Texas Gets Disney Wrong

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Ah Texas, I do love you guys. And gals. You’ve given us many great things – oil, The Alamo, Blind In Texas, The Dallas Cowboys’ cheerleaders. And politically, you’re one of the few states (Austin aside) that we can usually count on to get things right. But on Disney you swung and missed. Or to be fair, I’d call it more of a foul ball, because you weren’t entirely wrong. OK, I’ll get to the point.

Texas’ Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick (DP) (no, not the dude formerly of ESPN’s Sports Center) had some words regarding Disney a few days ago, First, the good. Patrick sent an email blasting Disney for for trying to interfere in FL politics (remember when The Radical Left was against corporations interfering in democracy? Ah, the good ole days), and he landed a few solid blows against The Mouse House. He blasted Disney for targeting children.

Beyond the company’s opposition to the new Florida law, Patrick criticized the company for ending its practice of addressing people with the greeting of “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen.”

“This crazy ‘woke’ radical agenda is pushed by a few, but rejected by almost everyone in America, across all political spectrums,” said Patrick.

Patrick also shared a link to several videos of senior executives at the company promoting policy changes such as a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” “adding queerness” to children’s entertainment produced by the company, and expanding the amount of “LGBTQIA characters in our stories.”

So far, so good. But here’s where DP goes off the rails, emphasis mine:

“So, what can we do?” wrote Patrick. “Until they change their corporate philosophy, stop spending money with them. Cut off the Disney Channel. Cancel your park trip or your cruise if one is planned.”

Of particular note, Patrick also advised, “If you own Disney stock, sell it. Although I did not own many shares of individual Disney stock, I sold them today.”

Among the interim charges that Patrick listed this week, he asked the State Affairs Committee to, “Study the investment practices of financial services firms and how those practices affect the state’s public pensions.”

The lieutenant governor has taken particular aim at BlackRock, a major investment firm, for targeting “Texas oil and gas energy companies by boycotting them in violation” of a state law that prohibits such boycotts.

Personal boycotts of the channel. Check. We’ve been following the model offered by Victor Von Doomcock of only subscribing to channels when there’s something we want to watch and immediately cancelling. According to Doomcock this is destroying Hollywood, which is just gravy. But enough of this aside. Avoiding the parks? No problem. Sister Babe and I were actually talking about possibly going back to Disney, as Little Bob’s only experience there was one day a few years ago as part of a bigger Florida trip. We’d already decided that while we don’t have an issue with the cost of a few days at Disney, for what it costs we can get a lot more vacation for our money elsewhere. And frankly, when we went four years ago I was a bit disappointed. Selling your stock? Don’t own any, though I was condsidering buying some when I saw Nancy Pelosi grab a bunch of shares. Glad I didn’t. And taking shots at Black Rock and any other investment companies boycotting energy? Dead on.

The part I disagree with is DP is basing Texas’ pesnsion plans investments based on “financial service firms’ practices”. Maybe I’m reading too much into that statement, but I’m interpreting it as making investment decisions based on a company’s moral compass. Now this is one where I don’t have an easy answer. Nobody would have wanted to invest in a company that was part of Nazi Germany’s machine. Of course, today not doing business with the Communists running China is not so simple given how interconnected the global economy is. And more significantly, if a state’s investments are based on some moral compass, you’re only one election night marred by a broken water pipe in Austin + 40,000 10:00 PM votes leading to a Beto Male O’Rourke Governorship away from your state’s pensions investing in solar farms and LGBQWERTY publishing companies.

Again, I might have misunderstood DP’s words, but what I would have said in his shoes would have been along the lines of, “We may need to take a look at investing in a company that managed to ruin ESPN and Star Wars, while marketing itself to families while being a danger to their children.” That in itself is a good reason to dump Disney stock, while being wary of any funds that have not done so as well.

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted at Flopping Aces
<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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you’re only one election night marred by a broken water pipe in Austin + 40,000 10:00 PM votes leading to a Beto Male O’Rourke Governorship away from your state’s pensions investing in solar farms and LGBQWERTY publishing companies.

Funny, but any more election rigging like this is going to lead to normal Americans rejecting and ejecting Leftists/Democrats as secessionists.

Visiting Texas is a good option. You might think about avoiding summer, visiting during the spring or fall. The Alamo is a cultural necessity, but I enjoy the Mission Trail much more; more historical and restored to original. Also, Fredericksburg is great, especially the Saur-Beckmann working farm.

Also, DP could stand for Dr. Pepper, invented in Waco.

I went with a group from a Facebook group called “Patriots at Large” to a Puto O’Rook rally in Denton a little while back. Not much enthusiasm for Puto there, and that’s in a COLLEGE TOWN. No doubt, election fraud on a 2020 scale would be required to drag him over the finish line with a victory, not that that’s out of the question. We’ll have to be vigilant.

Puto O’Rook

HA HA HA HA! You made fun of his name! My god, that’s good stuff! That’s some damned incisive political satire, my friend! Well done, you!

Robert Francis O’Rourke is his name.
People are making merciless fun of his nickname that he made up to try to garner Hispanic votes with.
I’ve even heard people make fun of his drunk driving hit & run.
And of his gigantic adam’s apple, too.
Also how he had to be told by the FBI that people writing “Molon Labe” is not a personal threat to his life.
He’s a funny guy, ripe for ridicule.

Made fun of a name he has chose to attempt to draw Hispanic support. Like most Democrat candidates, he is a pervert, a liar, a former criminal and a socialist.

My wife and I went to San Antonio a few years back for our anniversary. We stayed in the St. Anthony downtown (instead of pulling our camper).

Like most Democrat controlled city, it was filthy, filled with homeless and every door stoop smelled like piss. I would recommend staying out of town and visiting a few specific sites. Eat Mexican food at the Mercado Juarez, though.

Beto boi has a messenging problem, from yes we are coming for your guns to yes we are coming for your kids. Now women can hate him as much as the men.

Yeah, now he is a dedicated protector of the 2nd Amendment. Forget he clearly and emphatically stated he would take away guns; believe his current lies.

Once again I’m going to post something that goes over the heads of low information/fascist types.
Until the day my mother died her last name started with Mrs. She hated the insulting term Ms. or Mizz. Today we’re two generations into this made up term and no one even thinks about it. The leftist are doing the same thing in Disney. After a while no one will even notice that the programming is evil, that kids are being groomed, and that their imaginary position of trust is being used to undermine traditional values.
As an aside, what ever happened to actresses? Now they all call themselves actor’s. Are the women ashamed of their gender? Come on, one of you Democrats explain it to us. Make us understand why it’s reasonable and compassionate remove gender from a term that’s only been around for hundreds of years.

Last edited 2 years ago by 71grad

Ms came into use in England during the 1600’s. Like Miss and Mrs, it’s an abbreviation for Mistress. Originally, none of the three titles had anything to do with marital status.

Hollywood is garbage full of garbage people who think their opinion should mean something. DC not much better.
Never ask a Democrat about women, they only consider them a check in a box.

Are the women ashamed of their gender? 

They, like idiot Biden’s Supreme Court selection, are afraid of “offending” someone by identifying as the gender they biologically and irrevocably are. That level of stupidity offends ME.

You know who mandates “Don’t Say Gay”? China. You know who kisses China’s ass for money? Hollywood. Sports. The left. DISNEY.


It’s one thing to criticize government, but to use your platform and influence to LIE about legislation in order to enable sexual abuse of children is unconscionable. Disney itself has endorsed and protected sexual predators. If their favored status enables this in the least, cancel it.

04/19/22- Florida rejects 41% of new math textbooks, citing critical race theory among its reasons

The Florida Department of Education announced Friday the state has rejected more than 50 math textbooks from next school year’s curriculum, citing references to critical race theory among reasons for the rejections.

In a news release, the department stated 54 out of 132 of the textbook submissions would not be added to the state’s adopted list because they did not adhere to Florida’s new standards or contained prohibited topics.

Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to critical race theory, “inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” the release states.

Social Emotional Learning has apparently been designated by republican troglodytes as their next official culture war target. It’s even more dangerous than Disney World.

What is SEL? Try here, and then ask yourself why posturing politicians like DeSantis consider it such a threat.

Interestingly, Florida’s republican-appointed textbook censors have provided no specific examples of the insidious Social Emotional Learning material that resulted in their textbook bans. (The book burnings have yet to be scheduled.) Possibly providing examples would endanger the minds of anyone foolish enough to examine them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Just irks you and your fellow racists that governor DeSantis is standing up for the parents of Florida school children who are being targeted by radicals

So why not provide a specific example of the evil ideology DeSantis found hidden in a Florida math text?

It’s pathetic. All they have to do is claim that something is there, and all of their mindlessly bleating sheep fall in behind them to a book burning event. Sheep require no evidence.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

He gave a reason.

If you haven’t read the book yourself, you can’t argue against DeSantis.

Um, this is bullshit propaganda on the Left’s part. 54 books do not have the examples listed on the state portal. You’re lying when you run off saying they are “hiding” them or won’t produce the examples.

It’s all lies from you and yours. We knew the Left would “Trumpitize” DeSantis, so he, and we, are ready for the shit you morons throw like the useless monkeys you are.

Oh gee an opinion piece from CNN. The same bunch that got fooled with Trump/Russia collusion for years. Only suckers buy into anything CNN puts out.

Greg proves himself to being a sucker

By wondering why DeSantis has given no specific example of why a book should be banned?

Greg proves himself to being a sucker

Read the book and prove him wrong, then.

We’ll wait…

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

You have no examples of the textbook material DeSantis is blathering about, do you? You believe simply because he said it.

This his how you get taken for a ride again and again, running out to some conman’s car with the same enthusiasm as a Labrador retriever.

No no, you’re intentionally lying and conflating the issue.

The guidelines for what isn’t accepted is public. The specific reasons for why a book is rejected is PUBLIC, but there’s a few books not updated on the site yet, so you and your are making political hay by jumping on this and saying it’s “being hidden.”

Just admit you’re wrong on this, and we’re good. Otherwise, I hope you’re packing for Ukraine because you care so much. You have lots to do.

Hell, Greg can’t even admit threatening the lives of children is wrong.

Untrue. Examples have been given.

Stop lying.

Untrue. Examples have been given.

So give us some examples, since you’ve apparently seen them.

DeSantis in the State of Florida very clearly gave the guidelines for what content was permissible and what content was not.

It’s already been stated that you and your propaganda zombies are intentionally misrepresenting the situation because 54 math books have not been updated on the state portal with the reasons for them not being permitted in schools

So you have no examples to show that DeSantis isn’t just blowing hot air to impress his base—which is what blowhard politicians generally do.

That the Trump campaign organization secretly colluded with Putin operatives is an established fact.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Baseless innuendo

Yeah. Easily dismissed by morons.

You don’t have a case to what you’re saying. The grounds for what is not permeable by state law has been given.

If the State of Florida somehow refused to give the reasons those 54 math books are not allowed, you’d have a point.

This is merely left-wing propaganda dipshits trying to make political hay by intentionally misrepresenting and lying about the facts

That the Trump campaign organization secretly colluded with Putin operatives is an established fact.

Only in fantasy-land.

The false and criminal accusations against Trump for Russia collusion were debunked and completely destroyed by the Mueller Report, showing instead that a treasonous FBI and HRC paid our enemies to manufacture a smear-scandal against a duly elected President, and by proxy, the People of the United States of America.


It’s uncontroversial fact. Anyone claiming otherwise needs psychiatric treatment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Still waiting for any proof of Russia Collusion, especially after proof was given it’s a hoax.

You won’t consider any sources that contradict your Trump World bullshit.

If you had any to consider, perhaps I would.

In your fantasy land, you still think Trump colluded with the Russians.

What a loser you are. Just get over it. He won.

The BIG Lie of “Russian collusion” has been proven beyond refute. Stay on point, stop trying to drag everyone off on a tangent away from the subject at hand.

stop trying to drag everyone off on a tangent away from the subject at hand.

That’s his only tool in his toolbox

Highly placed Trump campaign figures secretly met with Putin operatives, and LIED about it.

Only in fantasy-land.

They did not. The Left, and you, are trying to save face with nebulous and unfounded claims.


Trump Collusion is a hoax, and has been legally debunked.

Get over it, or go back to fantasy-land and play dress up.

Such meetings and the lies told about them were fully documented by the Mueller investigation.

And unfortunately nebulous enough, and plausible enough given Trump being the INCOMING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to render any claim that it was somehow illegal or “collusion” to be both false and criminally deceptive.

DANGER! DANGER! Greg is getting his ass kicked trying to defend the left’s agenda to normalize pedophilia so he hopes to drag everyone back down his “Russian collusion” lies rabbit hole.

That the Trump campaign organization secretly colluded with Putin operatives is an established fact.

Yeah, it has been definitive proven that that is a lie and that you are a liar.

So a “secret” is an established fact? So go ahead and let the secret out and establish it here. I could use a laugh.
Consider this the Mueller team of lawyers, with Andrew Weismann running the show, knew on day one of their investigation the Trump/Russia collusion narrative was bogus. Created out of the Clinton campaign team as John Durham is now exposing. Which of course is as a byproduct laying waste to the Mueller report. Weismann is a well know Hillary Clinton confidant so anything he would be involved in producing would be suspect at best. It turned out to be two years of negative propaganda against Trump. When it blew up with zero actual charges, libs tried to hang onto hope of some kind future of obstruction of justice charge against Trump in connection with the investigation. But how does one obstruct justice on something that never happened in the first place?
The biggest established fact here is you got played for a sucker and can’t admit to it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

Oh gee an opinion piece from CNN. The same bunch that got fooled with Trump/Russia collusion for years. Only suckers buy into anything CNN puts out.

They weren’t “fooled” in the least. They knew all along it was all lies because they were part of the plot. They simply lied because lying is their business model, being part of the Democrat party propaganda machine.

They are not burning any books, they simply choose texts that do not promote the failed core curriculum pushed in DC, since the establishment of the DOE we have gone to 24th in the world.
Look at the circle of learning families are pushed out of the center, all studies show a stable home life with a mom and a dad help children thrive the most.
Loads of gobbledy gook bullshit in your example.

You don’t know that, because they haven’t provided a single, solitary example of what is so offensive.

…they simply choose texts that do not promote the failed core curriculum pushed in DC, since the establishment of the DOE we have gone to 24th in the world.

What does that have to do with the fact that Ron DeSantis is a posturing little twit?

We’re talking about representation in our democracy. Silly playground insults mean you’re not mature enough to join to the conversation…

…or to vote.

It means you’re entire “platform” and belief structure is built on media manipulation, and not on anything real.

i.e. Fantasyland.

Enjoy it while it’s lasts. Reality always wins out.

Hahaha. This is how it was when he was running as a completely nonviable candidate.

This guy couldn’t win a legal election, ever.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

And THEY came to see the Easter Bunny.

You dont know either your sources have not named a single book they have rejected not a f’n one. You ASSume many things SEL sucks with 8 lips now you have exposed it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Then why don’t you go run in Florida and offer us your great leadership then.

DeSantis is doing his job. This fatal and sick ideology from the Left is poison, and needs to stop. NOW.

He’s the governor, doing his job legally and with provided examples.

Get over it.

The Party and Religion banning Dr. Suess now wants to feign umbrage when a state government is legally and throughtfully ensuring the curriculum of public schools is in order and reflects the values of the citizens of Florida.

Good job, Ron. Well done.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Oh gawd what next no crying rooms and coloring books for college students? Ohhh the inhumanity!
But nothing to do with perverts chatting with toddlers about sex and gender.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

The 54 math books that were rejected are not listed on the state portal, so the news cycle is very, very quick to make deceptive political hay of this as if they won’t get the examples soon.

Just Leftist propaganda.

According to Gov. Ron DeSantis, some of the textbooks were rejected because they did not meet current state educational standards.

“We got rid of Common Core,” said DeSantis. “We have B.E.S.T. standards, which is a better way to do a lot of things, but particularly math. One of the criticisms was their parents couldn’t help with the math homework.”

But 26 of the rejected math books included “Special Topics,” according to the list of books that were not recommended for K-12 mathematics instruction.

According to a rubric used by reviewers to evaluate math books, those “Special Topics” include Critical Race Theory, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Social Justice, and Social Emotional Learning.

“We don’t want things like math to have some of these other concepts introduced,” said DeSantis. “It’s not been proven to be effective, and quite frankly it takes our eye off the ball.”

Approximately every five years a team of three reviewers is appointed by Florida’s Commissioner of Education to evaluate newly-published textbooks in a particular subject area.

Parents and other citizens can see how reviewers evaluated approved textbooks by logging on to the state’s online evaluation portal.

However, detailed evaluations for textbooks that were not approved by the state, including the 54 recently rejected math books, do not appear on the online portal.

News 6 submitted a public records request Monday with the Florida Department of Education seeking detailed evaluations of the 54 rejected math books. State officials have not yet produced those records. You can see the list below.

New 6 asked for the records yesterday. It’s Tuesday.

Be patient.

Apparently dumbing textbooks down to the parents’ level is the path to popularity.

“We got rid of Common Core,” said DeSantis. “We have B.E.S.T. standards, which is a better way to do a lot of things, but particularly math. One of the criticisms was their parents couldn’t help with the math homework.”

Common core isnt about the correct answer bu some abstract long way to get to an answer, correct answer isnt important.

The Ten Dumbest Common Core Problems

Apparently dumbing textbooks down to the parents’ level is the path to popularity.

Why does the left fear the parent’s involvement in the teaching process? Oh… that’s right. They might object to leftist indoctrination and teaching sexual deviancy.

Given that all public education is being dumbed down to so-called minorities level is the real problem. It’s race-based and Jim Crow like.

Sooner or later, you always seem to get around to the GOP’s repackaged racism.

You consider this education thing a political issue, you never once stopped to consider right or wrong, just some knee jerk bullshit you saw on television.
No child ledt behind, Core and all the other top down crap ideas out of DC have dragged our kids down, down to the point where grades and accomplishments mean nothing, getting into Harvard and Yale mean nothing. There are few elite colleges left very few as they chase dollars not excellence.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Florida’s republican-appointed textbook censors have provided no specific examples of the insidious Social Emotional Learning material that resulted in their textbook bans. (The book burnings have yet to be scheduled.) 

Tell me Comrade Greggie, exactly what dog do you have in this hunt? Do you live in Florida? Do you have children, or grandchildren, in a Florida public school? You have said before that you are childless. So exactly why is it your business how a state, that you don’t live in, runs their schools for children that are not yours?

Perhaps you would also like to explain exactly what SEL has to do with math, or any science course. Don’t you lefties believe science is absolute, you know like the science behind “climate change” (which you used to call “global warming” but that didn’t pan out so well) or the “science” behind wearing a face diaper to prevent the contraction of the Kung Flu?

Apparently dumbing textbooks down to the parents’ level is the path to popularity.

Oh, there it is; your Marxism showing once again. You just can’t help yourself. The children in Florida have such stupid parents that you Marxists must run to the rescue of all those children.

Not that I expect any responses from you. It’s not what you do. You simply p!ss and moan about what you don’t like and then, like the useful idiot you are, expect the rest of us to sign on to your idiocy.

Here’s some advise, Comrade Greggie; mind your own f’ing business. Florida is not your state and those children are not yours.

It’s important to the entire Democrat party to normalize and legalize pedophilia. The reasons are obvious and have been demonstrated by idiot Biden, for one.

Apparently dumbing textbooks down to the parents’ level is the path to popularity.
You sound like a lib, 4th grade math with core pollution isnt helping stem or science.
Florida’s B.E.S.T. ELA and Math Standards that bring education back to the basics by prioritizing reading, writing, arithmetic and civics, not affirming some perverts fantasies.
Its the education that built the country. Not the substandard education of non grade level reading and math scores.


Thats not the only reason they were rejected, some would not teach to the level desired or standard desired.

Yes and you’re parsing words because they did not outline why those books specifically are not permitted.

To say that information will not be given is just a lie

The US falls behind the rest of the world because liberal “educators” place leftist indoctrination ahead of learning. The left, following orders from the teacher’s unions, exposed this insidious plot by shutting down schools and sending the curriculum home (seems the left can NEVER see the consequences of their stupidity). Now, it’s out in the open and the battle is joined.

Teaching boy-touching and gender-stupidity has no place in schools, at any age, except to teach students how WRONG it is. It is 100% the duty and responsibility of the PARENTS to teach morality and sexual control. Such instruction should DEFINITELY be kept away from the people who consistently make the WORST decisions.