Biden and Obama were Putin’s best enablers.

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For the last four years democrats, led by Sadam Schiff, have conducted a devious and dishonest smear campaign against Donald Trump. They did their best to falsely convince the country that Trump was colluding with the Russians and to this day continue to lie to the country. In fact, Trump was never colluding with the Russians. Also in fact, as I noted five years ago, Barack Obama was Putin’s bitch for Obama’s entire tenure.

American adversaries sense Obama’s weakness and are flexing their muscles. Look at the headlines

95,000 Russian troops in massive military drill…

Flights Over Iraq and Iran Defy Obama Objections…

Russia positioning tanks at Syria airfield…

Face Off: China’s Navy Stalks U.S. Ship in South China Sea

US official: Iranian warships approach US Navy in the Straight of Hormuz ‘on a nearly daily basis’

Obama? Well, he’s “flummoxed”

You will remember that obama removed a missile shield in Poland to placate Putin.

You will remember that the goal of the obama regime was to strengthen Russia

obama defended Russian from Mitt Romney.

obama promised Putin he’d be more flexible.

obama did not lift a finger to stop Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. Worse, he told everyone to stand down.

obama sat on his ass while Russian annexed the Crimea.

obama helped Putin toward a monopoly on uranium. From John Solomon’s new book:

Mikerin was joined by a handful of Russian figures, including one tied to the KGB and another who was a declared Russian spy on U.S. soil. The rowdy guests gleefully boasted about how easy it had been for Rosatom to win concessions from the Obama administration, including lifting a regulatory suspension at the Commerce Department that allowed Tenex to receive billions in U.S. nuclear fuel contracts and the approval of the Uranium One sale.

Campbell would later recount to congressional investigators how he kept a straight face that night, but winced when he heard his Russian guests deride President Obama with the nickname “Bongo-Bongo,” a clear racial epithet, and mock his government for its giveaways to Putin.

The Russians boasted “how weak the U.S. government was in giving away uranium business and were confident that Russia would secure the strategic advantage it was seeking in the U.S. uranium market,” Campbell told lawmakers in a 2018 statement.

And Biden?

In February 2009, Vice President Joe Biden was the first to proclaim the administration’s desire to “press the reset button” with Russia. Obama National Security Council (NSC) adviser Michael McFaul (who later served as Obama’s Ambassador to Russia) was the architect of the policy, and Hillary Clinton, as the new Secretary of State, was named to quarterback the reset.

What Putin wanted, obama and Biden were all too happy to give him. Biden was right next to obama the whole time.

Then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, it turns out, was only a political front man for Vladimir Putin and not the crusading reformer that the Obama administration had assumed. Under the reset, Medvedev was able to advance Putin’s agenda — all under the guise of diplomacy. Among the concessions that the Obama administration made were the following:

As it turns out, all of these items were high priorities on Putin’s wish list.

Along with obama, Joe Biden was Russia’s best friend. They were Putin’s handmaidens while Biden’s family scored big. We had eight years of cowering from and bowing to Russia. We don’t need any more.

Next: Joe Biden is China’s best hope


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Obama wanted to weaken the United States. He hates the United States and sought to weaken and punish her. Everything he did was directed to that end. He wanted the US weaker and our adversaries, socialists that oppress and enslave, to grow stronger and more influential in the vacuum.

Biden has more corrupt and personal enrichment motives, but he cares no more for this country than Obama does.

Both belong in Prison for Treason

@Greg: Why would he discuss a rumor that has not been verified by any of our intelligence agencies? He also didn’t tell Putin that after he gets reelected, he will be free to do whatever Putin wants him to do, as Obama did.

@Greg: There has been a massive decline in fatalities since the Obamas were evicted from the White House. This years total loss was 17 men, Putin doesnt seem to be paying out much in bounties, you will believe any fake shit you can hoover up from the media.
Barrys first 3 years as CIC 1230 men (Afghanistan numbers only)
Donnys first 3 years as CIC 53 men
I guess we can compare again later on totals for 8 years.
The NYT is not a reliable news source, any other media quoting them jumps into that boat.