The Week in Radical Leftism, 2/04/21

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Welcome back to Day 381 of the Let’s Go Brnadon* occupation! Straight to the crazy:

1/26 – Delegate Nick Freitas Takes House Democrats to Task on Racism: “Not This Time”

Again, we open with Virginia politics as my state has become the front line. I’ve met Nick and he seems like a pretty good guy. We need more speeches like this from our side, and I agree with the comment that suggested that Nick could have been more forceful.

1/27 – The Coronazis: a superior race of the vaccinated

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good dose of ridicule from The People’s Cube.

1/28 – Capitol Police’s Warrantless Spying On Congressional Staff And Visitors Must End

Just like with my top question regarding 1/6 and the police removing the baracades and opening the doors: Who gave the orders to start this?

1/29 – Unmasked Students Face Immediate Suspension From Loudoun County Public Schools

The important part is that the boys who want to wear dresses while they rape their classmates in the girls’ bathrooms remain masked at all times. Unmasked rapes will face disciplinary action.

1/29 – What George Soros has inflicted on America

The Radical Left’s favorite Nazi collaborator is hurting their neighborhoods. Maybe not the wealthiest, but their voter base is getting hit hard.

1/30 – The Social Cost Of Not Having Access To Fossil Fuels

Spoiler, it’s racism. For real. But you can take a guess who the real racists are.

1/31 – The First Black Woman Supreme Court Justice

Once again, racism in America is exposed. Take a guess  as to who the guilty party is

2/1 – ‘Climate Change’ Is Keeping Consumer Prices High Or Something

Isn’t it odd how the rampant inflation, unemployment, sacrcity is always the fault of corporate greed, selfish Americans, etc. that always disappears when there’s a Republican in the White House? We know it can’t be the policies of each party…

2/2 – L.A. County Supervisor Calls For End To ‘Blanket’ Mask Mandate After Newsom Went Maskless At NFL Game

As the Libertarian-leaning Democrat Karlyn Borysenko points out, for Leftists their hypocrisy is a display of their power over you and your inability to do anything about it. While they will make smirking “apologies” and give mealy mouthed excuses, deep down they enjoy every minute of lording the privelige they hold over the peasants.

2/3 – I wouldn’t exactly call Biden’s oil and gas policies treason.

The American Thinker’s Jame Mullin lays out a great case. What’s that phrase our Lefty pals like to use? We’re not suggesting anything or making accusations. We’re only looking to have a conversation.

2/4 – Video: What They Aren’t Telling You About N95 Masks

By my reckoning, we’re @ two weeks from thsi being labeled “misinformation” and a year from being “accepted science” by The Radical Left

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is winding down his presence on Twitter, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, as well as Parler and GETTR, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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1/26 – Delegate Nick Freitas Takes House Democrats to Task on Racism: “Not This Time”

Wait… the Democrat was accusing Republicans of exploiting race and racism for political benefit? THAT’S a new one! I guess those with something to hide wouldn’t like parents reporting what their children are experiencing.

Used to be parents didn’t have to worry about curriculum but once making hand-traced turkeys and Indian head dresses for Thanksgiving decorations were being banned because… racism, then it’s time to pay attention.

It’s always the same; “divisiveness” is not complying with the left’s demands, which causes them to divide themselves from everyone else.

1/27 – The Coronazis: a superior race of the vaccinated

Do the followers receive SS syringes instead of daggers? They could use Pelosi’s face for their “Death’s Head” badges.

1/28 – Capitol Police’s Warrantless Spying On Congressional Staff And Visitors Must End

Probably no one “gave an order”. In the totalitarian police state, spying to find out who suffers from wrongthink is intuitive. Just another incident on a long list, but I hope if “investigations” follow a Republican takeover in 2022, that PUNISHMENT is also a component.

1/29 – Unmasked Students Face Immediate Suspension From Loudoun County Public Schools

Isn’t it odd how obeying executive orders become optional when a Republican is in charge? Apparently there is a new curriculum in liberal schools: Obeying 101. You can’t suspend a student for disrupting classes but you can for not wearing their useless face rag.

1/29 – What George Soros has inflicted on America

The intent here is nothing but to do damage to society. Keeping dangerous criminals on the streets is a benefit to NO ONE. “That the criminal class would vote for people who would not punish crimes is a given, but the criminal class are not large enough to sway elections.” Unless you count the Democrats themselves.

1/30 – The Social Cost Of Not Having Access To Fossil Fuels

Here in Texas we didn’t get enough snow during this winter storm to wipe out the ocean of solar panels so we didn’t run out of electricity. Fossil fuels to the rescue… again.

1/31 – The First Black Woman Supreme Court Justice

The left takes hypocrisy and racism to an art form.

2/1 – ‘Climate Change’ Is Keeping Consumer Prices High Or Something

Do Democrats have a list of causes they use whenever one of the problems they created blows up in their faces? They just pick the top one off the list, of which there are only two choices, climate and systemic racism. But, climate change is getting worse! It seems to change now about every three months!

2/2 – L.A. County Supervisor Calls For End To ‘Blanket’ Mask Mandate After Newsom Went Maskless At NFL Game

I guess one of the reason for all those Democrat mandates is to provide them the opportunity to feel more superior and entitled when they ignore them. But, we are provided with a new response to crybaby Karen’s that scream about someone being maskless. “I’m holding my breath, dumbass.”

2/3 – I wouldn’t exactly call Biden’s oil and gas policies treason.

Since the fact is that Hunter (as a holding company for “the big guy”) still holds energy assets in China, treachery is hardly a strong enough word. Idiot Biden transfers energy dependence from domestically, were its production is the cleanest in the world, to areas that are the greatest contributors to what the left claims is “global warming”. If it isn’t treachery, it is massive stupidity on a scale unheard of in all of human kind.

I wonder what would happen to Anwar if rare earth minerals were discovered there?

2/4 – Video: What They Aren’t Telling You About N95 Masks

Eventually, when they finally admit they’ve totally lost control of crime control, they will begin sending out free 9mm handguns. Don’t hurt yourself with government assistance. By the way, I ordered my 4 free home COVID tests some 15 days ago and have not received them or notification from the USPS that they have been shipped… or anything. I’m losing faith in the federal government to serve all my needs.

Last edited 3 years ago by Just Plain Bill

Awww, By the way, I ordered my 4 free home COVID tests some 15 days ago and have not received them or notification from the USPS that they have been shipped… or anything. I’m losing faith in the federal government to serve all my needs.
The admin was told they shipped, we know there the ships are. And the racist violent fringe delivery services are in Canada….HONK HONK.
Hint, drive to the store and pick up your generator. I hear our snow is down south drunk in peoples yards. Gas is way to expensive for us to come pick it up. 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by kitt

We have more from Dr. Evil, why puppies they had Hunter?
This weeks song goes out to Justin Castros lil bastard son from the citizens of Canada.

Last edited 3 years ago by kitt