30 Million Dead Americans? The Coronavirus Is Not A Hoax, But The Hysteria Surrounding It Very Much Is…

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On June 6th, 1944 over 250,000 American and allied personnel left England and headed to the Normandy to face the Nazis who were entrenched along in giant fortified bunkers all along the French coast. The Nazis had control of virtually all of Europe and Operation Overlord was the Allied attempt to gain a beachhead in northern France from which they could open another front against Germany.

Once the smoke cleared on D-Day, the Allies had suffered approximately 10,000 casualties, 4,400 of which were fatalities. Those numbers are of course staggering for one day, but the truth is, relative to the anticipated casualties, those numbers are quite low. Prior to the invasion General Eisenhower and his staff estimated 13% of the invasion troops might die and 25% of those who landed on the beaches would end up casualties. Together those calculations suggested that during the first 24-hour period nearly 30,000 Allied soldiers and sailors would end up dead and another 24,000 would be wounded.

That’s not what happened… but it could have. And that’s the point. Despite the potential for over 50,000 dead and wounded in one day and for a failure which could have allowed Germany to make its hold on the continent permanent, Ike decided to launch Operation Overlord nonetheless… because it needed to be done. Life with a Europe ruled by Nazis was simply not feasible for the United States and her allies. And so D-Day was launched. And the rest is history.

Today while there is not a Nazi storm taking over Europe or America – although BLM and Antifa certainly demonstrate very similar tactics – it’s the neutron bomb of Covid 19 that is. Neutron bombs of course are generally intended to leave structures standing while killing people via radiation poisoning. That is exactly what Covid-19 is doing to the American economy. Not the virus itself or course, but rather the shutdowns, quarantines, lockdowns, and other government interventions.

Not that the virus is not killing people. It is. Thus far about 165,000 people in the United States. That is not a small number by any stretch, but in a country of 330 million people in which 2.5 million people die annually, it is far from a catastrophe, although, for the victims and their families, it is no doubt catastrophic. On Friday the government announced that 1.8 new jobs had been created in July and that unemployment dropped to a 10.2% down from almost 14.7% in April – and up from a record low of 3.5% in December. This good news comes despite the fact that the media pillories Republican governors for opening their states while venerating Democrats who seek to keep the country locked up tighter than a drum. Despite what seems to be an economy on the mend, however, the reality is, the only reason the nation is still standing is that the federal government and the FED have pumped close to $10 billion into the economy since March… much of it ending up in the stock and debt markets.

Everywhere you look, hotels, restaurants, gyms, karate classes, airlines, sports teams, convention centers, the number of things that are closed or working at threadbare capacity are extraordinary. But these are only the faces we see. Behind all of these public-facing businesses are millions of small businesses that provide services like, pool maintenance, janitorial services, furniture repair, painting as well as goods like bread, eggs, chairs, exercise equipment, foam fingers, bobble heads and thousands of other things businesses use and need to survive. Those businesses employ millions of people who are today not working.

Sure, companies like Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Campbell’s Soup, Netflix, Amazon, and Clorox are doing fine, but they are a small fraction of the American economy. And there’s the rub. America can’t survive just buying Great Value tomato sauce and Behr paints or cleaning the kitchen with Windex when not arguing on Facebook or watching Netflix and eating Orville Redenbacher Popcorn. Small and medium-sized businesses drive the American economy, representing a majority of the job creation and sustaining tens of millions of employees. The true cost of this disaster – the government shutdowns rather than the virus itself – have yet to be felt, and are likely to be felt for years to come.

The Democrat’s and media’s willingness to use this virus to keep the country closed for the purpose of harming Donald Trump is simply despicable. Unlike the Nazis in 1944, Covid 19 is not an existential threat to the country or the world. Below is a chart from the CDC. It tracks the one-week average death total in the United States going back to July 2018. The funny thing about this chart is that it shows that the number of excess deaths relative to the number of expected deaths is quite small, averaging 14.4% more deaths each week than was expected. Since February 15th the number of excess weekly deaths has averaged 8,000 above the 63,000 average expected.

For a nation with a population of 330 million people, the 165,000 people who have died represent .00005% of the population. To give you an idea of how good a job of misleading the public on the dangers of Covid 19 the media and the Democrats have done, according to a July 15 poll by Publicis Groupe, (page 24) Americans on average think 9% of the population has died from Covid 19… that’s 30 million people! That’s 180 times more than the actual number who have died!

So we’ve shut the country down for a virus that Americans think has killed 30 million people when in reality it’s killed 165,000. We’ve added $10 trillion to our national debt, we’ve seen tens of thousands of businesses declare bankruptcy, we’ve watched as tens of millions of people have gone on unemployment, we’ve seen depression and suicide leap, we’ve stopped people from going to church, school and in many cases, work. And all in an attempt to keep Donald Trump from being reelected in November.

To come full circle, the United States lost 400,000 troops during WW II when the population was 140 million. That’s .002% of the population lost – mostly young men of working age – in the pursuit of fighting a real, existential threat to the country and the world. Today, America has essentially eviscerated her economy and much of her community in reaction to a virus that has killed .00005% of her population, 80% of whom were 65 and older, most with underlying health problems. The Coronavirus may be many things, but it’s far from an existential threat to the United States. Heart disease kills 4 times as many people each year, and we don’t shut the country down for it. Cancer kills 3 times as many people each year, and we don’t shut the country down for it. Sure, they’re not contagious, but the Flu is and it kills 1/3 to ½ as many people each year, and we don’t shut the country down for it either.

The bottom line is, while the Coronavirus is not a hoax, the shutdowns, the lockdowns and the hysteria surrounding it very much are and it was perpetrated on the American people by the Democrats and their media sycophants in their willingness to sacrifice the nation for their “Orange Man Bad” psychosis.

In November voters will have the opportunity to demonstrate to these anti-American misanthropes that most Americans are not snowflakes… That most Americans understand that life involves risks, but that is the cost of building a better life for their families and their communities, and yes, building a better country. Ben Franklin said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” That quote, like many of Franklin’s seems to have a particular resonance in America 265 years after he uttered it. In the face of real threats, Americans have demonstrated a real willingness to sacrifice for the common good. Covid 19 is not that, despite what the media and the Democrats want us to believe. Americans have had enough of this hoax of a national threat and the pernicious statists who have foisted it on the country. Hopefully, they will demonstrate their displeasure in November…

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How can we not again see the tsunami of liberal and marxist tears by not re-electing DJT, the twisting and squirming after all their predictions and polls were soooo wrong. I wouldnt miss it for anything, a solid cloud of virus couldnt stop me from showing up to cast my 1 pathetic ballot, my tiny middle finger to the communist takeover.

The media gins up lies and misrepresentations about covid.
The medical community enriches itself by remaking deaths by other causes into covid deaths.
Then the public buys it.
We have seen a new media trying to emerge that supports a more truthful reporting.
They need support.

Pro Trump News

As well as most of the links inside these sources have all been “throttled” by Google search.
Many have been demonetized.
Some have been removed from Twitter and Facebook.
No news source is perfect.
Trusting one’s reporters is always fraught with danger based on the reporters’ set of personal morals and motives.
But, a public buying the idea that 30 million Americans have died of covid when less than one million have, needs correcting.
Actions based on lies, be they this lie, the “hand’s up, don’t shoot,” lie, the 1619 project lie, the George Floyd was hunted by racist cops lie, or others, are dangerous.
People have died over these lies.

in georgia nursing homes, any resident that dies is tagged a virus death. floyd was street trash, a career criminal with a two page rap sheet. got to love the communist osu in columbus, all the administration and faculty went into the parking lots and all took the woke knee when this POS died.

When your goal is to destroy a country, never let a crisis go to waste.

For a nation with a population of 330 million people, the 165,000 people who have died represent .00005% of the population.

Actually, 165,000 represents 10 times that many.

That number is in spite of all the inconvenient measures and behavioral changes undertaken in an effort to contain the infection.

We’re now being encouraged by elected officials to abandon such measures and get on with a return to business as usual, despite the fact that the count of U.S. fatalities is presently climbing by about 1,000 per day. Some people have become so childishly self-centered that even the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask in public settings is being taken as an unjustified imposition on their personal freedom.

This isn’t the sort of behavior the population displayed when confronted with the far more demanding public sacrifices required during the Second World War.

One half of all new covid 19 cases are people who have been vaccinated.
False sense of security? Or does the jab cause the infection?

Now we’re learning that the aborted baby fetal cells used in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine can, and does, cause our own RNA/DNA to mutate in ways that cause type 1 diabetes, ALS, Alzheimer’s and even CJD.
None of those are good!

Considering the infection alone has a 99% survival rate plus it give natural immunity, and add to that there are excellent treatments for infections such as HCQ plus two, why would anyone weigh all this and opt for the jab?

SWAT teams are going around to homebound people’s homes and holding them down so a paramilitary medic can force a jab into them!

Horror! California Officials Force Crying Mentally Handicapped People to Get COVID Vaccinations (VIDEO)

“One half of all new covid 19 cases are people who have been vaccinated.”

Horse hockey. A total of fewer than 6,000 Americans have contracted COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated. As of yesterday (April 23, 2021), 91.2 million Americans had been fully vaccinated. Remember how to find a ratio by cross-multiplying and dividing? That works out to only 1 out of every 15,200 vaccinated Americans becoming infected.

There are ALWAYS a few breakthrough infections with ANY vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccines are HIGHLY effective.

Hey, if Americans don’t want to be protected and to protect their loved ones and their nation, we can always send the surpluses to countries that are desperate for it. Then people can be angry because we did THAT, rather than letting it go to waste.

I must have clicked when I should have clacked, Greg.
I had a link to that.

(CNN)About 5,800 people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus have become infected anyway, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells CNN……
“Vaccine breakthrough infections were reported among all people of all ages eligible for vaccination.
However, a little over 40% of the infections were in people 60 or more years of age,” the CDC said.
Most, 65%, were female and 29% of the so-called breakthrough infections were asymptomatic……

“Vaccine breakthrough infections make up a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated.
The CDC made this statement on April 15th.
The numbers of infections were a bit over 12,000 during the time covered.

@Greg: And the left encourages massed protests, riots and looting every night.

Protests are not riots and looting. Conflating lawlessness with protests is a lie.

There’s an entirely legitimate reason for the protests. There’s a problem with policing, which has become apparent again and again. What happened to George Floyd in the most public way imaginable is only one example of that. There’s clearly a racist component, and each repetition of the problem places increasing stress on a long-standing fault line in American society. The protests have resulted from repeated failures to effectively address it. If the nation’s police forces took it upon themselves to get rid of the few bad cops in their ranks, we wouldn’t have to deal with public hostility toward police in general. No favors are being done to dedicated, competent police officers by making excuses for the few who aren’t.

Riots and looting aren’t being “encouraged by the left” any more than the spread of COVID-19. This is a lie told not to solve a problem, but to turn a problem into a tool for political manipulation.

@Greg: But looting and rioting is looting and rioting and the protests almost ALWAYS devolve into looting and rioting.

But, aside from that, where is the oft-demanded social distancing? If businesses and schools should be shut down indefinitely, why aren’t these massed, packed mobs denounced instead of encouraged?

@Greg: What the sh*t are you blathering about? This is a virus, not a world war. It’s going to cause a world war if we keep shut down, so perhaps you’ll get your wish.

You have no data to support that our “measures” saved a specific number of lives. None.

Democrats would love for the virus to tank the country and allow them to institute their marxist vision. You can’t sell happy, employed people on government handouts and generational dependency, right?

Some perspective:
Annual Deaths by cause (in the USA, all approximate):
1. Car Crashes – 1.35 MILLION (Why are we even driving!!! If it could save one life…)
2. Heart Disease – 647,000
3. Cancer – 606,520
4. Chronic Respiratory diseases (no doubt many of these are being rolled into the COVID death rate) – 160,020
5. Stroke – 146,00
6. Altziemers – 121,000
7. Diabetes – 83,000
8. Drug OD – 67,367
9. Flu and pneumonia – 55,672

It is very true, and even common knowledge that there’s a difference between dying WITH Covid as opposed to BECAUSE Covid.

It’s not this silly little silver bullet you get to selfishly use against the President, you little cockroach.

People die.

If the government had the right to take away rights to prevent death, then they could outlaw sunbathing, smoking, obesity, driving, etc…

the sumated annual death rate in nyc, la, and chi is about 140,00/year. comrade greggy-poo pandeers commicrat babble. really, discussing anything with him is trying to have a discussion with a three year old who thinks they can fly. USELESS.

@Nathan Blue:

The argument that COVID-19 is getting too much attention because more people die each year of many other causes anyway is utterly absurd. It’s like arguing that there should be no requirement for seat belts in cars because 3 times as many people die each year from household accidents as from car crashes.

It’s a fundamental responsibility of the federal government to try to deal effectively with serious threats to the health and safety of the people of the United States. It’s so fundamental that it’s expressed as a foundational purpose in the preamble of our Constitution. A new and highly contagious disease that’s present in every state, has killed 165,000 Americans in 7 months, and is now killing another 1,000 with every passing day is certainly a threat to our general welfare, and should be way up there on the government’s list of concerns. What do you imagine is going to happen to the general welfare and the national economy if adequate measures aren’t taken? There are no signs that it’s going to “just go away”.


The argument that COVID-19 is getting too much attention because more people die each year of many other causes anyway is utterly absurd.

Yes it is. That’s why no one but those who wish to divert attention away from liberal lies even implies there is one.

@Nathan Blue: Your point is well taken… particularly this: “there’s a difference between dying WITH Covid as opposed to BECAUSE Covid.” but the car crash numbers are a bit off.

Here’s a link to the top 10 killers in the US annually and car crashes come in at about 35,000 annually. All told, there are approximately 2.5 million deaths in the United States each year, or about 7,500 per day. A big number, but when measured against a population of 330 million, not as big as it seems – unless one of the dead is your friend or family…


The argument that COVID-19 is getting too much attention because more people die each year of many other causes anyway is utterly absurd.

That’s not my argument, Cathy Newman.

There’s a balance between living with death and being scared to live.

It’s a fundamental responsibility of the federal government to try to deal effectively with serious threats to the health and safety of the people of the United States.

They are. It’s just too relative, your “metrics” being completely open to whatever spin or agenda you need them to fill. How many is too many?

You’ve made no link, and can make no link, to specific metrics or reasons for what is our goal and how to get there.

The only metrics I know of are mitigation, to the lowest possible. You’ll say it’s “too much” no matter how many people don’t die, because your partisan. If a Democrat were up in President, you’d be offering the same defenses that many here are offering.

So again, what’s the objective? What number would be acceptable for a never-before-seen virus in the USA in 2020 that works the way Covid does?

Your critiques are meaningless, because you’re just Monday-morning quarterbacking like a Left-wing loser.

The Federal Government has and is doing it’s job. There’s nothing right they can do that you won’t spin into “failure”, so who cares what you have to say?

Certainly not the victims of Covid, unto which you are standing on their graves like a vulture.

@vince: But bottom line is, Trump is not to blame, CCP is.

@vince: Yes, my number’s off. It’s much much lower, but still…

…if it saves even one life, we should dismantle America and go back to being apes, right?

Covid is a communicable disease
You are comparing apples and oranges
2500 died on D Day
1500 dead every day from Covid
During WW2 the average American military death rate was 226
1/6 of the current Covid death rate

@John: One thing is for certain; if social distancing is a critical tool in fighting the spread of this virus, why does the left support, promote and incite the protests and riots that are, basically, over NOTHING?

@John: Whoa that one went right over your head!
We are not storming beaches no German concrete bunkers. Over 98% survival, many not even knowing they are infected aka took a bullet.
I cant understand this for you John there may be no way to explain it to you.
It will forever be your mystery I suppose. Perhaps we dig trenches for those no where near a battle field.
Flattening a curve doesnt cut down the deaths it extends the time in which the same number of people die or get sick.

No but now every 2 days we have more deaths from Covid (especially among the last survivors of the Greatest Generation) than we lost on D Day
And of course our Dear Leader Trump himself has said Covid has made him a war time president

@kitt: well 98% survived d day also so I guess tgst is another comparison that fits

COVID-19 fatalities in the U.S. are now nearing 170,000. The current projection for December 1 is around 295,000 with current response protocol remaining in place. With their removal, the projected figure is over 300,000. With everyone using masks in public settings, the projection is 228,000.

If a person would still be alive had they not contracted COVID-19, that person is a COVID-19 fatality. Asserting that they should not be counted as such because they had some other medical issue actually makes no sense at all. It’s like claiming a person killed in a traffic accident shouldn’t be part of the statistical traffic death count because they were currently being treated for incurable cancer.

@Greg: If they died of cancer, heart attack or car accident and happen to test for covid at the coroners office they should not be counted as a covid death.

@John: And Democrats are responsible for most of the elderly deaths. They sentenced them to death in nursing homes… INTENTIONALLY. By edict.

@Greg: Maybe Democrats should have gotten on board with Trump’s efforts to fight the virus instead of opposing social distancing and the travel bans. But, while Trump’s goal was to protect US citizens, the Democrat’s goal was to make the epidemic as bad as it could possibly be.

@John: lol ,do you have the figures of how many died per day from that generation before the Kung Flu?


If they died of cancer, heart attack or car accident and happen to test for covid at the coroners office they should not be counted as a covid death.

That’s correct. Such people are generally not being counted. The claim that they are is dangerous propaganda.

The 170,000 U.S. COVID-19 fatalities died as a result of contracting COVID-19. A majority who died did so in facilities where trained medical personnel knew what was killing their patient. COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that predictably kills many who become infected with it. There is still no specific, highly effective medication that eliminates the virus. Any underlying condition that complicates dangerous effects of the infection increases the likelihood of a bad outcome, but that doesn’t make the underlying condition the cause of death. A patient might have lived with the underlying condition for years.

That hospitals are overwhelmed and morgues and funeral homes are backlogged in surge locations should tell us something. The overall number of deaths has surged. That’s not because of sudden increases in accidents or underlying medical problems. It’s because COVID-19 is killing people.

August 13, 2020 – The CDC issues a dire warning for the fall if coronavirus measures are not followed

A top federal health official is issuing a dire warning: Follow recommended coronavirus measures or risk having the worst fall in US public health history.

“For your country right now and for the war that we’re in against Covid, I’m asking you to do four simple things: wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands and be smart about crowds,” said Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“I’m not asking some of America to do it,” he told WebMD. “We all gotta do it.”

Without following the recommendations, this could be “the worst fall, from a public health perspective, we’ve ever had,” he said.

It’s unbelievable that we’re not rapidly preparing for the November 3rd election with this developing situation in mind. Instead, the big push from the Trump administration has been in the direction of “un-preparing”. The single worst example might be measures suddenly imposed on the United States Post Office, calculated to gridlock processing and slow delivery the time just when millions of Americans concerned about over-crowded polling places and COVID-19 might decide to vote by mail. Problems will be compounded by the already heavy demands being placed on the USPS by a COVID-19 induced surge in online shopping.

@Greg: It isnt going to work we are done with the non scientific bullshit. Fake technocrat experts that are wrong at every turn.
The shifts from “flattening the curve” and “slowing the spread” into “shutdown forever until there’s a cure”
You can lock yourself away for a virus that has 98 % recovery your choice.
Protect those most at risk and get everyone back to work taking manufacturing back from your buddies in China.

The experts’ early COVID-19 fatality projections are what we’re now seeing unfold. We’re going to have over 200,000 fatalities, which was an earlier low-range projection. We’ll have that even if we manage full compliance with mask wearing. With people willfully ignoring simple, scientifically-endorsed precautions, we could see far more than that.

The present U.S. fatality rate is around 3.2 percent. COVID-19 is presently killing around 1,000 Americans with every passing day. Trump won’t even promote simple measures that would make the resumption of a wide range of normal economic activities safer. He has actually discredited them.

This is the height of stupidity. If it isn’t stupidity, then it’s criminal negligence. There’s nothing remotely “scientific” about the approach he has taken. “Unscientific” is just a label he mindlessly slaps on a conclusion that he doesn’t like. It’s part of how he manipulates audience opinion.

@Greg: They predicted 2.2 million dead just quit lying.
HCQ is less lethal than tylenol it should be OTC.

@kitt, #28:

They predicted 2.2 million dead just quit lying.
HCQ is less lethal than tylenol it should be OTC.

Nobody is lying—unless you want to include sources distorting what experts actually said, and the baseless claim that hydroxychloroquine is highly useful against the virus.

2.2 million figure came from an initial Imperial College London model in early March, when little was certain about the virus and mortality rate. 2.2 million was their hypothetical worse case scenario based on limited information, suggesting what could happen if nothing at all was done to address what showed every indication of becoming a serious global pandemic. It got people’s attention, as intended, and we’re lucky that it did.

Within weeks more data was in and more accurate computer models had been created. By late March, the fatality projections that top epidemiologists and public health officials agreed on closely corresponded to what we’re now actually seeing. Here’s an NPR article from April 1st that reported what people like Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci were saying:

From NPR, April 1, 2020 – 5 Key Facts Not Explained In White House COVID-19 Projections

President Trump and his top scientific advisers on the coronavirus task force gave a much-anticipated presentation Tuesday night, laying out the data behind the president’s recent shift in tone regarding the outbreak, including his decision to extend national social distancing guidelines through April 30.

Specifically, officials pointed to a computer model released weeks earlier by Imperial College London that, at the time, predicted that if no action were taken to slow the spread of the virus, about 2.2 million people in the United States would die over the course of the outbreak.

Then administration officials described separate modeling that predicts that by imposing strict social distancing measures, the toll from the current wave of infections can be reduced to somewhere between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths.

Although officials implied that this estimate was based on the administration’s own in-house modeling, they did not provide further details about those calculations. Instead, officials discussed a model from an outside group – the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, or IHME — which produced projections very similar to the administration’s findings, according to Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the coronavirus task force…

We’re presently far over 100,000 fatalities and will almost certainly exceed 200,000 with a few weeks. That’s with a long period of shutdown behind us. That’s now ended, and we’re not doing so well with masks and social distancing. Given that, we could easily exceed the high-end April 1st estimate of 240,000.

I don’t think “They told us 2.2 million Americans would die, but only a quarter-of-a-million are dead” is going to play that well, when all is said and done.

@Greg: No cure, no vaxx, you cant change that the mandates did not kill the virus, masks are of no effect evidence is Californias mask mandate and shut down.
The countrys business cannot be put on indefinite hold because fear porn piss pant fools.

@Greg: With everyone using masks in public settings, the projection is 228,000.@Greg:

We’re going to have over 200,000 fatalities, which was an earlier low-range projection. We’ll have that even if we manage full compliance with mask wearing. With people willfully ignoring simple, scientifically-endorsed precautions, we could see far more than that.@Greg:

Since Thurs, Aug 13 Biden and Harris called for a 100% of the time outdoors mask mandate, I guess we’ll see how popular that ticket is by looking for masks in cars, on porches, in backyards, while working in the garage, etc.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the Biden ticket will prove less popular than ever over this nonsense.
Masks protect the WEARER from SPREADING germs, not the public from catching germs.
Note that a mandate to social distance was part of the Biden/Harris deal, too. That should mean the end of Portland’s and Minneapolis’ (and other) protests.
IF those people support the Biden/Harris ticket that is.


That’s correct. Such people are generally not being counted. The claim that they are is dangerous propaganda.

They are being included. It’s documented.

“For your country right now and for the war that we’re in against Covid, I’m asking you to do four simple things: wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands and be smart about crowds,” said Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

So, when will the left get around to denouncing the massed protests and ensuing riots and stop inciting them? In case you missed it, there was no “Except when the needs of the Democrat party override public safety.” exception. But, of course, YOU don’t CARE about public safety; you only worry about conditions being as bad as possible so you can ignorantly blame it on Trump… as if anyone with a brain would take it seriously.

Do you have any idea what level of bullshit is detected when people like you whine and pretend to care about following rules to prevent the spread of the virus while you support, promote and incite protests and riots over NOTHING. All about fully contrived and fabricated “issues” and not only do they inflict extensive damage on the community but the definite further spread of the virus you pretend to worry about spreading.

Go bullshit someone else.

The left will denounce the rallies only when Trump does the same for his rallies

@John: You equate thousands rioting every night with ONE rally? If you denounce Trump’s rally, why can’t you denounce the senseless riots? Why does one exclude the other? No, you simply look for excuses to keep exploiting the political terror.

Well certainly we should expect more from our Dear Leader than from a bunch of commies
And rememverTrumpy was expecting 1 million to attend his Tulsa rally
But those damn TikTok kids hoaxed him
Trump seemed to have had no problem putting 1,000,000 together, I guess we were lucky only 6500 showed up
Well I certainly will denounce the lefties
Right after you denounce your Dear Leader for scheduling a rally where he expected 1 million people to attend
Shouldn’t we be expecting MORE from him than the rable you despise ?
However to make you feel better here! I denounce the rioters for not wearing masks AND for looting
Now your turn on Your thoughts on your Dear Leader’s attempt to hold a 1 million person rally without masks


Trump seemed to have had no problem putting 1,000,000 together, I guess we were lucky only 6500 showed up

So, the left scammed and interfered with Trump’s rally and it’s HIS fault everyone that wanted to go couldn’t get there? Yeah, that’s liberal “logic” for you. Kind of like your leftists promoting political terror then blaming Trump for “divisiveness”.

What is clear to see is that there would be very little problems in this country today if the left would stop intentionally CREATING them.

@Deplorable Me: well it sort of is his fault tgst TikTok girls completely faked him out and that he thought 1 million “fans” were going to see him
But of course only 6500 wanted to and did appear
TikTok didn’t stop anyone from attending there certainly were 50% of the Tulsa seats empty Tulsa is in the middle of the country Did the TikTok girls prevent you from going to trumps Tulsa rally ?
We were talking about masks at public gatherings
Do you feel that they are necessary ? Trump saidThat wearing masks was patriotic
The states that didn’t enforce rules to limit the spread are the ones now with the high death tolls

@John: I guess you don’t understand much. There were just so many seats available, due to COVID19 restrictions. When your anti-First Amendment operatives (you think a bunch of “kids” thought of this and executed it?) scarfed up the seats, only those with legitimate seats were allowed in. It was a clever propaganda trick, which a lot of foolish morons made the most of, but a suppression of the 1st Amendment rights of those who wanted to attend nonetheless. Something leftists seem to love.

Masks only serve a purpose in crowded conditions.

@Deplorable Me:
I am afraid YOU don’t understand
At the time of the rally in Tulsa there were ZERO restrictions on gatherings in OK that was why Trump was holding the rally there
Trump bragged thst 1 million people had asked for tickets to attend
He got only 6500
Less than 1/2 of max capacity, all the upper areas were empty. Down below no masks or social distancing.
The outdoor areas for the overflow crowds he expected ? They were completely empty.

@John: Well, wrong. First, there are a limited number of seats in the auditorium. Hopefully, you can understand THAT fact. Then, they were seating every other seat. These weren’t Tulsa’s restrictions; they were Trump’s.

Crowds were blocked from reaching the arena. Perhaps the questions you should be asking yourself is, if Trump is so already beaten, why do you have to use such underhanded tactics to make it look so?

Don’t you think I will check ? That venue seated 19,000
The Tulsa fire department said 6500 were seated
Zero came to any of the outdoor seating areas

@John: I don’t care what you check. If your little fascists manipulated the application for seats, how is low turn-out a talking point for you crybabies? Have you seen turn-ot for Biden?

@John: Masks, hand sanitizer and temperature checks were given away at the rally.
8 million watched on Fox and 4 million streamed the event.
May 7th Biden did a virtual event where 2400 streamed it.
When you think you have to deal with up to 1 million people, traffic ect, you fire up live stream you tube.
Biden kept his venues tiny couldnt match even Warrens or Petes crowd sizes never close to Bernies crowd sizes. He was simply awarded the candidacy by the DNC.
Funny the Democrats are crying foul that Trump is coming to Wisconsin the same day their Milwaukee virtual event begins, to “interfere”. Oshkosh is over an hours drive from Milwaukee, he intends to have a hanger event at Wittman, perfect, the area is set up for huge crowds as it hosts the EAA every year. loads of parking.

@kitt: masks were given but most followed trumps lead and did not wear them
Only 6500 came to a venue that held 190000
Did you attend?
8 million out of 330 million

@Deplorable Me:
Sorry don’t own a TV
There were plenty of seats available
Trump supporters just didn’t show up

@John: If live streaming the event counts yes I was there, I actually watch all his rallys. The President allows freedom of choice, the choice that makes it your personal responsibility. I know personal responsibility is a foreign concept to marxists they need some government goon to enforce their behavior. Thats what makes this germ so terrifying for them they cant control it. The lock downs didnt work, mask mandates didnt work.
Believe this you are responsible for yourself no one else is, there is no such thing as removing all danger or risk in life, stop looking for the government to provide it for you in exchange for your freedom.
About 450 people die annually by falling out of bed do you want an agent to watch you in bed every night? or should there be a law for crib rails on every bed, or that you cant have a bed and must sleep on the floor? If it saves 1 life?
Dont expect everyone to be a chicken sh!t like you.
How safe will you be when they defund all the police?

@John: 190,000?

You seem to desperately hang your hopes on thin threads.

So do you !!

@kitt: no
Sorry but live streaming that event doesn’t count