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The Week in Radical Leftism, 01/20/2023

Welcome back to Day 731 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! On to the Leftist crazy:

1/13 – If this isn’t #grooming, then what is it?

The Radical Left has gone full evil

1/14 – Pete Buttigieg Avoided Calls, Meetings While on Paternity Leave During Supply Chain Crisis, FOIA Documents Show

Meh. Bernie Sanders said it best in the debate when he informed Pete that the only reason he was on that stage was that he was gay. make diversity hires, get diversity  results.

1/15 – Saving The Planet With Green Energy

Great twitter thread about how destructive “green” energy actually is

1/15 – Germany orders Holocaust survivor institutionalized over Covid-19 shot

I was really hoping this was a link to Teh Bee. Sadly, it is not.

1/16 – The IRS Let Bail Funds Enable Ten Murders

Maybe the lawsuits shouldn’t stop with the “nonprofits” that are bailing out these criminals?

1/17 – Dallas Legislators Attend An “All Ages Drag Show” Where They Talk About Oral Sex

Greg Abbot should follow DeSantis’ example and use some laws about exposing children to obscene material

1/18 – CNN Lies, Pretending There’s No Effort in Virginia Schools to Push for Equal Outcomes For All Students Without Exception

And these sub-humans have the audacity to whine that we Normals refuse to trust them

1/19 – ‘Worst of the Worst’ Sex Predators Are Being Released From Washington State’s Pedophile Island

Stories like this make me wonder when we see a return of vigilantiism. And while it might sound appealing in cases like this, it is not a place we ant to go in the long run.

1/20 – At Davos, the Rev. John Kerry Signals His Place Among the Elect

The world’s ugliest gold digger spews actual harmful carbon emissions

ICYMI – A personal essay about some people in my life who’ve kiled themselves in Keep Yourself Alive, and while this post title reads like clickbait, it happens to be 100% accurate – The One Simple Trick that You Can do Help Reshape the Republican Party!

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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