We’ve heard a lot about healing and unity recently. If you thought democrats meant any of that you’d be be sorely mistaken. When democrats speak of healing, they mean nothing. When they speak of unity, they mean you must surrender to their demands or you will be punished.
This weekend Trump supporters took to the streets and rallied in favor of their President. It wasn’t well received by Antifa and BLM Biden supporters who were not going to allow it.
Here a young couple is terrorized
Never forget what they do to us. pic.twitter.com/iZhZ31pyvO
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 15, 2020
DC: Antifa and BLM rob and vandalize a black man’s MAGA merch pop up shop pic.twitter.com/skGLvTPv2l
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) November 15, 2020
Black Bloc shoots fireworks at Trump supporters eating outside the Willard Hotel in DC. pic.twitter.com/Je5l65Xwq8
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) November 15, 2020
DC: “You’re a C**N!”
BLM leftists spewing vile and racist rhetoric towards a black female Trump Supporter
Is this the “unity” @JoeBiden spoke of that the left is advocating for? pic.twitter.com/TpmtR9DebU
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) November 14, 2020
DC: Antifa and BLM physically assault a Trump Supporter by macing him and beating him over the head with a flag pole pic.twitter.com/FG63zpe7Tl
— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) November 15, 2020
Amusingly, this is how AOL portrayed this one sided violence:
Trump supporters’ protests turn into violent clashes
The writers’ names are ASHRAF KHALIL and KEVIN FREKING and they are contemptibly dishonest.
Freaking dishonest, to coin a phrase.
Not one democrat has disavowed or condemned this behavior. Biden is silent. Harris is silent. This is their America.
One is tempted to call these things animals, but animals behave better than this. This is scum- cheap shot artists who strike and run away, intimidating families and children, terrorizing restaurant patrons. They are emboldened by numbers and are singly cowards. This must make democrats proud.
Not one left wing media outlet accurately reported it. Not one. There is no free and objective press any longer.
They need to be crushed. Utterly destroyed. Unfortunately, that is what it’s going to take. You can bet your life that once Trump supporters strike back it will be reported as them being responsible for the violence.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Look who’s talking, asshole.
If you are rational person, you’ll turn your attention to CNN et al. Democrats called for “getting it their faces”. Democrats publically threatened the SCOTUS on the street outside.
John Stewart, Coumo, Don Lemon, and Robert “f*ck Trump” DeNiro. That’s who you’re looking for.
You and your party are feckless cowards that demand violence and massive disinformation because no free-thinking democracy would give you power.
You’ve failed.
@Nathan Blue: CNN is for sale. Wouldn’t it be funny if Trump bought it?
If there were any credible evidence it would have been presented by now, both publicly and in connection with court filings. THERE HAS BEEN ABSOLUTELY NONE.
If there were, well-funded conservative organizations like the Heritage Foundation would have it up on a pedestal with spotlights shining on it. Instead, they’ve got an online database highlighting the documented instances over the past couple of decades, which consist of individual cases numbering slightly over 1,000. This is where the matter of statistical significance comes in. That level of fraud has none.
One thousand individual instances over a couple of decades, out of the hundreds of millions of votes cast in presidential elections… It’s one helluva leap of the imagination to think that somehow makes a fraudulent 5.5 million vote margin believable, in the absence of any presented evidence that such a thing actually happened.
The simple truth is that Biden won the presidential election. Trump lost. There is no credible evidence to the contrary. Accept it or not, this is the reality that will put Biden in the White House on January 20. Courts deal in facts, not fantasy.
@Greg: Ignoring the evidence doesnt mean it doesnt exist, statistical impossibilities. I know that along with your other impossible How if Biden was 600K ahead with 65 % of the vote counted and in the morning trailing you would just not want that looked at.
More uncounted votes found in GA.
Raffensperger has hit back against their claims about his handling of the absentee vote-counting process and the recount process in the state by alleging that the national GOP and their legal team don’t understand Georgia election laws, among other things. He has also posted supposed “fact checks” to counter some of their allegations against him.
This guy lives in some bizzaro world.
@Greg: It won’t just go away if you ignore it. Democrats openly promoted widespread fraud in Georgia’s run off. They told people to come to Georgia and register to vote as residents, then vote in the election. Fraud and corruption is certainly something Democrats are comfortable with. But, this is but one form of fraud, like those who have moved voting in two states. That vote by mail crime spree was the payoff. Hundreds of thousands of votes there. And then Dominion. Oh, Democrats weren’t going to stake their fortunes on just one form of fraud; if one gets found out and shut down, they want to have other options.
They knew there was no way Biden was going to win in a fair election. No way.
@Michael: Until the effect of fraud is removed.
Indications are they did. How about we find out? Are you comfortable with Democrats openly promoting voter fraud in the Georgia run off?
@Deplorable Me:
As the days go by, more and more people whose job is making that determination are disagreeing with your position.
How long do you imagine that will take? What happens if that takes us past January 20? Again, how many recounts do you want? Doesn’t “until the effect of fraud is removed” simply mean “until there’s a result that Deplorable Me likes”?
I’m not comfortable with any fraud. I’ve already answered that for you. But what does the runoff have to do with the presidential race?
As time goes on, more evidence of cheating and fraud are found.
We should take as long as is required. Perhaps Democrats, if they weren’t so worried about having their fraud exposed, would help to reassure the public’s faith in the election. But, as usual, they are in cover-up mode.
So, you agree that the Democrats are promoting fraud in the run off. OK. The run off will determine who controls the Senate, so it is important to the Presidential race, but the point is that Democrats will openly commit fraud an encourage others to, indicating that suspecting them of widespread fraud in the Presidential race is well-founded.
@Deplorable Me:
Where did I do that?
How did they get the Republicans to agree to certification in Wayne county?
The Democrat doxxed Republican Monica Palmers children names and schools on camera, after calling her a racist.
We know there are crazies that will open fire on Republicans at baseball games.
The evil they will stoop to isnt even surprising anymore.
None of the claims of election impropriety regarding Wayne County were supported by evidence that stood up in court. There was no evidence. Michigan republicans were left refusing to certify a count for no lawful reason, having singled out for such refusal a city that is 78 percent black, and that gave Joe Biden 68 percent of the county’s total vote.
That looked pretty much like what it was. Republicans realized this. To their credit, they wouldn’t let the refusal stand.
@Greg: Really? So threaten the children you are as evil as the asshole that doxxed kids. What the republicans wanted was to insure all those voters got a fair shake. They couldnt do anything to change any legal votes, just insure the votes were legal.
Detroit wouldnt be such a shit hole if this was done years ago.
@Michael: When you didn’t denounce it. It’s either or; either you denounce the proposed and encouraged voter fraud or you are OK with it and support it. If you opposed it, you would have said so.
@kitt: Of course doxxing kids is OK with Greg. Remember when he supported those attacking the Covington kids just because they supported Trump? Greg was totally on board with that. You think doxxing children and threatening their lives is any different if an election hinged on it? Hell, look at how they won’t denounce (thus, support) BLM/ANTIFA threatening children, women and the elderly in DC last weekend. That’s where they are taking the nation. They are always talking about “that’s not who we are” but THAT is who THEY are.
@Deplorable Me: As I already told you in this thread, I’m against all fraud and corruption. That’s what denouncing something is: saying you’re against it.
@Michael: Do you have a good explanation for 3 different counties find uncounted votes 2 weeks after the election in GA pretty shitty canvassing? Full audit and proper recount why are the Republican rinos fighting the will of the people?
@Michael: If you denounce it, do you admit the Democrats are promoting it? You sound like Biden, lamely declaring he denounces all violence without addressing who is committing the violence and condemning them, the BLM/ANTIFA.
Democrats are encouraging their followers to “move” to Georgia to vote. That’s fraud. If they are willing to openly promote that, how can you have confidence they haven’t committed the fraud we see ample evidence of across the nation?
@Deplorable Me:
Good idea. Of course, you’ll have to move there, legally establish Georgia residency, and then register to vote by December 7th.
Hey, Trump recently changed his residency to Florida from New York while living in the District of Columbia, and then voted in Flordia. Just follow his example. He wouldn’t dream of doing anything illegal.
Here’s what Andrew Yang actually suggested.
@Greg: He cant call the White House a permanent residence…yet. Mara Largo has been his lil vacation cottage since 1985 nothing unusual to move to a vacation home.
I notice that Andrew Yang didn’t offer to pay anyone for their moving expenses. Or the jobs they would quit to move out of their current state.
What Yang is telling people to do should be illegal. And btw, Trump moved to Florida long before any campaigning for 2020 started. Remember, Obama continued to vote in Illinois although he didn’t go back after he had to move him and Moochelle’s family members out of the White House. And where did Obama move? Certainly not to a high tax state like New York.
@retire05: They wont be bullied the SOS wouldnt audit so the deal is off
@retire05, #119:
What is he suggesting that should be illegal? Last I knew, In America people could still freely move where they want to go, without regard for why they wish to do so. There aren’t any restrictions on any of their lawful political activities, either.
@kitt, #120:
We voted to approve the results after first voting not to approve the results, but now we take it back and want to refuse to approve them again, because they bullied us and tricked us. We had our fingers crossed, Your Honor.
Intimidation? Read on:
Trump claims Michigan election board was ‘viciously harassed’ to certify Biden vote in Detroit
Talk about intimidating situations… Trump made his public statement that they were “threatened, screamed at and viciously harassed” early Wednesday morning. Affidavit #1 and affidavit #2 alleging bullying and rescinding their votes were then subsequently filed Wednesday evening.
So, two lowly republican officials were put squarely in the spotlight and given an opportunity to either directly contradict a vindictive President with his army of faithful, obedient, and highly demonstrative followers, or sign a couple of affidavits concurring with what he had said hours earlier. Anyone who thinks someone directly connected with the White House didn’t have “serious conversations” with these two during the hours between morning and evening is as dumb as a box of rocks.
26 percent of Republicans, along with 79.5 million Democrats who know damn well who they voted for.
Yeah, but do you actually think anyone is going to quit their job, sell their home, MOVE, find a new job and home just for the sake of this vote? Cmon, man! You know better than that. This was a beckon call to come to Georgia, find the Democrat operatives that will give you an address to use, go register to vote, VOTE, then go back to your home. Like with the Covington kids, fake impeachment for purely political reasons, a three-year search for crimes against Trump when all Democrats knew the investigations were based on LIES, you condone the fraud and corruption so you make foolish, silly and weak excuses.
Trump MOVED to Florida because NYC didn’t want him (or his tax revenues) and Trump has a RESIDENCE there.
It IS illegal. They are openly suggesting coming to Georgia to vote for Democrats and leave. And with the lack of concern for signatures or verification of votes that got us to this point Democrats have shown, it is an open call for fraud.
@kitt: Yeah, the Democrats there that promised to audit the vote declared that their agreement was “non-binding”. In other words, they LIED to get what they wanted, the Democrat standard.
Keep repeating that. Maybe it will come true.
Yes, citizens of one state moving to meddle in the affairs of another state for the purpose of rigging a federal election is immoral, unethical, and just plain wrong.
I suppose you’re for abolishing the Constitution, yes?
@Michael: Don’t you have some Middle School assignments to grade, rather than pathetically arguing and parsing words in a vain attempt to pretend you can debate with adults? Maybe this works with 11-13 year olds.
@Nathan Blue: Greg hasnt a clue what went down in Wayne county. The idiots there have no new tricks they screwed the black community out of their votes in the recount with this same fraud in 2016. More votes than people that signed the books. There is no court case over that yet the Republicans just wouldnt certify the obviously wrong count, they needed the books and votes to balance.
Greg indeed has no idea his media screamed racism but were silent as to why the certification was denied.
I dont feel sorry for Greg he sucks on the titty of propaganda based MSM and content to remain ignorant.
Without those votes counting Trump wins the State of MI by over 177,000 votes.
Cheaters never really win and as winners we want every legal ballot counted both for and against DJT.
We have the doxxing on record the name calling and harassment, the county is not certified.
@kitt: Notice Democrats always pretend to be driven by protecting people from being disenfranchised, but what they are trying to do is disenfranchise those who vote against their socialist agenda.
2016 Trump got 304 electoral votes MI was not all that important so they thought we would forget the reason Trump got those votes.
Last thing I want is a Biden win but not by cheating another citizen out of their legal vote because local crooks ran their election.
lol Rudy has his hair dye running down his face during the presser, foolish vanity , no 76year old man has no grey they should wear it as a badge of wisdom.
@Deplorable Me, #123:
Andrew Yang never actually suggested a mass migration of Democrats to Georgia to tip the runoff election. He announced he would move there to do political organizing, and suggested others who had worked for the Biden campaign do the same. Here are the Twitter posts”
There’s nothing remotely unlawful about going from one state to another to do political organizing. This is an entirely routine activity that most political parties and engage in before any important election.
The claim that Democrats are plotting a mass migration of voters to Georgia by December 7 to swing a runoff election is ridiculous, for the reasons you mentioned. That won’t keep some people from believing it, however. It will join with all the other unproven claims of election fraud, and challenges will be countered with “Prove that it didn’t happen!”
New York likely wants his tax revenues enough to go after him for tax evasion once his immunity from prosecution evaporates.
Everyone who campaigned for Joe should get ready to head to Georgia.
And how many people in other states would that include? Yang doesn’t say. Does that include block walkers, phone bankers, election workers, members of the local Democrat parties who stuffed mailers, et al, those who delivered Biden signs, etc?
Too bad Yang didn’t mention this:
O.G.C.A. § 21-2-561
Actually, it’s not ridiculous. Consider how you constantly tout how many millions voted for a man who is clearly mentally impaired, who clearly had moments where he didn’t know what state he was in, who had trouble speaking (and don’t use his stuttering as a handicap since Biden clearly overcame that years ago). These are all people of two types; a) they are low information voters or b) have been indoctrinated to hate Trump so badly they would have voted for Hugo Chavez over Donald J. Trump.
Trump’s most insidious bullshit election fraud claim is that computer systems changed millions of votes for Trump into votes for Biden, leaving behind no evidence of the transformation. This one relies exclusively on belief and is impossible to disprove because there’s nothing there but the assertion. All that’s needed are “experts” to claim that it is so.
Essentially he’s saying that elections can’t be trusted, that this one was phony because he didn’t win it, and he’s not leaving.
233 years of United States history say that he’s wrong. He’ll be leaving, even if it requires a straightjacket.
Are you disputing that GOP poll watchers were denied entry into Central Count facilities?
Are you disputing that our election counts were routed thru foreign servers?
Are you disputing that Dominion Voting Systems have been rejected by states due to the high risk the system could be hacked into?
Are you disputing that mail in ballots were not checked for signatures as required by law?
Actually, it’s easy to prove. Support those questionable precincts allowing technical inspection of the vote count systems. Then we will all know.
Funny how in 2000 the Democrats demanded that Americans be patient and allow all the “legal” votes be counted in Florida. Now you’re demanding that Bargain Basement Joe be crowed immediately, even before certification.
Sounds to me like you’re deathly afraid that there has been election fraud (not to be confused with voter fraud) and what we are being told by President Trump’s legal team is absolutely on the mark.
Thou dost protest too much, Comrade Greggie.
It is the claim of the legal team.
Your media refuses to do the hard lifting to try to debunk it, explain the pause and dump in multiple states.
You wont even pause to ask what if its true.
If in 28 states it wipes out the conspiracy theory of Biden getting the popular vote.
Why is weighted votes a feature of the software?
The WEC is trying to change recount rules? Only after the petition was filed. The same assholes that defied court orders to clean the voter rolls.
Biden lost bigly money from china cant cover that up.
@Greg: You leftists always talk about “dog whistles”. Well, there’s one… telling everyone that will risk it to run to Georgia, register to vote and help destroy a lawful election in Georgia (again). I wonder why they won’t allow Republicans to look at the signatures on the mail in votes? What could possibly be the harm?
FRAUD. That’s why.
Essentially, if a Democrat has their way, they CAN’T be trusted because Democrats know they cannot survive a fair election. That’s why they CHEAT.
Democrats that pretend to worry so much about the security of the elections send ballots to every living soul and don’t require verification of the signatures of who is supposed to be voting. THEY spread the insidious bullshit because they know their ignorant followers are too stupid to question the obvious.
@retire05, #133:
Yes. All authorized poll watchers, Democratic, Republican, and non-partisan, were on the site and allowed entry. Self-appointed or unofficial yahoos with an agenda who threatened to disrupt an orderly tabulation process were not, and should not have been.
That’s in the nature of internet traffic on the world wide web. Transmissions are broken up into encrypted digital information packets, each of which is routed through the web by the fastest available path of the moment. They’re then reassembled near their final destination. Borders are not a consideration.
And exactly who is it that Trump’s supporters want to make these inspections? The assessments of the Department of Homeland Security and state election officials overseeing the process start to finish—many of whom are Republican—are good enough for me. The “we” you speak of will never be satisfied, unless the “truth” complies with their own desired results. If one theory is disproved they move right on to another. Had Trump won, they wouldn’t have questioned a damn thing. The unthinkable possibility that Trump could have lost an election is what this is actually all about.
Maybe you should take it up with all of the Republican state election officials who decided to use the system. Christopher Krebs, the former Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said claims that the system was compromised is a hoax. He is an expert. I believe him.
I have no reason to believe that they were not. You look at the envelope for a signature and compare it with that on file. How hard is it? Many people mailed ballots because they didn’t want to risk COVID-19 exposure at their polling places. Trump told his followers not to do so. He probably cost himself a lot of votes in that fashion. Very smart. Mailed ballots comprise a majority of absentee ballots. They always have. Suddenly, with Trump, this is a problem.
In 2000 the issues were entirely different. The election turned on a very few votes, and there were very specific problems with punched paper ballots. Transition activities were underway during the time it took to resolve those problems.
What I’m concerned about is the stability of the man in the White House who refuses to allow preparations for a transition of power in the middle of a worsening pandemic that has now killed over a quarter of a million Americans, exactly as the epidemiologists predicted. With millions out of work, unemployment compensation running out, food lines blocks long, hospitals in many areas maxing out their capacities, and a wave of evictions on the immediate horizon, Trump is holed up in the bunker firing off delusional tweets and plotting ways to remain in office despite having lost the election with everything else on hold. Meanwhile, two weeks after the election, no one has yet presented a shred of evidence for “huge election fraud”. All they do is roll out more and more speculative scenarios and unsubstantiated claims, all of which coincidentally involve places they think they might somehow string together as a means of reversing a clear election loss.
You’re not going to like how the Trump administration will be treated in the history books. This isn’t going to look any better in hindsight than it does at present.
15 minutes ago – Trump campaign drops Michigan ballot lawsuit — president called GOP county election officials
What a surprise.
Ah. It was a perfect conversation. Nothing was suggested. Just a perfectly routine little chat with the President of the United States.
No, GOP poll watchers were not all allowed into Central Count stations in certain states on election night. So there’s that.
Signature verification committees are required in Texas. One Democrat, one Republican to a team. If the team doesn’t agree, it then goes to the entire committee. That is a fair system. But not all states do that.
You say:
Why are we outsourcing our election counts? And you trust the “reassembly” near the final destination? You are not only an idiot, you are flat out supporting election theft.
Who would you vote for? Michigan or Ohio?
Continue with your support of an insecure election system, Comrade Greggie. It’s the only way the Democrats can win elections.
You are being lied to by the lame stream media. But then again, you want to be lied to because you support turning the United States into a Socialist nation and Bargain Basement Joe is your best hope for that.
Why shouldn’t they be contacted? Their enemies doxxed them, as well as threatened Monica Palmer’s children. Democrat idiots even put their threats out on Facebook and other websites.
No one can say that Democrats are real bright.
Our intelligence intelligence community has been raising the alarm about vulnerable election systems and complex social media operations intended to spread disinformation and promote internal division for the past four years. Trump’s response was to attack reports and do nothing. So now you’re wanting to pin lack of any federal level response on Democrats.
How silly to you want to make yourself look?
February 14, 2018 – Democrats outline roster of election security measures
January 4, 2019 – Here are the big election security measures in the House Democrats’ massive new bill
The bill, H.R. 1 of 2019, passed in the House, but McConnell prevented it from ever coming to a vote in the Senate.
Well, you damn sure do. You do because they actually ADMIT they aren’t.
They dropped THAT lawsuit because Michigan has agreed to audit the votes, which was what they were demanding, what they promised and LIED about. What do they fear being found?
Like a child predator near a school, Democrats should be kept as far away from election security as is possible. We’ve seen how they utilize the same fraud socialists in Venezuela use. HR 1 was a roadmap to voter fraud and Democrats creating a single-party nation. THEIR party.
Hell, he and the rest of the left LOVE to be lied to. If they heard the truth, they would run screaming from the room.
The truth is that Joe Biden won the 2020 election by over 7.9 million votes. The margin may hit 8 million by the time the last reports straggle in. I don’t believe the ghost of Hugo Chavez had anything to do with it. It was all a matter of Trump’s administrative incompetence and behavior. Everything seemed fine until he had a serious challenge to deal with, rather than an already-recovered economy to stimulate the hell out of with unsustainable tax cuts and irrationally low interest rates.
@Greg: The truth is that Biden is a lying, corrupt, incompetent fool that relied on fraud to “win” and just may have his “victory” overturned by justice.
Biden is a loser, again.
Thanks to the ignorant racist SOS The ballots in every unbalanced precinct in Detroit are void, cant be included in any recount, per state law just like in 2016
The certification was conditional and there so far has been no call for an audit so none of those votes are certified for the state count.
As far as Creepys call to heal, again word games and we will not Heel ever.
“more than 15,000 votes were cast in #Nevada by people who also voted in another state, 1,000 from people who don’t meet Nevada’s residency requirements and 500 from people who were, and I assume still are dead.”
MI the idiot SOS just threw away Detroits votes.
WI we want to see every request for an absentee ballot Milwaukee you cant just hand them out.
PA rules are rules SOS you cant just have different rules for different voters.