RNC Convention Night Three

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Last night the convention focused on the heroes amongst everyday Americans and ended with Vice President Mike Pence accepting his parties nomination.

The national security advisor to Pence, Keith Kellogg, spoke about Trump’s foreign policy successes:

Over the past three and a half years, I have witnessed every major foreign policy and national security decision by the president. I have been in the room where it happened. I saw only one agenda and one guiding question when tough calls had to be made…is this decision right for America?…

Ask yourself, has this president kept his promises…to keep us out of needless conflicts and to pursue ending wars without end? Has he defended your interests in renegotiating trade deals that previously hurt Americans and our national security? Has he fulfilled his Commander in Chief role by decisively going after our Nation’s enemies?

You and I know, the answer is yes. The choice is clear.

Ric Grennell gave a outstanding speech.

One of my favorite parts:

In four years Donald Trump didn’t start any new wars. He brought troops home, he rebuilt the military and signed peace deals that make Americans safer.

The Washington elites want you to think this kind of foreign policy is in moral. And so they call it nationalist. That tells you all you need to know.

The DC crowd thinks when they called Donald Trump and Nationalists and their insulting him. As if the American president isn’t supposed to base foreign policy on America’s. National interests.

A return to the Biden way of thinking means America gives the radical terrorist regime in Tehran. A plane load of cash in the middle of the night.

Well you see President Trump also sent an aircraft in the middle of the night to deal with Iran. But that plane was on a different mission. An air strike to take out the head of Iran’s terror machine who plotted the deaths of Americans.

Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng, who was persecuted for speaking out against China’s “one-child policy,” a policy Biden had no problem with at one time, even stating that he “understood” it:

But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China.  You have no safety net.  Your policy has been one which I fully understand — I’m not second-guessing — of one child per family.  The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people.  Not sustainable.

But Guangcheng spoke about the horrors of Communist China:

The CCP is focused on power and control, and acts without regard to the law or to human rights. Countless activists have disappeared or are under house arrest. Just consider the sad plight of the Uyghurs in concentration camps.

Outside its borders, the CCP ignores international treaties and norms, whether it is violating the rights of Hong Kong, cheating on trade deals, threatening Taiwan, or exploiting the World Health Organization.

The coronavirus pandemic, originating in China—and covered up by the CCP—has caused mass death and social upheaval around the world.

In the same way, the virus of the CCP is threatening the people of the world. The policy of appeasement of former administrations—including Obama and Biden—has allowed the CCP to infiltrate and corrode different aspects of the global community.

The Chinese Communist Party goes through the dance of diplomacy . . . but it seeks to make the rest of the world bow to its authoritarian vision. The CCP is waiting patiently for the US and other democracies to bend to its will under fear of economic retribution.

The Democratic Convention did not mention China once….NOT ONCE!

Oh btw, to Midler:

And my oh my how the media grumbled:

The media gushed over the Democratic National Convention, even though it was dark and depressing. By contrast, many in the media have lashed out against the Republican Convention, sometimes ridiculously so.

Reporters got upset that Pence accurately described the Wuhan coronavirus as coming from China.

NBC News veteran Andrea Mitchell was upset that Pence fist-bumped a disabled war veteran after his speech. “Social distancing,” she tweeted.

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC broke away from South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s speech because Maddow felt it was “very wrong” to say that cities have been hit hard by crime and looting. She brought on Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan to dispute the claim. Earlier this week, Seattle rioters tried to seal police officers inside a building using quick-dry cement, in order to kill them.

Some reporters were mad that Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York spoke from his own district in, well, New York. He spoke from Westhampton on Long Island, which reporters confused with nicer parts of the area.

Early in the evening, Madison Cawthorn, the Republican candidate for North Carolina’s 11th District, spoke from his wheelchair. Severely injured in a car crash when he was 20, Cawthorn is partially paralyzed. At the end of his speech, he lifted himself out of his wheelchair to deliver his final lines, “Be a radical for our republic. For which I stand. One nation. Under God. With liberty and justice for all.”

Yamiche Alcindor, an activist journalist employed by PBS and MSNBC, was outraged.

Mollie goes on to describe how the MSM ran stories that were so at odds with the reality of the convention.  I know, shocking!

Hours after the evening’s events concluded, the Associated Press posted a story about the convention that was so at odds with reality that it seemed to have been written before the convention began. The article by Russ Bynum was headlined “At RNC, GOP echoes racial code of Nixon’s 1968 campaign,” and claimed the Republicans were “manipulating racial divisions to unite white voters.”

In the real world, each night of the Republican Convention has had speaker after speaker make an overt appeal for black voters to join the Republican Party and support President Donald Trump. In years past, Republican conventions have featured a few black people talking about how and why they were voting Republican.

At this convention, white and black speakers have focused on policy achievements that appeal to black voters, such as job gains for black men and women, increased funding for historically black colleges and universities, and criminal justice reform. Black friends of Trump have talked about their friendship with him. And black civil rights leaders have talked about the Republican Party’s history of sustained policy achievements for black people.

For years, the media and other Democratic activists have done what the Associated Press did last night — throw out a claim that the GOP is racist and wait for Republicans to cower in defeat. Concern about the inroads Trump was making with black voters alarmed Democratic leaders, who began race-baiting the election even earlier than usual, hyping racial grievance events in cities across the country.

What’s different about this year’s Republican National Convention and the current Republican Party is that unlike all the previous years, everyone seems eager and ready to fight the slurs from the media and other Democrats.

Last night, former NFL player Jack Brewer said, “I know what racism looks like, I’ve seen it firsthand. In America, it has no resemblance to President Trump and I’m fed up with the way he’s portrayed in the media, who refuse to acknowledge what he’s actually done for the black community.”

He asked, “Are you going to allow the media to lie to you by falsely claiming that he said there are very fine white supremacists in Charlottesville? He didn’t say that, it’s a lie.” Biden has made that lie a centerpiece of his campaign.

Vice President Mike Pence, who gave the keynote address, was smart enough to highlight the unchecked riots and violence raging in Democratic cities across the country, made far easier by the Democrats ignoring the topic at their convention last week and even suggesting support for the violent protests.

“We will have law and order on the streets of America for every American of every race and creed and color!” Pence said, receiving a standing ovation. “The American people know we don’t have to choose between supporting law enforcement and standing with African American neighbors to improve the quality of life in our cities and towns.”

These quotes show that the Associated Press was lying in their hit piece. They also show what a remarkably crappy job Republicans have done with black voter outreach prior to now.

Chuck Todd of MSNBC said recently, “Both campaigns tell me that there is a chance that Donald Trump could overperform with African American men. It’s a concern of the Biden campaign and it’s a focus of the Trump campaign.”

It was another great night with Pence ending the evening calling out Biden:

“The heroes who held this fort took their stand for life, liberty, freedom, and the American flag,” Pence said from Fort McHenry. “Those ideals have defined our nation, but they were hardly ever mentioned at last week’s Democratic National Convention.”

“Instead, Democrats spent four days attacking America. Joe Biden said that we were living through a ‘season of darkness.’ But as President Trump said, ‘Where Joe Biden sees American darkness, we see American greatness,’” Pence added.

“Instead, Democrats spent four days attacking America. Joe Biden said that we were living through a ‘season of darkness.’ But as President Trump said, ‘Where Joe Biden sees American darkness, we see American greatness,’” Pence added.

“As we work to bring this economy back, we all have a role to play, and we all have a choice to make. On November 3rd, you need to ask yourself: ‘Who do you trust to rebuild this economy?’ A career politician who presided over the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression? Or a proven leader who created the greatest economy in the world?”

“Joe Biden says that America is systemically racist, and that law enforcement in America has, and I quote, an ‘implicit bias’ against minorities,” Pence continued. “When asked whether he’d support cutting funding to law enforcement, Joe Biden replied, ‘Yes, absolutely.’ Joe Biden would double down on the very policies that are leading to violence in America’s cities.”

“The hard truth is, you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America,” Pence said. “Under President Trump, we will always stand with those who stand on the Thin Blue Line, and we’re not going to defund the police—not now, not ever.”

On to the final night tonight!

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I don’t know about others, but I went to school with Jehovah’s Witnesses all 12 of my pre-college years.
They had taken their right to not salute the flag (any flag) all the way to the US Supreme Court.
They won.
For all 12 years after that decision, the Witnesses I went to school with STOOD during our flag salute.
Their objection was with the actual salute, the hand on heart and the mouthing of the words.
So, they always stood, quietly, respectfully.

Our modern-day objectors seem more to want to make a showy display of their disrespect for the flag.
Kneeling in open, fist in the air is not symbolic of blacks killed by police.
It is disrespect for the flag and the anthem.

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC broke away from South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s speech because Maddow felt it was “very wrong” to say that cities have been hit hard by crime and looting. She brought on Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan to dispute the claim. Earlier this week, Seattle rioters tried to seal police officers inside a building using quick-dry cement, in order to kill them.

Yeah, that was a great example to choose. Do they even see how stupid they are?

My niece was paralyzed and has been working to restore her ability to walk. She too GREAT offense at the leftists who made fun of Cawthorn’s effort to stand for the Pledge. These stupid, selfish, myopic idiots have no idea what it’s like to NOT be able to stand and the desire to do so, the work required for the simple act they all take for granted.

Vice President Mike Pence, who gave the keynote address, was smart enough to highlight the unchecked riots and violence raging in Democratic cities across the country, made far easier by the Democrats ignoring the topic at their convention last week and even suggesting support for the violent protests.

Of course, Biden came forth with a luke-warm denouncing of the violence, so the left is now calling Pence a liar for saying the Democrats ignored the violence… as if mentioning it ONCE after it has been going on for 3 months is erased by ONE mention. They’ve only acknowledged it now because they finally see how much damage it is doing to their campaigns (to hell with those burned out of business).

These quotes show that the Associated Press was lying in their hit piece. They also show what a remarkably crappy job Republicans have done with black voter outreach prior to now.

Well, no one has ever reached out as well as Trump has.

Night 4 ends with the longest ever acceptance speech followed by awesome fireworks then Opera singer Christopher Macchio performed from the Blue Room balcony, dude has some pipes!

And so far no one to storm the Stage no hecklers no crowds of goons blocking the streets No Rioting No Looting No Arson No Antifa and No BLM Peaceful very very Peaceful the Doves flew must be a Conservative Ccity