Welcome back! Another relatively light post, and I won’t be in the comments again. Things finally seem to be settling down, and you’ll see more of me again soon. Let’s get to it:
Interesting look at how the NY Times’ reporting has morphed over the years by its word counts
Nothing you don’t already know, but this is a good summary of how ruinous Biden’s policies will be
Note to American leaders: When the Germans are marching against Authoritarian government, take the (copulating) hint
Great idea, and let’s hope it gets the appropriate public pressure
Amen! For the Year Zero efforts to succeed we must erase all prior history and allow our leaders to show us the way – call it a Great Leap Forward!
Click on the link to see one of my favotrite pie chart graphs
Rules for them vs. us – Part I
Rules for them vs. us – Part II
As you might have already guessed from the title, this post is from the always great Kurt Schlicter
Becasue it’s a lot easier to point fingers at past slavery than to deal with very real and current slavery
Have a great weekend!
The Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorsed Biden today… does that shock anyone?
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 4, 2020
The Revolutionary Communist Party USA leader endorsed Biden today… does that shock anyone?
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 4, 2020
My man is afraid of everything… 😳 pic.twitter.com/MCNg5jZhgj
— The Pragmatic Ben Orr (@theREALbenORR) August 3, 2020
— 🇺🇸Lionel🇺🇸 (@LionelMedia) July 30, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Were there conferences, like where they decided to focus on painting Trump as a racist, where they determined which words they are going to imprint on gullible minds?
It is clear Biden’s plan would carry on the Obama plan which strangled economic growth and push jobs, again, overseas. It seems Democrats simply have no idea how to grow an economy.
Don’t they know they have to loot and burn to keep from spreading the virus?
Um… shouldn’t some place like NYT ALREADY be diverse and “woke”?
The last thing any liberal wants is to confront people that are educated. Start young, cancel History, then replace it with their own narrative… like there never was any left wing political violence rampant across the entire nation.
Cmon… hate crimes never get faked in Chicago. The DA would never stand for that.
You know, they’ve all tried the theory of just letting the riots burn themselves out (so to speak) and they’ll just go away. It doesn’t seem to work. So, either these failed Democrats don’t learn from clear lessons or they simply condone watching violent left wing terrorists attack citizens.
The Democrats think making excuses for the leftist terrorism will ingratiate the terrorists to them. They are terribly wrong. Currently, they both have the same goal; to use violence and intimidation to drive Trump out of office. The Democrats, however, would like to win the election then pretend it all never happened, but the leftist terrorists want to destroy the democratic republic and replace it with totalitarian socialism. So, when some Democrat “leader” refuses to go far enough to satisfy the terrorists, they see what is in store for them if they do not promote the far leftist agenda.
Hell, he won’t even face off with Chris Wallace, who is by no means a tough conservative ideologue. I don’t think Joe sees the hazards and would happily debate but his handlers will never allow it. Joe doesn’t know he speaks gibberish.
The left proves, time and time again, that they don’t care about resolving any injustices, they simply seek to used them as political weapons.
@Deplorable Me:
C’mon, man!
I guess Trucks have entered into the cancel culture
We know why, cause all lives splatter. Add a brush guard cause head lights and grills are expensive.
What you dont see is the owner of the bike dropped in in front of the truck the went to the drivers window
@kitt: Vids like that always warm my heart…
@Brother Bob: Dont know if you have seen the super smart cardboard shields the protestors are now using, I think, a can of starter fluid and a long lighter…..
Better view of the Wile E. Coyote(Super Genius) that ineffectively blocked a truck .
@kitt: The “Acme Motorcycles” label on the side should have been a tipoff…
@Brother Bob: Could have been worse https://www.ebay.com/i/283805477800?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=283805477800&targetid=930233624296&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9019414&poi=&campaignid=10764811902&mkgroupid=105746521843&rlsatarget=pla-930233624296&abcId=9300385&merchantid=6296724&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsp7h4_OM6wIVkIbACh0RuQFkEAQYBCABEgK3ffD_BwE
People forget that ALL gov’t bureaucracies contain Deep State operatives.
Take the Post Office.
These deep staters want more vote-by-mail so bad they are waging a work slowdown and work destruction to try to get their own customers to insist that Pres Trump give them all the pricy overtime they want.
Just now we got packages.
All but one were fine.
But the one marked, FRAGILE, was destroyed along with what had been sent inside it despite packing materials that would have kept it safe under normal wear & tear of delivery without malice.
@Nan G: They say the USPS is not a government agency, but it isn’t run like a business. There should be managers whose responsibility it is to get a specific amount of work completed in a specific amount of time. Intentional slowdowns with the intention of milking overtime SHOULD be dealt with by disciplinary action. But, the GOVERNMENT mindset is to just spend more money on labor instead of getting the taxpayer’s money’s work out of the employees
The USPS has long been considered the most efficient postal service in the world, but the Trump administration is in the process of fixing that for us. Congressional republicans have had that in mind for a long time. As with The Affordable Care Act, their intention is to deliberately break a thing in order to rationalize its replacement.
The Japanese and Australian postal services were found to be the world’s second and third most efficient.
What do you think would happen if UPS tried to guarantee timely daily delivery of mail and parcels to every address in the nation at the same fixed rates for everyone, and then charged enough to guarantee hefty corporate profits?
It would wind up like deregulated cable TV, where you now pay five times as much for hundreds of offerings that you have no desire for whatsoever, while what you do want to watch comes at additional cost. Everything else is served up with five times as many commercials as before, which you must now pay for the privilege of viewing.
The United States Post Office is a government provided service to the American people decreed by the U.S. Constitution. It wasn’t intended to be a money making mechanism to fill private pockets. It shouldn’t be deliberately rendered inefficient for the political benefit of a corrupt president, nor to enhance the profits of its privately owned competitors.
Curious about QANON? Here’s a quick rundown.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia candidate for a seat in the U.S. Congress, is an unabashed adherent.
@Greg: Greg, the only deliberate breaking of a thing was the Postal workers deliberately breaking a package marked “Fragile.”
Astoundingly, the seller of the product stood by and took the loss of over $200 after sending a perfect product.
He is also keeping a log of how the USPS has been treating his packages.
Instead of all this putting pressure on Pres Trump to buckle and give the postal workers the extra money they want, it is backfiring.
Other shippers are being specified.
The USPS is being shunted aside for their own bad behavior.
The vote-by-mail concept was already repudiated by other, earlier elections such as the one in NJ.
Too many ballots were lost, damaged, undeliverable.
The count took weeks instead of hours because of the mail.
@Greg: “Efficient” would be operating at cost. Getting a job done while running massive cost overruns is NOT efficient.
This is how desperately the left needs voter fraud.
@Nan G:
Here’s your new $1000 television…
So what’s a little collateral damage?
August 14, 2020 – Lawmakers: Postal changes delay mail-order medicine for vets
* Please try again. That isn’t how prescription delivery by mail works. You don’t mail in or call in for a refill before you run out; periodic refills are an automatic process, where a new supply is sent just a few days before the patient’s current supply runs out. As the article goes on to say, the VA delivers 80 percent of all veterans’ prescriptions by mail. Doing so has always been cheapest and most reliable method of delivery.
The head of the VA is Robert Wilkie, a Trump appointee, Trump supporter, and former member of Sons of Confederate Veterans. He has always been a political functionary.
@Greg: Once again, the left artificially and unnecessarily make life hard for innocent people to try to push their agenda. More political terrorism, just of a different sort.
August 14, 2020 – Amid political controversy, postmaster general’s stock holdings come under renewed scrutiny
Trump yesterday, on FOX News, from the video clip:
Actually what it means is that American voters can’t have it, despite COVID-19 concerns and the recent history of long waits to vote at crowded polling places.
Trump, by the way, voted by mail this year in the Florida primary.
Show us a picture of Joe Biden voting in this year’s primary.
@Greg: What it means is universal vote by mail is not only illegal but ripe for fraud… which is, of course, the very purpose of it, from the Democrat perspective.
Absentee voting is not the same as everyone voting by mail. We are going to fight tooth and nail against your attempt at widespread voter fraud.
Are you under the impression that you’ve just made a point of some sort? Because you haven’t.
As Michael Cohen has pointed out, Trump will do anything to win the election. That includes incapacitating the United States Postal Service, thereby forcing vulnerable people to choose between not exercising their right to vote or risking exposure to a pandemic virus that often results in potentially serious or deadly illness. Except in certain states, of course.
@Greg: The Postal Service is no less capacity than ever before. There is simply no reason to waste taxpayer money to facilitate your party’s addiction to voter fraud.
Vote in person. If we can have riots every night without any spread, we can all vote in person, with positive ID.
Really? With suddenly mandated overtime cuts, reduced open hours, the elimination of automated sorting equipment, and across-the board restrictions requiring that letter carriers park their vehicles at a maximum of four locations and walk everywhere on their routes from there, regardless of weather, the size of the route, the difficulty of the terrain, or surges in the volume of parcels? That’s all in the middle of a COVID-19 pandemic, when volume has increased enormously because people are buying more essentials online.
Among all the other pre-election b.s. that Trump’s embedded administrative saboteurs were up to, they have been quietly removing hundreds of postal letter boxes from long-time pickup sites. Removal wasn’t about relocation; it was about elimination. This has been documented in multiple states. Too bad they got caught at it.
August 14, 2020 – USPS will stop removing letter collection boxes in Western states until after the election, spokesman says
The USPS is a vital national component. Typically, republicans have been hellbent on breaking it for years as a means to stuff private pockets. As with Social Security, this is their only workable strategy. The public would string the bastards up if they were direct and honest about their true intentions. They now have Trump as an enthusiastic wrecking ball, because their intentions serve his own ends. Inflicting maximum damage as quickly as possible has become part of his corrupt election strategy.
Mail carriers pick up and deliver mail and parcels anywhere in the United States at the same reasonable rates for everyone. Try that with any of the private carriers’ business models. You won’t find the same available daily route service. You’ll also find yourself paying added surcharges if you happen to live in remote rural locations. They’re part of their pricing schedule already, and would only get worse if they didn’t have the USPS to compete with. The reason the USPS charges the same 55 cents for a letter sent between any two U.S. locations is because they’re about providing an essential service to all of the American people, not about generating maximum profits for fat-cat corporate types and shareholders.
For the sake of the nation, I hope the Trump administration gets burned to the ground in November. Half-measures won’t do. They simply can’t be allowed to inflict 4 more years of damage. It’s going to take more time than that just to undo the damage that he’s already done.
@Greg: All of that is based on the reduction of use by the population of the USPS. The Democrats’ desire to use it as a voter fraud vehicle is no reason for a massive injection of taxpayer funds. Democrats should pay for their own fraud; don’t expect me to contribute through my tax dollars.
If we can protest every night without spreading the virus, we can vote in person. RIGHT?
@Deplorable Me, #23:
Bullshit. If it were actually based on reduction of use, piling on all of these measures wouldn’t be resulting in growing backlogs. Reports wouldn’t be pouring in that veterans and others aren’t getting their mailed medications timely. It’s a deliberate effort to degrade postal services as a rationalization for further cuts—with the added benefit for Trump of screwing up voting by mail ahead of the election.
Postal Service warns 46 states their voters could be disenfranchised by delayed mail-in ballots
It’s all calculated and deliberate. DeJoy and his cronies know damn well what they’re doing. They’re just totally devoid of ethics and totally intent on their own personal objectives, which conveniently overlap those of Donald Trump.
@Greg: The simple answer is in person voting absentee for those that are frail.
Most developed countries, especially in Europe, ban mail-in voting to fight vast fraud and vote buying that had threatened the integrity of their elections. Yes banned since 1975, lets not repeat their previous errors.
What is the Trump administration planning to tell American veterans whose prescription drugs get caught up in the administration’s DeJoy-induced postal gridlock?
This is the calculated, purposeful sabotage of an essential and efficient government service that millions of Americans and American businesses depend on, and the motives for it are unarguably nefarious.
@Greg: Why are the evil democrats trying to choke the mail and slow down the delivery of needed medication, just open the polls there are a multitude of ways including drive through, for those to damn stupid to do anything except mass mailings to again try to defraud citizens of honest elections, like Barry trying to have DHS hack them last time to cheat.
CVS, Walgreens and other phama outlets use FexEx.
Yeah, efficient. Right.
Any company that loses $8.8 BILLION in one year is damn sure not “efficient.”
If you want an efficient mail service, one that actually pays for itself, lobby Congress to remove the Private Express statutes.
@retire05: Greg has been crowned a king
@retire05, #28:
Walgreens uses FedEx. CVS relies heavily on postal delivery. CVS started home delivering in 2018 and selected the United States Postal Service for cost and reliability.
CVS Adds Home Delivery With Help From Post Office – Drugstore giant seeks to keep pace with Amazon, rivals by having Postal Service pickup prescriptions at stores and deliver them to homes
80 percent of all VA home delivery of prescription drugs is done through their Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy, which relies almost exclusively on the United States Postal Service. Interruption in the timely delivery of veterans’ medications will be collateral damage resulting from DeJoy’s suddenly-imposed postal directives.
So will disruptions in all routine business that the American public conducts by mail. Bills timely paid could arrive late. Sorry about the penalty charge. Do you get your new credit cards by mail? How about renewed drivers licenses, which might be needed as ID when you vote in November? What about mail in ballots that many states disqualify if they arrive after the state’s deadline?
Post Master General DeJoy and his wife are heavily invested in XPO Logistics Inc. From financial disclosure statements required due to he and his wife’s government jobs, it’s been calculated that they could have up to $75,815,000 in assets from United States Postal Service competitors. They haven’t been forthcoming in efforts to clarify the exact amount.
News Flash!!!!!
My prescriptions are through CVS and they come by FedEx.
So I know you’re full of sh!t.
XPO doesn’t deal in mail systems. They deal in freight and logistics. You need a letter, small package sent, use USPS. But like all Commies, you hate anyone who is successful.
Again; if you want an efficient mail service, one that actually pays for itself, lobby Congress to remove the Private Express statutes.
@Greg: The backlogs are due to COVID. There has been no sudden reduction in capability. See the other article explaining how Obama was cutting back at the USPS. There is no need to vote by mail and the USPS doesn’t need an influx of cash to fund your voter fraud.
There’ll be no gridlock without 200 million pieces of mail going out and coming back.
You can foil Trump’s evil plan by voting in person.
@retire05, #31:
Uh huh. Are you under the impression that XPO Logistics isn’t contracted as part of the transport chain for multiple delivery services, given that this is the business they’re in? XPO is even contracted by the USPS itself. By the way, XPO was DeJoy’s former company.
No private sector company could possibly provide the level of service, reliability, and convenience that the United States Postal Service provides to every household in the United States and pay for it all—including the profit margin which any private corporation would demand—by selling stamps.
The USPS has been found to be the most efficient postal service in the world. Second and third were Japan Post and Australia Post.
The reason the USPS is in a serious financial pinch is because of the congressionally-mandated diversion of revenue they generate into a retirement fund that must cover all costs for 75 years into the future. NO private competitor operates under such a burden. They’re also required by law to invest all of that money into fixed-rate U.S. Treasury securities—essentially making it a means of reducing the visible federal funding imbalance. NO USPS competitor is laboring under that sort of restriction, either.
What this all is—and has been for a long time—is a calculated attack on a valued and respected public service by those who see it as a obstacle to putting billions into private pockets. They could never get away with destroying the post office openly, so they’re degrading it as a rationalization for privatization. They pretty much hate all government-provided public services, and any and all obstacles to maximizing private profits. It’s all about greed and money. With the latter day GOP it’s always about greed and money, whether we’re talking about the post office or the healthcare system.
DeJoy is the first Postmaster General not to have risen up through the postal ranks in decades. He has donated over $2 million to the Trump organization and other republican political causes since 2016.
Well, there you go. The USPS should charge what is required to break even. Of course, then they wouldn’t be competitive, would they? Then a bunch of people used to riding the government gravy train would be out of work.
Just vote in person.
@Deplorable Me, #34:
Perhaps the military, the National Weather Service, the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and other governmental components should all be required to do the same?
All six appointed members of the Postal Board of Governors are recent Trump appointees. There should be nine, but Trump had the ones he needed. Those six were sufficient to put DeJoy in place as Chair. This is what you call a setup.
After over a year of vacancies, The Federal Election Commission still doesn’t have the number of required members to vote. Trump as never nominated anyone. Scratch one guardian of presidential election integrity.
Millions vote by mail and have done so for many years, with no indication that this has ever led to widespread voter fraud. Even with that, there have been waits in lines of hours to vote in numerous locations. This year there’s the damn pandemic. The ability to vote by mail isn’t only a matter of convenience.
It’s clear whose trying to rig the election.
@retire05, #36:
From your linked article:
That “most common problem” is precisely what slowing down mail processing and delivery will exploit, isn’t it?
Which one of your arguments do you wan to use? You keep claiming the USPS is not a government agency but a business that provides a service. Does the military CHARGE for fighting terrorism? Does FEMA CHARGE for reacting to a disaster? Does the National Weather Service CHARGE for forecasting the weather? Does DHS CHARGE to secure our borders? Cmon, MAN!
There is AMPLE PROOF that vote by mail is fraught with fraud and is extremely vulnerable to it. Some of the mail in ballots even have “R” and “D” on them for what party the vote is registered with. How easily could those “R’s” be culled out by a sorting machine? How often have Democrats disenfranchised the mail in votes of the military? Cmon, MAN!
The mail isn’t being “slowed down”, Democrats anxious to use fraud to win an election are over-burdening it. They want the taxpayer to pay for their own disenfranchisement, something the left always gets a big charge out of. Cmon, MAN!