Tucker Carlson opened his show last night with an important message.
“You’re going to get a hot war with Russia — and China — whether you want one or not.”
He followed up with an analysis of the Black Sea drone incident and the calls for retaliation and escalation from the War Party, both Democrat and Republican alike. Watch the whole thing but the most important part is at the end:
But as they were yapping about all of that, they missed some other things that were going on in the United States, like, for example, the collapse of our economy. The second and third-biggest bank failures in the history of this country just took place. Now, the venerable Credit Suisse is down 97% from its all-time high. It’s trading for about 2 Swiss francs.
Are you worried about that? Yeah, you probably should be. Your leaders aren’t worried at all. The media don’t care at all. Instead, they’re telling you that you’re a traitor to your country if you don’t want a Third World War, and they’re panicked, of course, just like Milley was panicked in that tape. They’re afraid.
Why are they afraid? Because they know the public is not on their side, but the second we actually go to war with Russia, they will use that as a pretext to crush all dissent. There is no dissent allowed in wartime, and that’s what this is really about in addition to their personal enrichment. It’s about changing the domestic politics of the United States.
The second we can all say we’re at war with Russia, not in effect, but in reality, in a hot war, which is what they want, that’s the moment that you were no longer allowed to express your opinions. And the penalty is jail during war. It’s happened a lot, and they want that now. Hopefully on the basis the questionnaires we received, other people will take charge soon and save us from this lunacy.
The timing of this incident is just way too convenient. At a time when more and more people on both sides of the aisle are growing skeptical over helping a obviously corrupt Ukraine (not too mention a country full of Nazi love). Any skepticism is characterized in the media as supporting Russia.
Meanwhile we are sending boatloads of cash to this country for what? To line the pockets of these corrupt Ukrainian politicians and to support a war that has no bearing on our country whatsoever.
We spent more than Russia’s typical annual military budget in Ukraine, and yet the Ukrainian military is out of ammunition again? OK, that might be a question for Zelenskyy. Where’s all the money going? They’re on the phone with BlackRock all day. Where’s all the money going? People are getting very rich. You can’t have an audit because if you want an audit of where your money is going into the most corrupt country in Europe, you’re a tool of Putin.
The media, by the way, isn’t mad about the fact our money appears to be disappearing into this sinkhole of corruption called Ukraine or being used to close Christian churches. No, they’re mad because the House speaker, Kevin McCarthy, hasn’t rushed to kiss the ring of Zelenskyy.
As far as that Drone incident I’ll let Larry Johnson explain the situation:
Let us start with the facts:
- The MQ9 drone was conducting an Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance mission in international air space off the coast of Crimea.
- The MQ9 turned off its Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder.
- Russian air defense systems were tracking the drone.
- Russian jet fighters were scrambled to intercept the drone.
- The United States and NATO have been flying drones along the Crimea coast for more than a year.
- The drone was brought down without a shot being fired by the Russian combat jet fighters.
So far the United States and Russian military are sticking with the same story — i.e, one of the planes clipped the drone’s propeller accidentally, which cause the drone to crash.
Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov’s comments on the incident makes it clear Russia viewed this drone as a threat to its security.
Russia’s Ambassador in Washington reacted sharply to calls by American officials, specifically Senator Lindsey Graham, to shoot down a Russian jet interfering with a U.S. drone:“ Intentionally attacking a Russian aircraft in neutral airspace is not just a crime under international law, but also an open declaration of war on the largest nuclear power ,” he warned. “ An armed clash between Russia and the United States would be radically different from a proxy war that the Americans wage remotely against us in Ukraine. Is the Capitol ready to expose American citizens and the international community to the risk of all-out nuclear war? Answer, dear senator! “
If you look closely at the picture of the MQ9 Reaper above you will see that it is almost impossible for a Russian jet to just “hit” the propeller without causing other damage to the drone. That kind of impact would have caused the drone to start tumbling, probably end over end.
…This is not a video game. Russia, from its perspective, is defending its homeland. As I mentioned in my previous piece, how would we react if Russian drones were flying along the Mexican/U.S. border collecting intelligence on the deployment of U.S. border forces and passing that information to the Mexican drug cartels, who in turn would use that information to flood the weak points of our border with illegal migrants? Americans would be rightly outraged. So why do we think we can do what we are doing and expect the Russians to roll over like a beaten dog and do nothing?
Unless some adults step up and stop this senseless, idiotic, and childish escalation we may well find ourselves in a very real shooting war for no good reason.

See author page
Draft them. Ship them to Ukraine.
Every time there is some incident, the Russians threaten the next step is to escalate to a full nuclear exchange. They have NO respect or regard for idiot Biden’s leadership. Of course, they wouldn’t have thought of provoking Trump this way. Maybe Obama, but no other national leaders would be bamboozled like this. Idiot Biden makes the world more dangerous.
Putin is now a war criminal for removing human shields from Zelenskys nazis.
We know moving them kids out of a war zone is really evil.
Idiot Biden is a war criminal for enabling the war. They should share a gallows.
“Unless some adults step up …” Haven’t you heard? The adults are in charge now that the Bad Orange Man is out of office. Everything is fine!
The government is rogue, illegal, and not representing the People.
Trump brought 4 years of the worst civil unrest in the past 50 years. His armed cult followers are now talking about retribution and civil war.
Why did biden take 1 million dollars from the CCP?
Which Biden are you referring to?
It would appear those who are currently in the family crime syndicate
Joes brother
The slut daughter in law married to the dead son
And most likely others.
It would appear—as usual—that they have presented no evidence.
The evidence is abundantly available.
That’s what you always say about Trump’s “massive election fraud”, but it never shows up in a courtroom. This seems to be a pattern.
Gloating about how you got away with election rigging isn’t a good look, greg.
The bill will come due, as it always does.
The deep state’s decision to end our democracy has already doomed our nation.
You know what else is a pattern?
No one that molested kids on any of Epsteins estates has come to court.
How long do you think gaslighting will save these people, or you?
Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden and an unknown fourth Biden received a total of $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to Biden family business associate Rob Walker in 2017 shortly after Walker received a $3 million wire from a Chinese energy company, House Oversight committee chairman James Comer revealed Thursday.
Thats just records from 1 of 13 banks used by the crime family.
Assuming this even happened, what makes you think a legitimate business transaction wasn’t involved? You just said the accounts were related to a family business associate.
You certainly had no problem with Trump’s family members engaging in secret negotiations with foreign powers while simultaneously controlling his international business dealings.
Seems congress could find no services that the family provided to get the transfers.

Oh it happened, congress has the reciepts sweetie.
Your news sources ignored the testimony, what a shock!
From the house oversight committee.
Do investors render services? How about silent business partners?
This is the same crap as the GOP’s endless investigations of the Clintons, which ultimately produced evidence of nothing. They’re preparing a smokescreen to counter Trump’s coming indictments, which WILL BE based on evidence.
Damn hard to present evidence when they blow up the buildings that all the stuff was transferred to, babies and all ie ,oklahoma bombing.
Bidens janky tax returns failed to account for income source then they were pulled off the website hmmmm.
Im sure the Crime family can present the paper trail for the tansfers of cash, funny my investments never transfer cash into my bank account. I can ask but then its taxable income, a paper trail.
The Bidens did lots of jankey stuff
What, exactly, does “companies linked to Hunter Biden” mean? You haven’t got a clue. Nor do you have a clue what money was disbursed to begin with, or why.
Nice chart, though. The first syllable of “propaganda” is “prop”.
Bank-Records-Memo-3.16.23.pdf (house.gov)
Pursuant to a subpoena, the Committee recently obtained financial records related to Mr. John Robinson Walker, a Biden family associate, and his company Robinson Walker, LLC. Prior to issuing the subpoena, the Committee received information that Mr. Walker used his company to transfer money to Biden family members. The bank records proved that information correct.
Ranking Member Jamie Raskin(dirtbag) mischaracterized the substance of the bank records by referencing payments related to Mr. Walker’s miscellaneous purchases such as “Papa John’s” and “coffee at Starbucks[.]”
Rep. Raskin omitted material facts that Robinson Walker, LLC received a $3 million wire from a Chinese company in March 2017—less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office—and that Mr. Walker then transferred over a million dollars to various bank accounts associated with the Bidens in the following months.
To correct Rep. Raskin’s disinformation about our evidence, we are providing a synopsis of some of the payments from the Rob Walker accounts to the Biden family.
Well, perhaps it means “Burisma”, for one. They were paying Hunter $83,000 for one of those “no-show” jobs like the Mafia specializes in. Hunter’s purpose was to utilize Pops to use the power of the United States government in case investigators got too interested in Burisma’s money laundering operations. So, VP idiot Biden tells the Ukrainian government if they want all that sweet US coin to keep flowing, they’d best drop their investigations into Burisma corrupts. Well, son-of-a-bitch, Ukraine choose Door #1 for the cash and fired the prosecutor.
Remember that? Idiot Biden even admitted it on video. Hunter even said he was kicking 50% to Pops. All of this is documented.
Now, I can remember when you believed Trump was a Russian asset simply on the fact that there is a guy named Trump and a place called Russia, nothing more. In fact, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you still believe it. Yet all the evidence, the lap top, testimony, stolen classified documents, 150 SARs and you can’t see justified suspicion of idiot Biden.
You are an ideological fool.
Do spill on these secret negotiations, would they be peace treaties? Show the reports of suspicious money transfers reported by the treasury.
Whatcha got lil guy?
Republicans voted in favor of the tobacco industry 73% of the time, and Democrats only 23% of the time.
We’re talking about an industry that kills its customers.
Republicans don’t represent the best interests of the American people. But they’ll give ’em a good song and dance.
That’s pretty funny coming from a guy who supports the abortion industry.
So worried about death the war monger goose stepper.
Ad your point? Doctors were recommending them on tv for pregnant women. Is there a connection to Trumps secret negotiations? Is Trump a tobacco farmer?
I know there is a huge scandal with the Biden family’s money transfers cause MSM is trying t bury it, else they would be trumpeting the legitimate reason 24/7.
Democrats support the abortion industry. It kills 635,000 a year.
“Which Biden are you referring to?”
You’re right; with the Biden crime family, you have to be specific.
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, went hunting for cash in China during an official state visit by his father, the vice president in 2013. On his financial safari in Beijing, he managed to bag a $1.5 billion investment in his own hedge fund, Rosemont Seneca Partners.
Joe got 900K from Ukrainian oil company for lobbying services while he was VP.
Hunter Biden, James Biden, Hallie Biden and an unknown fourth Biden received a total of $1.3 million in payments from accounts related to Biden family business associate Rob Walker in 2017 shortly after Walker received a $3 million wire from a Chinese energy company, House Oversight committee chairman James Comer revealed Thursday. Comer said it is ” unclear what services were provided to …
Biden crime family.
We need to know who is buying that ridiculous excuse for “art” Hunter sells for $500,000 a pop.
Trump had over a million attend his rallies not one building burned, that was your kids.
Scared of armed citizens? GOOD thats what the constitution intended.
You mean, because Trump won the last legitimate election this nation has had and leftist terrorists, enabled by the Democrat party, initiated a violent pogrom that Democrats would not put down or allow Trump to put down, that’s HIS fault?
get this from greggie
“This is the same crap as the GOP’s endless investigations
After fighting Paula Jones’ sexual harassment lawsuit for four years, President Bill Clinton agreed Friday to pay Jones $850,000 to drop the case. And she didnt have a blue dress.
You can understand why he’s upset. After all, the Democrats didn’t conduct endless investigations or anything.
Still facinated with the pornstar, a NDA is not illegal, if they are trying to smear Tumps reputation, thats stupid we know he was a male whore and women threw themselves at his money, its another oooo the walls are closing in.
The Eco-Freaks really thought Biden was going to turn all of Alaska into Nature Preserve were they ever duped But with the support him again next year?