The Trump virus (no, the real one) may be about to strike

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By now you’ve heard that Nancy Pelosi is describing the Chinese Wuhan CCP virus as the “Trump virus.”  Well, there may really be a Trump virus and it might just be about to strike. This one could induce fever, chills and anxiety. It also might induce jail time. On Twitter it was alleged that Mark Meadows is predicting “imminent” arrests. No vaccine is going to help.

It’s about time.

We here have long been asserting that Obama and his minions in the FBI and others spied on Trump and now concrete evidence is finally seeing the light of day. You will remember that James Comey took copious notes of every meeting he had with Trump which was way out of the normal process. He wasn’t briefing Trump as he testified- he was interrogating Trump. Many in the Trump campaign were being interrogated. The plot to remove Trump was underway in early 2016 but was in earnest by Aug. 15:

On Aug. 15, 2016, Peter Strzok texted his lover @NatSecLisa about his “insurance policy” against Trump.

On Aug. 16, Strzok opened an FBI investigation against Flynn.

On Aug. 17, Strzok sent an FBI agent to stage a fake briefing to spy on Flynn and Trump.

Trump and Hillary, candidates for President, were supposed to receive defensive briefings from the FBI only the FBI used the opportunity to spy on Trump and set up Michael Flynn.

In one of the documents declassified and released on Wednesday, FBI supervisory Special Agent Joe Pientka wrote that he deliberately used the briefing to “actively listen for topics or questions” from Trump “regarding the Russian Federation.” Rather than provide the Trump campaign a specific warning that certain campaign principals were being targeted by Russian intelligence, the FBI instead gave a general, non-specific warning that foreign intelligence services might eventually target the campaign.
Pientka’s written summary of the briefing noted that Trump, Michael Flynn, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie were the only three Trump campaign members in attendance. Christie’s attendance had not previously been disclosed. The August 17, 2016 meeting came the day after the FBI opened a formal counterintelligence investigation against Flynn and just two days after FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok texted his former lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, about an “insurance policy” he had designed to keep Trump from becoming president.

This followed the infamous Strzok text:

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy [McCabe]’s office—that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok texted Page on August 15, 2016. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40….”
The very next day Strzok opened an investigation of Flynn then used the pretext of a defensive intelligence briefing to collect intelligence on both Flynn and Trump on August 17.

Why Flynn?

Flynn would have learned very quickly what was happening to the Trump team, i.e. the illegally premised FISA warrants on Carter Page and more. He had to be taken out.

The meeting was conducted by Joe Pientka as noted. Pientka testified to OIG Horowitz that his effort was to “gain assessment and possibly have some level of familiarity with [Flynn].” As in, something he could use to impeach Flynn

Pientka told the OIG that he was selected to attend on behalf of the FBI so he could “record” or “overhear” from Trump, Flynn, or Christie “any kind of admission” that they were colluding with the Russian government to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Pientka also added that he wanted to get a baseline impression of Flynn’s “overall mannerisms” in case he needed to later use that information against him.

Pientka would later interview Flynn in the White House. Comey sent him over to the White House, bypassing the proper channels. It was a perjury trap, interviewing Flynn about his call to Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

“We just decided, you know, screw it,”

Comey decided to screw Flynn. At first Flynn was cleared, but months later was charged with perjury. It seems likely that the Flynn 302’s were altered to accommodate the charges.

After the ambush meeting Pientka’s notes were approved by FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith, who altered an FBI official document to make Carter Page appear not to be a confidential informant for the FBI when in fact Page had a long history of working with the FBI.

Newly released notes from Peter Strzok showed that the Pulitzer prize winning story written by a crack NY Times team was utterly and completely false.

“We have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with [Russian Intelligence Officials]. . . .

We are unaware of ANY Trump advisors engaging in conversations with Russian intelligence officials,” former FBI counterespionage official Peter Strzok wrote of the Feb. 14, 2017 New York Times story “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence.”

That story, which was based on the unsubstantiated claims of four anonymous intelligence officials, was echoed by a similarly sourced CNN story published a day later and headlined “Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign.”

And that’s not all

As for the merits of the explosive New York Times story alleging repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials before the election, Strzok said it was “misleading and inaccurate… no evidence.” Of the unsubstantiated claim that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was on the phone calls with Russian intelligence officials, Strzok said, “We are unaware of any calls with any Russian govt official in which Manafort was a party.” And of the New York Times claim that Roger Stone was part of the FBI’s inquiry into Russian ties, Strzok said, “We have not investigated Roger Stone.”

This was the basis for four years of democrat lies, smears and innuendo. it begs a couple of questions-

  1. Will they give the Pulitzer back or will this remain one more stain on the prize?
  2.  Who leaked this false information to the Times?
  3.  Will democrats apologize for putting the country through hell?

This proves conclusively that Donald Trump was spied upon and that Michael Flynn was framed. It is the greatest political conspiracy in the history of this country. Hopefully punishment of the guilty will fit the crime appropriately. As much as anything, I want to see Comey behind bars.

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@Greg: She didn’t say “highly” effective, but even that would be a damnable lie. It has been thoroughly proven that HCQ very effectively treats COVID19, reduces the length of symptoms and severity. PROVEN.

HCQ, when properly administered along with other drugs, shortens the effects of the virus, prevents it from getting worse, reduces the symptoms and hastens recovery…. for pennies a dose. Now, what does Remdisvir do that is any better… for hundreds of dollars a dose?

Jordan didn’t attack Fauci, he tried to get him to admit the obvious, which he for the most part did. He stated emphatically and unequivocally that large crowds (i.e., protests, riots, looting, widespread left wing political violence) DOES spread the virus. What he couldn’t get Fauci to endorse was promoting an end to the protests for the sake of the health of the nation; seems no leftist is willing to do anything themselves to control the spread of the virus, as if that’s what they WANT.

Fauci didn’t “admit” anything. He’s been saying the same thing along: Any crowded public setting is conducive to transmission of the virus. Nobody imagines that protests are an exception. It’s not his fault that some people can’t or don’t want to understand him.

@Greg: @Greg:

Any crowded public setting is conducive to transmission of the virus. Nobody imagines that protests are an exception.

Wait… what? YOU have promoted that stupidity. You even provided a phony “study”, whipped up just after the “protests” and the spike coincidentally occurred. The left has maintained that a few people going to a bar or to church is an existential threat while tens of thousands of screaming, spitting, rioting, looting left wing terrorists going out night after night, every day since Memorial day, doesn’t spread the virus.

So, the esteemed Dr. Fauci confirms what anyone with a brain would logically assume; that the “protests” spread the virus.

Dr. Fauci is trusted to a far greater degree than Donald Trump, and rightly so. Jim Jordan should probably be a gym teacher, though there might be a reason not to trust him even with that. This might explain his resentment of doctors.

@Greg: Sure… by people who only believe what comports to their prejudices. Glad you fully agree with Fauci that your beloved riots and political terrorists are spreading the virus and until that ends,

No, by a majority of registered voters who were asked as part of a Quinnipiac survey.

67 percent stated they don’t trust Donald Trump for accurate COVID-19 information; only 26 percent indicated they don’t trust Dr. Fauci.

@Greg: Do you think the liberal media spreading lies (like he said to inject Lysol) has anything to do with that? Lying that he said the virus was a hoax? Lying that he downplayed it? Trump acted quickly and effectively to face the virus and DEMOCRAT RUN STATES botched the effort. But, of course, the corrupt liberal media doesn’t report THAT.

July 31, 2020 – Houston doctor says he’s fighting 2 wars: COVID-19 and stupidity

“…new daily deaths from COVID-19 have nearly doubled over the past month…”

@Greg: Wow doesnt that follow about the time they sent out massive doses of remdesivir and touted this minimally effective expensive new drug? Maybe there needs to be more study on this useless product of big pharma paraded by Fauchi.
We also really need acccurate granular data of died from vs died with.
I heard suicides are out numbering covid croaks. The media making it seem you dont have 98 % of surviving the virus if you catch it. Gloom doom 24/7 on top of being told the USA is a big pile of racist shit being pushed, no hope no sunny future. Big tech banning any information of alternative treatments to remdesivir or waiting for a vaxx that may or may not help with the mutation making the rounds.
As these crazy marxist protestors spread the virus faster than the violence to their elderly relatives that allow them space in their homes.
We do hold out hope those involved in the coup that broke the law see prison time and are banned from ever holding any government job forever.
The article you posted had no advice from the doctor, none, just that one of his nurses must be stupid cause she caught it?