It’s no secret that Joe Biden is in mental decline, but I believe we’re just about on the precipice of a total failure. Yesterday Biden took questions from reporters. His handlers anticipated the questions that were to come (it was pretty obvious) and they printed out cue cards that Biden was to use to answer the expected questions.
A reporter asked if he meant he was advocating for regime change in Russia
Checks notes: ‘If you weren’t advocating for regime change, what did you mean? Can you clarify?
‘I was expressing the moral outrage I felt towards the actions of this man.
‘I was not articulating a change in policy.’
The Daily Mail wrote this:
Biden had also anticipated a question about the reaction from the French president, Emmanuel Macron.
Macron said on Sunday that he would not have used Biden’s words, adding that he saw his task as ‘achieving first a ceasefire and then the total withdrawal of [Russian] troops by diplomatic means’.
Checks notes: ‘If we want to do that, we can’t escalate in either words or actions.’
Beg your pardon, but that wasn’t Biden who anticipated anything. That was anticipated by whoever the real President is.
Biden was asked: ‘Is this now threatening to splinter unity with your NATO allies?’
Checks notes: ‘No. NATO has never been more united.’
That wasn’t the worst of it. This was.
But he faced a barrage of questions from reporters attempting to clarify his position and whether he had blundered.
He was asked whether he had misspoken repeatedly by at one stage sounding as if he was telling U.S. troops they were about to go to Ukraine, as if he was suggesting the U.S. might use chemical weapons, and as if he was calling for regime change.
‘None of the three occurred,’ he said.
That is delusional. All three DID happen. Biden’s handlers frantically walked all those statements back. He apparently does not remember, and someone told him to say otherwise. That’s positively frightening. Biden is unable to perform his duties without prompting or cue cards, and someone is controlling him. He has repeatedly referred to someone else not allowing him to do something.
“They” won’t let me enter Ukraine.
“They” do not want me answering questions.
“I’m not supposed to take any questions”
“I’m sorry,” he said, after listening to questions about his own mask-wearing and a potential summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “This is the last question I’ll take, and I’m really gonna be in trouble.”
The glaringly obvious question is “Who is they?” When is someone going to ask who “they” are? Who is the real President? America needs to and deserves to know who the hell is really running the country.
It’s not Joe.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
I used to think it was Jill, but Jill hasn’t got the power to force so many in the media to toe the line and ask just the right questions, or else.
So, it is probably Ronald Alan Klain, with Obama and Soros behind him.
The power, the money for all the tech, the scariness to get even joe to obey to the extent he can still obey.
Nan, nah, it wasn’t Jill. Jill was just the facilitator.
On a day-to-day basis, yeah, Ron Klain is your man. But in the shadows, running the Oval Office as before, well, look to the Obama administration and those who worked for him. Think of the names that you know returned for Obama 3.0 but you never read in the press or hear on the news channels; Samantha Power, Cass Sunstein, Susan Rice, Obama himself, the list is numerous. Only a few, like Tony Blinken, are public.
It is clear that Biden is pumped full of drugs by his handlers attempting to get him through whatever length of time required, just to send him back to Delaware on weekends to recoup. Only in the last few weeks, Biden has gone off script. Dangerously gone off script.
Just as LBJ was an insurance policy for JFK and Biden was an insurance policy for Obama, Kamala is an insurance policy for Biden, the philosophy being “while the President is bad, the VP would be worse.”
Believe me, the Dems have created a mess that is not going to be easy for them to clean up.
Wow. 2 questions per page. So many, how does he keep up?
If that didn’t rile up the resident Biden boot licker try this.
Election fraud is very dangerous and destructive.
9 hours ago
In other words, evidence indicates that Trump more likely than not committed a crime.Consequently, Eastman can’t withhold evidence that would allow it to be determined whether or not a crime was actually committed.
What evidence? The process of counting electoral votes and subsequent challenges to electoral votes in and of itself is not criminal. The Constitution provides for a process for this to occur. State legislatures Constitutionally have plenary power over the election and the electors assigned to the respective states. Should a state request a reclamation of electors they can not be prohibited under our Constitution.
So…….White House Left Out Details Of “Grisly Child Porn Case” From Nominee Materials Given To GOP.
What should happen to the joe admin?
She will be appointed for LIFE while joe’s peeps covered up the elementary school age child p0rn on his computer.
And parsing that Trump “more likely than not,” is easily as bad as those 51 supposedly impartial intelligence veterans who were so sure the laptop was Russia, Russia, Russia.
What is equally troubling are the 55k pages of documents when she was vice chair of the US Sentencing Commission being held back by durbin.
What troubling issues are being hidden from the American people?
You know… the “mountain” of evidence. It’s apparent. Schiff has it, right at his fingertips.
Trust me.
It’s in plain sight
But they can’t show it to us because it’s classified.
biden is not the one making decisions. It is a cabal of Ron Klaine Valerie Jarrett and Jeff zients. These are the principles and under each of them are lieutenants.
This is treasonous as we are being governed unconstitutionally.
Newt: We Have A “Cognitively-Challenged President And A Cognitively Hopeless Vice-
Ron Klaine Valerie Jarrett and Jeff zients, ok look deeper who controls them, Rhodes scholars, CFR, WEC and who runs those. There are lots of minions, taking over the USA took a vast army willing to break the law for just a few bucks or minor agenda. There are those paid quite well, not all of their rewards are sitting in US banks. Jill knows she will out live Joe and live out her years very comfortably or commit suicide.
Notes listing your main points for a nationally televised press conference is a sign of mental decline?
People who don’t recognize such an absurd criticism as total bullshit must be in a state of serious mental decline themselves.
President Trump never used notes
Trump used a teleprompter. His teleprompter operator was Gabriel Perez. Many of his speeches were written by Stephen Miller. He also used notes, which were photographed on multiple occasions. You can see such a photo here:
Here are all the times Trump’s notes and letters have been photographed
Never answered questions with notes and did not need a list to call on democrat stenographers
You are failing to prop up jackass biden
Get serious. Most public officials refer to notes during any scheduled press event or speech.
But do they use an earpiece like Biden? Or Adderall?
Get serious.
Your excuse making for dementia joe is pathetic
biden lied yesterday when confronted by Peter Doocy
At least Trump answered questions. The fragile feelings of Democrat/Leftists are the only issue here. Trump was correct when he called them out on their incompetence or low-achievement lives.
The truth hurts, and most of the Left’s attacks come from bitter emotionalism, not responsible maturity.
After Yesterday’s Disastrous Presser, Biden’s Handlers Allow Him to Take Only One Pre-Approved Question Today (VIDEO)
President Joe Biden’s nominee to serve as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs previously served as the “Global Project Lead” at Pfizer and is one of the leading proponents of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender representation in the U.S. military, The National Pulse can reveal.
Why did the widow of Moscows mayor give hunter biden 3.5 million dollars?
What happened to 7 hours of Trump’s January 6th White House telephone call log????
What happened to Joe Biden’s reports of money spent on his and Jill’s home by son, Hunter, which would be considered a gift?
Any “gift” is supposed to be reported when you are in office, like the Office of Vice President.
Who cares. What happened to investigating the obvious and credible election fraud and Joe Biden getting money from China, Russia, and all those companies?
What happened to our justice system when a former VP admits to withholding aid on camera, admits to a crime?
This is a coup. America as we knew it is gone. We’re just controlling the fall so that the marxist, undemocratic part of the country breaks off peacefully and leaves the democratic, patriotic core of the nation intact.
03/29/22 – Trump asks Putin to hand over dirt on Hunter Biden: Ex-President claims Russian leader ‘knows’ why ‘the mayor of Moscow’s wife gave Joe’s son $3.5million’
So there’s Trump. asking a favor from the guy who makes genius moves and knows a good piece of real estate when he sees it.
Fake news
There’s a video of Trump pitching the Moscow Widow Tale and asking Putin to help with evidence. The video was produced by “America’s Real Voice”, which is as ironic a name as “Project Veritas”.
The pitch: Hey, Zelensky wouldn’t play ball, but maybe Vlad will. I can point out to Vlad how much better things were for him when TRUMP was president. Ukranine certainly would have gone better for him. He’ll know I’m right.
Putin invaded during Biden’s occupation.
He did not invade during Trump’s term.
There’s a reason for that. Strong leaders keep weak dictators like Putin in check.
Drooling puppets installed by the World Economic Forum invite calamity.
Own it.
Yep. Putin’s timing was off. Ukraine has fiercely defended itself and NATO nations became Ukraine’s arsenal. Putin won’t get all he planned to take. He can pretend whatever he gets was all he really wanted, for the time being at least. Maybe he’ll calm down for a while and study his maps. Plot a few poisonings, maybe.
His timing was precise: launch the attack when the weakest, most incompetent, most compromised by corruption idiot is in the White House. He wrongly expected weak resistance.
He wanted East Ukraine and got it. Now does your actor buddy accept the loss or not? When he does that WILL be someone “pretending” that he always meant to give the eastern part of his country away.
Putin invaded during Biden’s occupation. Not Trump’s. That’s proof that Trump stopped Putin like a leader should.
Biden has failed with Russian foreign policy. It’s empirical fact.
As if you, or anyone, knows what “he planned to take.”
You can’t polish this turd. Biden, you, your Party, the WEF, and your ideologies have failed publicly for all to see.
Now Ukrainian children are dead because of you.
Except that is not what happened. You are lying. I watched the interview
There’s a video of Trump pitching the Moscow Widow Tale and asking Putin to help with evidence. The video was produced by “America’s Real Voice”, which is as ironic a name as “Project Veritas”.
But, why DID the wife of the Moscow mayor give Hunter, the US Vice President’s son, $3.5 million? And was this money declared on Hunter’s income taxes? Why wasn’t Hunter registered as a lobbyist for foreign interests?
Senators Menendez, Durbin and Leahy also told Ukraine to provide “evidence” against Trump. Was that OK?
Well, why did she give the Biden’s so much money?
Or is buying influence from a Democrat OK with you?
Did I miss it or have we received on answer?
Bwahahahaha, and like always they took it hook line and sinker, now everyone wants to know about Hunter and it will lead to the laptop. The laptop holds evidence of many crimes Grassley and Johnson have uncovered the documents to prove it.
Let’s say it’s true that Russia has blackmail documents it can hold over joe’s head.
That would explain why joe is forcing the world, and us, too, to buy Russian oil while giving lip service to supporting Ukraine.
It would explain why joe only sets up sanctions that hurt Americans more than Russia.
It would explain why joe will only support Ukraine weakly.
So, why would Putin hand over such papers or proofs?
Their blackmail would end.
Their gravytrain would end.
President Trump is trolling joe and joe’s team and supporters.Donald Trump knows the Russians would never stop the blackmail, so beneficial to them, willingly.
BUT……Zelensky might.
“Failing” is pedo Greggie’s thing. he’s trying so desperately to be right and is still coming up short.
Trump never needed a teleprompter to tell everyone how he felt, nor did he separate his feelings from his policies.
If you look close you’ll see right next to the number 1 and number 2 on the little card he’s holding are the first two questions. In other words it’s all prescreened for him. What happens if he calls on the wrong person first? I believe Kelly O’Donnell of NBC asked the first one. Good thing she followed the script. This shows coordination with the media or COLLUSION. You think notes Trump used were coordinated with the media? This isn’t a SPEECH so your teleprompter argument doesn’t work either. Trump would take questions in rapid fire until the press was about exhausted. Biden takes a few, bumbles them and gets rushed off stage. Then the walk back department of the White House goes into action.
With Trump the media would purposely get it wrong to smear him. The good people on both sides, telling people to drink bleach are just 2 examples of the lies the media used on Trump. Just like Trump Russia collusion people like you bought it and got played for fools.
Funny, idiot Biden claimed NO ONE was thinking he recommended regime change in Russia. But, unless this WAS scripted and the question was pre-arranged, the most likely question to be asked first was one about him suggesting regime change in Russia.
These idiots lie like 4 year olds.
Really. How about an example of that happening. Trump would answer questions, WITHOUT notes or a teleprompter, until the media got tired of asking questions. Most often, some dipshit looking for a soundbite for his resume’ stalked off pouting, not Trump.
But, whatever fantasy makes you find the disaster you’ve supported palatable.
Bidens Mental decline isnt really the subject, it is who are “They” the ones that The leader of the free world seems to fear.
Will they hit him, electrocute him would take shock jock to a new meaning, take away ice cream or pudding?
“They” won’t let me enter Ukraine.
“They” do not want me answering questions.
“I’m not supposed to take any questions”
“I’m sorry,” he said, after listening to questions about his own mask-wearing and a potential summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “This is the last question I’ll take, and I’m really gonna be in trouble.”
They seem to have him trained to wander away and not answer any questions.
It also isnt about Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.
America just starts drilling again.
We were exporting gas and oil before idiot Biden.
Get him out, now.
NY Post’s Miranda Devine: ‘Dam Is About to Burst’ on Hunter Biden Scandal
Sens. Grassley & Johnson Expose ‘Extensive Financial Relationships’ Between the Biden Crime Family and Communist China
greg must be busy celebrating Klaus Schwab’s birthday.
I wonder what “function” he serves in such an event.
American Households Face $5,200 Biden Inflation Tax This Year – San Fran Fed Blames Historic Inflation Rate on Government Spending
You will own nothing and be happy about it.
The global message to all people.