Andrew Cuomo completely mismanaged the COVID crisis. His ineptitude caused the deaths of thousands of elderly. He ordered nursing homes to accept COVID positive patients and sounded very crass
“Older people, vulnerable people, are going to die from this virus,” Cuomo added. “That is going to happen despite whatever you do, with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive. Older people are more vulnerable. That is a fact that is not going to change.”
Worse, he lied about it.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide confessed privately this week that the administration suppressed the true COVID toll in the homes. She also offered an apology — not to the thousands of New York families who needlessly lost loved ones thanks to her boss’s mismanagement but to Democratic lawmakers put in a difficult “political position with the Republicans” by the coverup.
Then he became dismissive about the elderly deaths
“New York State, we’re only about 28%, only, but we’re below the national average in number of deaths in nursing homes — but who cares?” he asked. “Thirty-three, twenty-eight, died in a hospital, died in a nursing home, they died.”
Yet democrats didn’t blink an eye, but then it began with a trickle….
Lindsey Boylan, a Democratic candidate for Manhattan Borough president, accused New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, of sexual harassment during the time she worked as an adviser to him.
Then the dam breaks
A second former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo came forward with allegations of sexual harassment against the embattled Democrat, prompting the mainstream media to far more aggressively cover the scandal that previously received scant attention.
Media Research Center news analyst Nicholas Fondacaro pondered whether the “dam [was] finally broken” when a Saturday New York Times report detailed ex-Cuomo administration executive assistant and health policy adviser Charlotte Bennett’s claim the governor once “asked her questions about her sex life, whether she was monogamous in her relationships and if she had ever had sex with older men.”
After a third accuser came forward, the NY state Senate Majority leader pegged the magic resign number of accusers at four:
Four accusers is apparently the magic number needed for New York’s state Senate Majority Leader to call for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D-NY) resignation.
Three women have already accused Cuomo of inappropriate behavior, including sexual harassment and forced kissing. That isn’t enough for state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-Westchester) to condemn her fellow Democrat, however.
We are now at seven accusers
Seven women have accused the governor of some form of sexual harassment or inappropriate touching.
Former statehouse reporter Jessica Bakeman wrote in a New York Magazine story, saying Cuomo touched her inappropriately while posing for a photograph. She believes it was intended to make her feel uncomfortable.
“It’s not that Cuomo spares men in his orbit from his trademark bullying and demeaning behavior,” Bakeman wrote. “But the way he bullies and demeans women is different.”
Schumer, Gillibrand and Nadler have called on Cuomo to resign.
The “Luv Guv” refuses to resign, although he did call for former NY AG Eric Schneiderman to resign under very similar circumstances:
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) recently rejected calls for him to resign amid accusations of sexual harassment by multiple women — so what happened to his own calls for former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to resign in the wake of similar misconduct allegations?
In 2018, Cuomo released a statement that called for Schneiderman’s resignation over claims made in aNew Yorker article, writing, “The New Yorker has published an article on Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, which reports multiple women making serious allegations of assault. No one is above the law, including New York’s top legal officer.”
Curiously, the comedy team of Biden, Harris and Pelosi, those famous women’s rights stalwarts who said “believe all women” has been mute.
President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are not calling for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign even as a growing number of New York and national Democrats say it’s time for the scandal-ridden governor to step down.
The president and vice president are not even going as far as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y. In recent days the two high-ranking House members didn’t explicitly say Cuomo should resign but did imply that he should seriously consider it.
After the Kavanaugh show, in which the SCOTUS nominee was roundly and falsely condemned for sexual harassment one can only conclude that one, Biden, Harris and Pelosi condone sexual harassment, two, They believe only certain women and three, They’re damned hypocrites.
But that’s redundant.
Cuomo should have been in prison for making predatory lending legal during the Clinton administration. He should be in prison for killing thousands of elderly people. democrats were troubled by neither. Hopefully he will finally be hounded out of office for this malfeasance.
What democrats set as priorities is very curious.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
I’ve read that this is to protect the other Dem Governors who did the same.
He’s taking it for the team…er…the team is give’n it to him.
Symbolism regarding liberal-identified victim groups is much more important to liberals than any damaging reality.
And according to liberals useless old people need to die.
We know that other than their own, liberals don’t value life that highly. Inconvenient infants, of course, are expendable. They can be aborted at any time, up to and beyond the moment of birth, if they pose an imposition on the life style of the carrier. Anyone that has differing points of view can be killed as well, as far as they are concerned. They actually promote it. It simply follows that some old person, making their relatives feel guilty and obligated to visit and/or provide care is expendable. Just get rid of them. So, just shower the most vulnerable with infect. That should do it.
Of course the idiot Biden and the tramp Harris don’t object to sexual harassment. It makes a useful political weapon, Grampa Rape n Grope loves to do and Kamala wouldn’t be where she is today if Willie had felt diddling his associates was inappropriate. As a Democrat, Cuomo doesn’t have to resign or even show contrition for his behavior. Assaulting women and causing deaths is nothing to a Democrat. I mean, it’s not like he did “blackface” or anything.
On other news the Ammityville Killer Ronald Defao passed away on Friday as the age of 69