The Week in Radical Leftism, 12/09/2022

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Welcome back to Day 689 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! Let’s get to the crazy:

12/2 – What Can We Do To Counter the Power of Billionaire Philanthropaths?

For as much as I read Ace, for some reason I rarely link. This edition of their daily Morning Rant shines light on a subject that really needs more attention.

12/3 – What If MAGA Shrugged?

I keep saying this, especially for producers who being directly impacted by politicians. Right now it’s PA’s oil industry and Dutch farmers: It’s time to go Master Blaster.

12/3 – The 1980s on Trial

This post is a lot longer than most of my links, and worth every minute it took to read. As a Gen-Xer who’s now raising a kid, this struck really close to home.

12/4 – How Corrupt is a Corrupt Media?

Not as long as the last post, but still relatively long. But it’s VDH, so you’re going to click the link to a thoroughly documented and well deserved beatdown

12/5 – Virginia sandwich shop gets raided by cops, shut down for defying Covid orders two years ago

Local businesses and non corrupt LEOs need to band together and ostracize everyone responsible for this.

12/6 – The FBI writes case for its own abolition

We still need an FBI, just not what the current Corruptacracy has become

12/7 – Pompeo Names Teachers’ Union Boss ‘Most Dangerous Person in America’

I thought that the headline was a bit over the top, but when I read the post Pompeo makes a great case.

12/8 – Just How Stupid Are Sen. Thom Tillis and the Rest of the Republican Establishment?

While I agree with Kurt Schlichter’s Real Talk toward the end of the post, the first part of this post ignores Brother Bob’s Razor: Never attribute to political incompetence or stupidity that which can be explained by pure malevolence.

12/9 – After Brittney Griner swapped for Russian arms dealer, message sent is that woke politics has its perks

Lots of wrong messages sent with this one

No TWIRL next week, as there will be some short R&R in Bobville to coincide with Little Bob’s WInter Break. I’m so old I remember when it was Christmas Break. I should be able to get a short post up for you for next week.

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Hey how about Brazil huge victory against the communist drug regime.

Looks like the military has stepped up, to squash the communist coup.

Brazil Military Kills “Red Command” Cartel Leaders, Prepares Take Over

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

12/2 – What Can We Do To Counter the Power of Billionaire Philanthropaths?

The only way to confront that threat is to make people understand what they are going to lose. Currently, people believe they will get all the free government gifts promised them AND retain all the freedoms and rights they benefit from capitalism and our republican form of government. Nothing could be further from the truth and if more understood that reality, the battle would be won.

12/3 – What If MAGA Shrugged?

See above comment.

12/3 – What If MAGA Shrugged?

The Kavanaugh inquisition should have enlightened many liberals to the fact that their party was corrupt and unscrupulous. Instead, it merely whetted their appetite for destroying opponents personally and totally.

12/4 – How Corrupt is a Corrupt Media?

He could have saved time and space and just wrote “Real corrupt”. I had to educate a willfully ignorant leftist recently that was, apparently, totally unaware of the voter suppression committed on election day in Arizona. They are ignorant of the facts because they choose to be; being a leftist feels better that way.

12/5 – Virginia sandwich shop gets raided by cops, shut down for defying Covid orders two years ago

God forgives. The totalitarian police state imprisons.

12/6 – The FBI writes case for its own abolition

Maybe they could change their name to Government Establishment Security and Tactical Administrative Police Operations and a new FBI to do the actual investigative and law enforcement work it was intended to do could be created. They only investigate those who disagree with this corrupt and incompetent regime (which should actually be everyone) but not ANTIFA. They don’t actually have to “investigate” ANTIFA; they can just ask the Democrat leadership what they’ve done and what they’ll be used for in the future.

12/7 – Pompeo Names Teachers’ Union Boss ‘Most Dangerous Person in America’

Could her carpet-munching proclivity be what is driving the push to normalize homosexuality, trans-gender insanity and child sexual abuse through the educational system?

12/8 – Just How Stupid Are Sen. Thom Tillis and the Rest of the Republican Establishment?

These Republicans think their Democrat opponents are the Democrats of old that could be reasoned with. Trump’s preeminent quality was he realized the left was going to hate him and try to destroy him no matter what he did or said, so he just did what was best for the country. They should also realize that their defeats are more the result of their failure to address the election fraud antics of Democrats than anything else. Republicans didn’t lose in Arizona simply because they waited until election day to vote.

12/9 – After Brittney Griner swapped for Russian arms dealer, message sent is that woke politics has its perks

Getting her out was one thing, but they should have taken her to a country she actually liked. When has idiot Biden EVER sent a message good for America? He never met an America-hater he didn’t like and he got to kiss the asses of three, Griner, Bout and Putin, all at once.

Regarding the Waters praise of the taffy-assed FTX thief, like Senator Geary of The Godfather II, most Democrats are easily made to say stupid things, and for mostly the same reason.

Democracy also dies suffocated under the pillow of censorship.