Tough guy Biden would not have survived the COVID strain Trump contracted

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I’ve said it before. Joe Biden is a prick. Joe Biden has always been a prick. He’s also a juvenile prick.

Biden is always bragging about what a tough guy he is in contrast to Donald Trump. You might remember that he once threated to beat up Trump:

“They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said ‘no.’ I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'”

Tough guy, that Biden. He continued his sad theme the other day.

Yeah, about that. That was cheap, juvenile and it was stupid. What Biden caught was likely the BA.5 strain of COVID yet he saved everyone on Earth.

The four time jabbed Biden also continued the misleading quest to force everyone to get stuck again. There are, however, problems with that. The BA.4 and BA.5 strains can evade immunity conferred by previous injections.  From Duke University:

Montefiori estimated that BA.4 and BA.5 are about three times less sensitive to neutralizing antibodies from existing Covid vaccines than the original version of the omicron variant, BA.1.


Other research suggests that BA.4 and BA.5 are four times more resistant to antibodies from vaccines than BA.2, which replaced the omicron variant as the U.S.’s dominant version of the coronavirus in April.

Boosters are becoming less and less effective as the virus mutates, as it was designed to do. The good news is that it also becomes less and less virulent. The bad news is that boosters appear to weaken the immune system and immunity from those boosters wanes after 4 months. IMO getting any more boosters is unwise and forcing infants to be injected is a bad idea. I am waiting for an explanation of all of the excess deaths as well.

Back to the tough guy Biden. Donald Trump most likely contracted the Delta strain of COVID, which was far more virulent than the current variants. Yet the much weaker strain made Biden quite ill and he is still suffering symptoms two weeks later.

Had tough guy Biden contracted the strain Trump contracted, he’d be dead.

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The virus going around when Trump got it was much stronger and the symptoms were far more overt. Idiot Biden probably had his infection when he was in Saudi Arabia, when he kept coughing and had to drink water to do what he calls “speaking”. “Rushing” Trump to Walter Reed was more precautionary than necessary, to begin treatments before the symptoms could get worse.

Idiot Biden’s treatment was all theater and show. Democrats are such failures they have to politicize everything to try, desperately, to tear the opposition down to their level. Idiot Biden has made that an impossible task.

Note idiot Biden said he “made billions available” for COVID mitigation, not that it was actually spent. Instead, as predicted, most of it was syphoned off and used for such stupidity as promoting CRT and gender propaganda… or outright stolen.

Covid isn’t a thing.

It’s over.


Trump is yesterday’s news so who cares?

I’m sure Desantis will betray us eventually, but right now he is the only hope for the GOP.

Trump would only energize the left.

Benedict Biden? WELL THAT’S HIS NAME! And selling out America? YEAH THAT’S HIS GAME!!

Oh, FFS. “My covid infection is more dangerous than yours” is idiocy.

Oh, FFS. “My covid infection is more dangerous than yours” is idiocy.

That’s LITERALLY what Biden said, you stupid fuck.

‘Stupid’ sees nothing but its own reflection, no matter where it looks.

‘Stupid’ sees nothing but its own reflection, no matter where it looks.

Perhaps that made sense before using Google translate?

Oh, FFS. “My covid infection is more dangerous than yours” is idiocy.

So, you’re saying idiot Biden is a stupid lying moron for making that point? Good.

Biden was smart enough to be fully vaccinated and boosted. That’s one thing he has in common with Donald Trump.

In addition, they’re both incorrigible homo sapiens and bipeds. These are well established facts.

Biden was smart enough to be fully vaccinated and boosted. That’s one thing he has in common with Donald Trump.

Except Trump had the vaccines developed and idiot Biden denounced them. After denouncing them, he forced people to get them.

Doctors are now recommending a full screen and EEG for anyone who’s been foolish enough to take the mRNA “vaccine.”

It seems the fascist goverment-pharma union wasn’t honest about how dangerous the treatment is…

…and now millions are suffering heart problems, as a result.

Here we go again.