Night two was another great night for the Republicans. The theme of the night “Land of Opportunity.”
First Jon Ponder’s story was featured. He went to jail for bank robbery and while in jail he founded a program that helps convicts reenter the workforce and back into society.
Ponder spoke to the convention along with the FBI agent who arrested him, Richard Beasley. Afterwards President Trump pardoned Ponder:
Albuquerque police officer Ryan Holets talked about encountering a young couple injecting heroin. Upon discovering the woman was pregnant, he talked to her about the harm being done to the baby. Later, when she was seeking a family to place the child with, Holets offered to adopt the baby, who will soon be three years old. Her birth mother has been clean for about that long. Holets spoke with compassion about those suffering from opiates, a message later echoed in Melania Trump’s keynote address.
Various business owners talked about the challenges of operating businesses and how regulations hampered their ability to employ hard-working Americans.
And a naturalization ceremony from earlier in the day was shown to the crowd, featuring new Americans from Ghana, Sudan, India, Bolivia, and Lebanon.
Nicholas Sandmann, the new millionaire thanks to various liberal, biased, MSM outlets, spoke and it was outstanding! He spoke about how he was confronted by a fake Vietnam Veteran over the hat on his head:
My life changed forever in that one moment. The full war machine of the mainstream media revved up into attack mode. They did so without ever researching the full video of the incident; without ever investigating Mr. Philips’ motives; or without ever asking me for my side of the story. And do you know why? Because the truth wasn’t important. Advancing their anti-Christian, anti-Conservative, anti-Donald Trump narrative was all that mattered. And if advancing their narrative ruined the reputation and future of a teenager from Covington, Kentucky…so be it. That will teach him not to wear a MAGA hat!
Pro-life was highlighted in various speakers speeches:
At one point, there were three strong pro-life speakers in a row, including Sandmann, speaking in prime time. Cissie Graham Lynch, a granddaughter of the Rev. Billy Graham, spoke about the attacks on religious liberty from the Obama-Biden administration and about teenage girls being forced to compete against biological males because of Obama-Biden regulations.
Abby Johnson gave a powerful speech about her conversion from director of a Planned Parenthood facility to the leader of a non-profit that helps abortion workers escape the industry. Her description of watching an unborn child attempt to survive a suction abortion was horrifying. Johnson said she has seen abortions and smelled abortions.
“Did you know abortions have a smell?” she asked, in one of the most hauntingly memorable lines of the night. Sandmann represented the hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists who come to Washington, D.C., to lobby for changes to abortion laws each year. At a previous Republican convention, it would be likely that none of these people would have been invited, much less all three back to back.
Pro-life activist Abby Johnson spoke about the issue more Republicans need to talk about: the massacre of unborn children. She pointed out that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a virulent racist and that to this day the murderous organization targets black children. When she questioned this as an employee of the murder factory, Johnson was told “Abortion is how we make our money.” This won’t make a lot of news. Even I didn’t lead with it, but that is my sin and that of our nation.
And then Melanie Trump stole the show:
Unless you are so biased that you can’t see anything objectively, this was a phenomenal speech. The best ever from a First Lady who has been treated so viciously by the Swamp Media. BRAVO @FLOTUS!
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) August 26, 2020
It was a incredibly positive speech.
She expressed concern for pretty much all Americans, from those affected by the coronavirus to those concerned about unequal treatment under the law. She asked the rioters to stop rioting — something Biden didn’t have the courage to do — and asked Americans to try to look at things from each other’s perspective.
The night was full of positivity with a strong message that America is a land full of opportunity. Contrast that with the living hell imagery from the Democratic convention along with the burning and looting going on in Democrat controlled states and it’s no contest. The Republicans shined while the Democrats whined.

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America is GREAT. Semper Fi!
My favorite was the newly minted Americans, imagine being invited to the White House by the President to get your citizenship ceremony you dreamed of and worked so hard for.
Of course, Bette Midler had to prove how stupid she is (as if anyone forgot) by attacking Melania. Then, she walked it back a bit after she got slapped around for it.
The left are seeing they are being hurt so badly by the RNC that they are crying about her speech from the Rose Garden. They even said Pompeo only went to Israel to give his speech from there; further evidence the corrupt, liberal media is not aware of the historic agreements being hammered out there.
The left is looking more and more desperate.