And the Bronze Award for Hosting the MLB Game Goes to…Denver?

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What a wonderful idea to yank the all-star baseball game out of Atlanta and move it to Denver. What was Georgia thinking trying to eliminate voter fraud? The Peach State needed to be punished for restoring integrity in their realm. Why in the name of Sam Hill would they even consider eliminating voter fraud and actually require a picture ID to vote? Ironically, MLB requires an ID to pick up tickets to the big game but then urinates on states who install their own voter reform law. In another bit of irony, the commissioner of Major League Baseball is Robert D. Manfred Junior. Rob makes 11 million bucks a year and is a member of Augusta National Golf Club located in…..wait for it…..Augusta, Georgia. Well, isn’t that awkward Rob?
Apparently, Rob is used to awkward because once during an on-camera interview with ESPN he actually described the World Series trophy as, “a piece of metal,” Later, at a news conference at the Omni Scottsdale Resort, Rob apologized for the comment and said, “There’s no excuse for it. I made a mistake…” Rob admitted his mistake and then apologized. Hey, we all make mistakes. Put that in the LIFE AIN’T FAIR FILE AND MOVE ON.
Unfortunately, Rob just made another mistake that will negatively impact a multitude of people. I’m sure that his extremely bright and lovely wife, Colleen, over pancakes one sunny morning, might have said to her husband; “Rob, I’ve made you pancakes with whipped cream on top which I know is your favorite. Let me pour you a nice glass of chilled orange juice and offer you some wifely advice on moving the MLB game to Denver. Colleen’s voice becomes almost inaudible, and she leans over the table and suddenly yells, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRIGGIN MIND ROB?” Rob is shocked into silence. Colleen continues. “Rob, you never, ever, go back on your word. You promised Atlanta that they would host the all-star game. Many people in that beautiful state have been hammered by COVID and were desperately waiting for the All-Star revenue to keep feeding their families. Hungry people Rob. They don’t make 11 million bucks a year. That’s why they’re hungry! That game was the one bright shiny star in their galaxy. People from all over the country love baseball and have already booked flights and reserved hotel accommodations. They believed you Rob. You don’t just pull the rug out from under people on a whim. You made a promise to hold that premier event in Atlanta and you must fulfill your promise regardless of the cost. Just do it Rob. The kids are already texting me asking why Dad is mad at Georgia. What do I tell them Rob? Make this right!”

I don’t know Rob, but his wife sounds amazing and just offered him some valuable advice. I have been married 50 years and my lovely wife always offers excellent guidance that I ignore at my peril. Okay, she thinks that we need a Prius and a puppy which may not be great ideas, but I do respect her opinion 99.99% of the time. She is wicked smart. Rob, needs to heed Colleen’s advice and make things right. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard but in these troubled times maybe we need a leader sitting tall in the saddle, carrying a tough decision in his holster. Rob has the juice and can unite this country in a spectacular way during one press conference. Apologize. Admit that you made a mistake and move the MLB game back to Atlanta. We’re holding out for a hero Rob, don’t let us down. Today would be nice after you’ve finished your pancakes.!

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This was MLB reacting to a lynch mob. Idiot Biden didn’t read the law, Manfred didn’t read the law, DEMOCRATS didn’t read the law. What was in the law was totally immaterial except that it made voter fraud more difficult.

If you think someone so gutless that would knee-jerk react to a screaming mob without examining whether a group of people with a long and storied history of lying and race-baiting to pursue a socialist agenda was actually being truthful will admit a mistake and reverse himself, you are delusional. Georgia, take your left wing racist screwing with dignity and simply remember how great letting fraud determine your Democrat representation worked out.

Who wrote the article?

Who wrote the article?

Lol… Another thing i have to fix. Doesn’t show author. It was larry brandes

Not bitching or complaining, just identifying things you might have overlooked. Overall, it’s great.

Deplorable Me wrote:

If you think someone so gutless that would knee-jerk react to a screaming mob without examining whether a group of people with a long and storied history of lying and race-baiting to pursue a socialist agenda was actually being truthful will admit a mistake and reverse himself, you are delusional.

True words, those.
And the jury of the Officer Chauvin V Minn trial cannot be counted upon to be any more brave than this well-paid executive.

Robert D. Manfred Junior would do well to now even out the income inequality (lol) between himself and those Georgians who lost out on income because of his cowardly decision.

“Go Woke, Go Broke,” is becoming the default motto of the Left.

PS, am I missing the way to link to a previous post? Or are we not doing that anymore?

How dumb are baseball owners? This is the man who 18 months ago Sid, “The World Series Trophy is just a hunk of metal!”! ?!@#$%^&*!
Owners care not for the sport; they care for tax $!

How else can you explain Rob not being fired in ’19?

Somehow, whenever a MLB game was on the air, I always had other things that needed doin’.
Nothin’s changed.