You might remember Harry Reid. He was a Senator from Nevada, serving from 1987 to 2017. He passed last December and currently resides in hell. Reid was a truly evil person, a liar utterly absent a soul or a conscience. In an effort to cripple the Presidential campaign of Mitt Romney in 2012, Harry made the assertion that Romney hadn’t paid his taxes in 10 years in a HuffPo interview.
“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years!” Reid said. “Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain, but obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look?”
Then he took to the Senate floor and said the same thing
“As we know, he has refused to release his tax returns. If a person coming before this body wanted to be a Cabinet officer, he couldn’t be if he had the same refusal Mitt Romney does about tax returns,” Reid said. “So the word is out that he has not paid any taxes for 10 years. Let him prove he has paid taxes, because he has not.”
Later, when asked if he had any regrets about lying, he said
“It worked, didn’t it?”
and “Romney didn’t win, did he?”
Yes, it worked. Taking a cue from that technique, 50 former members of the “intelligence” community signed a letter asserting that the Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian disinformation.”
More than 50 former intelligence officials said emails alleged to have been found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden show signs of a Russian disinformation operation.
Several of the signers have endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, according to Politico, which first reported the letter. The letter states that its signers do not have new information about the emails and their authenticity.
Not only did they endorse Biden, many were frequently appearing on MSNBC and CNN as “experts” and all bashed Trump. Consequently, Twitter, Facebook and Google took to censoring all content having to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop and the contents within. Twitter suspended the NY Post from its platform. It suspended anyone who tried to share content from the NY Post. The media gleefully seized upon it.
The NY Post ran a great story yesterday
Now that Joe Biden’s president, the Times finally admits: Hunter’s laptop is real
Forgive the profanity, but you have got to be s–tting us.
First, the New York Times decides more than a year later that Hunter Biden’s business woes are worthy of a story. Then, deep in the piece, in passing, it notes that Hunter’s laptop is legitimate.
“People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity,” the Times writes. “Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.”
Authenticated!!! You don’t say. You mean, when a newspaper actually does reporting on a topic and doesn’t just try to whitewash coverage for Joe Biden, it discovers it’s actually true?
Do read the whole thing.
The Times HAD to make the admission because they wanted to print a “scoop.”
SCOOP: HUNTER BIDEN paid off a significant tax liability (he told an associate that it was $1M+ & that he took out a loan to pay it). But a federal grand jury is continuing to gather evidence in a broad probe of Hunter’s international business dealings.
Out of nowhere, Joe Biden suddenly says
“I bet everybody knows somebody…that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then blackmails.”
He was, of course, talking about Hunter Biden. The younger Biden is expecting an indictment for tax fraud. He apparently took out a $1 million loan to pay off some tax liabilities in order to lessen the penalties. One would think he might have saved up some of that Burisma money, the $30 million the Biden family got from China or the $3 million he got from the wife of Moscow’s mayor.
Because of the censorship, about 50% of Biden supporters were ignorant of the laptop and the contents. Sixteen percent of Biden voters indicated that they would have voted differently had they known.
Seems like a good day to remind everyone that 16% of Biden voters would NOT have voted for Biden if they had been aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story
— Kyle Martinsen (@KyleMartinsen_) March 17, 2022
Make no mistake- those 50 former intelligence liars gave them cover. Oh sure, they provided a disclaimer
“We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case,”
That is what we call “bullsh*t.” Of course they knew. It’s their business to know. It’s also their business to lie and deceive. And once again, here is the list of those who engaged directly in election interference.
Jim Clapper
Former Director of National Intelligence
Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Former Director of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
Former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
Mike Hayden
Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director, National Security Agency
Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Leon Panetta
Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Secretary of Defense
John Brennan
Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor
Former Director, Terrorism Threat Integration Center
Former Analyst and Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Thomas Finger
Former Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis
Former Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research, Department of State
Former Chair, Na<onal Intelligence Council
Rick LedgeS
Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Security Agency
John McLaughlin
Former Ac<ng Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director, Slavic and Eurasian Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Michael Morell
Former Ac<ng Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Mike Vickers
Former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
Former Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Doug Wise
Former Deputy Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Former Senior CIA Opera<ons Officer
Nick Rasmussen
Former Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Russ Travers
Former Ac<ng Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Former Analyst of the Soviet Union and Russia, Defense Intelligence Agency
Andy Liepman
Former Deputy Director, Na<onal Counterterrorism Center
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
John Moseman
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Congressional Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Minority Staff Director, Senate Select CommiSee on Intelligence
Larry Pfeiffer
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director, White House Situa<on Room
Jeremy Bash
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief of Staff, Department of Defense
Former Chief Counsel, House Permanent Select CommiSee on Intelligence
Rodney Snyder
Former Chief of Staff, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Intelligence Programs, Na<onal Security Council
Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency
Glenn Gerstell
Former General Counsel, Na<onal Security Agency
David B. Buckley
Former Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Democra<c Staff Director, House Permanent Select CommiSee on Intelligence
Former Counterespionage Case Officer, United States Air Force
Nada Bakos
Former Analyst and Targe<ng Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
PaSy Brandmaier
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Associate Director for Military Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director of Congressional Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
James B. Bruce
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Na<onal Intelligence Council
Considerable work related to Russia
David Cariens
Former Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
50+ Years Working in the Intelligence Community
Janice Cariens
Former Opera<onal Support Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Paul Kolbe
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief, Central Eurasia Division, Central Intelligence Agency
Peter Corsell
Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
BreS Davis
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Director of the Special Ac<vi<es Center for Expedi<onary Opera<ons, CIA
Roger Zane George
Former Na<onal Intelligence Officer
Steven L. Hall
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief of Russian Opera<ons, Central Intelligence Agency
Kent Harrington
Former Na<onal Intelligence Officer for East Asia, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of Public Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
Don Hepburn
Former Senior Na<onal Security Execu<ve
Timothy D. Kilbourn
Former Dean, Sherman Kent School of Intelligence Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency
Ron Marks
Former Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Twice former staff of the Republican Majority Leader
Jonna Hiestand Mendez
Technical Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Emile Nakhleh
Former Director of the Poli<cal Islam Strategic Analysis Program, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Senior Intelligence Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency
Gerald A. O’Shea
Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Served four tours as Chief of Sta<on, Central Intelligence Agency
David Priess
Former Analyst and Manager, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency
Pam Purcilly
Former Deputy Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Director of the Office of Russian and European Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer to President George W. Bush, Central Intelligence Agency
Marc Polymeropoulos
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Ac<ng Chief of Opera<ons for Europe and Eurasia, Central Intelligence Agency
Chris Savos
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Officer
Nick Shapiro
Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the Director, Central Intelligence Agency
John Sipher
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Chief of Russian Opera<ons, Central Intelligence Agency
Stephen Slick
Former Senior Director for Intelligence Programs, Na<onal Security Council
Former Senior Opera<ons Office, Central Intelligence Agency
Cynthia Strand
Former Deputy Assistant Director for Global Issues, Central Intelligence Agency
Greg Tarbell
Former Deputy Execu<ve Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Analyst of the Soviet Union and Russia, Central Intelligence Agency
David Terry
Former Chairman of the Na<onal Intelligence Collec<on Board
Former Chief of the PDB, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer to Vice President Dick Cheney, Central Intelligence Agency
Greg Treverton
Former Chair, Na<onal Intelligence Council
John Tullius
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
David A. Vanell
Former Senior Opera<ons Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Winston Wiley
Former Director of Analysis, Central Intelligence Agency
Former Chief, Counterterrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency
Kristin Wood
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
Former PDB Briefer, Central Intelligence Agency
In addition, nine additional former IC officers who cannot be named publicly also support the
arguments in this letter.
ALL should be banned from government forever. ALL should be indicted for election interference and made to testify under oath. Last May the Washington Examiner asked all of them for a response to their letter being proved false and all remain silent. Why wouldn’t they?
It worked, didn’t it? Trump didn’t win, did he?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Now joe twists this into the next spin cycle.
His spokesperson says, “But Hunter doesn’t work for the gov’t, so…..”
Sure seem to be many the DOJ go after that are not government employees. Just everyone that doesnt go along with having their kids groomed, supports election integrity, related to 45 and more.
Hunter Biden DOESN’T work for the government–unlike Trump’s son, son-in-law, and daughter, who were handed Top Secret security clearances over government watchdogs’ objections.
Working for the government has nothing to do with this. I understand the talking points went out and that’s all you have but Hunter wasn’t getting paid those big bucks because he worked for the government. The collusion is in and you’ve got nothing.
So far as Joe Biden-as-President is concerned, it has EVERYTHING to do with it. Hunter Biden is a separate person who exploited his family name. Drug addicts exploit everything exploitable, including family. They can be very good at exploitation, and there’s no end to their drug-induced motivation to do so. Hunter is probably one of Biden’s greatest sorrows.
So the laptop and contents, which we were told was Russian disinformation because an election was up for grabs, has now been exposed as fact and the excuses change. It’s now hey Hunter doesn’t work for the government. Pathetic. The American public was lied to repeatedly about this and you are fine with that.
So does Joe have more flexibility with Putin just like Obama said he wanted?
And paid idiot Biden a taste. Corruption, pure and simple. You accuse Trump, support idiot Biden who actually COMMITTED corruption.
That’s kind of the problem with him flying on AF2 along with doddering daddy for the sole purpose of lining up lucrative business deals trading on doddering daddy’s name.
While Hunter was snorting coke, banging whores and losing laptops, Trump’s kids were closing historic peace deals in the Middle East and North Africa.
Looks like we finally found collusion. I know how lefties hate collusion they should be outraged any day now.
It worked…to fracture the country in two. Now we have us, the United State of America, and “them”, the installed Biden dictatorship and the fasco-marxist minority who thinks they have taken the country.
Not quite yet.
Trump 2024.
Trump punks these asshole so thoroughly, they continue to show their hand and publicly commit crimes more and more. At some point, it will be too obvious.
The election this Fall will be tough, but 2024 will be open fighting in the streets, I’m afraid. You can’t rig elections and get away with it.
Unfortunately you’re all on Putin’s side of the propaganda-induced fracture.
greg, uh uh, 2011 called. They want their false-narrative back.
I’m rather sure that I, and most posters at FA, have a solid record of warning about Putin while cucks like you ignored him.
No room on the bus, son. You don’t get to hate Putin now.
As for fractures induced by propaganda, the current state of the Biden occupation is crumbling quite nicely.
He, and the Left, caused this war with inaction, incompetence, and corruption by getting rich in Ukraine. It’s fact.
I have no desire to go where your bus is headed. You’re not going to like it, if you get there.
Biden had a little chat with Xi earlier today, likely pointing out that throwing in with Putin could cost China its two biggest markets–the US and Europe. Putin’s entire national economy is smaller than that of Texas; owing to the fact that the richest own so damn much of it, the average Russian citizen is too poor to buy a lot of Chinese consumer goods.
That’s something Xi might want to think about, before providing military aid to an increasingly unpopular mass-murderer.
Meanwhile, back in GOP land: The GOP is about to come after Biden on Ukraine
Let’s have the transcripts released to Republican members of the intel committees. It cannot be taken for granted that idiot Biden protected US interests in his call. More than likely, Xi told idiot Biden his paychecks were in jeopardy. Idiot Biden is compromised by every adversary the US faces.
Well, well, well; Comrade Greggie is now pimping for the founder of the man-boy love club otherwise known as the Lincoln Project, Rick Wilson.
(or, Tanks for your support.)
A sophomoric attempt at propaganda, and making light of the beginning of WWIII.
Colbert called Trump Putin’s c*cksleeve.
Now you love Putin’s c*ck.
What is it with Leftists and their love of homoerotica when their policies are shown to be garbage?
Putin would never have done this without Chinese support, which he has. There is nothing “forbidden” in their new friendship.
I call 444 smoking Russian tanks a step back from WW-3. There might be a little whisp of smoke rising from Vladimir, too. Which is what prompted REALLY BEEG RALLY. Vlad is very popular guy!
You caused WWIII.
Just own it.
Wars are fought by bullets and blood, not memes.
You idiots are in over your head and scrambling to propagandize out of it.
You’re f*cked.
That would be true. That’s why we’ve sent thousands of shoulder-launched anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.
The Russians should go home. Ukraine is not their country. Maybe when they get there, they could have a talk with their friends about Vladimir Putin, and about what they saw during their “Military Operation”. Russia could be peaceful. Russia could be rich. Of course there would be a need for some changes, if they also wanted Russia to be happier.
That’s why, at this point, Putin thinks he can’t stop his war in Ukraine, even if realizes he’s losing it.
I wouldn’t want to be him.
Trump began shipping the armaments to Ukraine instead of blankets. Idiot Biden stopped it when he was going to meet with Putin because he was afraid Putin would talk mean to him.
That only makes this much worse.
I don’t think the photo reflects what’s happening, by any stretch of the imagination. Putin’s plan has run into a solid wall of resistance, courtesy of the courage of the Ukrainian people, and a unified free world’s sanctions and armaments shipments. I’ll bet he didn’t expect that. Maybe he fell victim to believing his own propaganda. It’s not like it hasn’t happened to others.
I don’t think you are genuine in your shift in tone or propaganda material.
The focus for citizens of the West is not to feign concern and post black and white pictures of refugees. It’s not to point out that invading a country is hard.
It’s to express to our leaders and their operatives like you that we are NOT unified in this, and we want some answers about how this happened.
Those questions are being ignored, because the truth would require those in power to most likely give it up, as good leaders should when they’ve found they have strayed from the path of serving the people, and instead are serving themselves.
We people of the United State spoke in our election in 2020. We decided who we wanted to lead, and who would be the best bet at holding back Putin, Xi, and the rest.
The person was Trump.
Trump’s free election and untethered focus cost the elites of the world lots of money. The machinations they had going in other countries were all threatened. When he looked into admitted corruption in Ukraine, the entire government came together against the will of the People to set up a star chamber impeachment.
The hubris and arrogance of the European and American elites and oligarchs is on full display now, and no “free people” of the world will let propagandists pretend we are united with our increasingly totalitarian governments on what to do.
The sanctions are something being done to say that something was done. In reality, the West is simply letting Putin have the country.
In America, we need a convention of states to decide how best to restore democracy and eject the vile, hateful elements that have been simply installed via money and demonic schemes.
Enjoy this while you can, greg. Your time as troll is coming to an end…very soon.
The West is helping Ukraine fend off a tyrant, but all you care about is getting Trump back.
A case for what our vital National security interest has yet to be made. We have a far more important National security interest at our southern border. Fu€k Ukraine
The regime behind “Joe Biden” appears to relish the prospect of dragging out this crisis as long as possible, despite the fact that we have about zero national interest in the fate of Ukraine, except perhaps for our fears about the dark secrets that reside there…
The millions upon millions of dollars laundered from Ukraine using hunter as bagman filling the biden crime families coffers
There will be no US national security if Vladimir Putin is allowed to dominate Western Europe. China would soon follow, dominating the entire Pacific rim. This would happen in less than a decade, not in some far-off future.
There will be no US national security if biden is not removed forthwith. biden continues to allow illegal aliens into the US violating his Constitutional responsibility to keep Americans and America safe.
The world has moved on beyond 2020. You should try to catch up.
The world is still suffering from the fraud that took a LEADER out and replaced him with a corrupt puppet.
There is no US national security as long as the idiot Biden and his puppet masters are in DC.
Because Trump would not have brought this on as idiot Biden did. Trump, or someone like him, would see to it that it doesn’t happen again, if they can get in office before idiot Biden makes the damage irreversible.
biden has real problems when it comes to corruption in Ukraine. The money trail leads right to his Delaware beach house.
Trump’s incompetence as anything other than a populace Pied Piper was a 4-year setup for Putin’s move.
It is a recorded fact that Trump had Putin under control. Idiot Biden has enabled Putin and probable been paid handsomely for it.
It doesn’t seem to have registered yet that Biden’s approach is working. Ukraine could defeat Russia. Ukraine could become the guardian of Western Democracy’s eastern door.
Keep telling yourself that skippy
I don’t have to “tell myself”. I can turn on the news and discover that the Russian military is stalled in Ukraine on all fronts, taking heavy losses, and running out of fuel. They’re trying to haul fuel in on unarmored trucks, over long open highways. Fuel tankers are perfect targets for switchblade drones.
Putin could be in the process of destroying himself. Stadium rallies won’t help, as the Russian economy withers and the bodies start coming home. He did all of this himself.
cnn, msnbc, npr, nbc, abc and the rest are nothing but running dogs for the illegitimate biden regime. There is zero truth found there. They are cheerleaders for war
‘Running dogs?’ That’s a Chinese communist propaganda classic. Kind of dated, though. You should freshen up your material.
If U.S. Intelligence Will Lie So Easily About Anything, Why Would We Believe Them About Ukraine?
The AeroViroment Switchblade 300. Slower than a hypersonic missile, but effective as hell against a big tank of gasoline. And easy for one guy to carry in a backpack. It only weighs 5 1/2 pounds. Scroll down for the video.
How do you know that’s not “Russian disinformation”? We need a letter from 50 IC ops to know what to think first, don’t we?
It’s up to each person to learn to distinguish propaganda from factual information. All it actually requires is average intelligence and a will to make the effort.
Idiot Biden’s “approach” made this happen.
Vladimir Putin made it happen. Biden was warning it was going happen for weeks. Idiots claimed he was hysterical; that it was just a distraction; that our own intelligence community assessments and satellite photos meant nothing. Then Putin’s effin’ tanks rolled across the Ukrainian border, en mass, and the airstrikes and missile strikes began.
You should have listened to Biden. And you should be listening to him now. You should be supporting our effort to stop Putin at the door, rather than letting him pass through it. Because that is what he will do, if allowed. If he succeeds, China will be emboldened. Then we’ll become isolated, with aggressive empires to both the east and west.
Putin never made a move when Trump was president. He loves mentally addled Biden. Ole Joe coming out against American oil and gas production was a gift to Putin.
Get a clue.
Putin has been preparing to take Ukraine since before he annexed Crimea. He didn’t take a time-out while Trump was in the White House. Trump was an opportunity.
An opportunity to do what? Putin didn’t have the funds while Trump was president. Biden IS the opportunity you fool. If Trump were still president oil would not be 100+ dollars a barrel. Putin needs it at least 69 per barrel to make money. Biden could solve this by getting behind American energy production, but he won’t. The energy industry knows he’s anti American energy. That’s why he goes begging to foreign countries for help.
Has Putin been preparing by seeing more flexibility as Obama claimed he would have and wanted relayed to Putin?
But then again you fell for Trump Russia collusion. So we know you are easily duped.
The world was a safer place with Trump as President.
The world would be safer if The Fat Man stepped in an open manhole, but he’d probably get stuck halfway down. I’m so damn weary of people who think the world revolves around Donald Trump.
True, safer for Putin, Xi, Kim and the Ayatollahs. Idiot Biden is their security blanket.
Clueless reply. I expected nothing else. We were told by people like you if Trump were elected He’d start WWIII. He would crash the economy. He would crash the stock market. NONE of that happened. Instead the economy grew, wages went up, gas prices were AFFORDABLE, 401K did well. Jobs became plentiful. NO NEW WARS. So yeah I’ll take Trump over Biden anytime.
You prefer Biden’s current record? High inflation, high oil prices, no solutions. Just blame Putin or anyone else, that’s all Joe’s got. No one outside of the clueless left buys it. You are a fool if you buy it. Putin knows he’s got a patsy in the White House now. Putin hated low oil prices under Trump. He loves ole Joey’s position on oil.
Now some dems want a windfall tax on oil companies. This is a tried and failed play by the left. They’ve got no new ideas or solutions.
You got played on Trump Russia collusion. You are still being played.
Sure I’ll take Trump again or DeSantis from what I’ve seen. We were all better off under Trump.
No one thinks that. He’s a treat to the people and the world order you represent. Your world revolves around Trump, because it dies if we stop you people and restore democracy to America.
But he didn’t act until fraud put idiot Biden in office. End of story, settled science, end of debate.
Trump was an obstacle, one that stopped Putin in his tracks.
But have fun in opposite world.
Bush: Putin invades Georgia. Bush was an opportunity.
Obama: Funds a coup in Ukraine, Putin takes Crimea. Obama was an opportunity.
Trump: Putin threatens to invade Ukraine, Trump says he’ll level Moscow. Trump was a strong leader who stopped Putin.
Biden: Putin actually invades Ukraine.
biden will never be the Commander in Chief President Trump was, never…
Fortunately, you are correct.
Ah…here we have the play you people are making. Care to actually discuss this one?
Covid, and now the Russian invasion, is about a globalist takeover of free nations.
How so? For weeks? My, my, maybe the IC didn’t tell him that Putin had amassed troops on the border a year ago?
And what “idiots” would that be?
that our own intelligence community assessments and satellite photos meant nothing.
And who made that claim? James Clapper? The guy who voted for a Communist, John Brennen?
How about backing up what you are claiming instead of just wordsmithing crap that rolls around in your empty skull?
And you didn’t think they would when Putin realized that it is Ron Klain calling all the shots, not Biden?
Why not just ask Ron Klain? He is the one making all the decisions. All Biden does is nap and eat ice cream.
And you should be listening to him now. You should be supporting our effort to stop Putin at the door, rather than letting him pass through it. Because that is what he will do, if allowed. If he succeeds, China will be emboldened. Then we’ll become isolated, with aggressive empires to both the east and west.
China being emboldened….isn’t that what you want? China can murder millions of people with their Kung Flu and you are silent. Not one word spoken against the Chinese. Not one word spoken about Xi and his treatment of the Uyghurs. They can be used as slaves, raped and murdered with forced abortions and you are quite as a church mouse. Why is that, Comrade Greggie? Why don’t you fess up and admit you support the CCP? And admit that the reason you are so against Putin and Russia is because you have a CCP interest?
You’re a disgrace.
If you followed actual reality-oriented news outlets, you would know.
If you followed actual reality-oriented news outlets, you would know.
So I dont have cable you cant just give a non answer at rattle like an idiot answer the question, back up your statement.
State-run propaganda outlets.
No thank you.
Ah…here we have the play you people are making. Care to actually discuss this one?
Covid, and now the Russian invasion, is about a globalist takeover of free nations.
We’ve explained this. Even YOU should be able to understand it. From the moment idiot Biden began driving energy prices up with his stupid and anti-American strangulation of the energy industry as well as killing the Keystone pipeline, which itself could be delivering more oil for refining that we get from Russia.
All this stupidity has not only made Putin realize how stupid and afraid of AOC idiot Biden is but it began to fill his coffers with increased oil revenues. Nothing idiot Biden has done makes Putin worry about his reaction.
Then we have idiot Biden’s Afghanistan performance. What a debacle. And what does idiot Biden do? He simultaneously blames Trump while saying it was the best anyone could be possibly expected to do. Now Putin knows that even if idiot Biden does wake up and react (idiot Biden is always reacting; NEVER pro-active), it will be utter incompetence. Putin decides, based on the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of a completely stupid, incompetent, corrupt idiot in office, he MUST invade Ukraine NOW.
Idiot Biden made this happen just as if he gave the go code.
Ah…here we have the play you people are making. Care to actually discuss this one?
Covid, and now the Russian invasion, is about a globalist takeover of free nations.
Of course you don’t, because you work hard to delude yourself. Putin would not be invading Ukraine were it not for idiot Biden carrying out Putin’s wishes: making the US weak, showing incompetence and choking out our energy production and transmission.
Do fantasy cartoons help?
You’re the one posting sexual fantasy cartoons of Putin, so you tell me.
You think the truth is on Putin’s side? YOU are a Putin disciple!
Biden’s corruption in Ukraine is now killing thousands. We saw in real time our own politicians get bought and used by outside interests, from the Mayor of Moscow to Xi to Big Pharma to George Soros.
Now we have a shadow-government that is allowing the world to crumble and American lives to stagnate.
Trump was dismantling this evil empire, and for that, Covid-19 was released and the 2020 election rigged.
Now normal citizens can see just how illegitimate Joe Biden is.
Trump was executing his office legally and doing what even Democrats want: increasing prosperity for ourselves and our allies, keeping our enemies at bay (ALL of them. Putin was quiet, no ME wars, no “little rocket boy” doing anything…it was epic), and stopping CHINA from their plans of world domination (2049, don’t forget).
This war would never had happened if we Americans kept our elections free and fair. The price for the Deep State’s coup is the blood of Ukrainians, and more to come.
Trump 2024.
He stopped this before, so he has the receipts. He can help us push these dictators and traitors back into the abyss, where they belong.
And now the media acknowledges that Trump was 100% justified in asking Zelensky to make sure the investigations into Ukraine corruption resumed after idiot Biden had them killed. We already knew it, but now they do as well.
900K for The Big guy working as a lobbyist, while he was VP, thanks to Burisma.
Let Ukraine fall, Putin is no worse than a Klaus puppet the social credit system is nothing but slavery with a gag.
While Harry was “evil” these men, and the Lancet Doctors who lied about the origins of Covid, are worse. At least Reid, admitted he was a liar, did so for a purpose, and got his man elected(Obama).
The intelligence hacks, and all the media outlets, both print and T.V. will never admit the they knew the obvious; the laptop was Hunter’s and the contents were accurately reported by the N.Y. Post.
Well, hell, it was impossible to deny it.
You can’t seriously believe this. You think that all of these guys knew and no one talked? Republicans can’t walk past a microphone without blurting out a secret or giving away a party strategy. There’s the difference. I’d rather be on the side of stupid guys who usually tell the truth even when they should keep their mouth shut, then associate myself with liars who keep the most heinous events secret.
Valerie Biden is coming to DC to promote her new book. I have half a mind to go just to get thrown out for asking, “At what age did Daddy stop showering with each of the kids?”
Well, you only get kicked out once.
Well, I did once get thrown out of the same bar twice in one night. Actually, after getting thrown out I just walked back in the front door past five bouncers when the last one recognized me and said, “Wait a minute, didn’t you just get thrown out?!?” I replied that I did, and I was walking back out I told the other bouncers they should pay closer attention, as the bouncers working the floor would not have been happy to see me again . They didn’t appreciate my constructive feedback
Hunter Biden isn’t technically a government employee but the White House is using taxpayer resources to manage his “art career.”
In case this comes back to bite Hunter, joe has nominated a woman to the Supreme Court who has a record of going light on child p0rn and pedophiles.
Real light.
Of course you have evidence supporting that statement–which can’t be mentioned at the moment.
More than any you have had for your various made-up Trump capers.
The “Hunter is a free citizen and not working for the WH and never ran for office” misdirection falls down when you consider Biden installed him to run a company and get all that money, Joe using his influence illegally and getting a kickback.
And “son of bitch”, it was all in Ukraine.
What a strange coincidence.
Joe Biden will be removed from office and his false status as “President” redacted. He’s no Commander in Chief. He never will be. He’s already being written out of history.
OF COURSE it looked like something the Russians would be involved in; that was the F**KING PROBLEM. What Hunter and idiot Biden were involved in was exactly what outside actors would make up to make people look terrible. That’s why, when it was known it was true (which the FBI already knew), idiot Biden and Hunter should have shared a cell.
It all went up Hunter’s nose and paid for hookers. Why was Secret Service following Hunter around and getting him out of the entanglements he got himself into? Did Hunter claim all this income on his taxes, as well as his coke and crack as medical expenses and the whores as CODB? While the left has obsessed about Trump’s taxes, looking for that misplaced decimal or the tank of gas claimed as a business expense, this idiot Biden shit has been laying right out in the sun, stinking. But, it is the Ministry of Propaganda’s job to cover it all up… which they did (if you were a deaf and blind moron).
THIS is why our IC keeps failing us. Instead of working to protect America and Americans, they serve the Deep State.
They spend all their time covering up and ignoring Democrat crimes. its all in Weiners laptop they only admitted to 2000 plus classified emails bleachbit while under subpoena. can home brewed servers hold more emails than a laptop? Ive seen enough on the open internet to put a certain private citizen in pedo prison for a good stretch.
Watch Biden Fans Try to Name His AccomplishmentsIf anyone knows what Biden has done right during his first year in power, it would be his supporters. Such people still exist; you can find them on campus at UCLA. So Ami Horowitz gave them a chance to tout Creepy Joe’s accomplishments. They couldn’t think of any:
Gosh, look how smart idiot Biden is…
Gee, offer every incentive in the world to violate our border and, waddayaknow… they flood across.