Joe Biden will not be able to serve out his full term

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There are gaffes and there are gaffes. Then there’s dementia. Joe Biden has always been gaffe prone but at some point, people have to come to grips with the fact that Joe Biden is suffering from real dementia. We got three Biden boners a couple of days ago.

Did you know that Jill Biden was once Vice President?

“The daughter of a Navy signalman during World War Two, the mother of a member of the Delaware National Guard, the grandmother of children who experienced having their father deployed away from home for a year at a time,” Biden said in his speech. “She always holds our military and their families in her heart.  And that is not hyperbole; that’s real.

I’m deeply proud of the work she is doing as first lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when she was vice president and now carries on.”

Biden again claimed to being a truck driver in the past

President Joe Biden spoke at a trucking event at the White House on Monday, using the occasion to revise a story about when he “used to drive a truck.”

“I used to drive a truck,” he said in a speech on trucking outside the White House with two Mack trucks behind him. “It’s a long story. Anyway.”

There is zero evidence that he was ever a truck driver.

Then after his speech he asks a very poignant question:


He had no idea where he was or what he was doing.

Biden suggested American troops were going to Ukraine, the US would respond in kind if Russia used chemical weapons and called for regime change in Russia. Later, when asked about that he said ‘None of the three occurred’.’

Biden’s dementia is not new. It was written about here last year. The press can smother this for only so long. The problem is, it’s getting worse. I do not see Biden finishing his term as President. Eventually he’s going to need a seeing brain dog accompanying him everywhere. It will be in the form of an earpiece with someone telling him what to say when he cannot read a teleprompter.

Biden may also be forced to resign once he pardons his criminal coke addled reprobate son.

Kamala Harris is highly likely to become President and that will be the sh*tshow of all sh*tshows. The latest in a long line, Harris’s Chief of Staff has resigned. Harris has been called a soul-destroying bully who routinely sounds like an idiot in part because, according to an insider, she refuses to prepare and largely because she is an idiot.

There is an alleged Chinese curse that reads “May you live in interesting times.”

It’s going to get very interesting soon.


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Not one of Bidens Rougues Gallery is worth having in our Government the facts that Biden like Clinton and Obama are just carrying out the globalists plans for America as part of the New World Order and the Globalists Community

Dementia is not a crime, but it doesn’t excuse the dereliction of duty and outright corruption committed by idiot Biden. Primarily, those who, through fraud, but this incompetent fool in office should be tried for treason. None of these criminals though idiot Biden was going to make this country better; they intended to only make THEIR SITUATION better through corruption and theft.

 None of these criminals though idiot Biden was going to make this country better; they intended to only make THEIR SITUATION better through corruption and theft.

It’s called, “managing the decline.”
Kleptocrats have been doing it for decades now.

Yasser Arafat needed the threat of war to gain riches while his people suffered.
He died a multimillionaire.
In Africa kleptocrats like Mugabe got rich.
Jean-Claude Duvalier President of Haiti died with $800 million in Swiss banks.

Now, under BIDEN and China’s Belt & Road Inititive, poor countries all over the earth are being tricked into ceding farmland, cobalt mines and lithium mines to China as they default on Chinese loans signed by the kleptocrat there before he left office.

In the USA it’s been the globalists who have gotten the most wealth from managing the decline here.
Only trouble is, we are so resiliant that we refuse to decline for them.
So, they have resorted to creating fake crises to force us to decline for their enrichment.
The main trouble with ousting joe is that another globalist takes his place.
Both joe and Kamala are fronts being led by unelected globalist puppetmasters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nan G

Good article, John. I don’t accept Biden as a President, and I don’t extend my privilege for him to have that title as an American Citizen. He didn’t win a fair and free election, and his obvious ties to foreign elites are only galvanized by the actions he takes, which are on their agenda, but certainly not on the agenda of the American People.

Flooding the country with non-citizens.
Allowing the new housing crisis.
Censoring and threatening non-Leftists.
Supporting anti-science trans and all LBGT nonsense.
Hiring people based on their race and gender rather than merit.


Of course, he can’t be allowed to continue, but the population has to admit and recognize the warfare that’s being waged on our nation.

Groupthink and mass hysteria is being used effectively against the mostly-white, overeducated, underworked Democrat base, which is probably only about 15-20% of the electorate.

The legacy media continues to fail. I say any sane American instantly rejects all news or information coming from CNN, NBC, WaPo, NYTs…all those 20th Century dead organizations that are just vessels for the new Democrat Media Complex.

There would be almost no Leftists if there were no longer these disinformation outlets to trick them into believing things that are NOT true.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Of course, he can’t be allowed to continue, but the population has to admit and recognize the warfare that’s being waged on our nation.

And THAT’S why it is imperative that idiot Biden be impeached and removed from office, Kamala or no Kamala. Of course, it will take a Republican majority and a Republican effort, which is too bad because bipartisanship would be more healing. But, it MUST BE DONE.

I don’t accept Biden as a President

And I’m sure Biden is heartbroken about it.

What other self-evident facts do you refuse to accept?

What other self-evident facts do you refuse to accept?

The self-evident fact is that a duly elected President does not go from 81 million votes to 35% approval in one year. He never got 81 million votes and he never legitimately won the election. That’s a self-evident fact YOU refuse to accept.

But he’s the president, whether or not you like it or “accept” it.


All presidents are in the job temporarily.

All presidents are in the job temporarily.

You’d better tell that to Obama. He might have some other plans.

Biden is not the President of the United States. You have to win an election for that.

some less temporarily than others

I guess Michael doesn’t understand he’s off the Democrat Plantation. Even they don’t want Biden anymore, as they are all telegraphing together.

From AOC to the Obama snub to their propaganda outlets…

Biden is out.

Yes, there is much buyer’s remorse contrary to Michael’s belief…

If only there was a lemon law. We could send him back to his basement where Jill could change his diapers and fix him applesauce and smashed peas to eat.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

But he’s the president, whether or not you like it or “accept” it.

Unfortunately not.

The People rule in this country, not our temporary representatives, and certainly not a globalist installed puppet who is our first dictator, Joe Biden. His privilege to govern has been revoked by over half the electorate.

Right now we are deciding how best to handle a coup committed by the deep state and the Democrat Party, all at the paid behest of the WEF and others.

In summary:

Trump is an outsider, not bought and he didn’t do the usual lobbyist game of getting campaign money and turning around the make those people rich.

Trump did the following:

  1. Said “no lobbyists” in the WH.
  2. Ended the bad trade deals with China, deals set up by the trillionaires and big corporations.
  3. He was routing out Chinese spies and influence.
  4. HE SAID NATO SHOULD PAY THEIR OWN WAY. This was the biggest reason for the globalist coup.

In response, the corrupt Democrats/FBI/Deep State being paid by people like Schwab and Soros did the following:

  1. Released Covid 19 from a place you will NEVER get an answer on how or why it got out: China. This allowed for new and illegal voting laws that gave votes that, like the pandemic itself, could never be verified.
  2. About SIX BILLION was paid to the Biden from banks, tech, pharma, and trillionaires.
  3. A tech oligarch was allowed to set up a shadow election system (very f*cking illegal) and secure more “votes”.
  4. The Democrat Media Complex got to lie about Trump, essentially becoming propagandists and not news organizations.
  5. FIVE, FIVE, FIVE FBI directors literally lied about the Hunter Laptop story, swaying an already rigged election.



But he’s the president, whether or not you like it or “accept” it.

Designated as such through fraud, whether you like or “accept” it or not.

Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.

— President Ronald Reagan

What Michael is supporting is the opposite of freedom, claiming that bypassing free and fair elections is still “winning.”

Guess it’s time to fight and defend, as Ronnie sagely states.

Either our next President, the real 46th, will be duly elected…or our country has officially lost our freedom and will never get it back without becoming two nations.

One for people like Michael: a communistic, totalitarian hell…

And one for us: a free and fair society, like we had before globalists took over our nation from within.

What Michael is supporting is the opposite of freedom, claiming that bypassing free and fair elections is still “winning.”

The ends justifies the means. Stopping the assault on the deep state and establishment political class and installing a doped up puppet justifies obscene election fraud for the left.

will never get it back without becoming two nations.

Don’t let the doorknob hit you in the butt as you leave.

The 2 nation thing didnt work out professor, you might want to look that up. If you , California and NY cant handle a Republic you might want a nice socialistic country go search for any that are successful.

The 2 nation thing didnt work out professor, you might want to look that up. 

First of all, I wasn’t the one saying that we’d end up as two nations. I was quoting Nathan Blue.

Second, it didn’t work because the Federal government didn’t want the South to leave. There doesn’t have to be a war if we allow you guys to leave. Red states are welcome to form the United States of Trumplandia, or whatever they’d wind up calling it. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

I’m American. You’re not. You’ve made the choice to walk out the door. Just don’t be mad when you come back and find it locked.

Don’t worry. We’ll share our harvest so you don’t starve.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

You’ve made the choice to walk out the door.

The ones who talk about secession are the ones going out the door. That’s the Right.

comment image
The left wouldnt survive 1 year you sir would be eaten first.

The ones who talk about secession are the ones going out the door. 

You don’t have the stomach boy.

Democrats are today what they were long ago: confederate slavers trying to steal the fruits of democracy to support tyranny.

Not on my watch.

In case you missed it, if you can’t read this and understand, you need to pack your bags and get the hell our of my country:

This is what the so-called “Right” is supporting: simple American existence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

An unelected, tyrannical government has been allowed access to the People’s resources. They’ve duped their cult into thinking they are the “good guys” while they destroy our economy, start and allow wars, and replace democratic process with classic autocracy.

Hope you know where your beliefs lead, son. You’ll be happily trying to load patriots like me into railcars and doing it with a smile…like all nazis before you.

You don’t have the stomach boy.

I don’t have the stomach to what? Watch you leave? Sure I do. Why on Earth wouldn’t I?

Um, I’m here. It’s my country. I uphold the Constitution.

You don’t.

Follow our laws, or get out.

Follow our laws, or get out.

Are you suggesting I don’t follow the law? Which law have you seen me break?

Have you broken any laws? What are you suggesting?

like all nazis before you.

In what way am I a nazi?

Please address the core of the conversation: that the structure of our nation matters, and the people you seem to attack (because you were told to) are upholding the values, laws, and freedoms you claim to value too.

Prove to me how you defend my right to free speech, voting for who I want, equality for all and not a set of laws based on your race (Democrats want this), and everything else.

I think the issue is that you don’t understand you are supporting the very opposite of what you claim to believe.

Prove to me how you defend my right to free speech, voting for who I want, equality for all and not a set of laws based on your race (Democrats want this), and everything else.

I’m under no obligation to prove anything to you.

I obey the laws of the land; that’s all you get from me.

What land is that? What land do you live in?

Why is that all I get from you?

Who said you had any obligation from me? Don’t you like answering questions?

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

What land is that? What land do you live in?

The United States of America.

Why is that all I get from you?

Because that’s all I choose to give you. What more are you expecting?

Who said you had any obligation from me? Don’t you like answering questions?

You didn’t ask a question; you gave a command: Prove to me how you defend my right to free speech, voting for who I want, equality for all and not a set of laws based on your race (Democrats want this), and everything else.”

I don’t need to follow your commands.

Who was giving you commands? Asking you to prove something is a command?

Can you offer any proof that you understand how our government works and what are ideals are, showing that you’re responsible citizen who wants equality and equal justice for all, rather than supporting corrupt audio logs and the corporations who install them??

Isn’t that just a basic question?

No the parable of the wise virgins needs to be learned.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

Oh, and your Party and it’s media wing are turning on Joe Biden.

You might want to make sure you’re still part of their hive mind. Don’t be caught not being part of the herd.

comment image

Biden isn’t in control. Even you can’t argue that.

Who’s making decisions? Go ahead and try to type “Biden.” Your fingers won’t let you.

And concerning self-evidence, you need to learn some things if you want to be a American:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Resisting you and the Leftist coup you support is just being a good American.

Decide where you want to live. This country is taken.

It is our right and duty to resist the illegal installation of dictator Biden, and government so compromised by greed, insider trading, and simple corporate fascism as to no longer adhere to our Constitution.

Choose wisely, Michael.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Decide where you want to live. This country is taken.

Again: you guys are the ones who talk about secession. The secessionists are, by definition, the ones who are leaving.

Again, no one but you used the word “secession.” I know the media teaches your cult to think you’re “American,” but you can’t be and support the things you do.

Parsing words isn’t going win the civil war you fools started when you openly waged insurrection and staged a coup against our duly elected President Trump.

The secessionists are, by definition, the ones who are forcing in a new type of government that the People didn’t vote for, and didn’t want. Demcrats = state-run media, big banks, big tech, big pharma, and billions to install candidates. They represent letting tech oligarchs set up their own shadow ballot harvesting operations, and suppressing life-saving drugs for a man-made virus released in an election year.

Whatever you call that, it’s not democracy.

Choose wisely. Decide where you want to live, and what you have to believe to be there.

This country is taken.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

Over the past few months, several Republican lawmakers have advocated their states seceding from the United States.

So like the bigot you are, you thought we all agreed, just lumped us all in with some others.
There are states that want to break up and become 2 states as well.
Texas has the right to secede written into its states constitution.
Conservatives want a much smaller federal government. The spending is out of control, when denied they cry we want to starve kids or some nonsense.
The Installed unelected President has a hole in his marble bag, has become dangerous, the operators always walking what he says back
You must want hyper inflation, defund the police, a cashless economy where they can cut you off if you disagree with total government control and government child dysfunctional sex grooming. Sound like you Mikey?

That link goes to the homepage. No article to read.

You can’t secede when you are following and upholding the existing government structure.

Democrats are trying to secede by assuming control and changing things, without elected authority. That’s makes them traitors, and enemies of the State.

Go try your ideas in another country.

This one’s taken.

Let’s look at the things we can agree with:

  1. It’s wrong to pass laws that make companies rich, who already gave to a certain politician’s campaign…making the business richer and the politician now passing spending bills to give to companies who then pay for the campaign…
  2. It’s wrong for sitting law-makers to invest in companies when they can literally pass laws that will take away competition and make those companies rich (then they pay for the campaign. Example: 50 million from pfizer to Biden. They’ve made over a trillion from Biden’s actions already).
  3. It’s wrong to have “insiders” in our government. We are governed by the People, and anyone….ANYONE may run for office and win by merit, not by how much money a lobby or company is paying.

You and I are probably still on the same page. I just see more of what’s going on then you, as the Left is LITERALLY doing the above (so is the GOP) but then getting people like you to think it’s Trump or some other outsider doing it, when they are actually challenging it.

The secessionists are, by definition, the ones trying to form their own form of government in violation of the existing structure. They don’t leave. The pretend they are “legit” and then project on lawful citizens. That’s Democrats, and you it seems.

Decide where you want to live, and what you value. America does not suffer the kind of treason and secession you opening support.

Durham bombshell: Prosecutor unveils smoking gun FBI text message, ‘joint venture’ to smear Trump

OK, who wants to volunteer for Sussman watch duty? What we keep finding is that these scum were so self-certain of success that they didn’t try very hard to cover their tracks.

I can remember far enough back when the media would report anything in front page bold headlines regardless of if they could confirm it or not, none of that “well, let’s wait a year and a half and see if it’s true” caution. Now we see that those who gobbled up that rancid bullshit don’t regret being made a fool of one tiny bit; they await the next time they can serve their function as useful idiot.

Idiot Biden admits he is still doing Obama’s bidding.

Biden wanders alone and bewildered when Obama is in the room:

Imagine when you have the worst President* in history and you wish for the “good old days” when you had the 2nd worst President in history in office.

*no… not really President

Indeed, he’ll always be a former VP. That’s legit at least.

“Biden is the most unpopular person in virtually any room he enters.”

81 million votes?


He’s the President anyway?


Also, I wonder how scripted this is.

Or they are just showing that Joe is an installed potato.

In my heart of hearts I am 101% sure that they never intended Sluggo to finish it out… Think about it, it’s all part of the coup