Welcome back to Day 395 of the Biden/Harris* Junta! As we lurch toward a land war in Eurasia and watch Settled Science (TM) manage to unsettle to correspond with Democrats’ dropping poll numbers, our Lefty pals haven’t gotten any less crazy:
Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks
Sweetheart, I’m assuming that you’re missing the gaping hole in your logic.
2/11 – Five “Are We the Baddies” Indicators for the opponents of the Canadian Trucker Convoy
Only five?
2/12 – USA’s Radical Woke Military Doesn’t Stand A Chance Against Real Militaries
While I agree with the point that The Chicks On The Right make, I think that they’re forgetting who our military is targeting for its next war. I’ll give you a hint – it’s not overseas. And if you’re wondering who the creature is in the third photograph, click here. Just don’t click if you’re eating.
2/13 – Durham makes allegations that make Watergate look like small potatoes
Sorry if I’m sounding jaded, but I’ll believe that this means anything when I see meaningful action. My guess is that the one sign that we’ll see anything is if the media starts a full on smear campaign against Durham.
2/14 – Experts: Freedom Is Fascism
Read it to the end – The Vodkapundit closes it out perfectly
2/15 – Now We’ve Done It: We Pissed Off The CIA
Congratulations, Zero Hedge! One always draws the most flak when you’re over the target.
2/15 – What Americans and all Westerners should learn from Canada’s digital crackdown on freedom
I genuinely miss the days when I would shrug off articles like this as borderline tinfoil hattery. Now these stories are not only easily verified, but the leaders in question are publicly endorsing them. Be sure to check the links from the three part story embedded in this post as well.
2/16 – What to Make of Black Lives Matter’s Dysfunction
Here’s some friendly advice for Justin Castreau up north: Maybe you should educate yourself as to what funding a domestic terrorist organization actually looks like.
2/17 – Unaddressed issues corrode America like battery acid
All excellent points, especially #8. (And sorry for the click-baitey comment, but #8 really did get my attention)
2/18 – The Witch in the Closet
No, this story is not about Hillary. Sadly, it’s far worse.
ICYMI – I gave my props to the CCP with the post of Congratulations to China on Your Acquisition of the NBA
Have a great weekend, and Happy Presidents’ Day!
“You oppose piracy, but support the Boston Tea Party. Curious. I am Very Intelligent!” https://t.co/DaqLzwzjIN
— Kyle Shideler (@ShidelerK) February 11, 2022
At the end of the livestream, @stoolpresidente brought up the text he has again and you can see how visibly uncomfortable the brothers are. pic.twitter.com/g5XnYRxS7Y
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) February 7, 2022
I do. Ex president, actually. His name was Barack Obama. Ran a bunch of illegal guns to the Mexican cartels. That what you’re looking for? Or you just worried about hunting down some poor guy with a sawed off? https://t.co/sc7fHJ5Cwb
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) February 14, 2022
Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
A guy that had over 100 thousand followers on live stream from Ottawa was arrested. An enforcer for the WEF dictator told him it was his last warning, pointed where he could be he began to comply then more “officers” showed up and the live feed was cut, email was sent to his attorney. No press is allowed.
Our freedom loving government officials are silent. While ginning up a war for Ukraines sacred border. The mortars fired were from Separatists this is a civil war against a corrupt central government.
A government that enriched a corrupt son of our President by taking a bribe of US tax dollars to stop an investigation, Will Hunter be on the front lines?
Castreau definitely has bitten off more than he can chew.
Heres one for ya little brother, have faith!
Nice! Sounds a bit like Eminem if teh dude had any kind of intelligence around politics
Black Lives Matter filings reveal prominent Democratic lawyer Marc Elias and another longtime ally of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have taken on key roles in the charity amid scrutiny over its leadership and finances.
Minyon Moore, a longtime top ally of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, is now listed as part of BLM’s board of directors in the charity’s filings. She served as an assistant to President Bill Clinton and as the director of White House political affairs, where she advised both Bill and Hillary Clinton.
The group is more political than charitable.
Hillary Clinton’s Onward Together PAC was reportedly incorporated by Elias in April 2017, and Elias is listed as a “Governor” for the Clinton PAC in a business filing.
Under Hillary, BLM switched it’s charitible filing date so as to avoid all the trouble it was in over the $60 million in at least 5 states (and Amazon.)
Any black or black “ally” who give one red cent to BLM should learn that they are only helping the political whore, Hillary, Old, white, rich, Hillary, not even one black “victim’s family” will be aided.
In other words, BLM is just picking up where The Clinton Fpoundation left off
Or maybe they should all be doxxed and attacked? Isn’t that the trend?
It’s great to get a heads up on how to treat leftist protesters.
Again, the accepted method of putting down BLM/ANTIFA riots has been established. Let us remember.
When Milley estimates that if the Russians invade, they will be in Kyiv in 48 hours, is he assuming Ukrainian leadership is like him?
Perhaps the FBI can bring Comey back to announce that no prosecutor would prosecute Sussmann and Co. because they never intended to get caught?
You can rest assured that it is a radical, activist, maniac that thinks they have “freedom” and “rights” will oppose the anointed, bestowed powers of the supreme State to tell them what medications they MUST consume.
Has the liberal media attacked CNN for this: CNN publishes Chinese Communist Party propaganda | American Military News
Maybe I’ve been looking at Trudeau’s seemingly stupid aversion to sitting down with those with logical and reasonable complaints and LISTENING is, in fact, a plan to exploit the protest, as they did COVID, for an excuse to enact his
Enabling…. er, Emergencies Act.Boy, those Marxists sure like using free money to play around in the capitalist realm, don’t they?
#3, EVERYONE should be suing China. #4, The FBI (in its current configuration) does not even acknowledge that ANTIFA exists or commits any violence. #5, Like the Mueller “investigation”, all that is important is the number of people dealt with, not what their “crimes” were or if they are actually guilty of anything. #6, All that is important is the correlation between fear induced and money collected. #8, What if someone sneaked a demagnetizer next to Zuckie? The results could be interesting.
Maybe we should just bring back the fear of nuclear war and the end of all life on earth? Things were simpler then.
I wasn’t aware of the “turn in a gun violation for Valentines” offer, but I heard of a guy that lied on his FBI background check to buy a gun and then his wife just threw the gun in a public trash can. Damn.
Nah, the rest are just as bad as CNN