,” the unnamed IRS agent said. “So it wasn’t just those smaller dollar amounts. There were others that were included in there.”

According to the special agent, “there were other payments or other credit card payments, so for clothing, for jewelry, for certain things. There’s a ton of different expenses that were also included in there, in addition to something like Columbia or prep or the tuition.”

  • Shapley’s team learned of a location storing Hunter Biden records but she refused to issue a search warrant but Wolf objected. When Shapley went to the Weiss for an agreement to procure a search warrant, Wolf then tipped off Hunter Biden’s lawyers.

From Shapley’s testimony to the Ways and Means Committee.

Also on an October 22nd, 2020, pros team call, AUSA Wolf stated that United States Attorney David Weiss had reviewed the affidavit for search warrant of Hunter Biden’s residence and agreed that probable cause had been achieved. Even though the legal requirements were met and the investigative team knew evidence would be in these locations, AUSA Wolf stated that they would not allow a physical search warrant on Hunter Biden.

In retaliation, the DOJ removed Shapley and his entire 12 person team from the case.

The IRS on Monday removed the “entire investigative team” from its long-running tax fraud probe of first son Hunter Biden in alleged retaliation against the whistleblower who recently contacted Congress to allege a cover-up in the case, The Post has learned.

The purge allegedly was done on the orders of the Justice Department, the whistleblower’s attorneys informed congressional leaders in a letter.

“Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress. He was informed the change was at the request of the Department of Justice,” Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt wrote.

The whistleblower, who supervised the Hunter Biden probe since early 2020, hasn’t publicly identified the first son as the subject of the case that he says is being brushed under the rug, but congressional sources confirmed it.

A WhatsApp message put Joe Biden right next to Hunter Biden as Hunter was extorting a Chinese company for $5 million,

“I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter Biden told Henry Zhao, the director of Chinese asset management firm Harvest Fund Management, in the message provided by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley. “And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.”

which was then wired to Hunter within days. The sought GPS data to prove where Joe Biden was, and that too was denied, but Hunter’s own photos prove it.

Wolf also told IRS investigators specifically NOT to ask about the identities of “H” or the “Big Guy.”

Shapley said that, prior to the interview with Walker, “we had obvious questions like who was H, who the big guy was, and why this percentage was to be held separately with the association hidden.” But the whistleblower said that Delaware assistant U.S. attorney Lesley Wolf “interjected and said she did not want to ask about the big guy” and stated that she did not want to ask questions about “dad.”

The whistleblower said that “when multiple people in the room spoke up and objected that we had to ask, she responded, there’s no specific criminality to that line of questioning.” Shapley said, “This upset the FBI too.”

“There were multiple times where Lesley Wolf said that she didn’t want to ask questions about dad,” Shapley said. “We referred to Hunter Biden’s father, you know, as dad.”

Shapley quoted the Delaware prosecutor as saying, “I don’t want to talk about the big guy. I don’t want to ask about dad. … Don’t ask about the big guy.”

Shapley said, “The IRS and FBI agents conducting this interview [of Walker] tried to skirt AUSA Wolf’s direction.” He added that the FBI agent tried to get Walker to talk about the email “while not directly contradicting” the direction by Wolf not to ask about “the big guy.”

Now Joe and Hunter and hunkering down at Camp David, plotting their next heist.

“COLLUSION: Hunter and Joe Biden retreated to Camp David with their lawyers for the weekend,” tweeted @amuse, a prominent Substack writer. “Will Biden throw his son overboard to save his presidency?”

“Lots of business to discuss?” GOP communicator Steve Guest tweeted.

Get familiar with this title

Office of Enforcement Operations

This is the office to which AUSA’s (Assistant USA Attorney) report. The head of that department is Monty Wilkinson. You’re going to be hearing more about him and OEO.

The Russia collusion scheme was a complete fraud created and paid for by Hillary Clinton and boosted at every turn by that lying dirtbag Adam Schiff and Jake Sullivan but the media swallowed it whole and ran with it. This corruption is real and absolutely dwarfs that but the media is running cover for the Bidens along with the DOJ.

This is the biggest political scandal in the history of the country.

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What is incomprehensible is the willing suspension of all rational thought by the MAGA cult, to support a philandering, amoral, business cheat and traitor – even after they know all those things about him. Talk about hating and destroying your own country.

How about the mindset of those like yourself that support a corrupt, lying, treacherous pedophile who is, at this very moment, destroying this country. Instead of making up reasons to hate Trump, why don’t you address idiot Biden, the disaster that is in office now? Through numerous investigations, Trump has been proven to be corruption-free. Scooter.

This is far worst then Watergate this is a total act of Treason by a sitting President more reasons for his Impeachment and Trial for Treason and the Soros, Bragg consperacy

Hunter Biden personally took in $3 million beginning in 2014 and paid taxes on none of it. 

Well, in Hunter’s defense, it isn’t usually wise to declare money you get illegally on your taxes. You can lose your crime family cred that way.

The Russia collusion scheme was a complete fraud created and paid for by Hillary Clinton and boosted at every turn by that lying dirtbag Adam Schiff and Jake Sullivan but the media swallowed it whole and ran with it. 

I doubt hardly anyone actually believed any of that crap, but dutifully ran with it to destroy Trump and the anti-deep state threat. Being closely aligned with the Democrats, it is the natural impulse of the Ministry of Propaganda to lie.

The Attorney General for Nixon wound up going to jail for obstructing justice for Nixon. Nixon’s crime was a cover up, not actual corruption. This idiot Biden corruption makes Watergate look like a parking ticket.

Has classified documents concerning US military contingency plans; Acknowledges that he could have declassified them, but DIDN’T; and He’s showing them to people, who find it all funny.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Military contingency plans? We were not at war, even now we are only in a proxy war, What war did Milley win to get all that bling he struts around, the general that was going to call the CCP and give them warning of his wild imagination a nuke strike from the USA. He isnt mentally fit to wear a uniform.
Sep 14, 2021During multiple secret phone calls, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley promised China’s top general that he would warn the communist nation of an impending attack from the United States. Treason he deserves a short rope.
And this
WHOOOPS – Biden with the worst Freudian slip he’s had to date

“I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…”

The Deep State is completely regretting their choice for president right now

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

What alternate reality do you live in, that makes you think this doesn’t matter?

You’ll just plaster it over with the b.s. you read on social media. It’s easy, once you no longer differentiate between propaganda and conclusions supported by logic and credible evidence.

That explains much. It explains why you can’t see Trump for what he is. You can’t even see Putin for what he is.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Can you see idiot Biden for what HE is? Try to muster an answer.

Putin is a very kind hearted and forgiving man, just look at how he let that “freedom fighter” off with no death penalty. What You replied to is fact. Milley admitted to calling the China military over some paranoid fantasy of his.
What war were we in? Not even a proxy war until Biden took office, but peace treaties Trump got those.
Bidens words on film as he sat next to the President of India.
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Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

Has classified documents concerning US military contingency plans; Acknowledges that he could have declassified them, but DIDN’T; and He’s showing them to people, who find it all funny.

Tom Fitton


The leaked Trump tape doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know: As president, Trump received records as Commander in Chief. Nothing on this tape suggests he wasn’t authorized to have the record. The Constitution, various laws, and court precedent establishes that the President has unfettered authority to manage records as he sees fit. The Court, btw, should find out who leaked the tape….

You people are making President Trump more and more popular while casting meaningless claims that have zero merit.

Yeah, bring on the Georgia indictment. That should assure Trump the nomination. Meanwhile, even the Ministry of Propaganda is openly probing idiot Biden’s massive corruption. Either they got a DNC memo that it is time to dispose of idiot Biden or the corruption is too extensive for even THEM to continue to ignore.

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I can remember watching on live television Diane Feinstein reveal a secret US military base in. Pakistan during the search for bin Laden. Last time I looked, that decrepit, withered old bitch, who also had a Chinese spy as an aide, is STILL a Senator. Swalwell was screwing a Chinese spy while on the Intel Committee. He even warned her the FBI was on her trail. Democrats didn’t hold him accountable. Idiot Biden STOLE classified documents and let a crack head have full access to them.

Why don’t you start taking national security seriously then you can get back to me with the whiny bullshit your handlers make up.