Uncle Joe Is Losing It

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After refusing to be interviewed by Chris Wallace Joe Biden did agree to other interviews and boy howdy were they doozies.

First he called an interviewer a junkie:

CBS correspondent Errol Barnett prompted the presumptive Democratic nominee to clarify if he had taken a test measuring his mental acuity, leading to a tense exchange.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man,” Biden said. “That’s like saying to you, before you got on this program if you had taken a test were you taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?”

His campaign responded that the question is absurd, that he had no need to take a mental acuity test.

Ok then, explain this:

“I’ve been tested, and I’m constantly tested,” Biden responded.

“All you’ve got to do is watch me, and I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against,” he said

Then he answered a question about China like so:


Oh, and not to be outdone he said this:

“What you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things”?


If Trump had even suggested something like this it would lead every national newscast worldwide.

This is the same guy who admitted to plagiarizing in law school almost resulting in his expulsion. He has a list a mile long of his gaffe’s, his blatant racism, and his waffling on every position over the years.

Oh, and he’s THAT guy who wears a mask alone in his car:

Can you imagine this man negotiating with other world leaders? It’s mind-boggling how the Democrats have gotten to this point but here they are.

May the games begin.

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Can you imagine this man negotiating with other world leaders?
Good point.
Very good point.
Because so many of his “promises” rely on him “gather[ing] the rest of the world [together]”.

We cannot “gather the rest of the world together.”
We cannot.
Joe cannot.
So, that means, Joe can’t do any of his plans that depend on doing that 1st.

Creepy Joe’s brain’s so slow
He’s wearing diapers but he don’t know.
He’s kissing a$$, he’s making deal$
For a single vote, his whole family kneels.
BLM and Muslims too
He’s all for them
But not for YOU;
De-fund the police and open the border
He’ll be the Man in charge creating mass disorder:
So in the end it’s up to you
He’s wrong for the White House
We all know that is true!

World leaders loved Obama. The reason was they could get all they wanted from him. He was an absolute naive pushover… or else he simply didn’t care about the United States. Hate our missile defense system? No problem; he’ll remove it and ask for nothing in return. Don’t like the US military being the most powerful in the world? No problem; he’ll degrade and weaken it. Don’t like there being governments in the Middle East and North Africa that partner with the United States? No problem; he’ll enable fundamentalist Islamic terrorists to drive them out of existence. Want to develop nuclear weapons to wipe Israel “off the map”? No problem; here, here’s a butt-load of CASH for the honor of accepting your terms.

Likewise, they hate Trump. He extracts concessions for the good will of the US. He makes NATO members pay their fair share. He makes the EU treat the US fairly in trade. He forces Russia to behave less like a world power and more like the second-rate power they are. He threatens N. Korea with utter destruction if they continue to threaten world peace. He kills Iran’s leading terrorists. He forces China to commit to fair trade or face painful tariffs. Trump doesn’t just give the benefits of being associated with the United States away or intentionally weaken us.

Biden would be a gold mine for foreign governments (literally as well as figuratively). No telling what he would give away.

If biden were to be elected, and he won’t, it would be obama part deux. The left wanted Hitlery so bad so they could continue the years of destruction started by obama. Now they want biden so they can pick up where they left off while joe stays in the basement of the WH.

Where are the trolls?

Tell me why I would vote for Joe Biden and not Donald Trump?

Give me a clear answer with compelling facts.

Did Joe ever have it to lose?

If joe advocates benefits to illegal alien workers does that include ms-13 gang members?

@July: Of course it does. They’re children, too.

@Nathan Blue:

Even trolls everywhere know biden is not well. It was reported today, that secret service assigned to the Delaware biden property, have had to search areas nearby because joe had gone missing.

@July 4th American: Seriously?

@Nathan Blue:

Came from the mouth of a SS agent to a neighbor who lives in his neighborhood in Delaware

Biden: “All blacks think alike. Now get back on that Democrat Party Plantation.”

Were they to take control of both houses of Congress, they may 25th Amendment him. If they don’t gain control of the Senate, would the Republicans stop the process, saddling the Dems with having to maintain the horse and pony show?

Or will the Dems just have Joe resign? Or will they fake a stroke or some other “medical emergency” that requires his replacement? (To lend verisimilitude to the claim, “Of course this wasn’t planned.”)

It appears there are several avenues available. One of the more interesting aspects of a Biden win will be seeing which method is used to remove him from office. Meanwhile, DJT will be able to make hay during the campaign with the claim this is exactly what the Dems intend to do, and, depending on “Biden’s” pick for veep, the veep can become a target as well. “Do you want (veep pick) so-and-so to be president? Because that’s who you will be electing.”

Or, they will try to ride it out for two years and one day. That way whoever takes over has the potential to have the advantage of incumbency for the next two presidential elections as they would have served less than a half term. Of course if he were to win and decline too precipitously they would remove him asap.

All of that being said, currently he is not mentally capable to execute the responsibilities of the office should the democrats cheat enough to win in November.

Joe Biden 2008 vs Joe Biden 2020.
Nothing more needs to be said.

@July 4th American: All that while dodging sniper fire. Or was that another liar?

But…. Orange Man Bad.

@Deplorable Me:

Yea, the one who wakes up every morning in a pool of her own vomit with an empty box of cheap New Zealand Chardonnay next to her. The woman who will never be President.

Even his own party thinks he won’t make it for four years.

Why even vote for him, then?

Who’s the actual candidate?

Any moment now, he is due to announce who he picked for the stealth President.

Kamala Harris will be Biden’s VP. Interesting choice.

@Greg: Well, of his choices he limited himself to, she was probably the best. That being said, she is a lying skank. How she lied about Kavanaugh was unforgivable and ANYONE that supported the impeachment of Trump based on the purely political motives they presented should be banned from public service.

Not a strong pick made for biden. She is a train wreck.

@July 4th American: Like I said… she’s the best of the choices he limited himself to. Among the rest of the human race, she’s trash.