The Week in Radical Leftism, 4/15/2022

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Happy Good Friday and welcome back to Day 451 of “The Big Guy’s”* occupation! Straight to the crazy:

4/7 – The State and Local Leaders Who Aren’t Ready to Give Up Pandemic Power

And why would they? We’ve seen these laboratories for tyranny across the country

4/8 – Unvaxxed Australians can’t leave the country because of a WHO treaty: “We’re protecting the world”

Because of the WHO. In other words, China has conquered Australia without firing a single shot.

4/9 – “Biggest Threat to Our Democracy”: Obama Makes Radical Statements about Free Speech

“a systematic effort to either promote false information, to suppress true information, for the purpose of political gain, financial gain, enhancing power, suppressing others, targeting those you don’t like.”

The sad part is, on the surface every word that Barry O said was true. Unfortunately he’s as always facing the wrong direction.

4/9 – Racially Sensitive ‘Restorative’ School Discipline Isn’t Behaving Very Well

I’ll take the grievance mongers who howl about racial disparities in criminal convictions seriously when they start complaining about how despite beig less than half of the population almost 100% of rape convictions are against men.

4/10 – Chipotle fighting back against labor shortage by bringing on chip-making robot


4/10 – Abolish the FBI or Face an American Putin

Very sobering – don’t read this one if you’re eating.

4/11 – U.S. Military changing uniform regulations, fitness standards to be more woke, inclusive

The only cold comfort comes from who our military will most likely be targeting in our next war. See the previous post if you’re not sure who that is.

4/12 – Pennsylvania Plans To Conduct Illegal Elections Again, And I Won’t Stand For It

A painful reminder that we’re still a long way from The Radical Left seizing the next presidential election

4/13 – LOOSE ENDS (158)

A link roundup within a link roundup? Sure, why not? The quick hits are all worth your time.

4/14 – If You Like Donald Trump Then You Want a Real Primary

Kurt Schlichter serves up some much needed tough love

4/15 – Britain’s new rule for strip-searching female suspects beggars belief

“Beggars belief”? I’m more surprised that anyone is surprised by The Radaical Left these days.

ICYMI – I opined that Texas Gets Disney Wrong

Have a great weekend, and Happy Easter! He is risen! And building hot rods...

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Couldnt be rehabilitated, do you know how long it took to train that fox? Did they have to kill the lil ones they were showing such promise. Years of line breeding..carefully selecting the best of the litter oh the tragedy….they will never get my other pets which brings us to this weeks selection

Ketanja made it to the Supreme Court just as MEGADONOR Ed Buck, Hillary’s best buddy, was sentenced to 30 years in Federal prison for murdering black men during sex.
I wonder if he’ll serve long?
Of course men like him shouldn’t last long in federal prison if he does start serving.
The Left, including obama, sure is melting down over the prospect that Elon Musk might own a mega-social media outlet, like Twitter.

What Chipotle is doing was predicted a number of years ago when the “fight for $15” was just getting started.
Now, $15 won’t cut it and nobody wants to work.
I’ve seen starting wahes offered at KFC for $22 and the sign sits up there for weeks!
Has the military figured out how fake nails can be repaired under combat conditions?
How hormone shots can be delivered while in combate situations?
Whether some titles will need to be adjusted for genderless officers?

4/7 – The State and Local Leaders Who Aren’t Ready to Give Up Pandemic Power

Democrats LUST for a totalitarian police state with them in control and the pandemic control only piqued their appetite. Now they are visibly salivating at the opportunity to prolong their suppression of rights. Of course, the upcoming election disaster makes controls a necessity as well.

4/8 – Unvaxxed Australians can’t leave the country because of a WHO treaty: “We’re protecting the world”

Why doesn’t the WHO come to our southern border and prevent anyone that isn’t fully vaccinated (that means BOTH shots) from crossing?

4/9 – “Biggest Threat to Our Democracy”: Obama Makes Radical Statements about Free Speech

So… the biggest threat to our democracy is…. what Democrats do on a regular basis. OK… got it.

4/9 – Racially Sensitive ‘Restorative’ School Discipline Isn’t Behaving Very Well

I’m pretty sure when bad behavior is not punished you only get more bad behavior. Hell, look at Hunter. Is it possible that a college degree actually makes one STUPIDER?

4/10 – Chipotle fighting back against labor shortage by bringing on chip-making robot

All these layabouts that look forward to those beautiful $15 an hour burger-flipping no-responsibility, no-skill jobs are not only going to have robots to compete with, but about 10 million new illegal immigrants that will work for $5 an hour as well. Socialism is great!

4/10 – Abolish the FBI or Face an American Putin

Maybe the FBI have misread their mandate and think they only investigate where there is NO crime and ignore actual crimes. I have been a big fan of the FBI, but it has been weaponized to the point that either it is totally reformed or eliminated altogether.

4/11 – U.S. Military changing uniform regulations, fitness standards to be more woke, inclusive

Positively affect inclusivity? You f**king JOINED, you crybaby! Maybe after watching the dismal performance of the Russian military in Ukraine, the DoD wants to make sure if we got into a war with Russia, it would be a fair fight.

4/12 – Pennsylvania Plans To Conduct Illegal Elections Again, And I Won’t Stand For It

The vehicle that carried idiot Biden to “victory” in Pennsylvania was declared unconstitutional by the state court. HELLLLLLLLO?!?!? How long will the appeal be “pending”? Until after the 2022 midterms?

4/13 – LOOSE ENDS (158)

It’s very concerning that an oligarch the left has not chosen could take control of a social media platform. SCAAAAAARY!

4/14 – If You Like Donald Trump Then You Want a Real Primary

Trump would be difficult to primary against because no one could seriously attack his record, other than his failure to purge people from his administration on ideological grounds (which, indeed, caused a LOT of damage).

4/15 – Britain’s new rule for strip-searching female suspects beggars belief

Maybe they should have seen that story of the female prison that has an epidemic of inmates getting pregnant. Seems some of the “trans” inmates that identify as girl-criminals have not totally transitioned.