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Since the beginning of time Don has been the cause of all the world’s problems!
Malarkey? Ask: Disney, LATimes, NYTimes, Viacom, or WPost!

Charlie Manson would be proud.
It took decades for the race war he tried to ignite thru his “Helter Skelter” murder rampage.
Donald Trump made statements about the Chinese Flu coming from China and it only took months before a race war was declared by the woke liberal media!
Every crime against Asians, even monetary-oriented crimes of opportunity, is called a race crime by this media.
Of course all this is hogwash, a media fairy tale of hogwash.

But, if you look at the leftist media-educational complex, you see that – up until this narrative began – Asians were lumped in as whites.
In fact, Asians were discriminated against in college admissions under color of being part of the white quota!

Narratives (fairy tales) like this one dumb down America almost as much as our public schools’ new grading, by not grading system. American Asians and many American whites might still excel learning, but, because we no longer make that clear we are heading for a huge fall. Imagine not being able to discriminate against an incompetent when hiring a PILOT, or a SURGEON, or an BRIDGE DESIGNER! Imagine all applicants seeming to be A students, because “grades are racist!”

It might require sneaky hiring practices, like asking to see the photo of a college graduation now that colleges are separately graduating by race.
If you’re not in the white or Asian graduating group, forget it! You’re not going to get that job that requires you to actually understand math, physics, chemistry, bearing loads, wiring diagrams, etc.

In the meantime, hate has nothing to do with following a old person from an ATM so you can bash her and rob her.

“Critical Race Theory”, like all collectivist guilt crusades, only ends in genocide.

See: Nazi Germany the Jews, The Soviet Union and the Kulaks, etc.

The strange thing here is that it’s white people manufacturing a collation of…well, every other race that isn’t white…to kill all the white people.

Is this some kind of hysterical white race suicide?

Very interesting, and horrifying, stuff.

@Nathan Blue: The strange thing here is that it’s white people manufacturing a collation of…well, every other race that isn’t white…to kill all the white people.

Is this some kind of hysterical white race suicide?

Looking at the demographics of the post WWII era til now, it is apparent 1st world people are committing demographic suicide.
Even the Japanese, as a 1st world country, is doing so.
But it is the whites in Europe and North America who have factionated into those dying out, those having lots of children as well as a huge bump of suicidal enablers.
These enablers are willing to enforce white hatred, white guilt, white suppression and, perhaps even white murder, as long as they, themselves are exempt.
Problem is, for them, not all minorities “get the memo” that they are part of the solution.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile—hoping it will eat him last.” Sir Winston Churchill.
But, eat him it surely will.

It’s a dumb plan for commie world domination.
If any white puppet masters plan to be the rulers they will have to live on floating fortresses.

@Nan G:

If any white puppet masters plan to be the rulers they will have to live on floating fortresses.

My fear is that has already been arranged…

The motive behind the assault remains unclear. Reports of attacks against Asians in the US and Europe have skyrocketed in the past weeks as people express fears over the coronavirus through xenophobic and racist violence.

Wait… what? EUROPE? When was Trump President of Europe?

Oh… by the way. The virus was created in China by Chinese and released from China by Chinese. They did it. You can’t get around that fact. In no way does that excuse suddenly pinpointing some elderly Vietnamese lady and clocking her behind the head, and that is actually NOT the driving force behind violence against Asians.

Hatred of Asians is not driven by their race; it’s driven by their work ethic. Ever since they have been coming to this country, they have worked hard to exploit the American Dream, which is what it is there for. Asians, by and large, work their asses off to create a productive life for themselves and to send their kids to college (back before they were communist production plants) to attain a better life. Colleges have even had to restrain admissions of Asians because they, through their efforts, grab a greater proportion of the success.

It’s the same reason Jews are hated by some; they are wildly successful at making money and excelling at business. So, it was assumed they were somehow nasty and had to be excluded, curtailed, restrained and, failing that, exterminated.

Those who don’t want to sacrifice and work hard to make a life hold those who do and succeed at it in envy. The response is not usually “well, I just need to try harder” but “I need to steal what they have; they don’t deserve it and I do because everyone tells me I’m a victim.”

Those driving that narrative are the same that make everything out to be racially motivated. Exploitation.

do the homework, the gay muslin terrorist obama-shit reintroduced re-segregation at the end of his first woke term in office. the libs have always hated Asians, Jews, European, and Russians. maybe pedophile joe needs to have a conversation with Putin.. recall that politicians are saprophytic creatures with SFB’s.
America has become a third world country..the pedophile and whore will place the final nails in the coffin. all these slimy, grotesque, brain dead, snow flake protestors are clueless of history. America is burning.

@Deplorable Me: #6
Don’t forget, in Europe Muslims are “Asians”.

Good one, Word