Why They Hate Us

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Biden’s abortive withdrawal from Afghanistan illustrates why some foreign countries hate America.

We are supposed to be the good guys in the white hats, riding in on our white stallions, righting wrongs, and protecting those too weak to protect themselves. After 9/11, we chased Osama bin Laden into Afghanistan, missed him at Tora Bora but decided to stay because the people were so darn friendly. Ironically, Osama had already packed his bags and fled to Pakistan. We then invested twenty years, two trillion dollars and sacrificed 2,401 American lives in vain. We accomplished nothing.

President Obama, during his presidency, was very helpful. He released 5 Taliban leaders from Gitmo who pinky promised never, ever to do naughty things again. They immediately jumped on the first flight to Kabul and got the band back together. The Taliban, under new management, put on a full-court press and regained lost territory. The president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, saw the handwriting on the wall, girded his loins (nope), panicked (yep) and fled the country in the middle of the night. He left his countrymen at the mercy of the savage Taliban who was not forgiving and would never forget. Ashraf absconded with a few million bucks and 4 cars as a retirement gift to himself. According to the Russians, Ashraf stuffed as much money as possible in his helicopter and left the remaining loot on the tarmac. His momma didn’t raise no stupid kid.

Biden called Ashraf to see how things were hanging and heard this recorded message which was hard to hear over the whirring roar of the helicopter blades: “Hello, this is Ashraf. I am going on an extended vacay somewhere far away from Afghanistan and will not be in the office like ever again. Everything is just super fine and dandy. I left the country in great shape and I think that the Taliban are on the run.”

Biden panicked, dropped his ice cream cone, and removed all of our military personnel from Afghanistan. Unfortunately, as a parting gift, he gave the Taliban a functioning airfield, 85 billion dollars in sensitive military equipment, and a big bunch of stranded, stunned Americans to hold as hostage. When Biden realized his mistake leaving Americans behind (bad optics) he sent American troops back into harm’s way to evacuate anyone hanging around the Kabul Airport.

That “Backwards Joe” fiasco cost the lives of 12 brave Marines and 1 US Navy medic. As the bodies returned home and were being ceremoniously unloaded from the plane, Biden in a show of respect repeatedly checked his watch. Biden was startled from the blowback of Americans. They expected a strong leader who made intelligent decisions and instead inherited a feeble, befuddled president who has elevated making bad decisions into an art form. Riddle me this: How can one man screw up so many things in such a short period of time? Seriously, who is advising this guy?

Biden swore that he would retaliate against those Taliban who were riding around in pick-up trucks and our abandoned Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles mocking America. Biden launched a Hellfire missile ($75,000 bucks a pop) from a Reaper drone at a vehicle supposedly carrying ISIS-K terrorists. Everyone was told that a top-level terrorist died in the attack until the “dead” dude appeared on the TV show What’s My Line. It was quickly determined that Biden had screwed up once again. The Hellfire missile hit and incinerated a car driven by Zemerai who was simply returning to his compound with water. A bunch of excited kids who ran out of their house to meet Zemerai were immediately vaporized. 10 members of the family, including 7 children were killed in the strike. Those innocent and beautiful human beings suffered a horrific death because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That’s exactly why countries hate us. We are supposed to protect those too weak to protect themselves and instead we vaporize them. That is evil and we are responsible.

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Remember when you were just a young child and you and your friends all played “fort?”
In So Cal we used to play this in dusty vacant lots full of tumbleweeds.
Those tumbleweeds made great forts!
Now, it you remember that sort of game, do you remember all the times you simply gave up your fortified fort full of dirt clod “bombs,” so the other side could take it?
Me neither.
Even as a child I was not that dumb!

But I guess Joe is surrounding himself with soy boys and commies who never even played “fort.”
They really did hand over their “fort” to their enemy.
Did these soy boys really expect the Taliban wouldn’t use it all?
Really dumb.

America has been led by the woke for most of the last 70 years. There is no question in my mind that many times we fought to a draw in Nam the Gens reported it a win. How did I know we did not win? If we won we stayed on the battle field and searched the bodies of Maos’s folk ( I gutted a 6’2″ 200 lb Mongolian in a battle we won. When i searched “his” body for docs for G2 I found out he was a SHE!). Most of the time both sides withdrew from the field. A draw!

How many “RIGHTEOUS” Drone strikes the last 20 years have been kids, NOT TALIBAN, ISIS, ALQ?

Our Gens lie because the truth is we have not won a war in 76 years.

Add exposed voting systems are corrupt and many world leaders are simply installed.

The biden Afghanistan surrender is the most devastating defeat in American history. Never has a leader intentionally left behind American citizens, surrendered a strategic military base of operations and purposely gifted 85 billion dollars of functioning equipment, thereby aiding and another enemy.

An act of treason far more worthy of consequence rather than impeachment.

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time when idiot Biden desperately needed a “win” to show the validity and value of his “over the horizon” capabilities. Well, he did that, alright. Oh, he can kill people, alright. They just have to be random, unknown people who, once incinerated, look a lot like dead terrorists.

Idiot Biden and Milley didn’t really care who they killed. They just had to kill SOMEBODY and fast. And what about that “planner” that got got? What’s the REAL story on that?

To watch that goddamn idiot Biden stand before the UN and speak as if none of his disasters have happened is enough to make you puke.

The van was targeted because it was thought the occupants represented a threat to the evacuation from Kabul. It was a tragic error, which Trump’s followers are only too happy to exploit.

Yep. Biden IS a tragic error. At least you noticed.

The tragic error of using fraud to install the most incompetent person imaginable as a faux-president.

Indeed, Bongino last week put it eloquently:”I’m REALLY pissed-off”
Patriots I talk to everywhere are in the same boat, this just cannot stand

It was the result of all the actions idiot Biden has taken in Afghanistan. He pulled all troops out before getting our civilians out, opening the door for the Taliban to enter Kabul and release terrorist prisoners, ONE of which turned out to be the suicide bomber. Chaos ensued. All of our intelligence assets had to hide from the Taliban. Idiot Biden was desperate for something positive to put on television, so he killed somebody and called them a terrorist. End of story.

greggie, you must stay up all night to come up with such far out excuses for Biden. Everyone knows the Biden administration needed to do something to take away from the 13 killed blunder. Just like the COVID booster jab is designed to take away from the Afghanistan blunder.

Intelligence on the ground has reported that the DOD accepted intel from the taliban, that this individual was an isis-K terrorist. This is what the DOD went with because we had no eyes on the ground. The taliban played the biden/DOD to embarrass them and they were successful.

But, why did biden choke when he had the opportunity to take out the kabul suicide bomber with a drone?

The blood of 13 service members is on bidens hands…

So, Biden Could Have Taken Out the Kabul Suicide Bomber But Didn’t?

Everything is a mess right now. Our exit from Afghanistan was a mess. We left Americans behind. We left key Afghan allies behind. We even left service dogs behind. Our 20-year war in Afghanistan is over. It was a humiliating exit. The Taliban are back in control. We trusted them to handle security around the airport in Kabul. We’re going to trust them to run counterterror operations after we’ve left. It’s insane. We’re trusting terrorists to wipe out…terrorists. It’s a fiasco. And given that we entrusted terrorists to be Kabul’s TSA for lack of a better term, are we shocked that there was a suicide bombing that killed 12 US service members days before all our forces fled the country? The scene was chaotic. This was a perfect opportunity to launch something. As Nick Arama at RedState wrote, it seems we knew about it ahead of time. Not only that, but we could have taken out the suicide bomber, but Biden choked (via RedState):


Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Roger Pardo-Maurer dropped some incredible information during an interview and it’s huge, if true.

Director of MRC Latino, Jorge Bonilla, posted an interview of Pardo-Maurer. Pardo-Maurer, who was in the State Department for years, since at least 2001, said he was being told that the Department of Defense already knew who the bomber was ahead of time, before the bombing and when the Kabul attack would occur.


Pardo-Maurer went further in his interview. He said not only did they know where and when it would happen, but that they had a Predator drone lock on the bomber, but that “they” refused to grant permission to take the guy out. “[Permission] was requested and was denied,” he said. Why? “Because we are in this process of negotiating with the Taliban who aren’t even in control of their own government or their own people.”

So is he really saying what it sounds like he’s saying? Because it sounds like he’s saying that we had the shot to take this guy out but they were afraid of angering the Taliban if they took the shot. Yikes.

MRC Latino monitors the bias on networks like Univision and Telemundo, so they’re covering a critical front regarding media bias. Arama added that the Pentagon seemed to know that the Abbey Gate where this attack occurred was a high-risk target. We can’t say for sure because spokesman John Kirby won’t say much about it. Is this Biden’s ‘Benghazi’? We didn’t take the shot because we didn’t want to make the Taliban mad. That has been the theme since the Afghan government collapsed. And let’s not forget that Biden was AGAINST the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Dithering seems to be Joe’s thing.


You would rather have innocents killed then terrorists your one sick puppy.

Well, that’s what you get when the Idiot in Chief is so incompetent that he creates such a disaster that he has to quickly orchestrate an event he hopes will distract attention from his utter failure towards a positive outcome. Idiot Biden just needed a body to declare to be a terrorist.

About 200 people died at Kabul airport, most killed by gunfire from the airport guards. That is another reason they (Afghans, Muslims, …) hate us.

And drone strikes often (always?) kill innocent bystanders. How many weddings and funerals have we attacked. And that is another reason they hate us.

There have been imbeciles installed in leadership positions throughout history; often, they are merely figure heads, meant to be foils for the real decision maker behind the curtain. It is easy to write Biden off as a ‘Useful Idiot,’ but it is important to remember that Biden is first and foremost a Delaware thug, who has been immersed in corruption, and scandal since his days in law school.

Whether he is pawing pre-pubescent schoolgirls on stage or accepting bribes from Communist leaders, Biden is seen as a disgrace by anyone who isn’t a ‘Useful Idiot’. Biden’s cognitive dysphoria is obvious, not just to Americans, but to the rest of the world as well. They are asking, “What is wrong with these Americans?”

“Why does a country of lions have a jackass leading them?”

Obama the Muslim is in charge. Nothing was a mistake. Biden is the fall guy. They don’t even let Biden speak. “Come on man!”