God damn you, George Gascon

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Two El Monte California police officers were shot and killed on June 14 while responding to a report of a stabbing at a local motel.  They were identified as Cpl. Michael Domingo Paredes and Officer Joseph Anthony Santana.

Paredes, 42, had served as a full-time officer with the department since July 2000, working several specialized assignments before achieving the rank of corporal, officials said. He started his law enforcement career as a cadet with El Monte police.

Paredes leaves behind his wife, a daughter and a son.

Santana, 31, initially joined the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department in September 2018 and worked at West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga, Sgt. M. Higgins, a SBCSD spokeswoman said. He was hired by the El Monte Police Department in 2021. He also previously worked with the city as a part-time public works employee prior to his law enforcement career.

Santana leaves behind his wife, a 9-year-old daughter and 2-year-old twin boys.

The El Monte police chief said, “And believe me … these two men were loved.”

Geroge Gascon killed them. He didn’t pull the trigger, but he might as well have. Justin Flores pulled the trigger. Have a read about Flores:

Cop-killer Flores had been prohibited from carrying a gun since 2011, but was free despite pleading no contest in February 2021 to possessing a firearm as a felon, the Los Angeles Times revealed Wednesday. That gun conviction could have sent him to prison for three years. Instead, he was sentenced to two years’ probation and 20 days in jail, which he’d already served, a prosecutor said at a plea hearing.

He was warned that if was found with any weapons — including guns, ammunition and knives — he could still get that three-year prison term, the LA Times said. His probation officer had filed a request for a revocation hearing for “desertion” on Monday, just a day before the slaughter, the outlet said.

He had been accused of attacking his girlfriend — but was not arrested, with officials only saying they were “currently investigating” why not. Flores — who had “Quiet” tattooed on his face, marking his allegiance to the Quiet Village gang — had stabbed his ex-wife, Diana Flores, just days earlier, she told NBCLA, a clear violation of his probation. He was trying to confront her at the motel where she was hiding from him Tuesday when he opened fire on the two officers, she told the outlet.

LA DA George Gascon freed this dirtbag and the lives of two cops was the price. Just two weeks I wrote about Gascon:

Since Gascon took office in 2020, Los Angeles has seen a 34% increase in homicide, 15.5% increase in violent crimes, 6.7% increase in property crimes and 67% increase in shooting victims. Arrests have decreased by nearly 25% since 2020, according to LAPD statistics.

Gascon’s legacy of destroying the lives of crime victims can be found here. This is what “progressive” policies gets you.

Gascon is evil. Gascon is a clear and present danger to the people of Los Angeles. He is as much a threat to the people of LA as the criminals he sets loose upon the population. The District Attorney is supposed to represent the state and the people. Gascon acts as the criminal Public Defender.

Gascon is an accessory to murder and should be tried as such. Left wingers clamor for holding gun manufacturers responsible for shootings. When can we hold Soros-backed scum like Gascon responsible for his actions? Gascon should be recalled with all haste and then tried for murder.

God damn you, Gascon. May you burn in hell. And frankly, damn all who voted for him.


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The really dangerous people they refuse to jail.
Cut the barrel of the gun you own live in the middle of nowhere…
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Which is why Jefferson and Franklin told America we need to have the same weapons the Government does!

A Tory “reporter” asked President Washington about Dr. Franklin’s “crazy” assertion. Washington said, “A WELL ARMED MAN IS A CITIZEN. AN UNARMED MAN IS A SUBJECT!”!

I had forgot a fed sold him the altered firearm, entrapment.

In 2016, Soros invested $3.8 million to try to sway nine district attorney races. 
The Los Angeles race was one of them.
He shifted the criminality of these communities violently for cheap.
So far, he has only lost Boudin who was recalled in SF, of all places.

It’s going to be hard going, but we have to get back control and “put the toothpaste Back in the tube”.
Law & Order, we can settle for nothing less

The left wants to deny cops qualified immunity. What actually needs to be denied is immunity for these “prosecutors” and judges that release known violent criminals back into society. Whenever a violent or repeat criminal is summarily released without serving their sentence or posting bail, the shitbags that sign the release paperwork should be liable to be sued. That means THEM PERSONALLY, not the city, country or state. There’s no reason the taxpayers should pay for their negligence.

Instead of worrying about some queer not being called their preferred pronoun selected from the pronoun Rolodex, idiot Biden should be taking the steps necessary to punish these incompetent public servants.

Every george soros related DA, Prosecutor or SOS need to be either removed, recalled, impeached or voted out, period end of story.

How is the District Attorney of Los Angeles County responsible for some criminal killing police officers when confronted during a domestic violence call? Once more, the easy availability of guns is ignored.

Because he wasn’t supposed to be on the streets. Do you think this career criminal obtained his gun legally?

Gascon just another scumbag soros backed DA.

Though the gun conviction alone could have sent him to prison for three years, Flores was instead sentenced to two years’ probation and 20 days in jail, which he’d already served, a prosecutor said at a plea hearing. Flores was ordered not to possess any weapons, including guns, ammunition and knives, a transcript of the hearing shows. He was warned that if he breached these terms, he could be sent to prison for up to three years.


Under the California strike law, a minimum sentence for Flores would have been 32 months. The law prohibits felons with a strike from receiving probation for a current offense and states that the minimum sentence be doubled.

This goes to show you that LA DA Gascon’s polices, not the law, let the Cop Killer in El Monte out early. Had the cop killer been sentenced as he should have, Corporal Paredes and Officer Santana would still be here today.

 Once more, the easy availability of guns is ignored.

Once more, the easy freedom of convicted violent criminals that go on to commit more violent crimes is ignored. How is availability of guns in California in any way “easy”?

The good thing is the Killer is Dead by his own hand now lets bring up charges of Assecory to Murder against Gason and a sentrnce of Life without Parole,No Plea Bargins,No Clemency and No Pardons