USPS- The new Russian collusion hoax

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You knew we weren’t going to get through this election without some cockamamie democrat conspiracy theory, right? In 2016 it was Russia, Russia, Russia. Today democrats are going postal.

“To watch this postmaster general destroy the postal service under Trump’s direction and to watch Mitch McConnell do nothing to try to stop that, and by the way, or anybody in the Republican senator caucus stop him other than just give lip service, is disgusting,” Tester declared. “I’m going to tell you if these guys have their way, they will destroy the postal service. They’ll do it because they don’t want people to vote, which is bad enough. But in the process, it’s going to hurt rural America in a big, big way and hurt rural states like Montana in a big, big way. And that’s why we’ve tried to point out to folks all around the state of Montana and the country that the postal service is important. And that we ought to make sure the postal service is around for this election and for a long time after this election. And to see what postmaster DeJoy has done is absolutely disgusting. And certainly not the right direction this country needs to be going in.”

Tester was never the sharpest tool in the shed. But he wasn’t the only one. The King of the Climate Con Men weighed in

Well, yes we have. In 2016, to be exact, when Rex’s photo was taken

Thieves raiding Valley mailboxes prompt Postal Service to take action

Turns out that fishing, or stealing mail, has become so common that postal officials have been retrofitting boxes around the San Fernando Valley and other areas to make them more tamper proof, said Richard J. Maher, spokesman for Post Office operations in Los Angeles and Orange counties.

No one was bothered about that in 2016. Similarly, no one was bothered when obama said this in 2009:

Trump is stealing mail boxes, say democrats!

Uh sorry, no


This from the USPS itself- in 2016!

Mail collection boxes are practically as American as apple pie. They also seem to be disappearing as quickly as mom’s homemade apple pie.

Nationally, the number of collection boxes declined by more than 12,000 in the past 5 years. Some customers have complained the U.S. Postal Service has gone too far and removed too many collection boxes in neighborhoods. They’ve also questioned whether this effort is saving USPS money in the long run.

It’s a tough balancing act for the Postal Service. Some collection boxes are barely used and are expensive to maintain. On the other hand, mail collection boxes are a visible representation of the Postal Service to the American public, and their disappearance has been noted. They also are reliable, secure, and convenient receptacles for mail.

As part of its efforts to keep its collection infrastructure proportionate to customers’ needs at a reasonable cost, the Postal Service has eliminated underused collection boxes that on average receive fewer than 25 pieces a day; it has also added collection boxes where they are convenient for customers.

Our recent audit report looked at the Postal Service’s collection box removal process in the Eastern Area and found that it was not effective. While the area and its 10 districts have procedures for removing and relocating collection boxes, they were not consistently followed.

For the record, Trump is not “attacking” the USPS or starving it. Byron York:

The Postal Service has lost money for a very long time. In fiscal year 2019, it had operating revenues of $71.1 billion and operating expenses of $79.9 billion, leaving it with a deficit of $8.8 billion. At the moment, Postal Service officials have told Congress, it has about $14 billion in cash on hand, putting it on the road to fiscal insolvency (without further aid) in late 2021.

In the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, the $2 trillion relief measure passed in March, Congress gave the Postal Service a $10 billion borrowing authority. After the bill became law, there were negotiations between the Postal Service and the Treasury Department on the terms of the borrowing; a deal was announced in July. The ability to borrow $10 billion, the postmaster general said, would “delay the approaching liquidity crisis.”

That was all the aid for the Postal Service in the CARES Act. Completely separately, the bill also gave $400 million to something called the Election Assistance Commission for distribution to states to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for the 2020 federal election cycle.”

In May the House passed the so-called “Heroes Act”

The House HEROES Act would give $25 billion to the Postal Service in what is essentially a bailout. The bill mentions nothing about helping the Postal Service handle the upcoming election or any other election. Indeed, the only stipulation at all placed on the $25 billion is that the Postal Service, “during the coronavirus emergency, shall prioritize the purchase of, and make available to all Postal Service employees and facilities, personal protective equipment, including gloves, masks, and sanitizers, and shall conduct additional cleaning and sanitizing of Postal Service facilities and delivery vehicles.” If the House Democrats who wrote and passed the bill intended the money to be spent specifically for elections, they did not say so in the text of the legislation.

Ryan Saavedra

The notion that Trump is not funding the USPS is not true. The Trump administration agreed on July 29 to loan the USPS “$10 billion in emergency coronavirus relief funding,” The Washington Post reported, adding that the money is “a crucial injection of cash that postal officials say will keep the debt-laden agency solvent for at least another year.” In exchange for the money, USPS will provide the Treasury Department “copies of its 10 largest ‘negotiated service agreements,’ or contracts with high-volume third-party shippers such as Amazon, FedEx and UPS.” The goal, Treasury Department Sec. Steve Mnuchin explained, is “to fulfill the President’s goal of establishing a sustainable business model under which USPS can continue to provide necessary mail service for all Americans, without shifting costs to taxpayers.”

Read the whole thing for the rest of the left wing lies.

In short, dems are full of sh*t as usual and are looking to create the next Russian collusion hoax.


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AOC gives her one minute speech… never says Biden’s name. Seconds the nomination of “Bernie Sanders “!

@Greg: Powell is not crossing party lines. He registered Republican so a Republican President would promote him.

Reuters got caught red-handed cropping a photo so as to further the phony USPS collusion hoax.
Apparently there’s a refinisher company in Wisconsin.
It makes its livelihood by collecting old, messed up USPS mailboxes and making them look like new again.
So, right out by the side of their building is a huge pile of some of these “before” boxes.
Some had merely been rusted, or in need of new paint, others had been hit by cars, trucks or buses.
But Reuters cropped out the company where all the boxes were piled up and contributed to the lefty conspiracy theory that Trump was collecting mail boxes so ballots couldn’t be mailed.
Looks like this fake news story just had its legs cut out from under it.

Fake News Called Out After Falsely Blaming Trump for Removal of USPS Mailboxes

@Nan G: The left is just so pathetic! So is their supporters!

Trump’s and first lady’s ballots have been returned in Florida

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump have voted in Florida’s Tuesday congressional primary after designating someone to pick up and drop off their ballots in Palm Beach, an official familiar with the matter told CNN.

While the website of the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections does not yet denote Trump’s ballot as returned and counted, the official said the ballots had been returned Monday.

Under Florida law, voters are permitted to sign an affidavit permitting someone else to pick up and drop off their ballots.

The Trumps signed affidavits and their ballots were picked up last week. That was after the deadline had passed for requesting a mail-in ballot, but the rules allow voters to pick up ballots in person after the deadline — or send approved designees to pick them up.

Somebody else can submit your ballot for you? Sounds to me like an open invitation for voter fraud.

In the recent past, republicans have opposed even the third-party collection of registrations.

@Greg: So many signed affidavits from the President available. You are pathetic.

Biden wins the nomination. What a surprise. I’m guessing the budget virtual Democratic convention will allow for a lot more money to be used for campaign ads. I sent Joe a check today. Via the post office, Donald. See how useful and important it is?


I sent Joe a check today.

What, is Bumbling Blathering Bargain Basement Joe’s campaign not accepting donations on line?

Sure he is. Here’s a link. You can send Joe a donation via PayPal.


Somebody else can submit your ballot for you? Sounds to me like an open invitation for voter fraud.

If that upsets you, think how upset you will be if the Democrats get their way and allow for ballot harvesters.

Since Trump did not vote in person, the County Election Board will be required to verify his signature, something you Marxist Democrats want to abolish. No signature verification demands the Democrats.


Sure he is. Here’s a link. You can send Joe a donation via PayPal.

Then why didn’t you use it?

Or do you think your one measly stamp will make a difference to the USPS income?


I use checks or cash whenever possible. It’s a matter of both personal preference and a habit consciously acquired as an online security measure. Paypal is OK from a security perspective, but a service charge would have been involved. I think people are way too casual about using plastic. I’m old. I also resist unnecessary change.

@Greg: Greg posts a lot when he knows he’s wrong

Trump landslide in November.


Biden represents no police and segregation.

Trump represents economy building and freedom..

No contest.

It’s done. Trump has already won.

@Nathan Blue:

Here’s what Comrade Greggie’s link to donate to Biden says (in the small print on the bottom)

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue’s terms & conditions.

Paid for by ActBlue ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Contributions or gifts to ActBlue are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

@retire05: Hmmmm…have we finally unmasked greg for charlatan he is?

Desperate, all of them.

@retire05, #65:

Here’s what Comrade Greggie’s link to donate to Biden says (in the small print on the bottom)

Political contributions to any particular political candidate or political party are never tax deductible. Surely you were already aware of that.

If you check, you’ll find that the Donald J Trump for President donation site says the essentially the same thing, including the following in a neat little outlined box at the bottom:

Paid for by WinRed. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Trump’s site also includes the following pitch for an EXTRA donation:

President Trump: The Dem Convention is this week and I want to post a HUGE number to CRUSH Slow Joe & Phony Kamala! Join the Fundraising Cash Blitz Now!

Yep. Send me money now “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”

If you try to navigate away without dropping some coin, you get another finger-pointing admonition to “COMPLETE YOUR DONATION NOW!”

@Greg: Here’s your guy. Not mine. Anyone with half a brain can see this guy should not be running for any office. But here in 2020 it’s the BEST the Democrats could do. Sad. BTW much longer clips are available.

@Greg: So nice to see you have completely accepted that the USPS bruhaha was all just another fart in the Democrat elevator and that they lied to you again.


Somebody else can submit your ballot for you? Sounds to me like an open invitation for voter fraud.

It is and Democrats used it to great affect in California. I’m sure his weren’t entrusted to some Obama hold-over but someone he could trust.

Universal voting by mail is a fraud goldmine, too. It’s why Democrats are so adamant about using it. Just like opposing positive ID, they look for opportunities to commit fraud and oppose measures that make their fraud more difficult.


“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!”

Easy, Beta-Boy. You have no right to quote that.

Or perhaps you do, since you support antifa and black-killing thugs.

Why do you hate black people, anyway?

Dear Vlad…

“Write down this potato head’s name, Comrade Fradkov. My instincts tell me he might someday be useful.”


Are you still buying the whole USPS hoax or have you finally stumbled on the truth and now understand the Democrats are lying to you?

@kitt, #69:

So nice to see you have completely accepted that the USPS bruhaha was all just another fart in the Democrat elevator and that they lied to you again.

Donald Trump’s pre-election postal sabotage effort resulted in the filing of federal law suits by the Attorney Generals of more than 20 states. They were caught attempting to rig the election and outed in a highly public fashion.

It’s good to see DeJoy slinking off to his six-million-dollar Greensboro mansion with his tail between his legs. The United States Post Service and the American people it faithfully serves would be better off if he stayed there.

@retire05, #73:

There was no hoax. Trump was caught red-handed trying to sabotage an essential component of the nation’s election process.

Mail-in ballots are traceable paper ballots. They can’t be hacked by a foreign power like paperless voting machines.

Most absentee ballots are mail-in ballots.

This year, with COVID-19, there’s an expectation that voting by mail will be much more important than usual—and it already accounted for a significant percentage of all votes cast in recent U.S. presidential elections.

More bullshit from the imbecile greg

BREAKING: Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleads guilty to falsifying a document to renew a FISA warrant against Carter Page, although says he believed the information was true at the time.

@Greg: There’s been no “sabotage” or anything else nefarious. It’s just Trump won’t spend taxpayer money to fund fraud.

@July 4th American:

More bullshit from the imbecile greg

The facts say otherwise. The Attorney Generals of more than 20 states say otherwise.


Trump was caught red-handed trying to sabotage an essential component of the nation’s election process.

How so?

Mail-in ballots are traceable paper ballots. They can’t be hacked by a foreign power like paperless voting machines.

And how exactly does a foreign power hack into a voting machine, Comrade Greggie?

If you are concerned, lobby your county commissioners, or what ever agency is in charge of your county, to use only paper ballots.
There are no voting machines in my county. We lobbied against them years ago.

Most absentee ballots are mail-in ballots.

Well, duh, glad you got that one figured out.

This year, with COVID-19, there’s an expectation that voting by mail will be much more important than usual

News flash!!! If you can go to the grocery store, or to the post office, or to a doctor’s appointment or a damn protest, you can go vote with the same risk as the other activities.

and it already accounted for a significant percentage of all votes cast in recent U.S. presidential elections.

And that percentage would be what, Comrade Greggie?

@retire05, #79:

How so?

If you followed actual news instead of the propaganda pouring out of right-wing disinformation outlets, you would know how so already.

You can’t even grasp the significance of the republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee’s conclusion that your Fearless Leader’s 2016 Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort represented “a grave counterintelligence threat” to the United States of America, or that multiple other highly-placed organization officials were working with identified Putin operatives. (These the Senate Intelligence Committee panel gave the benefit of the doubt by accepting that they might have been too naive or too inept to know any better—which hardly serves as a recommendation for their subsequent parts in the new administration.)

This all became public with the Senate Intelligence Committee’s release of the final part of their report yesterday. All right-wing “news” outlets are avoiding the story as if it were highly radioactive.


How so?

If you followed actual news instead of right-wing disinformation outlets, you would know how so already.

OK, so once again you have no answer and just resort back to your anal-cranial disorder.

You’re a f**king idiot and everyone here knows it.

@retire05, #81:

Personal insults only negate facts in the minds of fools.


Refusing to answer a question only shows that you have no argument. You never back up what you say or claim. You’re just a mouthpiece (parrot) for the Marxist Democrats.


If you followed actual news instead of the propaganda pouring out of right-wing disinformation outlets, you would know how so already.

Your distortion of the report in question shows your just parroting the disinformation from the very real, and very prolifice left-wing disinformation outlets.

This is what Republicans on the Committee ACTUALLY said:

“We can say, without any hesitation, that the Committee found absolutely no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 election,” Rubio said. “What the Committee did find, however, is very troubling.”

Rubio detailed the committee’s findings, which included “irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling” and “deeply troubling actions taken” by the FBI, “particularly their acceptance and willingness to rely on the ‘Steele Dossier’ without verifying its methodology or sourcing.”

The committee found that the FBI gave the dossier, authored by ex-British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, “unjustified credence, based on an incomplete understanding of Steele’s past reporting record.

But the committee said Tuesday that members of the 2016 Trump campaign presented “intelligence” targets.

The committee found that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s “presence on the Trump campaign and proximity to then-candidate Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign.”

The committee noted that prior to Manafort joining the Trump campaign in March 2016, Manafort “directly and indirectly communicated” with Russian national, Konstantin Kilimnik and other pro-Russian oligarchs in Ukraine.

“On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik,” the report stated, while noting that the committee was “unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik or with whom Kilimnik further shared that information.”

The committee noted that it had “limited insight” into Kilimnik’s communications with Manafort and into Kilimnik’s communications with other individuals connected to Russian influence operations, all of whom used communications security practices.

“The Committee obtained some information suggesting Kilimnik may have been connected to the GRU’s hack and leak operation targeting the 2016 U.S. election,” the report stated.

The committee found that “after the election, Manafort continued to coordinate with Russian persons, particularly Kilimnik and other individuals close to Oleg Deripaska, in an effort to undertake activities on their behalf.”

“Manafort worked with Kilimnik starting in 2016 on narratives that sought to undermine evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election,” the report found.

The committee added: “Taken as a whole, Manafort’s high- level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly Kilimnik and associates of Deripaska, represented a grave counterintelligence threat.”

The committee also noted that former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos “was not a witting cooptee of the Russian intelligence services” but said that he “presented a prime intelligence target and potential vector for malign Russian influence.”

The committee, though, said Tuesday that it “found no evidence that anyone associated with the Trump Campaign had any substantive private conversations” with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the April 27, 2016, Trump speech held at the Mayflower Hotel.

But the committee did note that Russia “took advantage” of members of the Trump transition team and their “relative inexperience in government, opposition to Obama administration policies, and Trump’s desire to deepen ties with Russia to pursue unofficial channels through which Russia could conduct diplomacy.”

Meanwhile, the committee also said Tuesday that the FBI “lacked a formal or considered process for escalating their warnings” about the hack of the Democratic National Committee; while noting that WikiLeaks “actively sought, and played, a key role in the Russian influence campaign.”

The committee said WikiLeaks “likely knew it was assisting a Russian intelligence influence effort.”

Meanwhile, the committee shifted to the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016, noting that “at least two participants” — Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin “have significant connections to the Russian government, including the Russian intelligence services.”

“The Committee, however, found no reliable evidence that information of benefit to the Campaign was transmitted at the meeting, or that then-candidate Trump had foreknowledge of the meeting,” the committee said.

To say this “proved Russia colluded” would be the words of a f*cking liar, which you greg seem to accuse Trump of daily.

Stop being a f*cking liar and tell the truth.

The intentional mis-framing of the report is why Democrats have to be held accountable and voted out. They have a disinformation apparatus in which they can just blindly mislead the weaker minds in our nation right off a cliff.

Not on my watch.



@retire05, #83:

Read the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report. The conclusions are summarized at the front, following the Table of Contents. Read the news covering the facts of DeJoy’s specific postal directives, which anyone but an idiot can understand would seriously impede processing and delivery of the mail precisely when the demand for and importance of timely service is increasing.

That all backs up what I’ve said. I’ve been providing links to it all along. I’ve even quoted relevant parts in my posts, directly, frequently, and often at length.

So what’s your problem? You’re expecting me to jump through your stupid little hoops? You should know by now that’s not happening. Apparently that’s just one more thing you can’t or won’t figure out.

Yap on, as you always do. I’ve got nothing more to say to you. Hopefully I’ll soon be done with the topic of Donald Trump as well. I’ll leave it to history. History is not going to treat him kindly.

Russia was a hoax
Ukraine was a hoax
And now USPS is a hoax

Wonder why the imbecile greg is not jumping for joy amid the failed democrat convention

@Nathan Blue, #84:

“We can say, without any hesitation, that the Committee found absolutely no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 election,” Rubio said.

That statement IS NOT part of the report. That’s Rubio framing the report with political spin, exactly as William Barr did the Mueller Report. The report itself deals with facts, not politics.

What the report DOES say is no endorsement of the Trump campaign organization, or some who have gone to to become parts of the Trump administration. Reading the summary of the findings alone should be enough to tell anyone that.


Mail-in ballots are traceable paper ballots. They can’t be hacked by a foreign power like paperless voting machines.

But, they can be “lost” by unscrupulous USPS employees in the employ of the DNC. They can be destroyed by a rogue liberal (lots of those sucking on the government teat) and they can be delayed and list by the well-documented USPS incompetence.

Vote in person. You, of course, as a liberal have nothing to worry about either way; it’s only us conservatives that have to worry about getting screwed.

Um… that committee determined NO ONE in Trump’s team colluded with any Russians. Democrats, though… that’s a whole different story.

@Deplorable Me, #88:

But, they can be “lost” by unscrupulous USPS employees in the employ of the DNC.

That makes no sense at all. USPS employees don’t know which way anyone who mails in a paper ballot voted. High speed postal sorting machines—which for some odd reason DeJoy removed from a number of processing facilities—can’t magically see through the envelopes.

Nothing explains the pattern of DeJoy’s actions other than a calculated effort to impede voting by mail and the efficient processing and delivery of mail in general—which produces a lot of collateral damage.

@Greg: It makes complete sense. Ideologically, the left is unscrupulous and with the Postal Workers Union endorsing Biden (the union AND the left)criminal activity is a given.

I’ve seen ballots that have “R” and “D” on them for who the recipient is registered with. There is a bar code on them and machines could easily sort them out. Furthermore, there are districts that are predominantly Republican that could easily be culled out.

The opportunity for fraud is the one and only reason Democrats support voting by mail.


That makes no sense at all. USPS employees don’t know which way anyone who mails in a paper ballot voted. High speed postal sorting machines—which for some odd reason DeJoy removed from a number of processing facilities—can’t magically see through the envelopes.

Dont worry he wont move those machines to where there is a higher volume of mail expected.
The bins of undelivered ballots found in Milwaukee just happened to be destined for a redder area more likely to vote for a conservative judge in our April elections. The voting of districts is known, or the dems wouldnt want so much to redraw them that they would sue.
Why do you want so much for us to think you are that dumb?

August 19, 2020 – Not just the postal service: Trump campaign targeting ballot drop off boxes in battleground states

The Trump administration has faced heavy criticism this week over accusations that it is intentionally weakening the postal service in an effort to reduce mail-in voting. But an equally consequential battle is taking place in the courts.

Donald Trump’s campaign for reelection is pursuing legal action to block the use of secure ballot drop-off boxes in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, an action that could foreshadow similar fights across the country.

The lawsuit seeks to prevent the use of the boxes — which voters can use to securely drop off their ballots at locations such as schools or libraries to be collected by election officials — in November’s presidential election.

The move comes amid a surge of requests for mail-in ballots during the coronavirus pandemic, as states seek to expand access to remote voting as a way of protecting against the virus.

But Mr Trump has repeatedly attacked mail-in voting as being vulnerable to fraud — without any evidence — and sought to limit its use.

Voting rights advocates have warned the lawsuit in Pennsylvania is yet another attempt by a president to undermine the democratic process and suppress the vote. In a state that the president won by only 44,000 votes in 2016 — or 0.7 percent of the vote — the stakes are high.

“This lawsuit is part of a strategy to make it harder for eligible voters to vote in November – by introducing confusion, eliminating choices about how to return a mail ballot, and raising meritless questions about the integrity of our elections,” Suzanne Almeida, of voting rights group Common Cause Pennsylvania, told The Independent.

“Drop boxes are a crucial option for voters who receive their absentee ballots too late to return them by mail. Without drop boxes, some people will be forced to choose between their health and their right to vote — and no one should have to make that choice,” she added.

Concerns over the targeting of drop off boxes have been heightened by figures from June’s primary races, which showed that the number of Democrats who chose to vote by mail was more than double that of Republicans — 1 million to 397,000 respectively.

Pennsylvania has introduced a number of voting reforms in the past year to expand mail-in ballots, including the introduction of drop boxes across the state. In other states where the boxes are used, it is not uncommon for half of all mail-in ballots to be delivered through them.

The battle over their use has been given added urgency in recent weeks amid repeated attacks by Mr Trump on mail-in ballots and attempts to hobble the postal service’s ability to handle them.

Drop boxes were seen as a potential alternative for voters who wanted to use mail-in ballots to vote safely and avoid potential delays in the postal service. And while they are new to Pennsylvania, they have been used across the country, in Democratic and Republican states. In the last presidential election, approximately 16 percent of American voters used drop boxes, most of them concentrated in Washington, Oregon and Colorado.

As more states look to expand their use, they are already becoming a new battleground in the fight over voting access — largely along partisan lines. Ohio’s Republican secretary of state Frank LaRose announced last week that he would ban county election boards from offering more than a single ballot drop box in the pivotal swing state, citing time constraints. Similar actions have been taken in Missouri, too.

And in the past week, they have become a target for Mr Trump.

“Some states use ‘drop boxes’ for the collection of Universal Mail-In Ballots. So who is going to ‘collect’ the Ballots, and what might be done to them prior to tabulation? A Rigged Election? So bad for our Country. Only Absentee Ballots acceptable!” Mr Trump said on Monday.

The Trump campaign’s lawsuit in Pennsylvania, filed at the end of June, claims that election officials in the state “have sacrificed the sanctity of in-person voting at the altar of unmonitored mail-in voting and have exponentially enhanced the threat that fraudulent or otherwise ineligible ballots will be cast and counted in the forthcoming general election.”

The suit, which is backed by the Republican National Committee and Pennsylvania Republican congressmen Glenn Thompson, Mike Kelly, John Joyce, and Guy Reschenthaler, seeks to prohibit ballot returns to any location other than the county elections office

It argues that permitting the use of drop boxes “allows illegal absent and mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and other fraud to occur and/or go undetected, and will result in dilution of validly cast ballots.”

But like Mr Trump’s attacks on mail-in ballots, Republicans have been unable to substantiate their dire warnings about voter fraud. The case hit a roadblock last week after a federal judge ruled that the Trump campaign must provide evidence that mail-in ballots and drop boxes are vulnerable to fraud.

“The Court finds that instances of voter fraud are relevant to the claims and defenses in this case,” Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan, a Trump appointee, wrote, adding that “plaintiffs shall produce such evidence in their possession, and if they have none, state as much.”


Read the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report.

It has nothing to do with the USPS hoax, a subject you are trying to change (as usual).

USPS employees don’t know which way anyone who mails in a paper ballot voted.

Really? So that Biden sign in the yard is not a dead giveaway? And I guess you didn’t know that voting records are public information. By law, you can request your neighbor’s voting records which will show a) registration ID b) voting history, including which primary they voted in and c) how they are registered in states which register according to party affiliation. But then, I wouldn’t expect you to know those things as you are not really well informed.

Nothing explains the pattern of DeJoy’s actions other than a calculated effort to impede voting by mail

Maybe he was taking a page out of the Obama administration’s play book:

What a f**king idiot you are.

@retire05, #93:

¿Trump alguna vez le devolvió los cojones a Ted Cruz o todavía los guarda en un frasco de vidrio como trofeo?


¿Trump alguna vez le devolvió los cojones a Ted Cruz o todavía los guarda en un frasco de vidrio como trofeo?

Cruz still has his balls and the only glass jar is the one Biden keeps his teeth in.


Not just the postal service: Trump campaign targeting ballot drop off boxes in battleground states

, how dumb do you get? Each Statetakes care of its own elections, the only attempted tampering was Barrys DHS hacking into several states. Its Biden with 600 ambulance chasers ready to throw the election into chaos.
Every box should be monitored to prevent stuffing.

Each State takes care of its own elections…

That’s the basis for lawsuits recently against the Trump administration by more than 20 state Attorneys General. Apparently he doesn’t get this. Where does he imagine he gets the authority to tell a state it can’t send mail-in ballots to its registered voters?


Where does he imagine he gets the authority to tell a state it can’t send mail-in ballots to its registered voters?

Why don’t you give us Trump’s EXACT quote?

Mass ballot mailings, even to voters that did not request a mail-in ballot, is a system that is just asking for fraud.

And how long before actual results would be finalized? My state requires that all mail-in ballots have to be checked for signature verification on the day of the election. Does yours?

But then, the Democrats can’t win unless they cheat. That was proven in the 1960 election.

Why don’t you give us Trump’s EXACT quote?

Trump’s actions define him. His words are as real as reality television.

Mass ballot mailings, even to voters that did not request a mail-in ballot, is a system that is just asking for fraud.

So says Donald Trump, who spouts an endless stream of lies, distortions, and b.s. When the court responds with a request for evidence of that claim, he and his crew come up with nothing.


How many registered voters in your county, Comrade Greggie? Imagine that 1/2 of them vote by mail. How long would it take your county’s election division to match the signatures on both the outside envelope and the ballot itself?

It would be a national nightmare. But you don’t care as long as your party can cheat.